Nilanjana Maulik, PhD, FAHAProfessor of Surgery
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Dr. Nilanjana Maulik is a Professor of Molecular Cardiology and heading the Angiogenesis Laboratory at the Department of Surgery, UConn Health, Farmington, Connecticut. Prof. Maulik received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry in December 1990 from Calcutta University, India. After completion of her Ph.D., Prof. Maulik joined the Department of Surgery at UConn Health as a research fellow and continued as a faculty where now she serves as Tenured Professor. She is heavily involved in NIH funded research and serves as one of the experts in the angiogenesis field in the NIH study sections and has given more than 100 invited lectures both nationally and internationally. Prof. Maulik is also member of several prestigious societies, such as FASEB, AHA, ISHR, American College of Nutrition (ACN), International College of Angiology (ICA). She was the member of the Myocardial Ischemia Metabolism (MIM) study section of NIH for last 6 years and of the NHLBI Program Project Review Committee. Presently, Prof. Maulik serves as a reviewer of a several special emphasis panel study section of NIH. She is also a reviewer of the AHA Grant review process. She is on several Editorial boards of major cardiovascular journals. She is an associate editor of Molecular Cellular Biochemistry journal. Teaching is an integral part of her professional path. She is a recipient of several prestigious awards including Faculty Recognition award from the University of Connecticut Health Center. Her research focuses on the molecular mechanism of myocardial angiogenesis in the diseased/infarcted heart, ischemia/reperfusion injury, apoptosis and on the development of cardioprotective strategies which includes gene and stem cell therapy. She has published 170 original peer reviewed articles and 35 book chapters and very recently (2010) she has edited a book on epigenetics and human diseases for CRC press. Prof. Maulik has organized several international conferences/symposia, etc.
Degree | Institution | Major |
BSc | St. Xavier's College | Chemistry (Hons) |
MSc | University of Calcutta | Biochemistry |
PhD | University of Calcutta | Biochemistry |
PhD | University of Connecticut School of Medicine | Molecular Cardiology |
Name of Award/Honor | Awarding Organization |
Finalist, Research Innovation and Leadership, October 14th, 2021 | 17th Annual Women of Innovation |
Fellow of American College of Nutrition | American College of Nutrition |
Faculty Recognition Award | University of Connecticut Health |
Fellow of American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Best Oral Presentation | Randox Award at International Society for Free Radical Research |
Grant-In-Aid | American Heart Association |
Young Investigator | American College of Angiology |
Post Doctoral Fellowship | American Heart Association |
Name & Description | Category | Role | Type | Scope | Start Year | End Year |
Scholarship and Promotion Committee, Department of Surgery | Advisory Committee | Member | UConn Health | University | 2019 | 2024 |
NIH study Section ZGMI RCB-5(SC) served in June 11th,2019 | Study Section | Reviewer | External | National | 2019 | 2019 |
NIH study section-ZGMI RCB-5(SC), October 11th , 2019 | Study Section | Reviewer | External | National | 2019 | 2019 |
British Heart Foundation Grants | Research Committee | Reviewer | External | International | 2019 | 2019 |
Society for Redox Biology and Medicine (SFRBM), 2019 | Education Committee | Reviewer | External | International | 2019 | 2019 |
Cardiovascular Diabetology | Professional/Scientific Journal | Reviewer | External | International | 2019 | |
Center European J of Immunology | Professional/Scientific Journal | Reviewer | External | International | 2019 | |
J of Pain Research | Professional/Scientific Journal | Reviewer | External | International | 2019 | 2019 |
Theranostics | Professional/Scientific Journal | Reviewer | External | International | 2019 | 2019 |
Medical Curriculum Evaluation Committee (CEC) | Advisory Committee | Member | UConn Health | University | 2018 | 2023 |
Group of Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) | Advisory Committee | Member | UConn Health | University | 2017 | 2023 |
Experimental Biology and Medicine | Professional/Scientific Organization | Adhoc Reviewer | External | International | 2015 | |
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy | Professional/Scientific Journal | Adhoc Reviewer | External | International | 2015 | |
Editor-In-Chief for the special Issue "Antioxidants in Longevity and Medicine" in the Journal Oxidative Medicine and Longevity | Editorial Board | Editor-In-Chief | External | International | 2014 | 2014 |
Molecular Biology Reports | Editorial Board | Editor-In-Chief | External | International | 2013 | 2020 |
Editor-In-Chief for the special Issue "Antioxidants in Longevity and Medicine" in the Journal Oxidative Medicine and Longevity | Professional/Scientific Journal | Editor-In-Chief | External | International | 2013 | 2013 |
International Conference on Natural Products in Health and 25th Annual Conference of The Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, India | Professional/Scientific Organization | Organizer | External | International | 2012 | |
International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session | Advisory Committee | Advisor | External | International | 2012 | 2023 |
