Photo of Harold T. Yamase, MD

Harold T. Yamase, MD

Associate Professor Emeritus, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
NPI Number:
Academic Office Location:
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3985
Phone: 860-679-2980
Fax: 860-679-4334

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

BAUniversity of HawaiiZoology
OtherUniversity of HawaiiMedicine
MDTulane Medical SchoolMedicine

Post-Graduate Training
InternshipCharity Hospital at New OrleansRotating Internship
ResidencyCharity Hospital at New OrleansPathology, Chief Resident
FellowshipMontefiore Medical CenterImmunopathology

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Colangelo Award National Kidney Foundation of Connecticut
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
American Association of PathologistsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationExternalNational
Association of Clinical ScientistsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationExternalNational
American Federation for Clinical ResearchProfessional/Scientific OrganizationExternalNational
Connecticut Electron Microscopy SocietyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationExternalState

Journal Articles



Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
The Immune Modulator FTY720 Significantly Reduces Key Mediators of Renal Inflammation and Fibrosis in a Mouse Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction (UUO) Model TalkAmerican Urologic Association2013San Diego, California
Lupus NephritisLectureSt. Francis Hospital2012Hartford, Connecticut
Vancomycin Causing Acute Interstitial Nephritis (AIN) and Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Syndrome TalkAmerican Society of Nephrology2012San Diego, California
Lupus NephritisLectureSt. Francis Hospital 2011Hartford, Connecticut
Scleroderma Renal Crises (SRC) In A Patient with Normal Renin Levels TalkNational Kidney Foundation 2011
Sphingosine Kinase-2 Deficient Mice Exhibit Diminished Renal Inflammation/Fibrosis in Response to Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction TalkAmerican Academy of Pediatrics2011Boston, Massachusetts
Sphingosine Kinase-2 Deficient Mice Exhibit Diminished Renal Inflammation/Fibrosis in Response to Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction TalkNew England Section American Urologic Association2011Orlando, Florida
Autonomic Dysfunction due to Amyloidosis-A Poor Prognostic IndicatorTalkAmerican College of Physicians 2010Southington, Connecticut
New ISN/RPS Pathology Classification for Lupus NephritisLectureThe University of Connecticut Health Center2007Farmington, Connecticut
Lupus NephritisLectureThe University of Connecticut Health Center2007Farmington, Connecticut
Focal Segmental GlomerulosclerosisLectureUniversity of Connecticut Health Center2006Farmington, Connecticut
Review of Pathology of VasculitisLectureThe University of Connecticut Health Center2006Farmington, Connecticut
Systemic VasculitisLectureHospital for Special Care2005New Britain, Connecticut
Pathology of Sjogren's SyndromeLectureUniversity of Connecticut Health Center2005Farmington, Connecticut
Acute Phosphate NephropathyLectureSt Francis Hospital2005Hartford, Connecticut
Fulminant IgA anti-GBM Disease in a Patient with Two Rare Autoimmune Disorders TalkNational Kidney Foundation2004Chicago, Illinois
Vasculopathy in SLE Nephritits - An Entity Neglected TalkNational Kidney Foundation2004Chicago, Illinois
Pathology of Lupus NephritisLectureUCONN Health Center2002Farmington, Connecticut
Pulmonary Renal Pathology of Wegener’s GranulomatosusLectureUCONN Health Center2002Farmington, Connecticut
Collapsing Variant Focal Segmental GlomerulosclerosisTalkNational Kidney Foundation2002Chicago, Illinois
Membranous GlomerulopathyLectureSt. Francis Hospital2001Hartford, Connecticut
A Tumor Suppressor Role for Inhibin in the Adrenal Reticularis of Humans TalkThe Endocrine Society2001
