Gerald D. Maxwell, PhDProfessor Emeritus of Neuroscience
Prior to becoming Professor Emeritus, Dr. Maxwell was the first Associate Dean for Postdoctoral and External Affairs from 2007-2014. He established the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and provided leadership, oversight, and coordination for all aspects of postdoctoral affairs. In addition, he served as a liaison to the University's Office of Government Relations and as the representative to several outside organizations.
He previously served as the Associate Dean of the Graduate School for the UConn Health campus from 1992-2007. In that capacity he was responsible for programs leading to the Ph.D. in Biomedical Science, the Master of Public Health, and the Master of Dental Science degrees as well as combined degree programs including the Ph.D./ M.B.A., M.D./Ph.D., D.M.D./Ph.D. and the M.D./M.P.H. As Associate Dean, he helped transform the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Science to an umbrella admissions model with new curricular elements and also established the combined Ph.D./M.B.A. program.
Dr. Maxwell received his B.S. degree in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale College. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Oregon. He subsequently completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. As a faculty member at UConn Health he conducted a National Institutes of Health-funded research program on the molecular and cellular analysis of neural crest development.
Degree | Institution | Major |
BS | Yale University | Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry |
PhD | University of Oregon | Biology |
Post-Graduate Training
Training | Institution | Specialty |
Postdoctoral | Harvard Medical School | Neurobiology |
Name of Award/Honor | Awarding Organization |
Outstanding Service Award, 2007 | UCHC Graduate Students |
Fogarty Senior International Fellowship, 1995 - 1996 | NIH |
Career Development Award, 1982 - 1987 | NIH |
Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1976-1979 | NIH |
Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1975 | Muscular Dystrophy Association |
Predoctoral Fellowship, 1971-1975 | NIH |
Journal Articles
Expression and regulation of type I BMP receptors during early avian sympathetic ganglion development.
Developmental biology 2000 May;221(1):220-32
Bone morphogenetic proteins-2 and -4 attenuate apoptosis in a cerebellar primitive neuroectodermal tumor cell line.
Journal of neuroscience research 1999 May;56(3):248-58
Expression of a constitutively active type I BMP receptor using a retroviral vector promotes the development of adrenergic cells in neural crest cultures.
Developmental biology 1998 Apr;196(1):107-18
Expression of a quail bHLH transcription factor is associated with adrenergic development in trunk neural crest cultures.
Cellular and molecular neurobiology 1997 Aug;17(4):379-99
Multiple roles for endothelin in melanocyte development: regulation of progenitor number and stimulation of differentiation.
Development (Cambridge, England) 1996 Dec;122(12):3911-9
Thyroid hormone decreases the number of adrenergic cells that develop in neural crest cultures and can inhibit the stimulatory action of retinoic acid.
Brain research. Developmental brain research 1996 Oct;96(1-2):184-91
BMP-2 and BMP-4, but not BMP-6, increase the number of adrenergic cells which develop in quail trunk neural crest cultures.
Experimental neurology 1996 Jul;140(1):84-94
An analysis of the effects of retinoic acid and other retinoids on the development of adrenergic cells from the avian neural crest.
Experimental cell research 1996 Mar;223(2):250-8
An analysis of the effects of retinoic acid and other retinoids on adrenergic cells which develop in quail trunk neural crest cultures.
Exper. Neurology 1996 Jan;14084-94
Persistent correlation between expression of a sulfated carbohydrate antigen and adrenergic differentiation in cultures of quail trunk neural crest cells.
Differentiation; research in biological diversity 1995 Dec;59(5):299-306
Number of adrenergic and islet-1 immunoreactive cells is increased in avian trunk neural crest cultures in the presence of human recombinant osteogenic protein-1.
Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 1995 Aug;203(4):434-47
Cloning and analysis of a new developmentally regulated member of the basic helix-loop-helix family.
