Photo of Reinhard C. Laubenbacher, PhD

Reinhard C. Laubenbacher, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Academic Office Location:
Center for Quantitative Medicine
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-6033
Phone: 860-679-7516
Fax: 860-679-7522

Center for Quantitative Medicine

Department of Cell Biology

Laubenbacher Research Group

Dr. Laubenbacher joined the University of Connecticut Health Center in May 2013 as Professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Co-Director of the Center for Quantitative Medicine. Prior to this appointment, he served as a Professor at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute and a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech since 2001. He was also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cancer Biology at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem (NC) and Affiliate Faculty in the Virginia Tech Wake Forest University School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. In addition, Dr. Laubenbacher was also Professor of Mathematics at New Mexico State University. He has served as Visiting Faculty at Los Alamos National Laboratories, was a member of the Mathematical Science Research Institute at Berkeley in 1998, and was a Visiting Associate Professor at Cornell University in 1990 and 1993. Current interests in Dr. Laubenbacher’s research group include the development of mathematical algorithms and their application to problems in systems biology, in particular the modeling and simulation of molecular networks. An application area of particular interest is cancer systems biology, especially the role of iron metabolism in breast cancer.

OtherUniversity of MunichMathematics
MAIndiana UniversityMathmatics
PhDNorthwestern University Mathematics

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Fellow of the Society for Mathematical BiologySociety for Mathematical Biology
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow of the American Mathematical SocietyAmerican Mathematical Society
"Programs That Work" award for the Kids' Tech University outreach programVirginia Department of Education and Virginia Math and Science Coalition
Phi Delta Kappa Award for Excellence in EducationPhi Delta Kappa
Patricia Christmore Teaching AwardNew Mexico State University
Fulbright Scholarship, 1977-1978
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
AAAS Section A (Mathematics)Professional/Scientific OrganizationSecretaryExternalNational2018
Connecticut Pain ConsortiumProfessional/Scientific OrganizationDirectorExternalNational2018
Program Committee, 15th Conference on Computational Methods for Systems Biology, Darmstadt, GermanyWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalInternational20172017
American Mathematical Society Liaison Committee to AAASProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2017
Organizing Committee, Symposium on “A Precision Medicine Approach to Pain,” Jackson Laboratory for Genomic MedicineChairExternalState20172017
MIRA Study SectionStudy SectionMemberExternalNational20162016
Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyEditorial BoardEditor-in-ChiefExternalNational2016
Topics in Scientific ComputationProfessional/Scientific OrganizationCo-instructorUConn-StorrsUniversity2015
NSF REU Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates, UConn HealthEducation CommitteeSeminar leaderUConn HealthNational20152017
Program Committee, 5th International Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology, Munich, GermanyWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalInternational20142014
Program Committee, 12th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, University of Manchester, Manchester, EnglandMemberExternalInternational20142014
Program Committee, SIAM Conference on Applications of Algebraic Geometry, Colorado State U.Workshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20132013
NIAID Study Section, Omics Technologies for Predictive Modeling of Infectious DiseasesStudy SectionAd hoc memberExternalNational20132013
BMC Systems BiologyEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational2013
Multiscale Immune System Simulator for the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes, European Framework 7 project coordinated by Consiglio Nazionale della RicercheAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalInternational20132017
Host-Pathogen Working Group, Malaria Host-Pathogen Interaction Center, Emory UniversityAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20132017
International Conference on Cell Biology, Virginia TechWorkshop/ConferenceCo-chairExternalUniversity20132013
Program Committee, 2012 RECOMB Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenges, San Francisco.Workshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20122012
Steering Committee, Visual Analytics in Biology Curriculum Network, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, NSF fundedAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20112013
Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State UniversityAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20112013
Special issue, Bull. Math. Biol. 73, Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Biology. Editorial BoardEditorExternalNational2011
Special issue on "Biomathematics: Newly developed, appplied mathematics and new mathematics arising from biosciences," Discrete and Continuous Dynamical SystemsEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational2011
Working Group on Optimal Control of Agent-based Models, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)Workshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalNational20112013
Organizing Committee, program on "Stochastics in Biological 'Systems,",Mathematical Bioscienqes Institute"Workshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20112012
Study Section on Cancer Genetics, National Cancer InstituteStudy SectionAd Hoc MemberExternalNational2010
Subcommittee on Research and Education of the House Committee on Science and TechnologyOtherExpert witness ExternalNational2010
Biological Data Management and Analysis, National Institute for General Medical SciencesStudy SectionMemberExternalState2010
Program Committee, 21st International Conference on Database and Expert System ApplicationsWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20102010
Organizing Committee, workshop on "Bootcamp on Cancer Modeling," Mathematical Biosciences InstituteWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20102010
Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationVice President for Science PolicyExternalNational20092013
Committee on Science Policy, Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationChairExternalNational20092013
Kids' Tech University ( CommitteeFounder and PresidentExternalUniversity2009
Study Section on Molecular Oncology, National Cancer InstituteStudy SectionMemberExternalNational2009
Organizing Committee, workshop on "Mathematical Developments Arising from Biology," Mathematical Biosciences InstituteWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20092009
Organizing Committee, workshop. on "Optimal Control and optimization for Individual-based and Agent-based Models," National Institute for Mathematical and Biological SynthesisWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20092009
Systems Biology Working Group, NIAID Advisory Panel to five Pathosystems Biology CentersAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational20092013
Committee on Science Policy, Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2009
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Committee on CommitteesProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational20082009
Journal of AlgebraEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational20082018
Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational20082016
Minority Serving Institutions Advisory Council, Virginia TechAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20082009
Program on Algebraic Methods in Systems Biology and Statistics, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences InstituteWorkshop/ConferenceProgram LeaderExternalNational20082009
Special Session on "Combinatorics and Discrete Dynamical Systems," 1st Joint Intl. Meeting of AMS and Shanghai Mathematical Soc., Shanghai, ChinaWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalInternational20082008
Program Committee, 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Development (BIRD), Vienna, AustriaWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalInternational20082008
Program Committee, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)Workshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20082008
NSF REU Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates, Virginia TechEducation CommitteeSeminar leaderExternalUniversity20082013
Special Session on “Biomathematics: Newly Developed Applied Mathematics and New Mathematics Arising from Biosciences, 1st Joint Intl. Meeting of AMS and Shanghai Mathematical SocietyWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalInternational20082008
Program Committee, RECOMB Systems BiologyWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational2007
1st Canadian Discrete & Algorithmic Mathematics Conf. (CanaDAM), Alberta, CanadaWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalInternational20072007
Atlantic Coast Conf. on Mathematics in the Life & Biological SciencesWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalNational20072007
Program Committee, 9th Annual Computational Genomics Conference, BaltimoreWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalNational20062006
AMS Short Course on Mathematical Methods in Computational Biology, AMS-MAA-SiAM Joint MeetingsWorkshop/ConferenceOrganizerExternalNational20062006
MSRI' Graduate Summer Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Computational BiologyWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizer and co-principal lecturerExternalUniversity20062006
Steering Committee for Activity Group in Algebraic Geometry, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational20052010
Alliance for the Advancement of Biomedical Research Excellence in Puerto Rico (AABRE-PR) Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalInternational2005
Program Committee, First International Conference on Algebraic Biology,TokyoWorkshop/ConferenceMemberExternalInternational20052005
Journal of Symbolic ComputationEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational2003
Steering Committee, Interdepartmental Ph.D. Program "Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology"Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20032013
External advisory committee to the NIH-funded Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network, University of Puerto RicoAdvisory CommitteeMemberUConn HealthInternational20032006
Session on genetic networks, International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)Workshop/ConferenceOrganizerExternalInternational20022002
Joint U.S.-Canadian Conference on Symbolic Computational Algebra, Waterloo, OntarioWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalInternational20022002
Program Committee, International Symposium on Symbolic & Algebraic Computation(ISSAC)Workshop/ConferenceMemberExternalInternational20012001
NSF REU Summer Institute in Mathematics for Undergraduates, University of Puerto RicoEducation CommitteeSeminar leaderExternalInternational20002001
AMS-SIAM summer conf. "Symbolic Computation and Polynomial System Solving"Workshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalNational20002000
Conference on "Cryptography as a Teaching Tool," for NM high school teachersWorkshop/ConferenceOrganizerExternalState19981998
AMS Special Session on Computational Algebraic Geometry, Joint Annual Meetings of the AMS/MAA/SIAMWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalNational19971997
22nd NMSU Holiday Symp. on "Rewriting techniques and Grobner bases"Workshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalNational19961996
contributed paper session on "Teaching with Original Sources" at the 1995 National Meetings of the AMS/MAAWorkshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalNational19951995
21st NMSU Holiday Symposium on "Grabner Bases and Convex Polytopes"Workshop/ConferenceCo-organizerExternalUniversity19941994
Applied Mathematical Sciences book series, Springer Verlag Editorial BoardMemberExternalNational
Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications book series, Springer VerlagEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational
National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and National Academy of SciencesProfessional/Scientific OrganizationReviewerExternalNational
Various mathematical and scientific journalsProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalNational
American Mathematical Society Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
Association for Women in Mathematics Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalState
Society for Mathematical Biology Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
International Society for Systems Biology Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational
Study Section on Multiscale Modeling, NIBIBStudy SectionMemberExternalNational
American Association for the Advancement of ScienceProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational

