Rocio Chang, MA, PsyDAssistant Professor of Psychiatry
- Overview
- Education & Training
- Clinical Interests
- Teaching
- Committees & Organizations
- Research
- Publications
- Presentations
Rocio Chang, Psy.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry received her undergraduate degree in Neuroscience at Trinity College and her Master of Arts and Psy.D. degrees at the University of Hartford. Dr. Chang completed a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Connecticut in 2007 working with Drs. Julian Ford and Karen Steinberg. Their collaboration continues to this day and focuses on treatment of traumatized children and families, with an emphasis on those referred from the juvenile justice system. Dr. Chang has published in the area of childhood and adult trauma and presented at a wide variety of regional and national scientific meetings. She is sought after to provide specific training on assessment and treatment of complex trauma, and in particular she has been a resource to Latino organizations. Dr. Chang served as Director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)-funded Capitol Region Mental Health Center Women’s Diversion Program from 2003-2006, working with Dr. Julian Ford to adapt Trauma Affect Regulation Guidelines for Education and Therapy (TARGET) to complement the Relational-Cultural treatment and rehabilitation model she initiated. She has conducted TARGET with adolescents. She is a trainer of Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), Think Trauma Curriculum, Restorative Justice Practices, and Peer Support Services. She has been trained in Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach for adolescent cannabis users (ACRA), Adoption Competency, Gestalt Pastoral Care, Spiritual Direction, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Trauma Focused CBT, Relational-Cultural Practices and Multicultural Wellness Education. She serves on the Clinical Advisory Board of several grassroots organizations such as: Focus on Recovery United, GOODWorks, the Mathew Jordan Porco Foundation, and Connecticut Public Broadcasting Television.
She was a faculty member of the Complex Trauma Treatment Network in which she worked with a large Puerto Rico Learning Community that includes all Juvenile Detention Facilities in the island. Dr. Chang has adapted and translated educational materials about Developmental Trauma Disorder and trauma informed services for correctional officers, administrators, educators and clinicians. Currently, she is developing a Spanish curriculum on the intersection of domestic violence, mental health and trauma with the Connecticut Coalition against Domestic Violence and the National Alliance of Mental Illness. Dr. Chang serves on several committees of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and is a peer reviewer of the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
Degree | Institution | Major |
Other | Capitol Community Technical College | Liberal Arts (A.S.) |
BS | Trinity College | Neuroscience |
MA | University of Hartford | Clinical Psychology (M.A.) |
PsyD | University of Hartford | Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) |
Post-Graduate Training
Training | Institution | Specialty |
Professional Training | Yale University | Borderline Personality Disorder, Trauma and Resiliency |
EMDR therapy | The EMDR approach to Psychotherapy – EMDR Institute Basic Training Course Part II, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy | |
EMDR therapy | The Village for Families and Children | The EMDR approach to Psychotherapy – EMDR Institute Basic Training Course Part I, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy |
Professional Training | Department of Children and Families | Social Worker Trainee; Advocated children’s rights, reunified families, provided social services to children and families, and assessed children and family problems. |
Professional Training | Connecticut Children Medical Center School | Clinical Extern: Performed psychological testing at special education school for emotionally disturbed children, ages 7-16; Conducted individual and group therapy with clients presenting a variety of problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, major depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Therapy followed cognitive and behavioral modification approach. Conducted case management services and consultation with teachers and medical staff. |
Professional Training | Brightside School Street Counseling Institute | Clinical Extern: Supervisor, Sidney Stern, Ed.D. Conducted individual therapy with adults and children. Treated characterological and affective disorders in adults using Cognitive Behavioral modalities as well as psychodynamic case conceptualizations. Conducted play therapy, family therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy with children. |
Internship | Brightside School Street Counseling Institute | Dual rotation internship in clinical psychology. Outpatient, individual, family and group therapy with adults, adolescents and children. Psycho-educational and psycho-diagnostic evaluation of adults, adolescents and children. Worked in collaboration with the YWCA in Northampton, MA and the Youth Build Program in Springfield, MA. Provided consultation to the Youth Build Program and YWCA staff; co-facilitated psychoeducational groups for adolescents from 18 to 25 year olds; and conducted... |
Fellowship | UConn School of Medicine | Psychiatry |
Professional Training | The National Child Stress Trauma Network | Train the Trainers, Restorative Practice Approach, Train the Trainers, Think Trauma Curriculum. |
Adoption Coompetency Training | University of Connecticut |
Psychotherapy with children, adolescents, adults and biological, foster and adoptive families including treatment for mood and co-occurring disorders, PTSD, complex trauma
Teaching experiences focus on psychological trauma, trauma informed services, stress-and trauma related disorders, and medical Spanish.
