Adam D. Schuyler, PhDAssociate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and BiophysicsAssociate Director, Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Degree | Institution | Major |
BA | Williams College | Mathematics |
PhD | Johns Hopkins University | Mechanical Engineering |
Post-Graduate Training
Training | Institution | Specialty |
Postdoctoral | University of Michigan | Neurology / Biophysics |
Postdoctoral | University of Connecticut Health Center | MMSB |
Name of Award/Honor | Awarding Organization |
NIH Cancer Research Training Award Fellowship, Structural Glycobiology Section, LECB, NCI | NIH |
NIH Cancer Research Training Award Fellowship, Molecular Structure Section, LECB, NCI | NIH |
Elected to Sigma Xi | Williams College |
Abel Wolman Fellowship: Awarded to an outstanding first-year doctoral candidate in Whiting School of Engineering | Johns Hopkins University |
Name & Description | Category | Role | Type | Scope | Start Year | End Year |
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Graduate Program | Education Committee | Associate Director | UConn Health | University | 2021 | 2024 |
NESS: North Eastern Structure Symposium | Workshop/Conference | Chair | External | Regional | 2018 | 2018 |
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance A | Professional/Scientific Journal | guest editor, special issue | External | National | 2017 | 2018 |
UConn Health Dental Senate | Advisory Committee | MBB representative | UConn Health | University | 2017 | 2024 |
NUScon: Nonuniform sampling and reconstruction challenge in NMR spectroscopy | Professional/Scientific Organization | Chair | External | International | 2017 | 2025 |
PESB: UConn Partnership for Excellence in Structural Biology | Professional/Scientific Organization | member | UConn Health | University | 2014 |
Nonuniform Sampling of Multidimensional NMR. Nonuniform sampling (NUS) approaches in multidimensional NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) enable dramatic reductions in experiment time, increases in sensitivity and enhancements in resolution. In order to access these benefits, complex theory and data processing workflows are required. Our work delivers quantitative methods for evaluating best practices, so that advanced NMR techniques become more broadly accessible and effective in addressing challenging problems in structural biology.
NMRbox. Computation is crucial for applications of NMR that provide insights into biomolecular structure, dynamics, interactions, and stability, and have translational applications including diagnostics and drug discovery. The amount of NMR software is exploding, making it more difficult to discover new software, and to support a full complement of software on a diverse set of computer platforms or maintain legacy packages. NMRbox is a National Center resource for biomolecular NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) software. It provides tools for finding the software you need, documentation and tutorials for getting the most out of the software, and cloud-based virtual machines for executing the software.
Accepting Lab Rotation Students: Fall Block 2024, Spring 1 and 2 Block 2025
Journal Articles
nus-tool: A unified program for generating and analyzing sample schedules for nonuniformly sampled NMR experiments.
Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) 2023 Jul;352107458
NUScon: a community-driven platform for quantitative evaluation of nonuniform sampling in NMR
Magnetic Resonance 2021 Nov;2843-861
Merging NMR Data and Computation Facilitates Data-Centered Research.
Frontiers in molecular biosciences 2021 Nov;8817175
Anomalous amide proton chemical shifts as signatures of hydrogen bonding to aromatic sidechains
Magnetic Resonance 2021 Oct;2(2):765-775
The influence of the probability density function on spectral quality in nonuniformly sampled multidimensional NMR.
Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) 2019 Dec;311106671
Advances in alternative sampling and processing
Concepts Magn Reson Part A 2018 Sep;46A(2):e21458
mol2sphere: Spherical Decomposition of Multi-Domain Molecules for Visualization and Coarse Grained Spatial Modeling.
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2018 Jun;343948-3950
Nonuniform sampling in multidimensional NMR for improving spectral sensitivity.
Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 2018 Mar;138-13962-68
Preliminary Comparison of Non-Fourier Methods for Spectrum Analysis of Nonuniformly Sampled NMR Data.
Nist.gov Publications 2018 Jan;
Practical Nonuniform Sampling and Non-Fourier Spectral Reconstruction for Multidimensional NMR.