Computational biology, systems biology, cancer systems biology, modeling and simulation of biological networks, applied discrete mathematics, symbolic computation, computational algebra and algebraic geometry, mathematical foundation of computer simulation

Not accepting students for Lab Rotations at this time

Journal Articles

  • Agent Based Models of Polymicrobial Biofilms and the Microbiome-A Review.
    Koshy-Chenthittayil, Sherli; Archambault, Linda; Senthilkumar, Dhananjai; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Mendes, Pedro; Dongari-Bagtzoglou, Anna Microorganisms 2021 Feb;9(2):
  • Systems biology of ferroptosis: A modeling approach.
    Konstorum, Anna; Tesfay, Lia; Paul, Bibbin T; Torti, Frank M; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C; Torti, Suzy V Journal of theoretical biology 2020 May;493110222
  • Sensitivity of comorbidity network analysis
    Brunson, J, Agresta, T, Laubenbacher R JAMIA Open 2019 Dec;2574-2531
  • PlantSimLab - a modeling and simulation web tool for plant biologists.
    Ha, S; Dimitrova, E; Hoops, S; Altarawy, D; Ansariola, M; Deb, D; Glazebrook, J; Hillmer, R; Shahin, H; Katagiri, F; McDowell, J; Megraw, M; Setubal, J; Tyler, B M; Laubenbacher, R BMC bioinformatics 2019 Oct;20(1):508
  • The contribution of microRNA-mediated regulation to short- and long-term gene expression predictability.
    Posner, Russell; Laubenbacher, Reinhard Journal of theoretical biology 2019 Oct;486110055
  • Connecting the molecular function of microRNAs to cell differentiation dynamics.
    Posner, Russell; Laubenbacher, Reinhard Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 2019 Sep;16(158):20190437
  • A mathematical model of combined CD8 T cell costimulation by 4-1BB (CD137) and OX40 (CD134) receptors.
    Konstorum, Anna; Vella, Anthony T; Adler, Adam J; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C Scientific reports 2019 Jul;9(1):10862
  • Fostering bioinformatics education through skill development of professors: Big Genomic Data Skills Training for Professors.
    Zhan, Yingqian Ada; Wray, Charles Gregory; Namburi, Sandeep; Glantz, Spencer T; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Chuang, Jeffrey H PLoS computational biology 2019 Jun;15(6):e1007026
  • Topological Data Analysis.
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Hastings, Alan Bulletin of mathematical biology 2019 May;
  • Dynamics of semilattice networks with strongly connected dependency graph
    Veliz-Cuba, Alan Laubenbacher, Reinhard Automatica 2019 Jan;99167-174
  • An important role for periplasmic storage in Pseudomonas aeruginosa copper homeostasis revealed by a combined experimental and computational modeling study.
    Parmar, Jignesh H; Quintana, Julia; Ramírez, David; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Argüello, José M; Mendes, Pedro Molecular microbiology 2018 Jul;110357-369
  • A Systems Biology Approach to Understanding the Pathophysiology of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer: Focus on Iron and Fatty Acid Metabolism.
    Konstorum, Anna; Lynch, Miranda L; Torti, Suzy V; Torti, Frank M; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C Omics : a journal of integrative biology 2018 Jul;22(7):502-513
  • The innate immune response to ischemic injury: a multiscale modeling perspective.
    Dimitrova, Elena; Caromile, Leslie A; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Shapiro, Linda H BMC systems biology 2018 Apr;12(1):50
  • Applications of network analysis to routinely collected health care data: a systematic review.
    Brunson, Jason Cory; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2018 Feb;25(2):210-221
  • The influence of canalization on the robustness of Boolean networks
    Kadelka, Claus Kuipers, Jack A. Laubenbacher, Reinhard Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2017 Sep;353-35439-47
  • Multistate Nested Canalizing Functions and Their Networks
    Kadelka, Claus Li, Yuan Kuipers, Jack Adeyeye, John O. Laubenbacher, Reinhard Theoretical Computer Science 2017 May;6751-14
  • Activated Oncogenic Pathway Modifies Iron Network in Breast Epithelial Cells: A Dynamic Modeling Perspective.
    Chifman, Julia; Arat, Seda; Deng, Zhiyong; Lemler, Erica; Pino, James C; Harris, Leonard A; Kochen, Michael A; Lopez, Carlos F; Akman, Steven A; Torti, Frank M; Torti, Suzy V; Laubenbacher, Reinhard PLoS computational biology 2017 Feb;13(2):e1005352
  • Effects of research complexity and competition on the incidence and growth of coauthorship in biomedicine.
    Brunson, Jason Cory; Wang, Xiaoyan; Laubenbacher, Reinhard C PloS one 2017 Jan;12(3):e0173444
  • Optimization and Control of Agent-Based Models in Biology: A Perspective.
    An, G; Fitzpatrick, B G; Christley, S; Federico, P; Kanarek, A; Neilan, R Miller; Oremland, M; Salinas, R; Laubenbacher, R; Lenhart, S Bulletin of mathematical biology 2016 Nov;7963-87
  • AlgoRun: a Docker-based packaging system for platform-agnostic implemented algorithms.
    Hosny, Abdelrahman; Vera-Licona, Paola; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Favre, Thibauld Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2016 Aug;32(15):2396-8
  • A computational model of invasive aspergillosis in the lung and the role of iron.
    Oremland, Matthew; Michels, Kathryn R; Bettina, Alexandra M; Lawrence, Chris; Mehrad, Borna; Laubenbacher, Reinhard BMC systems biology 2016 Jan;10(1):34
  • Costimulation Endows Immunotherapeutic CD8 T Cells with IL-36 Responsiveness during Aerobic Glycolysis.
    Tsurutani, Naomi; Mittal, Payal; St Rose, Marie-Clare; Ngoi, Soo Mun; Svedova, Julia; Menoret, Antoine; Treadway, Forrest B; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Suárez-Ramírez, Jenny E; Cauley, Linda S; Adler, Adam J; Vella, Anthony T Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2015 Nov;196124-34
  • Dimension reduction of large sparse AND-NOT network model
    Veliz-Cuba, Alan Aguilar, Boris Laubenbacher, Reinhard Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2015 Sep;31683-95
  • Optimal Harvesting for a Predator-Prey Agent-Based Model using Difference Equations
    Oremland, Matthew Laubenbacher, Reinhard Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2015 Mar;77(3):434–459
  • A network biology approach to denitrification in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
    Arat, Seda; Bullerjahn, George S; Laubenbacher, Reinhard PloS one 2015 Jan;10(2):e0118235
  • Iron acquisition and oxidative stress response in aspergillus fumigatus.
    Brandon, Madison; Howard, Brad; Lawrence, Christopher; Laubenbacher, Reinhard BMC systems biology 2015 Jan;9(1):19
  • Using difference equations to find optimal tax structures on the SugarScape
    Oremland, Matthew Laubenbacher, Reinhard Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 2014 Oct;9(2):233–253
  • Steady state analysis of Boolean molecular network models via model reduction and computational algebra.
    Veliz-Cuba, Alan Aguilar, Boris Hinkelmann, Franziska Laubenbacher, Reinhard BMC bioinformatics 2014 Jun;15221
  • A Mathematical Model of Skeletal Muscle Disease and Immune Response in the mdx Mouse