Name & Description | Category | Role | Type | Scope | Start Year | End Year |
AAC committee | Education Committee | member | UConn Health | Local | 2016 | |
Steering committee member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network | Advisory Committee | External | National | 2015 | 2020 | |
Matthew Jordan Foundation, 2013 to present | Other | Member | External | State | 2013 | |
GOODWorks, Inc., Provide consultation to Executive Director to develop a therapeutic curriculum for ex-women offenders who are transitioning from correctional institution into the community, 2003 to present | Advisory Committee | Member | External | State | 2003 | |
Connecticut Public Television, 2014 to present | Advisory Committee | Member | External | State |
Traumatic stress and addictions
Journal Articles
An Item Response Theory examination of the original and short forms of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) in pregnant women.
Journal of clinical psychology 2021 Jul;77(7):1591-1606
Treatments of internet gaming disorder: a systematic review of the evidence.
Expert review of neurotherapeutics 2019 Sep;1-9
Treatments for Internet gaming disorder and Internet addiction: A systematic review.
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2017 Dec;31(8):979-994
RCT of a promising vocational/employment program for high-risk juvenile offenders.
Journal of substance abuse treatment 2014 Feb;46(2):134-43
Randomized clinical trial comparing affect regulation and supportive group therapies for victimization-related PTSD with incarcerated women.
Behavior therapy 2013 Jun;44(2):262-76
An Ecological Approach to services for women survivors of psychological trauma and comorbid substance use disorders
Women and substance abuse. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
An Overview of Online Resources for Medical Spanish Education for Effective Communication with Spanish-Speaking Patients. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 34(5), 481-493.
Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Ortega, P., Hardin, K., Pérez-Cordón, C., Cox, A. O., Kyle C., Truesdale, D., Chang, R., Martínez, G. A., Miller De Rutté, A. M., Pérez-Muñoz, C., Rolón, L., Shin, T. M. (2021). An overview of online resources for physicians learning medical Spanish to improve healthcare for linguistic minorities. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. http://doi.org/10.1080/10401334.2021.1959335
Outcomes of trauma treatment using the TARGET model
Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery 3285-303
Responding to the use of illicit drugs
Practical interventions for young people at risk. Sage Publications.
Shin, T., Hardin, K., Johnston, D., Rajadhyaksha, E., Diamond, L. C., Chang, R., Martínez, G., Ortega, P. (2021). Scoping review of textbooks for medical Spanish education in medical schools. Medical Science Educator, 13, 1519-1527. http://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-021-01333-8
A Systematic Review of Organizational Assessments Related to Racism and Equity.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 2023 Jun;
Title or Abstract | Type | Sponsor/Event | Date/Year | Location |
Trauma and Latinx families | Talk | CT Coalition against Domestic Violence | 2019 | Connecticut |
Culture counts: Reducing mental health, trauma and domestic violence in the Latinx community | Talk | UCONN Student National Medical Association Chapter's Regional Conference | 2019 | Connecticut |
You Can't Talk About Trauma without Talking About Race: The Power of Story and Media | Panel Discussion | Insternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | 2019 | Boston |
Healing Lives and Communities: Addressing the Effects of Childhood Trauma Across the Life Span | Lecture | International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | 2014 | Miami, FL |
The impact of Developmental Trauma in children and families | Lecture | National Alliance for Mental Illness Conference | 2014 | Meriden, CT |
The use of theater to understand adolescents’ traumatic experiences and the importance of peer and mentor support | Lecture | Connecticut Youth Safety Conference | 2013 | East Hartford, CT |
Spanish Track - Working in Collaboration to Develop Trauma Informed Services in Latino Communities | Lecture | California Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors Conference | 2013 | Sacremento, CA |
Los efectos del trauma infantil y juvenil en nuestras comunidades | Lecture | Administración de Servicios de Salud Mental y Contra la Adicción (ASSMCA) | 2012 | Bayamon, Puerto Rico |
A Systemic Model for PTSD: Trauma-Informed Correctional Mental Health Services | Lecture | National Commission on Correctional Health Care Conference | 2010 | Boston, MA |
Trauma Affect Regulation Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) | Lecture | Carlos Albizu University | 2009 | Puerto Rico |
Relational Cultural Views of Maternal PTSD: Shame, Guilt and Beliefs | Lecture | American Psychological Association | 2008 | Boston, MA |
Relational Cultural Approaches | Lecture | Summer Intensive Program - Stone Center | 2006 | Wellesley, MA |
“Women, Children and the Criminal Justice System” | Other | John Jay College of Criminal Justice | 2005 | New York, NY |
“From Science to Services: Emerging Best Practices for People in Contact with the Justice System,” | Lecture | National GAINS Center Conference | 2004 | Las Vegas, NV |
Women’s Support Program | Lecture | 46th Annual Southern Regional Conference on Mental Health Statistics | 2004 | New Orleans, LA |