Photo of Mayu  Inaba-Oguro, MD, PhD

Mayu Inaba-Oguro, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Co-Director, Graduate Program in Cell Biology
Academic Office Location:
Cell Biology
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030
Phone: 860-679-3049

Inaba Lab Page

Cell Biology Graduate Program


Genetics and Developmental Biology Graduate Program

Curriculum Vitae:
MDEhime University School of MedicineMedicine
PhDGraduate School of Kyushu UniversityPathological Medicine

Post-Graduate Training
PostdoctoralUniversity of TokyoJSPS postdoctoral research fellow
PostdoctoralUniversity of MichiganHHMI Research Specialist I

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
R35 Outstanding Investigator Award, The National Institute of General Medical SciencesNIH, NIGMS
DeLill Nasser Travel Award for Professional Development in GeneticsGenetics Society of America
Travel Award for 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell BiologyAmerican Society for Cell Biology
Research Fellowship 2003 - 2006Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientists

  • MEDS-6449-Foundations of Biomedical Science II (Cell cycle)

  • MEDS-6497-Graduate Seminar: Cell Biology Journal Club

  • MEDS-5418-Stem Cells and Regenerative Biology-SECF40-1208

  • MEDS-5369-Advanced Genetics and Molecular Biology-SECF40-1223

  • MEDS-5309-Molecular Basis of Disease

Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Director, Cell Biology PhD programEducation CommitteeUConn HealthUniversity2024

Our research aims to elucidate how cells alter their fates between normal or disease conditions. To address this, we model regeneration and tumorigenesis using Drosophila gonads. We use a combination of fly genetics with various imaging techniques, including immunofluorescence, single molecule RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization, OligoPaint DNA FISH, and whole-mount tissue live-imaging by superresolution microscopy. Owing to the simple anatomy and abundant genetically encoded imaging tools, this system allows us to demonstrate previously unrecognized regulatory mechanisms with an unprecedented resolution.

Accepting Lab Rotation Students:

  1. Investigate the changes in extracellular matrix during tissue regeneration.

  2. Examine the difference in chromatin states between normal stem cells and stem-like tumor cells.

  3. Elucidate the roles of nuclear non-coding RNAs during tissue regeneration.

  4. Examine the mechanism of RNA-mediated biomolecular condensate formation and how transposon expression affects it.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters


  • Editorial.
    Inaba, Mayu*; Terasaki, Mark* Seminars in cell & developmental biology 2022 Sep;12961-62



Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Dedifferentiation of fly germline stem cellsTalkThe 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology2024Tsukuba, Japan
Emerging mechanism of asymmetric stem cell divisionTalk2024 Cell Polarity Signaling Gordon Research Conference2024NH, United States
Dedifferentiation of Fly Germline Stem Cells by Burak BenerPosterCSHL Germ Cell Meeting2024CSHL NY
Role of Brinker in dedifferentiation of germline stem cells by Samaneh PoursaeidPosterCSHL Germ Cell Meeting2024CSHL NY
Mitochondrial quality control in Drosophila spermatocytes by Emma Kristine BeardPoster2024CSHL Germ Cell Meeting
Characterization of stage-specific expression and localization of a non-LTR retrotransposon, Juan, in Drosophila spermatocytes (Poster: Emma Kristine Beard: UConn undergraduate student)PosterAmerican Society for Cell Biology meeting2023Boston
Long-term live imaging to monitor dedifferentiation in the Drosophila testicular niche (Poster: Muhanmmed Burak Bener: PhD student)PosterAmerican Society for Cell Biology meeting2023Boston
Roles of Insulin receptor (InR) and an adaptor protein Lnk indedifferentiation of Drosophila male germline stem cells (Poster: Autumn Twillie: UConn undergraduate student)PosterASCB 2023 Annual Meeting2023Boston
The Role of Diffusible Niche Ligand in Fine-Tuning Expression of bag of marbles in the Drosophila Testis (Poster: Samaneh Poursaeid: Post-doc)PosterASCB2023Boston
Mobius strips in cells (Poster: Rakshan Chadha: UConn Undergraduate student, and Mayu Inaba)PosterASCB2023Boston
NIH/NICHD Seminar (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkNIH/NICHD2023Bethesda, Maryland
Frontiers in Biology, Stanford University (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkStanford University2023Palo Alto, San Francisco
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biology Seminar Series (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkJHU2022Online
ISSCR 2022 Annual Meeting (Poster: Matthew Antel)PosterISSCR2022San Francisco
63rd Annual Drosophila Research ConferencePoster (Muhammed Burak Bener)PosterGSA2022San Diego
FASEB 2022, The TGF-ß Superfamily Conference: Signaling in Development and Disease (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkFASEB2022Malahide, Ireland
63rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Poster: Matthew Antel)PosterGSA2022San Diego
Developmental Biology Seminar Series, Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkGurdon Institute, University of Cambridge2021Online
ASCB-EMBO 2020 Meeting (Poster: Muhanmmed Burak Bener) Mad dephosphorylation at the nuclear pore is essential for asymmetric stem cell divisionPosterASCB2020Online
Queens College Biology Colloquium, Queens College, CUNY (Talk: Mayu Inaba)Talk Queens College, CUNY, NY2019NY, United States
The Fifth International Oocyte Meeting (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkThe Fifth International Oocyte Meeting2019Nice, France
2019 Gordon Research Conference on Fertilization and Activation of Development (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkGordon Research Conference2019NH, United States
Cold Spring Harbor Meeting, Germ Cells, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkCold Spring Harbor Laboratory2018NY, United States
The 15th Stem Cell Research Symposium (Talk: Mayu Inaba)Talk2017Tokyo, Japan
Keio University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology (Talk: Mayu Inaba)Talk2017Tokyo, Japan
Northeast Society for Developmental Biology Regional Meeting at MBL (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkNortheast Society for Developmental Biology2017MA, United States
International Society for Stem Cell Research, Annual Meeting (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkISSCR2016San Francisco, CA, United States
56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, “Cell Biology & Signal Transduction” (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkGSA2015Chicago, IL, United States
Annual Meeting, The American Society for Cell Biology, “Positioning the Microtubule Organizing Center: A Matter of Life or Death?” (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkASCB2014Philadelphia, PA, United States
52nd Annual Meeting, The American Society for Cell Biology, Mini symposium, Cell Polarity (Talk: Mayu Inaba)TalkASCB2012San Francisco, CA, United States