Photo of Beiyan  Zhou, PhD

Beiyan Zhou, PhD

Professor of Immunology
Associate Director, Graduate Program in Immunology
Academic Office Location:
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1319
Phone: 860-679-7030

Department of Immunology

Zhou Lab

Immuno-Cardio Group

Dr. Beiyan Zhou is a professor of immunology whose interests are in obesity-induced health risks, including and cardiovascular diseases. She holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry/molecular biology from Northwestern University, Master of Science in molecular biology from Peking University, and a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from Wuhan University, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in cell and molecular biology at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.



MScCollege of Life Sciences, Peking UniversityProtein Chemistry and Genetic Engineering
PhDNorthwestern UniversityBiological Sciences

Post-Graduate Training
PostdoctoralMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyPostdoctoral Fellow, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
CASE MemberThe Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering
FAHAAmerican Heart Association
Women of Innovation 2020 (Research Innovation and Leadership category)Connecticut Technology Council and Connecticut Center for Advanced Technolo
Junior Faculty AwardAmerican Diabetes Association
Outstanding Scientific Achievement AwardCollege of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University
Genzyme Fellowship for Postdoctoral ResearchGenzyme
Travel award, NIH/NIDDK Workshop on microRNA in cellular development and hematopoiesis, Annapolis, Md.NIH/NIDDK
Travel AwardAmerican Endocrine Society
Research Travel Award, the Graduate School and the Office of the Vice President GrantNorthwestern University
Research Travel Award, the Graduate School and Office of the Vice President GrantNorthwestern University
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE)Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalState2023

Click the link above (Zhou Lab) for more information and meet our members!

(Immunology and computational immunology)  

Immune cells are often presented with diversified origins/residences and execute multifaceted functions ever-adapting to microenvironmental cues.  It is the essence of Immunology to capture and harness the actions of immune cells in complex tissue and stress settings is the essence of immunology.  My research program focuses on understanding the regulatory mechanisms of immune cells in obesity-induced type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD). We have identified several critical regulators in controlling immune lineage determination, cancerous transformation, and their interaction with host tissue cells under chronic stress conditions. Work from my lab has contributed to the first discovery of miR-150 as a potent regulator for hematopoietic stem cell-derived B-cell formation and function under normal, obese, and cancerous transformation conditions (PNAS, 2007; Mol Cancer Res, 2013;  Sci Report, 2016); and miR-223 as a potent regulator of macrophage polarization (Circulation, 2012; J.C.I. 2015).

Our group recently developed new bioinformatics programs that incorporated single-cell transcriptome technology to allow in-depth fine-mapping monocyte/macrophage function under various diseases conditions (J.C.I. Insight, 2019; Mol Cell, 2019, Cell Metabolism, 2022) and immune cell-function guided predictive tools for immunotherapy (J.E.M., 2021). Notedly, the application of these novel algorithms revealed a hitherto unknown pathogenic foaming program directly associated with the incidence of ASCVD, which enabled the development of a high-performance, proof-of-concept CVD risk prediction model (Circulation, 2022). To address the unique challenges in large bio-data analyses, we developed additional computational tools empowered by machine learning algorithms and tailored to biological big data mining (invention, patent pending). While compelling evidence has indicated the crucial roles played by epigenetic regulators in both normal developmental control and pathogenesis of diseases, our understanding of the full picture is still in its infancy. 


Accepting Lab Rotation StudentsSpring 1 and 2 Block 2025

We are accepting highly motivated rotation students in the area of immunology/cardiovascular/metabolism/obesity.  Our research projects incorporate epigenetic and genomic approaches to understand the crosswalks between the immune compartment and host tissue cells under chronic stress conditions, such as obesity. 

Journal Articles

Book Chapters



Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Capture Macorphage Actions in Diseases Using Novel Single-Cell Transcriptomics-based algorithmsOtherthe New England Immunology Conference 20222022Woodshole, MA
Multifaceted Macrophage Actions in DiseasesTalkSCBA Society/ 18th SCBA International Symposium2022Boston, MA
AtheroSpectrum identified novel foaming programs and monocyte predictor genes for residual cardiovascular riskTalkAmerican Heart Association/Scientific Sessions 20202020Virtual Conference
2020 Multifaceted Macrophage in human diseases, Department of Integrative Biology & PharmacologyLectureUniversity of Texas Health Science Center2020Virtual Conference
Low disturbed flow induces dynamic immune compartment in atherogenesis revealed by scRNA-seqPosterAmerican Heart Association/Scientific Sessions 20202020Virtual Conference
Cytosolic LPS sensing triggers the release of a lectin DAMP that promotes inflammationPosterAmerican Association of Immunologists/Immunology20202020Virtual Conference
Macspectrum Yields Unprecedented Resolution of Full-Spectrum Macrophage Activation States in AtherosclerosisPosterFrom Genes to Medicine 2019 Scientific Sessions /AHA2019Boston, MA
Induction of TLR2 tolerance Suppresses Foam Cell Formation. Lili Qu, Chuan Li, Danielle Peters, Nicholas Wasko, Anthony T. Vella, Annabelle Rodriguez-Oquendo, Patrick Murphy, Robert B. Clark, Beiyan ZhouPosterVascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine 2019 Scientific Sessions/AHA2019Boston, MA
Single Cell transcriptome analysis identifies unique features in Circulating CD8 T cells that can predict immunotherapy response in melanoma patientsPosterSociety for Immunotherapy of Cancer /STIC 20192019National Harbor, Maryland, US
MacSpectrum reveals macrophage dynamics in diseasesTalkSchool of Pharmacy, University of Texas Health Center at San Antonino,2019San Antonino, Texas, USA
Macspectrum Yields Unprecedented Resolution of Full-Spectrum Macrophage Activation States in AtherosclerosisPosterAmerican Heart Association Scientific Sessions 20192019Philadelphia, PA, USA
Non-coding RNA regulated macrophage function in obesity. Exercise Physiological SeminarTalkDepartment of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University2015Texas A&M University
microRNA and adipose tissue inflammation. EB 2015 APS President’s Symposium Series, Boston, MA, March 2015TalkExperimental Biology 2015 / American Physiological Society2015Boston, MA
Immune cell function in obese adipose tissuesTalkGateway to Nitrigenomics (NGN) Retreat2015Lincoln, Nebraska
Non-coding RNA regulated immune cell function in obesityTalkNutrition Obesity Research Mini-Symposium, Texas A&M University2014Texas A&M University
Uteroferrin enhances fetal erythropoiesis at terminal stagesTalkSSR - Society for the Study of Reproduction2014Michigan, USA
Macrophage polarization and insulin resistanceTalk19th Annual Dr. Raymond O Berry Mem. Lecture and 7th Annual IFRB Retreat2013
Macrophage management of microRNAs in hematopoiesis and diseases, Immunology Consortium, Texas A&M University, May 2013TalkImmunology Consortium, Texas A&M University2013Texas A&M University
A novel paradigm of microRNA regulated B cell functions on insulin resistance: miR-150 regulates insulin sensitivity through controlling antibody productionTalkAmerican Diabetes Association Conference2013Chicago, IL
MicroRNA Regulated Lymphocyte Function in Insulin ResistanceTalkThe 5th Scientific Meeting of Chinese American Diabetes Association (CADA)2013Chicago, IL
Macromanagement of microRNAs in macrophagesTalkThe Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI)2013