Photo of Adam D. Schuyler, PhD

Adam D. Schuyler, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Associate Director, Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Academic Office Location:
Molecular Biology and Biophysics
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3305
Phone: 860-679-1496

Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Graduate Program

NMRbox National Center



Curriculum Vitae:
BAWilliams CollegeMathematics
PhDJohns Hopkins UniversityMechanical Engineering

Post-Graduate Training
PostdoctoralUniversity of MichiganNeurology / Biophysics
PostdoctoralUniversity of Connecticut Health CenterMMSB

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
NIH Cancer Research Training Award Fellowship, Structural Glycobiology Section, LECB, NCINIH
NIH Cancer Research Training Award Fellowship, Molecular Structure Section, LECB, NCINIH
Elected to Sigma XiWilliams College
Abel Wolman Fellowship: Awarded to an outstanding first-year doctoral candidate in Whiting School of EngineeringJohns Hopkins University
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Graduate ProgramEducation CommitteeAssociate DirectorUConn HealthUniversity20212024
NESS: North Eastern Structure SymposiumWorkshop/ConferenceChairExternalRegional20182018
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance AProfessional/Scientific Journalguest editor, special issueExternalNational20172018
UConn Health Dental SenateAdvisory CommitteeMBB representativeUConn HealthUniversity20172024
NUScon: Nonuniform sampling and reconstruction challenge in NMR spectroscopyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationChairExternalInternational20172025
PESB: UConn Partnership for Excellence in Structural BiologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationmemberUConn HealthUniversity2014

Nonuniform Sampling of Multidimensional NMR.  Nonuniform sampling (NUS) approaches in multidimensional NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) enable dramatic reductions in experiment time, increases in sensitivity and enhancements in resolution. In order to access these benefits, complex theory and data processing workflows are required. Our work delivers quantitative methods for evaluating best practices, so that advanced NMR techniques become more broadly accessible and effective in addressing challenging problems in structural biology. 

NMRbox.  Computation is crucial for applications of NMR that provide insights into biomolecular structure, dynamics, interactions, and stability, and have translational applications including diagnostics and drug discovery. The amount of NMR software is exploding, making it more difficult to discover new software, and to support a full complement of software on a diverse set of computer platforms or maintain legacy packages. NMRbox is a National Center resource for biomolecular NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) software. It provides tools for finding the software you need, documentation and tutorials for getting the most out of the software, and cloud-based virtual machines for executing the software.

Accepting Lab Rotation Students: Fall Block 2024, Spring 1 and 2 Block 2025

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Nonuniform Sampling in Multidimensional NMR
    J.C. Hoch, M.W. Maciejewski, M. Mobli, A.D. Schuyler and A.S. Stern Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance 2012 Mar;

Conference Papers


  • Another barrier to reproducibility
    MW Maciejewski, AD Schuyler, MR Gryk, II Moraru, PR Romero, EL Ulrich, HR Eghbalnia, M Livny, F Delaglio and JC Hoch Science 2017 Jan;354(6317):1240-1241
Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
NMRbox Summer WorkshopOtherNMRbox2018Farmington, CT
NMRbox Workshop @ The Scripps Research InstituteOtherThe Scripps Research Institute2017San Diego, CA
NMRbox Summer WorkshopOtherNMRbox2017Farmington, CT
NMRbox Workshop @ University of GothenburgOtherUniversity of Gothenburg2017Gothenburg, Sweden
NMRbox Workshop @ University of MarylandOtherUniversity of Maryland2017Rockville, MD
NMRbox Workshop @ The Weizmann Institute of ScienceOtherWeizmann Institute of Science2017Rehovot, Israel
NMRbox: National Center for Biomolecular NMR Data Processing and AnalysisPosterExperimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference2016Pittsburgh, PA
Nonuniform sampling: theory and NMRbox toolsTalkChicago Area NMR Discussion Group Meeting2016Milwaukee, WI
A computational model of allosteric activation: insights into SOD1-linked ALSTalkUConn Health, Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling Department Seminar2016Farmington, CT
Partial-Component Nonuniform SamplingTalkNew York Structural Biology Center2015New York, NY, USA
Ring Current Shifts: A geometric characterization and survey of the BMRBPosterGordon Research Conference: Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR2015Il Ciocco, Italy
Hypercomplex Multidimensional NMR Employing Partial-Component Nonuniform SamplingTalkExperimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference2014Boston, MA
Molecular Modeling Reveals Molecular FunctionTalkUniversity of Connecticut Health Center2013Farmington, CT
Characterizing Sensitivity for Hypercomplex Multidimensional NMR Employing Partial-Componentm SubsamplingPosterGRC: Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR2013Mount Snow, Vermont
Characterizing Sensitivity for Hypercomplex Multidimensional NMR Employing Partial-Component SubsamplingPosterUpstate NY NMR Symposium2013Troy, NY
Improved Metrics for Predicting Performance of Nonuniformly Sampled SchedulesPosterExperimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference2011Pacific Grove, California
Binding Profiles Based on Normal Mode Analysis as a Foundation for a Unified Approach to Allosteric Activation of Prolactin ReceptorPosterBiophysical Society Annual Meeting2011Baltimore, Maryland
Nonuniform Sampling for Improving Resolution in Multidimensional NMRPosterExperimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference2010Daytona Beach, Florida
Characterization and Optimization of Nonuniform Sampling for Multidimensional NMR ExperimentsPosterBiophysical Society Annual Meeting2010San Francisco, California
Computational Models of Allostery: Potential Mechanisms for Disease ControlTalkUniversity of Connecticut Health Center2009Farmington, Connecticut
Computational Models of Allostery: Potential Mechanisms for Disease ControlTalkBoston University2009Boston, Massachusetts
Computational Methods for Predicting Sites of Functionally Important DynamicsTalkBiophysical Society Annual Meeting2009Boston, Massachusetts
Computational Analysis of Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Causing Mutations of Cu-Zn Superoxide DismutasePosterAmerican Neurological Association Annual Meeting2008Salt Lake City, Utah
Normal Mode Directed Exploration of Conformation Space as a Tool for Studying Macromolecular InteractionsPosterBiophysical Society Annual Meeting2008Long Beach, California
Iterative Cluster Normal Mode Analysis (icNMA): A Tool for Traversing the Conformation Energy Landscape with an Application to ALSPosterBiophysical Society Annual Meeting2007Baltimore, Maryland
Biological Function Determined by Cluster-NMA on Very Large StructuresTalkJohns Hopkins University2004Baltimore, Maryland
Efficient Determination of Low-Frequency Modes on Large Protein Structures by Cluster-NMAPosterBiophysical Society Annual Meeting2004Baltimore, Maryland
Cluster-NMA: A Computationally Efficient, Rigid-Body-Based, Normal Mode Analysis ToolPosterInstitute for Biophysical Research Annual Meeting2003Linthicum Heights, Maryland
Protein Dynamics ModelingPosterThe 7th Johns Hopkins Folding Meeting2003Berkeley Springs, West Virginia
A Dual Approach to Triangle Sequences: A Multidimensional Continued Fraction AlgorithmTalkJoint Meetings of the MAA and AMS1999Providence Rhode Island