    Jarrah, Abdul Salam Castiglione, Filippo Evans, Nicholas P. Grange, Robert W. Laubenbacher,Reinhard BioMed Research International 2014 Jun;2014
  • Optimization of agent-based models: scaling methods and heuristic algorithms
    Oremland, Matthew Laubenbacher, Reinhard The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 2014 Mar;
  • An algebra-based method for inferring gene regulatory networks.
    Vera-Licona, Paola; Jarrah, Abdul; Garcia-Puente, Luis David; McGee, John; Laubenbacher, Reinhard BMC systems biology 2014 Mar;8(37):37
  • Evolutionary events in a mathematical sciences research collaboration network
    Brunson, Jason Cory Fassino, Steve McInnes, Antonio Narayan, Monisha Richardson, Brianna Franck, Christopher Ion, Patrick Laubenbacher, Reinhard Scientometrics 2013 Dec;99(3):973–998
  • Structure and dynamics of acyclic networks
    Veliz-Cuba, Alan Murrugarra, David Laubenbacher, Reinhard Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 2013 Oct;24(4):647–658
  • The genome-wide early temporal response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to oxidative stress induced by cumene hydroperoxide.
    Sha, Wei; Martins, Ana M; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Mendes, Pedro; Shulaev, Vladimir PloS one 2013 Sep;8(9):e74939
  • Stabilizing gene regulatory networks through feedforward loops.
    Kadelka, C; Murrugarra, D; Laubenbacher, R Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.) 2013 Jun;23(2):025107
  • Boolean nested canalizing functions: A comprehensive analysis
    Li, Yuan Adeyeye, John O. Murrugarra, David Aguilar, Boris Laubenbacher, Reinhard Theoretical Computer Science 2013 Apr;48124-36
  • AND-NOT logic framework for steady state analysis of Boolean network models
    Veliz-Cuba, Alan Buschur, Kristina Hamershock, Rose Kniss, Ariel Wolff, Esther Laubenbacher, Reinhard Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 2012 Nov;
  • Modeling stochasticity and variability in gene regulatory networks.
    Murrugarra, David; Veliz-Cuba, Alan; Aguilar, Boris; Arat, Seda; Laubenbacher, Reinhard EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biology 2012 Jan;2012(1):5
  • Monomial dynamical systems over 𝔽 q with bidirectional cycle dependency graph
    Adeyeye, John O. li, Yuan Williams, Ivana J. Green, Jacob D. Laubenbacher, Reinhard Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 2012 Jan;77-93
  • The Number of Multistate Nested Canalyzing Functions
    D. Murrugarra and R. Laubenbacher Physica D 2012 Jan;241(10):929-938
  • A mathematical framework for agent based models of complex biological networks.
    Hinkelmann, Franziska; Murrugarra, David; Jarrah, Abdul Salam; Laubenbacher, Reinhard Bulletin of mathematical biology 2011 Jul;73(7):1583-602
  • ADAM: analysis of discrete models of biological systems using computer algebra.
    Hinkelmann, Franziska; Brandon, Madison; Guang, Bonny; McNeill, Rustin; Blekherman, Grigoriy; Veliz-Cuba, Alan; Laubenbacher, Reinhard BMC bioinformatics 2011 Jan;12295
  • Bioinformatics tools for cancer metabolomics
    G. Blekherman, R. Laubenbacher, D. Cortes, P. Mendes, F. Torti, S. Akman, S. Torti,and V. Shulaev Metabolomics 2011 Jan;7(3):329- 243
  • Boolean models of bistable biological systems
    F. Hinkelmann and R. Laubenbacher Discrete and Cont. Dynamical Systems 2011 Jan;4(6):1414-1456
  • Regulatory patterns in molecular interaction networks
    D. Murrugarra and R. Laubenbacher J. Theor. Bioi. 2011 Jan;28866-72
  • High-order nonlinearity of silica-gold nanoshells in chloroform at 1560 nm.
    Falcão-Filho, E L; Barbosa-Silva, R; Sobral-Filho, R G; Brito-Silva, A M; Galembeck, A; de Araújo, Cid B Optics express 2010 Oct;18(21):21636-44
  • Different functions of the C3HC4 zinc RING finger peroxins PEX10, PEX2, and PEX12 in peroxisome formation and matrix protein import.
    Prestele, Jakob; Hierl, Georg; Scherling, Christian; Hetkamp, Stefan; Schwechheimer, Claus; Isono, Erika; Weckwerth, Wolfram; Wanner, Gerhard; Gietl, Christine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2010 Aug;107(33):14915-20
  • The dynamics of conjunctive and disjunctive Boolean network models.
    Jarrah, Abdul Salam; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Veliz-Cuba, Alan Bulletin of mathematical biology 2010 Aug;72(6):1425-47
  • Discretization of time series data
    E. Dimitrova, P. Vera-Licona, J. McGee, R. Laubenbacher J. Compo BioI. 2010 Jan;17(6):853-868
  • Polynomial Algebra of Discrete Models in Systems Biology
    A. Veliz-Cuba, A.S. Jarrah, R. Laubenbacher Bioinformatics 2010 Jan;261637-1643
  • On the robustness of update schedules in Boolean networks.
    Aracena, J; Goles, E; Moreira, A; Salinas, L Bio Systems 2009 Jul;97(1):1-8
  • A general map of iron metabolism and tissue-specific subnetworks.
    Hower, Valerie; Mendes, Pedro; Torti, Frank M; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Akman, Steven; Shulaev, Vladmir; Torti, Suzy V Molecular bioSystems 2009 May;5(5):422-43
  • Discrete dynamical system modelling for gene regulatory networks of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural tolerance for ethanologenic yeast.
    Song, M; Ouyang, Z; Liu, Z L IET systems biology 2009 May;3(3):203-18
  • Algebraic models in systems biology
    R. Laubenbacher and A. Jarrah Methods in Enzymology 2009 Jan;467163-196
  • Computer algebra in systems biology
    R. Laubenbacher and B. Sturmfels The American Mathematical Monthly 2009 Jan;116882-891
  • Kids' Tech University: Shaping the future of science.
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard Virginia Tech Magazine 2009 Jan;32(2):
  • Mathematical biology education: beyond calculus
    R. Robeva and R. Laubenbacher Science 2009 Jan;325(5940):542-543
  • Inference of ecological networks
    Vera-Licona P., and Laubenbacher R Annales Zoologici Fennici 2008 Oct;45(5):459-464
  • The effect of negative feedback loops on the dynamics of boolean networks.
    Sontag, Eduardo; Veliz-Cuba, Alan; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Jarrah, Abdul Salam Biophysical journal 2008 Jul;95(2):518-26
  • A virtual look at Epstein-Barr virus infection: simulation mechanism.
    Shapiro, M; Duca, K A; Lee, K; Delgado-Eckert, E; Hawkins, J; Jarrah, A S; Laubenbacher, R; Polys, N F; Hadinoto, V; Thorley-Lawson, D A Journal of theoretical biology 2008 Jun;252(4):633-48
  • Using formal concept analysis for microarray data comparison.
    Choi, V; Huang, Y; Lam, V; Potter, D; Laubenbacher, R; Duca, K Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 2008 Feb;6(1):65-75
  • Fall Update for SIAM
    James Crowley, Reinhard Laubenbacher SIAM News 2008 Jan;41(9):3
  • 'Model your genes the mathematical way' -a mathematical biology workshop for secondary school teachers
    A. Martins, P. Vera-Licona, and R. Laubenbacher Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 2008 Jan;2791-101
  • Model your genes the mathematical way: a mathematical biology workshop for secondary school teachers
    Martins A., Vera-Licona P. and Laubenbacher R Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 2008 Jan;27(2):91-101
  • The Cyclicity Problem for Twodimensional Polynomial Systems, Differential Equations and Control Processes
    V. G. Romanovski, A. S. Jarrah, and R. Laubenbacher Electronic journal, ISSN 1817-2172, 2008 Jan;