Alport’s Nephropathy, New Therapeutic OptionsTalkAmerican Society of Nephrology/International Society of Nephrology2001San Francisco, California
Lupus NephritisLectureUniversity of Connecticut Health Center1999Farmington, Connecticut
Wegener’s GranulomatosusLectureSt. Francis Hospital1999Hartford, Connecticut
Dysregulated Podocyte Cell Cycle in Collasping GlomerulopathiesTalkAmerican Society of Nephrology1999Miami, Florida
Dysregulated Podocyte Cell Cycle in Collasping GlomerulopathiesTalkAmerican Society of Nephrology1999Miami, Florida
Characterization of Lymphocytic Foci in Paraffin Embedded Labial Minor Salivary Glands from Sjogren’s Syndrome Patients TalkInternational Symposium on Sjogren’s Syndrome1999Venice, Italy
Clinical Features of Sjogren’s Patients with LymphomaTalkInternational Symposium on Sjogren’s Syndrome1999Venice, Italy
Development of Lymphomas in Sjogren’s SyndromeTalkAmerican College of Rheumatology1998San Diego, California
Melanoma Cell Lysate Loaded Autologous Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) as a Vaccine in Melanoma TalkAmerican Association for Cancer Research1997San Diego, California
Tubular Adenomas and Adenocarcinoma Related to Chronic Lithium Ingestion TalkNCIF1997Dallas, Texas
Renal Cases Demonstrating Disease MechanismsLectureNew York Hospital Medical Center of Queens1996Flushing, New York
Renal Cases that Lend Insight to Disease MechanismsLectureAlbert Einstein College of Medicine1995New York
Immunization of Melanoma Patients with Synthetic MAGE-1 Peptide Pulsed Cultures Autologous Macrophages TalkInternational Congress of Anti-cancer Chemotherapy1995Paris, France
Immunigenicity of MAGE-1 Nona-Peptide Pulsed Autologous Macrophages in Melanoma Patients Talk1995Toronto, Canada
MAGE-1 Peptide Pulsed Autologous Cultured Macrophages as Melanoma Vaccine TalkSociety of Surgical Oncology1995
Oligomeganephronia (OMN): Six Cases and a Familial Pattern TalkNational Kidney Foundation1995Washington, D.C.
Mismatch Between Contractile and Energy-Producing Elements in Endomyocardial Biopsies from Patients with Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy TalkAmerican Heart Association1995Anaheim, California
Induction of Specific CTL Response in Melanoma Patients In Vivo with Peptide Vaccine TalkNew England Cancer Society1995Boston, Massachusetts
Diagnostic Methods: Immunoperoxidase Stains, Cancer Markers, Flow Cytometry LectureCancer Registry Training Program1994
Lupus NephritisLectureMadras Medical College1994Chennai, India
Immunoperoxidase - Nothing New But Still Interesting, VII Indian Association of Pathology and Microbiology Endowment Lecture LectureUniversity of Madras1994Chennai, India
Renal Cases That Lend Insight to Disease MechanismsLectureInternational Academy of Pathology1994Lucknow, India
Immunostaining of Human Neoplasms by an Antibody to pNiXa, A Serpin of Frog Embryos TalkAssociation of Clinical Scientists1993Toledo, Ohio
Use of Flow Cytometry for Diagnosis of Lymphoma Requires Ancillary Procedures and Cautious Interpretation TalkAssociation of Clinical Scientists1992Syracuse, New York
Role of Immunoenzymatic Techniques in Hematopathology. Twenty-Five Years of Immunoenzymatic Techniques TalkAssociation of Clinical Scientists1991Athens, Greece
Pathology of Minor Salivary Gland Lip BiopsiesLectureSjogren’s Syndrome Support Group, University of Connecticut1990Farmington, Connecticut
Congenital and Inherited Kidney Diseases Presenting as the Nephrotic Syndrome TalkAssociation of Clinical Scientists1990Cincinnati, Ohio
The Morphologic Aspects of Melanuria in a Case of Congenital Melanuria TalkAssociation of Clinical Scientists1990Cincinnati, Ohio
Wilms’ Tumor and NephroblastomatosisTalkUrologic Association1990Ireland
Goodpasture’s Syndrome and Other Crescentic GlomerulonephritidesLectureMeriden-Wallingford Hospital1989Meriden, Connecticut
Rapidly Progressive GlomerulonephritisLectureMt. Sinai Hospital1988Hartford, Connecticut