International Society for Free Radicals (SFRR) | Professional/Scientific Organization | Advisory Committee | External | International | 2011 | |
PLoS ONE | Other | Reviewer | External | International | 2010 | |
International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Mannitoba, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Center, Canada. | Professional/Scientific Organization | Fellow | External | International | 2008 | 2022 |
Circulation | Other | External | International | 2004 | ||
Society for Free Radical Research (SFRR) | Professional/Scientific Organization | Advisor | External | International | 2004 | 2026 |
American Heart Association | Professional/Scientific Organization | Fellow of American Heart | External | International | 2004 | |
Journal of Cellular Molcular Medicine | Other | Reviewer | External | International | 2003 | |
NIH Study SEction | Study Section | Reviewer | External | National | 2003 | 2020 |
The American Physiological Society | Professional/Scientific Organization | Member | International | 2002 | 2020 | |
Molecular Cellular Biochemistry | Editorial Board | Associate Editor | External | International | 2001 | 2025 |
Antioxidant Redox Signaling | Editorial Board | Editorial Board Member | External | International | 2000 | 2030 |
Diabetes | Other | Reviewer | International | 2000 | ||
Antioxidant Redox Signaling | Editorial Board | Reviewer | External | International | 2000 | |
American Journal of Physiology | Professional/Scientific Journal | Adhoc Reviewer | External | National | 2000 | |
American Heart Association | Professional/Scientific Organization | Premium Professional Silver Heart Member | External | International | 1998 | |
Graduate Program Committee (Vascular and Cell Biology) | Education Committee | Faculty | UConn Health | University | ||
Nanomedicine | Professional/Scientific Journal | Adhoc Reviewer | International |
Inspite of significant improvements in its medical and surgical management Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) is still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. The health care system of the modern world has come up with good therapeutic methods, in time, to fight the devastating effects of the disease but it doesn’t seem to be enough to tackle still many aspects of the disease. Now the pressure is even greater on basic scientists and clinicians to deliver their best to translate their knowledge from bench to bedside.
Dr Maulik and her team is dedicated to bring about better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that govern the pathology of IHDs and the processes of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis in cellular and animal models of heart disease and to apply this basic knowledge obtained to tackle this dreaded disease by employing newer and better therapeutic approaches to protect, rescue, repair or regenerate the myocardium from ischemia induced myocardial degeneration and failure.
The process of cellular regeneration and repair which leads to reconstruction of structural and functional normal tissue in an injured area is undoubtedly highly efficient in embryos. However this ability is lost at the time of birth. During the fetal life both tissue repair refer to an identical biological response to injury, however, after birth they refer to two distinct biological processes. In the case of tissue repair, an injury results in repair and scar formation in all organs while on the other hand regeneration implies the replacement of dead cells by newly formed cells that differentiate and organize aiding in the restoration of the original structure of the lost tissue. This process of tissue regeneration occurs during the normal physiological cell turnover process, however in the absence of injury.
Several attempts have been made to promote cardiac regeneration in the infarcted ventricle. However despite many efforts to unearth a suitable strategy, the most appropriate form of myocardial regeneration therapy after myocardial injury remains to be identified. Over the past few years the better understanding of the biology of vasculogenesis, angiogenesis and arteriogenesis has significantly increased the use of growth factors in the treatment and/or prevention ischemic heart disease by inducing blood vessel formation and thereby restoring/enriching the blood flow. Therapeutic angiogenesis makes use of the administration of a drug or angiogenic growth factor protein or gene to promote the development of endogenous collateral vessels in ischemic myocardium. Gene transfer and protein therapy are the two main approaches that have been used to achieve therapeutic angiogenesis. Most recently, interest has grown in the potential of cell-based gene transfer to induce myocardial angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. It has been established in many preclinical studies that bone marrow cells may be able to secrete multiple potentially angiogenic substances as well as differentiate into cells that create new blood vessels. But the concept of myogenesis is not far behind as it is known that there may be dedicated precursors of cardiomyocytes in the myocardium, however, it seems to be little bit more far fetched in relation to the differentiation of bone-marrow-derived cells into heart muscle cells. It still remains elusive whether the transplanted cells themselves differentiate, or whether the paracrine effects from these transplanted cells stimulate already resident stem cells in the heart to differentiate.