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2018 Jan;1688341-352
Robust and transferable quantification of NMR spectral quality using IROC analysis.
Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) 2017 Oct;28537-46
NMRbox: A Resource for Biomolecular NMR Computation.
Biophysical journal 2017 Apr;112(8):1529-1534
Nonuniform sampling of hypercomplex multidimensional NMR experiments: Dimensionality, quadrature phase and randomization.
Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) 2015 May;254121-30
Nonuniform sampling and maximum entropy reconstruction in multidimensional NMR.
Accounts of chemical research 2014 Jan;47(2):708-17
Formalism for hypercomplex multidimensional NMR employing partial-component subsampling.
Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997) 2013 Feb;22720-4
Sparse sampling methods in multidimensional NMR.
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 2012 Aug;14(31):10835-43
Data sampling in multidimensional NMR: fundamentals and strategies.
Topics in current chemistry 2012 Jan;31649-77
Random phase detection in multidimensional NMR.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011 Oct;108(40):16640-4
Knowledge-based nonuniform sampling in multidimensional NMR.
Journal of biomolecular NMR 2011 Jul;50(3):247-62
Computational methods for identifying a layered allosteric regulatory mechanism for ALS-causing mutations of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase 1.
Proteins 2011 Feb;79(2):417-27
Literature-based discovery of diabetes- and ROS-related targets.
BMC medical genomics 2010 Jan;349
Computational methods for predicting sites of functionally important dynamics.
The journal of physical chemistry. B 2009 May;113(19):6613-22
Insulin-like growth factor-I for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases 2009 Apr;10(2):63-73
SciMiner: web-based literature mining tool for target identification and functional enrichment analysis.
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 2009 Mar;25(6):838-40
Iterative cluster-NMA: A tool for generating conformational transitions in proteins.
Proteins 2009 Feb;74(3):760-76
Strategic approaches to developing drug treatments for ALS.
Drug discovery today 2008 Jan;13(1-2):67-72
Efficient determination of low-frequency normal modes of large protein structures by cluster-NMA.
Journal of molecular graphics & modelling 2005 Sep;24(1):46-58
A Dual Approach to Triangle Sequences: A Multidimensional Continued
Fraction Algorithm
INTEGERS: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 2005 Jun;5(1):A8
Random-walk statistics in moment-based O(N) tight binding and applications in carbon nanotubes.
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 2005 Apr;71(4 Pt 2):046701
Normal mode analysis of proteins: a comparison of rigid cluster modes with C(alpha) coarse graining.
Journal of molecular graphics & modelling 2004 Jan;22(3):183-93
Overcoming potential obstacles as we strive for frictionless reproducibility
Harvard Data Science Review 6(1):
Book Chapters
Nonuniform Sampling in Multidimensional NMR
Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance 2012 Mar;
Conference Papers
When Should FAIR Begin? Applying FAIR During Data Creation
2019 Jun;426-427
Another barrier to reproducibility
Science 2017 Jan;354(6317):1240-1241
Title or Abstract | Type | Sponsor/Event | Date/Year | Location |
NMRbox Summer Workshop | Other | NMRbox | 2018 | Farmington, CT |
NMRbox Workshop @ The Scripps Research Institute | Other | The Scripps Research Institute | 2017 | San Diego, CA |
NMRbox Summer Workshop | Other | NMRbox | 2017 | Farmington, CT |
NMRbox Workshop @ University of Gothenburg | Other | University of Gothenburg | 2017 | Gothenburg, Sweden |
NMRbox Workshop @ University of Maryland | Other | University of Maryland | 2017 | Rockville, MD |
NMRbox Workshop @ The Weizmann Institute of Science | Other | Weizmann Institute of Science | 2017 | Rehovot, Israel |
NMRbox: National Center for Biomolecular NMR Data Processing and Analysis | Poster | Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference | 2016 | Pittsburgh, PA |