Animal Model for Contact Lens-Induced Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis TalkContact Lens Association of Opthalmologists1988Las Vegas, Nevada
An Animal Model for Contact Lens-Induced Giant Paillary Conjunctivitis TalkAssociation of Research in Vision and Opthalmology1987Sarasota, Florida
Neuro-Pathology of LSCD BALB/C Hypomyelinated Mouse: An Electron Microscopic and Immunohistochemical Study TalkAmerican Association of Neuropathologists1987Seattle, Washington
Glomerular Protamine Heparin Complexes: A Possible Finding in Patients Undergoing Long Term Heparinization with Protamine Neutralization TalkInternational Congress of Nephrology1987London, England
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor with Heterologous Elements TalkNew England Pediatric Pathology Club1986Portland, Maine
The Application of Immunoperoxidase Techniques in the Diagnosis of Oral Lesions TalkAmerican Association of Oral and Maxillofocial Surgeons1986New Orleans, Louisiana
Immunohistochemistry and Diagnostic Methods in Kidney Biopsies LectureUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, Department of Pathobiology1985Storrs, Connecticut
A Potpourri of Uncommon Findings in Renal BiopsiesLectureHartford Hospital1985Hartford, Connecticut
The Immunoperoxidase Technique in Surgical Pathology, Some Observations LectureTulane University, Department of Pathology1985
Diagnostic Application of Immunopathologic Techniques in Surgical Pathology LectureGospel Hospital1985Pusan, South Korea
Unusual Findings in Renal BiopsiesLectureGospel Hospital1985Pusan, South Korea
Immunopathogenesis of Glomerular DiseaseLectureKosin Medical College1985Pusan, South Korea
Glomerular Diseases Part I and Part IILectureKosin Medical College1985Pusan, South Korea
Diagnostic Application of Immunopathologic Techniques in Surgical Pathology LectureKorean Society of Pathologists, Seoul National University1985Seoul, South Korea
Diagnostic Approach to Renal Biopsy PathologyLectureWallace Baptish Hospital1985Pusan, South Korea
Application of Immunoperoxidase Techniques in Surgical PathologyLectureWallace Baptish Hospital1985Pusan, South Korea
Application of Immunoperoxidase Techniques in Surgical PathologyLectureWallace Baptish Hospital1985Pusan, South Korea
Immunological Techniques in Surgical PathologyLecturePaik Hospital, Inje Medical College1985Pusan, South Korea
Renal Carcinoma Cell Line Derived From a Ni3S2 Induced Rat Tumor LectureAssociation of Clinical Scientists1985Newport, Rhode Island
Thymic Cyst in an AdultLectureWorld Congress of Otolaryngology1985Miami, Florida
Ectopic Production of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin by Poorly Differentiated Transitional Cell Tumors TalkAmerican Urological Association1985Atlanta, Georgia
Stromal Carcinoid Tumor of the Ovary: Immunohistochemical and Electron Microscopic Characteristics of a Case TalkKorean Society of Pathologist1985Seoul, South Korea
Immunohistochemical Demonstration of Human Chorionic Tumors of the Male Reproductive System LectureMeeting of Association of Clinical Scientists1984Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Immunopathogenesis of GlomerulonephritisLectureZagazig University1983Zagazig, Egypt
Classification of GlomerulonephritisLectureZagazig University1983Zagazig, Egypt
Diagnostic Immunopathology, The Immunoperoxidase TechniqueLectureZagazig University1983Zagazig, Egypt
Role of Electron Microscopy in Renal Biopsy InterpretationLectureHartford Hospital1983Hartford, Connecticut
Pseudocholesteatoma of the Maxillary Sinus LectureNational Otolaryngology Meeting1983Anaheim, California
Diagnostic Approach to Renal Biopsy InterpretationLectureVeterans Memorial Hospital1982Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii
Long Term Evaluation of Patients with Mesangial IgM Glomerulonephritis LectureAmerican Federation for Clinical Research1982
Effect of Prostaglandin (PG) on Mercuric Choloride Induced Glomerulonephritis in Rats LectureThe American Society of Nephrology1981