  • Comparison of reverse-engineering methods using an in silico network.
    Camacho, Diogo; Vera Licona, Paola; Mendes, Pedro; Laubenbacher, Reinhard Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007 Dec;111573-89
  • Nested Canalyzing, Unate Cascade, and Polynomial Functions.
    Jarrah, Abdul Salam; Raposa, Blessilda; Laubenbacher, Reinhard Physica D. Nonlinear phenomena 2007 Sep;233(2):167-174
  • A Virtual Look at Epstein-Barr Virus Infection: Biological Interpretations
    K.Duca, M.Shapiro, E.Delgado-Eckert, V. Hadinoto, A. Jarrah, R. Laubenbacher & D.A. Thorley-Lawson PLoS Pathog 2007 Jan;3(10):1388-400
  • Discrete Models of Biochemical Networks: The Toric Variety of Nested Canalyzing Functions
    A. Jarrah and R. Laubenbacher Proc. of the Second Inti. Conf. on Algebraic Biology 2007 Jan;454515-22
  • Fixed points in discrete models for regulatory genetic networks.
    Bollman, Dorothy; Colón-Reyes, Omar; Orozco, Edusmildo EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biology 2007 Jan;1697356
  • Reverse-Engineering of Dynamic Networks
    B. Stigler, A. Jarrah, M. Stillman, and R. Laubenbacher R Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007 Jan;1115168-177
  • Reverse-engineering polynomial dynamical systems
    A. Jarrah, R. Laubenbacher, B. Stigler, and M. Stillman Adv. In Appl. Math. 2007 Jan;39477-489
  • Simulating Epstein-Barr virus infection with C-ImmSim.
    Castiglione, Filippo; Duca, Karen; Jarrah, Abdul; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Hochberg, Donna; Thorley-Lawson, David Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2007 Jan;23(11):1371-7
  • A single instrument: engineering and engineering technology students demonstrating competence in ethics and professional standards.
    Feldhaus, Charles R; Wolter, Robert M; Hundley, Stephen P; Diemer, Tim Science and engineering ethics 2006 Apr;12(2):291-311
  • Perspectives on A-homotopy theory and its applications
    H. Barcelo and R. Laubenbacher Discrete Mathematics 2005 Jan;298: .39-61
  • A computational algebra approach to the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks.
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Stigler, Brandilyn Journal of theoretical biology 2004 Aug;229(4):523-37
  • A computational algebra approach to the reverseengineering of gene regulatory networks
    R. Laubenbacher and B. Stigler J. Theor. Bioi. 2004 Jan;229523-537
  • An optimal control problem for in vitro virus competition
    A. Jarrah, H. Vastani, K. Duca, and R. Laubenbacher Proc. Of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Bahamas, Dec. 2004 Jan;
  • Boolean Monomial Dynamical Systems
    O. Colon-Reyes, R. Laubenbacher, B. Pareigis Annals of Combinatorics 2004 Jan;8425-439
  • Generic Cohen-Macaulay monomial ideals.
    A. Jarrah, R. Laubenbacher Ann. Comb. 2004 Jan;845-61
  • Decomposition and simulation of sequential dynamical systems
    R. Laubenbacher and B. Pareigis Advances in Applied Math 2003 Jan;30655-678
  • The Sibirsky component of the center variety of polynomial differential systems
    A. Jarrah, R. Laubenbacher, and V. Romanovski J. Symbolic Comput. 2003 Jan;35577-589
  • Equivalence relations on finite dynamical systems
    R. Laubenbacher and B. Pareigis Advances in Applied Math 2001 Jan;237-251
  • Foundations of a connectivity, theory for simplicial complexes
    H. Barcelo, X. Kramer, R. Laubenbacher, and C. Weaver Advances in Applied Math 2001 Jan;2697-128
  • Generic ideals and the Moreno-Socias conjecture
    E. Aguirre, A. Jarrah, R. Laubenbacher, A. Ortiz-Navarro, and R. Torrez Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation 2001 Jan;
  • Lagrange and the solution of numerical equations
    G. McGrath, R. Laubenbacher, and D. Pengelley Historia Mathematica 2001 Jan;28220-231
  • A new algorithm for the Quillen-Suslin theorem for polynomial rings
    R. Laubenbacher and C. Woodburn Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 2000 Jan;4123-32
  • An algorithm for the Quillen-Suslin Theorem for quotients of polynomial rings by monomial ideals
    R. Laubenbacher and K. Schlauch Journal of Symbolic Computation 2000 Jan;30555-571
  • Permanental ideals
    R. Laubenbacher and I. Swanson Journal of Symbolic Computation 2000 Jan;30195-205
  • Monomial orderings, rewriting systems, and Groebner bases for the commutator ideal of a free algebra
    S. Hermiller, X. Kramer, and R. Laubenbacher Journal of Symbolic Computation 1999 Jan;27133-141
  • On higher class groups of orders
    M. Kolster and R. Laubenbacher Math. Zeitschrift 1998 Jan;228229-246
  • An algorithm to trivialize vector bundles over toric varieties
    R. Laubenbacher and C. Woodburn J. Pure and Applied Algebra 1997 Jan;117&118395-429
  • A normal form algorithm for modules over k[x,y]/(x,y)
    R. Laubenbacher and B. Sturmfels J. of Algebra 1996 Jan;1841001-1024
  • Finitely generated modules over pullback rings
    D. Arnold and ,R. Laubenbacher J of Algebra 1996 Jan;184304-322
  • Almost split sequences for dedekind-like rings (part II)
    D. Arnold and R. Laubenbacher Comm. Algebra 1995 Jan;23111-130
  • Eisenstein's misunderstood geometric proof of the quadratic reciprocity theorem
    R. Laubenbacher and D. Pengelley College Mathematics Journal 1994 Jan;2529-34
  • Gauss, Eisenstein, and the "third" proof of the quadratic reciprocity theorem: ein kleines Schauspiel
    R. Laubenbacher and D. Pengelley Mathematicallntelligencer 1994 Jan;1667-72
  • Recovering motivation in mathematics: teaching with original sources
    R. Laubenbacher, D. Pengelley and M. Siddoway UME Trends 1994 Jan;6
  • Algebraic K-theory of poset representations
    R. Laubenbacher K-Theory 1993 Jan;717-21
  • SK2 and K3 of dihedral groups
    R. Laubenbacher and B. Magurn Canadian Journal of Math 1992 Jan;44591-623
  • Almost split sequences for Dedekind-like rings (part I)
    D. Arnold and R. Laubenbacher J. London Math. Soc. 1991 Jan;43225-235
  • The structure of the integral group ring of a finite group with cyclic sylow subgroups
    R. Laubenbacher and D. Webb Comm. Algebra 1991 Jan;192281-2290
  • Generalized Mayer-Vietoris sequences in algebraic K-theory
    R. Laubenbacher J. Pure and Applied Algebra 1988 Jan;51175-192
  • On the K-theory of ZG, G a group of square-free order, in J. F. Jardine and V. P. Snaith, Algebraic K-theory: Connections With Geometry and Topology
    R. Laubenbacher NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci 1987 Jan;279189-208
  • On the K-theory of ZG, G a non-abelian group of order pq
    R. Laubenbacher K-Theory 1987 Jan;1 499-506
  • Identification of control targets in Boolean molecular network models via computational algebra.
    Murrugarra, David; Veliz-Cuba, Alan; Aguilar, Boris; Laubenbacher, Reinhard BMC systems biology 10(1):94
  • Optimal Harvesting for a Predator-Prey Agent-Based Model using Difference Equations
    Oremland, Matthew Laubenbacher, Reinhard Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 77(3):434–459
  • The Number of Canalyzing Functions over Any Finite Set
    Li, Yuan Murrugarra, David Adeyeye, John O. Laubenbacher, Reinhard Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics 3(3):130-136