NMRbox: NATIONAL CENTER FOR BIOMOLECULAR NMR DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS. | Poster | Biophysical Society Meeting | 2016 | Los Angeles, CA |
Nonuniform sampling: theory and NMRbox tools | Talk | Chicago Area NMR Discussion Group Meeting | 2016 | Milwaukee, WI |
A computational model of allosteric activation: insights into SOD1-linked ALS | Talk | UConn Health, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling Department Seminar | 2016 | Farmington, CT |
Partial-Component Nonuniform Sampling | Talk | New York Structural Biology Center | 2015 | New York, NY, USA |
Ring Current Shifts: A geometric characterization and survey of the BMRB | Poster | Gordon Research Conference: Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR | 2015 | Il Ciocco, Italy |
Hypercomplex Multidimensional NMR Employing Partial-Component Nonuniform Sampling | Talk | Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference | 2014 | Boston, MA |
Molecular Modeling Reveals Molecular Function | Talk | University of Connecticut Health Center | 2013 | Farmington, CT |
Characterizing Sensitivity for Hypercomplex Multidimensional NMR Employing Partial-Componentm Subsampling | Poster | GRC: Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR | 2013 | Mount Snow, Vermont |
Characterizing Sensitivity for Hypercomplex Multidimensional NMR Employing Partial-Component Subsampling | Poster | Upstate NY NMR Symposium | 2013 | Troy, NY |
Improved Metrics for Predicting Performance of Nonuniformly Sampled Schedules | Poster | Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference | 2011 | Pacific Grove, California |
Binding Profiles Based on Normal Mode Analysis as a Foundation for a Unified Approach to Allosteric Activation of Prolactin Receptor | Poster | Biophysical Society Annual Meeting | 2011 | Baltimore, Maryland |
Nonuniform Sampling for Improving Resolution in Multidimensional NMR | Poster | Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference | 2010 | Daytona Beach, Florida |
Characterization and Optimization of Nonuniform Sampling for Multidimensional NMR Experiments | Poster | Biophysical Society Annual Meeting | 2010 | San Francisco, California |
Computational Models of Allostery: Potential Mechanisms for Disease Control | Talk | University of Connecticut Health Center | 2009 | Farmington, Connecticut |
Computational Models of Allostery: Potential Mechanisms for Disease Control | Talk | Boston University | 2009 | Boston, Massachusetts |
Computational Methods for Predicting Sites of Functionally Important Dynamics | Talk | Biophysical Society Annual Meeting | 2009 | Boston, Massachusetts |
Computational Analysis of Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Causing Mutations of Cu-Zn Superoxide Dismutase | Poster | American Neurological Association Annual Meeting | 2008 | Salt Lake City, Utah |
Normal Mode Directed Exploration of Conformation Space as a Tool for Studying Macromolecular Interactions | Poster | Biophysical Society Annual Meeting | 2008 | Long Beach, California |
Iterative Cluster Normal Mode Analysis (icNMA): A Tool for Traversing the Conformation Energy Landscape with an Application to ALS | Poster | Biophysical Society Annual Meeting | 2007 | Baltimore, Maryland |
Biological Function Determined by Cluster-NMA on Very Large Structures | Talk | Johns Hopkins University | 2004 | Baltimore, Maryland |
Efficient Determination of Low-Frequency Modes on Large Protein Structures by Cluster-NMA | Poster | Biophysical Society Annual Meeting | 2004 | Baltimore, Maryland |
Cluster-NMA: A Computationally Efficient, Rigid-Body-Based, Normal Mode Analysis Tool | Poster | Institute for Biophysical Research Annual Meeting | 2003 | Linthicum Heights, Maryland |
Protein Dynamics Modeling | Poster | The 7th Johns Hopkins Folding Meeting | 2003 | Berkeley Springs, West Virginia |
A Dual Approach to Triangle Sequences: A Multidimensional Continued Fraction Algorithm | Talk | Joint Meetings of the MAA and AMS | 1999 | Providence Rhode Island |