Dr. Maulik’s research strategy combines expertise in different model systems to study IHD and the processes of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis, in vitro (cell culture), ex vivo (Langendorff and working heart model of myocardial global ischemia) and in vivo (rat and mouse survival surgery/LAD occlusion model myocardial regional ischemia) along with the various molecular biology techniques, proteomics, genomics, immunohsitochemical technique, small animal echocardiographic analysis and other imaging techniques that are made available to the fellows. Her laboratory also have expertise in non-invasive administration of drugs, adenovirus associated gene transfer and cell-based gene transfer to the myocardium to study the effect of inducing or turning off genes of interest in the process or angiogenesis, arteriogenesis and myocardial regeneration.
Her laboratory currently focuses on:
1) Molecular and cellular signaling during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion.
2) Mechanism of pharmacological as well as ischemic preconditioning of the heart.
3) Pharmacological preconditioning of sick hearts as in the case diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia etc.
4) The role of ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of different proteins in sick hearts.
5) Impairment of myocardial angiogenesis in diabetes: How to cope and Thrive
6) Adenovirus associated gene transfer and cell-based gene transfer to study the effect of inducing or turning off genes of interest in the process of myocardial regeneration.
7) Molecular mechanism of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis in hind limb ischemia model.
Science is quickening its pace towards better ideas in every field it has stepped into, particularly in the field of medicine. A time may not be far when we might be able to effectively cure IHD. But, “prevention is always better than cure”.
Accepting Lab Rotation Students: Fall Block 2024, Spring 2 Block 2025
Journal Articles
COVID-19 Associated Cardiovascular Disease-Risks, Prevention and Management: Heart at Risk Due to COVID-19
Curr Issues Mol Biol 2024 Feb;46(3):1904-1920
Biodegradable piezoelectric skin-wound scaffold.
Biomaterials 2023 Oct;301122270
Novel approaches to determine the functional role of cardiomyocyte specific E3 ligase, Pellino-1 following myocardial infarction.
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease 2023 Sep;1870(1):166899
Role of Pellino-1 in Inflammation and Cardioprotection following Severe Sepsis: A Novel Mechanism in a Murine Severe Sepsis Model †.
Cells 2023 Jun;12(11):1527
Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Thioredoxin-1–Overexpressed Mice Ameliorates Pathologic Wound Healing and Promotes Angiogenesis in Murine Ischemic Wound Model.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2022 Oct;235(5):p S79, November 2022
Driving adult tissue repair via re-engagement of a pathway required for fetal healing.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 2022 Sep;
Protective Effect of Cardiomyocyte-Specific Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase 2 Inhibition on Ischemic Injury in a Mouse MI Model.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2022 Aug;235(2):240-254
Driving adult tissue repair via re-engagement of a pathway required for fetal healing.
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 2022 Feb;31(2):454-470
Gene therapy with Pellino-1 improves perfusion and decreases tissue loss in Flk-1 heterozygous mice but fails in MAPKAP Kinase-2 knockout murine hind limb ischemia model
Microvascular Research 2022 Jan;140104311
Gene therapy with Pellino-1 improves perfusion and decreases tissue loss in Flk-1 heterozygous mice but fails in MAPKAP Kinase-2 knockout murine hind limb ischemia model.
Microvascular research 2022 Jan;141104311
Overexpression of Thioredoxin-1 Ameliorates the Progression of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy by Preservation of Cardiac Function, Increased Survivability and Decreased Fibrosis in Aged Transgenic Mice.
Circulation 2021 Nov;
Overexpression of Thioredoxin-1 Ameliorates the Progression of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy by Preservation of Cardiac Function, Increased Survivability and Decreased Fibrosis in Aged Transgenic Mice.