  • A. Knoebel, R. Laubenbacher, J. Lodder and D. Pengelley Mathematical Masterpieces. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. Readings in Mathematics 2007 Jan;
  • R. Laubenbacher (ed.) Modeling and simulation of biological networks, Symposia in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007 Jan;
  • R. Laubenbacher,(ed.) Symbolic Computation: solving equations in algebra, geometry, and engineering 2001 Jan;
  • R. Laubenbacher and D. Pengelley Mathematical expeditions. Chronicles by the explorers. Udergraduate Texts in Mathematics. Readings in Mathematics 1999 Jan;
  • D. Hilbert Theory of Algebraic Invariants, translated from the German 1993 Jan;

Book Chapters

  • Boolean models in immunology
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard Dimitrova, Elena Systems Immunology: An Introduction to Modeling Methods for Scientists 2018 Sep;12
  • SIAM Review
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Methods for Modern Biology 2015 Mar;367-369
  • A systems biology approach to iron metabolism.
    Chifman, Julia; Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Torti, Suzy V A Systems Biology Approach to Blood - Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2014 Jan;
  • Computational Systems Biology: Discrete Models of Gene Regulation Networks.
    Ana Martins, Paola Vera-Licona and Reinhard Laubenbacher. Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences. 2013 Nov;189-200
  • Algebraic models and their use in systems biology
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard Hinkelmann, Franziska Murrugarra, David Veliz-Cuba, Alan Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology 2013 Oct;443-474
  • Computational systems biology: discrete models of gene regulatory networks
    Martins, Ana M Vera-Licona, Paola Laubenbacher, Reinhard MAA Notes: Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Processes, Models, Assessment, and Directions 2013 Oct;189-200
  • Finite Fields in Biology
    Hinkelmann, Franziska B. Laubenbacher, Reinhard Handbook of Finite Fields 2013 Jun;
  • Agent-Based Models and Optimal Control in Biology: A Discrete Approach
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard Hinkelmann, Franziska Oremland, Matt Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Modern Biology: Using Modern Discrete Models 2013 Mar;143-178
  • A systems biology approach to cancer drug discovery
    R. Laubenbacher Encyclopedia of Systems Biology 2011 Jan;
  • Mathematics in the Public Mind: the U.S.A.
    R. Laubenbacher Public Awareness of Mathematics 2011 Jan;
  • Algebraic models of biochemical networks
    R. Laubenbacher and A. Jarrah Essential Bioimaging Methods, Reliable Lab Solutions series 2010 Jan;
  • Computational Systems Biology: Discrete Models of Gene Regulation Networks, in
    A. Martins, P. Vera-Licona, and R. Laubenbacher Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Processes, Models, and Directions 2010 Jan;
  • The Inferelator 2.0: a scalable framework for reconstruction of dynamic regulatory network models.
    Madar, Aviv; Greenfield, Alex; Ostrer, Harry; Vanden-Eijnden, Eric; Bonneau, Richard Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2009 Jan;20095448-51
  • The mathematics of agentbased modeling formalisms
    R. Laubenbacher, Jarrah A., H. S. Mortveit, and S. S. Ravi Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science 2009 Jan;
  • Implicit dose-response curves.
    Pérez Millán, Mercedes; Dickenstein, Alicia Journal of mathematical biology 2008 Jan;70(7):1669-84
  • A Groebner Fan based Method for Biochemical Network
    E. Dimitrova, A. Jarrah, B. Stigler, and R. Laubenbacher Proceedings of ISSAC'2007 2007 Jan;122
  • A discrete approach to top-down modeling of biochemical networks
    R. Laubenbacher and P. Mendes Computational Systems Biology 2006 Jan;
  • Combinatorial homotopy of simplicial complexes and applications to complex information systems
    X. Kramer and R. Laubenbacher Applications of Computational Algebraic Geometry 1997 Jan;
  • Mathematical masterpieces: teaching with original sources
    R. Laubenbacher and D. Pengelley History of Mathematics: Sources, Studies and Pedagogic Integration 1996 Jan;
  • Go of integral group rings for groups with cyclic sylow subgroups
    R. Laubenbacher and D. Webb Algebraic K-Theory, Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 1992 Jan;
  • On the K-theory of ZG, G a group of square-free order
    R. Laubenbacher Algebraic K-theory: Connections With Geometry and Topology 1987 Jan;