Mechanisms of development 1994 Nov;48(2):93-108
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has a dose-dependent biphasic effect on the number of adrenergic cells which develop in avian trunk neural crest cultures.
Neuroscience letters 1994 Jan;165(1-2):1-4
Temporal restriction of neural crest development in vitro: changes in the adrenergic differentiation of neural crest clusters in the presence and absence of an overlay of reconstituted basement membrane-like matrix.
Experimental neurology 1993 Mar;120(1):114-22
Isolation and Analysis of Neural Crest Cell Subsets Using Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting and Cell Culture
Neuroprotocols 1993 Jan;2(3):163-170
Temporal expression of HNK-1-reactive sulfoglucuronyl glycolipid in cultured quail trunk neural crest cells: comparison with other developmentally regulated glycolipids.
Journal of neurochemistry 1992 Mar;58(3):1045-51
Spectrum of in vitro differentiation of quail trunk neural crest cells isolated by cell sorting using the HNK-1 antibody and analysis of the adrenergic development of HNK-1+ sorted subpopulations.
Journal of neurobiology 1991 Apr;22(3):276-86
The phenotypic response of cultured quail trunk neural crest cells to a reconstituted basement membrane-like matrix is specific.
Developmental biology 1990 Sep;141(1):233-7
Stimulation of adrenergic development in neural crest cultures by a reconstituted basement membrane-like matrix is inhibited by agents that elevate cAMP.
Journal of neuroscience research 1990 Feb;25(2):172-9
Adrenergic development of neural crest cells grown in a defined medium under a reconstituted basement-membrane-like matrix.
Neuroscience letters 1988 Dec;95(1-3):64-8
Analysis of the development of cellular subsets present in the neural crest using cell sorting and cell culture.
Neuron 1988 Sep;1(7):557-68
Exogenous basement-membrane-like matrix stimulates adrenergic development in avian neural crest cultures.
Development (Cambridge, England) 1987 Dec;101(4):767-76
Phenotypic properties of catecholamine-positive cells that differentiate in avian neural crest cultures.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 1987 Nov;7(11):3749-63
Evidence for a novel enzymatic mechanism of neural crest cell migration on extracellular glycoconjugate matrices.
The Journal of cell biology 1986 Feb;102(2):432-41
Specific cellular expression of monoamine oxidase B during early stages of quail embryogenesis.
Developmental biology 1985 Aug;110(2):346-61
Development of cells containing catecholamines and somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in neural crest cultures: relationship of DNA synthesis to phenotypic expression.
Developmental biology 1985 Mar;108(1):203-9
Development of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in embryonic sympathetic ganglia.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 1984 Feb;4(2):576-84
Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity is expressed in neural crest cultures.
Developmental biology 1984 Feb;101(2):357-66
Expression of the capacity to release [3H]norepinephrine by neural crest cultures.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 1983 Sep;3(9):1860-7
Synthesis an accumulation of putative neurotransmitters by cultured neural crest cells.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 1982 Jul;2(7):879-88
Anatomical and neurochemical consequences of deafferentation in the development of the visual system of the moth Manduca sexta.
The Journal of comparative neurology 1981 Feb;195(4):667-80
Regional synthesis of neurotransmitter candidates in the CNS of the moth Manduca sexta.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C: Comparative pharmacology 1978 Jan;61C(1):109-19
Substrate dependence of cell migration from explanted neural tubes in vitro.
Cell and tissue research 1976 Sep;172(3):325-30
Cell cycle changes during neural crest cell differentiation in vitro.
Developmental biology 1976 Mar;49(1):66-79
Book Chapters
Avian and mouse neural crest cultures.
The Neuron in Tissue Culture 1999 Jan;615-621
Conference Papers
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor promotes the development of adrenergic neurons in mouse neural crest cultures.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1996 Nov;93(23):13274-9
Development of neuron-specific enolase immunoreactivity in avian nervous tissue in vivo and in vitro.
Brain research 1982 Mar;255(3):401-18