  • Structure and dynamics of polynomial dynamical systems
    R. Laubenbacher, D. Murragarra, and A. Veliz-Cuba NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta 2011 Jan;
  • Inference of ecological interaction networks
    P. V. Licona and R. Laubenbacher Annales Zoologici Fennici 2008 Jan;45459-464

Conference Papers

  • The Role of Bioinformatics in Toxicogenomics and Proteomics.
    Sobral, B., D. Eckart, R. Laubenbacher, and P. Mendes "The Role of Bioinformatics in Toxicogenomics and Proteomics." Proceedings from NATO Advanced Workshop on Toxicogenomics and Proteomics. Prague, Czech Republic, October 16-20, 2002. 11. 2002 Jan;


  • Editorial.
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Hastings, Alan Bulletin of mathematical biology 2018 Aug;803069-3070
  • Editorial.
    Hastings, Alan; Laubenbacher, Reinhard Bulletin of mathematical biology 2016 Dec;78(12):2303
  • Editorial.
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard; Hastings, Alan Bulletin of mathematical biology 2016 Jan;781-3
  • Algebraic methods in mathematical biology
    R. Laubenbacher Bull. Math. Biol. 2011 Jan;73(4):701


  • Science advocacy
    R. Laubenbacher Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc. 2010 Jan;57(7):


  • Structural influence of gene networks on their inference: analysis of C3NET.
    Altay, Gökmen; Emmert-Streib, Frank Biology direct 2011 Jan;6(10):31
  • Thoughts from SIAM's New VP
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard SIAM News 2009 Jan;42(1):12
  • A Mathematical Tragedy, Part II of II
    Julie J. Rehmeyer Science News 2008 Jan;173(9):
  • A Woman Who Counted
    Barry Cipra Science 2008 Jan;319899
  • An Attack on Fermat, Part I of II
    Julie J. Rehmeyer Science News 2008 Jan;173(8):
  • The Mathematical Biology Job Market
    Jim Kling Science 2004 Jan;
  • History of mathematics and the internet
    R. Laubenbacher Newsletter of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 1996 Jan;2856-57
  • Great theorems: the art of mathematics'- a course based on original sources
    R. Laubenbacher and D. Pengelley International Study Group on the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics 1993 Jan;289-10


  • You Can Do Anything With a Math Degree
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard American Mathematical Society 2015 Jan;
  • Congressional Testimony on 21st Century Biology
    R. Laubenbacher Hearing of the Subcommittee on Research and Education of the House Committee on Science and Technology blications/Testimony.aspx?TID= 15466 2010 Jan;
  • Bringing math to life at Virginia Tech
    Greg Esposito. Laubenbacher, Reinhard The Roanoke Times 2009 Jan;
  • Integrated and interprofessional care.
    Barr, Hugh International journal of integrated care 2008 Jan;12e135
  • Virginia Tech to become Kids' Tech, too.
    Laubenbacher, Reinhard Associated Press 2008 Jan;
  • Virginia Tech to Engage Kids In STEM
    Katie Ash, Reinhard Laubenbacher Education Week 2008 Jan;
  • PathSim Visualizer: an information rich virtual environment framework for systems biology,
    N. F. Polys, D. A. Bowman, C. North, R. Laubenbacher, and K. Duca Proc. SIGGRAPH Web3D Session 2004 Jan;
  • Issue on Symbolic Computation in Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry - Foreword of the Guest Editors
    Eduardo Cattani and R. Laubenbacher(eds.) J. Symb. Comput. 2000 Jan;29(4-5):483



Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
The role of iron metabolism in breast cancerTalkInstitut Curie2018Paris, France
Multi-scale models of diseaseLectureInstitut de Recherche et Interdisciplinarite2018Paris, France
Multi-scale modeling of diseaseLectureUniversity of Illinois2018Urbana-Champaign, IL
Dynamic connectivity of functional brain networks for emotion regulationTalkSIAM Life Sciences Meeting2018Minneapolis, MN
The role of iron in tumor progression: a multiscale modeling approachTalkSociety for Mathematical Biology/Annual Meeting2018Syndey, Australia
From data to knowledge: The power of computational modelsLectureVirginia Military Institute2018Lexington, VA
Multiscale modeling of diseaseLectureYale Universit2017New Haven, CT
Discrete Dynamic NetworksLectureCUNY-NYU Joint Symbolic-Numeric Computing Seminar2017New York, NY
Turing, a software package for discrete modeling,Talk2017 SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry2017Atlanta, GA
Modular design of multiscale modelsLectureUniversity Southern California/Da Vinci Convergence Symposium2017Los Angeles, CA
Inference of molecular networks in systems biologyLectureUniversity of Cincinnati School of Medicine2017Cincinnati, OH
Iron metabolism and its role in breast cancerLectureOregon State University/Annual Conference on Computational Biology2017Corvallis, OR
The role of mathematical models in the study and control of disease: a case study in breast cancerTalkBristol-Myers Squibb2017New Jersey
The “battle over iron” as part of the innate immune response to fungal infections in the lungTalkBristol-Myers Squibb2017New Jersey
Algebraic methods in computational biologyLectureUniversity of Kentucky2016Lexington, KY
Algebraic methods in systems biologyLectureTexas Tech University2016Lubbock, TX
Algebraic Models in Systems BiologyLectureUniversity of Buenos Aires2016Buenos Aires, Argentina
Quantitative MedicineLectureAmherst College2016Amherst, MA
Computational Systems BiologyTalkJackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine/Director’s Forum2016Farmington, CT
Mathematics: A Driver of Precision MedicineLectureTexas Tech University2016Lubbock, TX
Algebraic Methods in Systems BiologyLectureTexas A&M Univ/Workshop on Contemporary Math. Challenges in the Life Scien2016College Station, TX
Quantitative Medicine Across ScalesLectureUniversity of Connecticut/InCHIP2016Storrs, CT
Algebraic models in systems biology, International Conference on Mathematical SciencesLectureUniversity of Sharjah/ International Conference on Mathematical Sciences2015Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Using algebra to infer gene regulatory networksLectureUniversity of California2015Berkeley, CA
Multiscale modeling of the innate immune to Aspergillus fumigatus in the lungLecturePennsylvania State University2015Pennsylvania, PA
Iron metabolismLectureUConn Health2015Farmington, CT
The battle over iron: the innate immune response to Aspergillus fumigatus in the lungTalkInternational Workshop on Modeling Metabolic Health2015Cambridge, UK
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureUniversity of Wisconsin2014Milwaukee, WI
A systems biology approach to iron metabolismLectureWorcester Polytechnic Institute2014Worcester, MA
Steady analysis of Boolean network models through model reduction and computational algebraTalkEuropean Conf. on Comp. Biol. Workshop on the Logical Modelling & Analysis2014Strasbourg, France
Dimension reduction of large sparse networksTalkThe Fifth International Workshop on Static Analysis and Systems Biology2014Munich, Germany
Mitochondrial Information TransferTalkNational Cancer Institute Workshop on Mitochondrial Information Transfer2014NIH
The battle for iron: A multiscale in silico model of Aspergillus fumigatus in the airwayTalkQ-Bio Winter Meeting2013Honolulu, HI
PlantSimLab: a simulation laboratory for plant biologyTalkKeystone Symposia Conference on Plant Immunity: Pathways and Translation2013Big Sky, Montana
Iron regulation in health and disease: two case studiesLectureJackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine2013Farmington, CT
Iron regulation in health and disease: two case studiesLectureJackson Laboratory2013Bar Harbor, ME
PlantSimLab: a simulation laboratory for plant biologyLectureUConn Health2013Farmington, CT
The battle for iron: a multiscale in silico model of Aspergillus fumigatus in the airwayTalkSociety for Industrial and Applied Math2013San Diego, CA
Dynamical systems over finite fields in systems biologyTalkBanff International Research Station2013Banff, Canada
Algebraic geometry in systems biologyLectureDept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green State University2012Bowling Green, OH
Patterns are everywhere: how and whyLectureKids' Tech University at Bowling Green State University2012Bowling Green, OH
Cancer Systems BiologyLectureBioinformatics and Computational Biology Program2012Iowa State University
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureDepartment of Mathematics, Mississippi State University2012Mississippi State University, MS
Algebraic geometry for large networksLectureDARPA Summit Meeting on Mathematics2012Lake Tahoe, NV
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureWorkshop on Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology2012Tampa, FL
Steady state analysis of Boolean network models via a universal class of modelsLectureSpecial Session on Dynamics of Complex Networks, AMS meeting2012Washington, DC
Wnt sigaling in melanoma cellsLectureSpecial Session on Mathematical Methods in Disease Modeling, AMS meeting2012Washington, DC
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureDept. of Mathematics, University of Delaware2012Newark, DE
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureDepartment of Mathematics, University of Nebraska2012Lincoln, NE
Algebraic methods is systems and evolutionary biologyLectureMathematical Biosciences Institute2012Columbus, OH
Iron metabolismLectureMathematical Biosciences Institute2012Columbus, OH
Science and the fight against cancer, keynote addressLectureAmerican Cancer Society, Relay for Life2012Tazewell, VA
The role of SIAM as an advocate for the mathematical sciences communityLectureSIAM Annual Meeting2012Minneapolis, MN
Downregulation of LRP6 inhibits growth of melanoma cellsLectureSIAM Annual Meeting2012Minneapolis, MN
Algebraic geometry in systems biologyLectureWorkshop on Algebraic geometry in the sciences2011University of Oslo, Norway
Patterns are everywhere: how and whyLectureKids' Tech University at Virginia Tech2011Virginia Tech
A systems biology view of cancerLectureWorkshop at the Wake Forest U. School of Med. Cancer Biology Dept.2011Winston-Salem, NC
A systems biology view of cancerLectureSchool of Pharmacy, Xavier University2011New Orleans, LA
A systems biology view of cancerLectureSchool of Medicine, Marshall University2011Huntington, WV
Cancer Systems BiologyLectureGBCB Seminar, Virginia Tech2011Blacksburg, VA
Trends in Modern Mathematical Biology, keynote addressLectureMAA PREP Workshop on "Mathematical Biology: Beyond Calculus." 2011Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA
A mathematical framework for agent based models of complex biological networksLectureMAA PREP Workshop on "Mathematical Biology: Beyond Calculus."2011Sweet Briar College,
Trends in symbolic computation development and applicationsPanel Discussion17th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA)2011Houston, TX
Algebraic computation in bioinformatics and systems biology, plenary addressLecture17th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA)2011Houston, TX
The relationship between iron metabolism and breast cancerLectureRoche Pharma2011Nutley, NJ
Cancer Systems BiologyLectureNew Mexico Center for Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cell Signaling2011University of New Mexico
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureSIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry2011Raleigh, NC
Patterns are everywhere: how and whyLectureKids' Tech University2011Virginia State University
Algebraic computation in bioinformatics and systems biology, plenary addressLectureConference on Technological Applications of Symbolic Computation2011Granada, Spain
Mathematics and the Systems Biology of CancerLectureSoc. for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Sci.2010Anaheim, CA
Toward a predictive model of iron metabolismLectureMarie Curie Cancer Center2010Paris, France
Training in Cancer Systems BiologyLectureAnnual Meeting of the Cancer Biology Training Consortium2010Tuscon, AZ
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureUniversity of Kentucky2010University of Kentucky
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureArizona State University2010Arizona State University
Kids' Tech UniversityLectureArizona State University2010Arizona State University
A systems biology approach to iron metabolism in aging and cancerLectureConference on the Systems Biology of Human Aging2010Philadelphia,PA
Toward a predictive model of intracellular iron homeostasisLectureGlaxo-Smith-Kline2010Philadelphia
A systems biology approach to iron metabolism and cancerLectureWorkshop on Nanotechnology, Proteogenomics, and Visual Analytic Application2010Abuja, Nigeria
Nested canalyzing polynomial dynamical systemsLectureSpecial Session on Applications of Algebraic Geometry, Amer. Math. Soc. 2010Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA
The relationship between structure and dynamics in biological networksLectureWestern Michigan University2010Kalamazoo, MI
Mathematics-aided medicineLectureCafe Scientifique2010Blacksburg, VA
Cancer Systems BiologyLectureJackson State University2010Jackson, MS
Mathematical Biology Education: Beyond 'Calculus, Keynote AddressLectureMath. Assoc. Amer. Workshop on Mathematical Biology2010Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA
Algebraic models in systems biology, Plenary LectureLectureWorkshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology2010Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH
Mathematics and the public in the U.S.A.LectureWorkshop on Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics2010Obidos, Portugal
Dynamical systems over graphs: the relationship between graph topology and dynamicsLectureSpecial Session on Applications of Topology, Amer. Mathematical Society2009Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, D.C.
Introduction to Systems BiologyLectureDepartment of Cancer Biology, Wake Forest University2009Winston-Salem, NC
Careers in computational biologyLectureHampton University2009Hampton, VA
Experience in developing collaborations with MSI (particularly HBCUs) with VBILectureAchieving Inclusive Excellence in Grant Proposals Workshop2009Virginia Tech
Reverse-engineering in systems biology (short course)LectureInstituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia2009Lisbon, Portugal
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureMathematical Applications Seminar series2009George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Discrete models of gene regulation networks, Plenary addressLecture15th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming2009University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Parameter estimation for algebraic modelsLectureEmerging Modelling Methodologies in Medicine and Biology2009International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, Scotland
Algebraic models in systems biologyLectureMathematics Department, Clemson University2009
Biology + Math= BiologyLectureOakwood University2009Huntsville, AL
Algebraic Methods in Systems Biology, Plenary AddressLectureSpring Southeastern Sectional Meeting2009North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Experimental design and biochemical network inferenceLectureAnnual Meeting of the American Statistical Society2009Washington, D.C.,
The relationship between dynamics and structure of biological networksLectureAllerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing2009Urbana-Champaign, IL
The relationship between dynamics and structure of biological networksLectureSouthern Methodist University2009Dallas, TX
Cancer systems biologyLectureNational Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Nati2009Dallas, TX
Careers in computational biologyLectureNorfolk State University2009Norfolk, VA
A predictive model for the regulation of mammalian iron metabolismLectureHarvard Medical School2009Boston, MA
Design of experiments and biochemical network inferenceLectureUniversity of Kentucky2008Lexington, KY
Algebraic Methods in Systems Biology Lecture2008University of Marburg, Germany
Algebraic Methods in Systems BiologyLectureDepartment of Mathematics2008Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA
Algebraic Methods in Systems BiologyLectureInstitut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques2008Paris, France
Undergraduate Research PanelLectureBlackwell-Tapia Conference2008Triangle Park, NC
Data analysis for molecular fingerprinting of breast cancerLectureAmerican Mathematical Society (AMS) Joint International Meeting2008Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Metabolic fingerprinting of breast cancerLectureGeorgetown University Medical School2008Washington, DC
An introduction to systems biologyLectureStatistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute2008Durham, NC
Computer Algebra Methods for the Inference of Biochemical Networks LectureDepartment of Mathematics2008NC State University, Raleigh, NC
The Dynamics of Conjunctive Boolean Networks, Discrete Models of Biological Networks WorkshopLectureInstitut de Luminy2008Marseille, France
Algebraic Models in Systems BiologyLectureShanghai Jiao Tong University2008China
Virginia Tech to launch Kid's Tech University radio spot with Timothy Martin. OtherNews/Talk 960 WFIR 2008
Parametric Inference of Biochemical Network ModelsLectureAnnual Joint Meetings of the AMS-MAA-SIAM2007New Orleans, LA.
Parametric Inference of Biochemical Network Models, Keynote lectureLecture2nd Bioinformatics Research Symposium2007Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Polynomial dynamical systems over finite fields, with applications to modeling and simulation of biological networksLectureIMA Workshop 2007University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Biochemical network inferenceLectureFLAD Computational Biology Collaboratorium (FCBC)2007Lisbon, Portugal
Algebraic Methods in Systems Biology, LectureApplied Mathematical Sciences Summer Institute (AMSSI)2007California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA
The Role of Mathematics in Systems BiologyLectureSecond Argentinian Summer School in Biomathematics2007Cordoba, Argentina
Discrete Models of Biochemical Networks: The Toric Variety of Nested Canalyzing Functions. LectureResearch Institute for Symbolic Computation2007Linz, Austria
A mathematical formalism for agent-based modelingLectureDiscrete Mathematics and Algorithms Conference2007Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Complexity in biological systemsLectureCyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (COl) Workshop2007Research Triangle Park, NC
Graduate studies in computational biologyLectureThe Institute for Math Biology Education and Research2007Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
A Computational Algebra Approach to the Reverse-engineering of Biochemical NetworksLectureChinese Academy of Sciences2006Shanghai, China
Algebraic Models in Systems BiologyLectureRutgers University2006New Brunswick, NJ
Discrete Models in EpidemiologyLectureSummer School - Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology2006San Salvador, El Salvador
Finite Dynamical SystemsLectureClemson University2006Clemson, SC
Mathematical Methods in Computational BiologyLectureAnnual Meeting of the Soc. for the Advancement of Native Americans and Chic2006
A Computational Algebra Approach to Yeast Systems BiologyLectureCenter for Genomics2006Cuernavaca, Mexico
A Computational Algebra Approach to the Reverse Engineering of Gene Regulatory NetworksLectureEastern Michigan University2005Ypsilanti, MI
System identification of biochemical networksLectureSummer School on Nanoscience and Systems Biology2005University of Munich, Germany.
System identification of biochemical networks using discrete modelsLectureFourth Workshop on the Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Netw2005Heidelberg, Germany
Algebraic Models in Systems BiologyLecture1st Intl. Conference on Algebraic Biology2005Tokyo, Japan
Algebraic Models in Systems BiologyLectureAcademia Sinica2005Taiwan, Taipeh
Mathematical Methods in Computational BiologyLectureFirst Argentinian Summer School in Siomathematics2005Cordoba, Argentina
A Computational Algebra Approach to Reverse-engineering of Biochemical NetworksLectureIMPA2005Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mathematical Models of Biochemical Networks: a case studyLectureBioinformatics Colloquium2004Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Mathematics Methods in BioinformaticsLectureSociety for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science2004Austin, TX
Finite Dynamical Systems: Theory and PracticeLecture16th lntl. Symposium on Mathematical theory of Networks and Systems2004Leuven, Belglum
An Optimal Control Problem for in vitro Virus CompetitionLecture43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control2004Bahamas
Discrete Models of Biochemical NetworksLectureFree University2004Amsterdam, Netherlands
Finite Dynamical Systems: A Mathematical Foundation for Simulation ScienceLectureUniv. Western Ontario2004Ontario, Canada
A Computer Algebra Approach to the Modeling of Biochemical Systems, Plenary addressLectureInternational Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation2003Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Open Problems in Algebraic StatisticsLectureAmerican Institute for Mathematics2003Palo Alto, CA
Mathematics in the Age of NetworksLectureVirginia Tech2003Blacksburg, VA
A Mathematical Foundation for PathSim: a rule-based spatial model of immune response to viral pathogens LectureOhio State University2003Columbus, OH
Symbolic Computation Methods in Computational BiologyLectureTechnical University2003Munich, Germany
Computer Simulation and Biological Systems, Plenary addressLectureMathematics Conference of the Puerto Rican Math Society2003Ponce, Puerto Rico
Reverse Engineering of Gene Regulatory NetworksLectureUniversity of Munich2003Munich, Germany
Reverse-Engineering of Biological NetworksLectureVirginia Tech2003Blacksburg, VA
Modeling of Biochemical NetworksLectureISSAC2003Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
The Need for Data to Fit ModelsLectureNIEHS Workshop on Systems Biology2003Research Triangle Park, NC
A Computational Algebra Approach to the Modeling of Biochemical SystemsLectureUniv. Buenos Aires2003Univ. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Finite Dynamical Systems: theory and practiceLectureStanford University2003Palo Alto, CA
Computer Simulation of Immune Response to EBV InfectionLectureNIAID workshop2003National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Polynomial Models of Finite Dynamical SystemsLectureInstitute for Mathematics and its Applications2003Minneapolis, MN
A New Combinatorial Homotopy Theory of GraphsLectureUniversity of Western Ontario2002New London,Canada
Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave: The Age of NetworksLectureBiever Lecture, Loyola University2002New Orleans, LA
Polynomial Methods for Reverse-Engineering of Biochemical NetworksLectureUniversity of California2002Berkeley, CA
Polynomial Methods in Mathematical BiologyLectureVirginia Tech2002Blacksburg, VA
A Categorical Framework for Sequential Dynamical SystemsLectureSIAM Conf. on Discrete Mathematics2002San Diego, CA