Circulation 2021 Nov;144A11457
Heat shock protein A12B gene therapy improves perfusion, promotes neovascularization, and decreases fibrosis in a murine model of hind limb ischemia.
Surgery 2021 Jun;170(3):969-977
Engineered resveratrol-loaded fibrous scaffolds promotes functional cardiac repair and regeneration through Thioredoxin-1 mediated VEGF pathway.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2021 Feb;597120236
Injection of Exosomes Isolated from Thioredoxin-1 Overexpressed Mice Leads to Improved Cardiac Function and Decreased Fibrosis after Myocardial Infarction.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2020 Oct;229S46
Thioredoxin-1 Engineered Exosomes: A New Tool to Stimulate Revascularization and Regeneration of Ischemic Tissue by Decreasing Fibrosis, Increasing Blood Perfusion and Vessel Density in a Murine Model of Hind-Limb Ischemia
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2020 Oct;VOLUME 231(ISSUE 4, SUPPLEMENT 1):S359-S360
Thioredoxin-1 Engineered Exosomes: A New Tool to Stimulate Revascularization and Regeneration of Ischemic Tissue by Decreasing Fibrosis, Increasing Blood Perfusion and Vessel Density in a Murine Model of Hind-Limb Ischemia.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2020 Oct;231S359-S360
Deletion of newly described pro-survival molecule Pellino-1 increases oxidative stress, downregulates cIAP2/NF-κB cell survival pathway, reduces angiogenic response, and thereby aggravates tissue function in mouse ischemic models.
Basic Research in Cardiology 2020 Jun;115(4):45
Injection of Exosomes Isolated from Thioredoxin-1 Overexpressed Mice Leads to Improved Cardiac Function and Decreased Fibrosis after Myocardial Infarction
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2019 Oct;229(4, S1):S46
Thioredoxin-1 confines T cell alloresponse and pathogenicity in graft-versus-host disease.
The Journal of clinical investigation 2019 May;129(8):2760-2774
Thioredoxin-1 improves the immuno-metabolic phenotype of anti-tumor T cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry 2019 Apr;294(23):9198-9212
Evaluation of dermal tissue regeneration using resveratrol loaded fibrous matrix in a preclinical mouse model of full-thickness ischemic wound.
International journal of pharmaceutics 2019 Jan;558177-186
Disruption of VEGF Mediated Flk-1 Signaling Leads to a Gradual Loss of Vessel Health and Cardiac Function During Myocardial Infarction: Potential Therapy With Pellino-1.
Journal of the American Heart Association 2018 Sep;7(18):e007601
Graphene-based drug delivery systems in tissue engineering and nanomedicine.
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 2018 Sep;96(9):869-878
Thioredoxin-1 augments wound healing and promote angiogenesis in a murine ischemic full-thickness wound model.
Surgery 2018 Aug;164(5):1077-1086
Thioredoxin-1 attenuates sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy after cecal ligation and puncture in mice.
The Journal of surgical research 2017 Dec;22068-78
Overexpression of Thioredoxin1 enhances functional recovery in a mouse model of hind limb ischemia.
The Journal of surgical research 2017 Aug;216158-168
Trimodal Rescue of Hind Limb Ischemia with Growth Factors, Cells and Nanocarriers: Fundamentals to Clinical Trials.
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 2017 Apr;951125-1140
Regulation of A-Kinase-Anchoring Protein 12 by Heat Shock Protein A12B to Prevent Ventricular Dysfunction Following Acute Myocardial Infarction in Diabetic Rats.
Journal of cardiovascular translational research 2017 Mar;10(2):209-220
Increased Survivability of Ischemic Skin Flap Tissue in Flk-1(+/-) Mice by Pellino-1 Intervention.
Microcirculation 2017 Feb;24(6):e12362
Thioredoxin-1 (Trx1) engineered mesenchymal stem cell therapy increased pro-angiogenic factors, reduced fibrosis and improved heart function in the infarcted rat myocardium.
International journal of cardiology 2015 Dec;201517-28
Thioredoxins in cardiovascular disease.
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 2015 Nov;93(11):903-11
Protective effects of Phyllanthus emblica against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury: the role of PI3-kinase/glycogen synthase kinase 3β/β-catenin pathway.
Journal of physiology and biochemistry 2015 Sep;71623-33
Cardiomyopathy and Worsened Ischemic Heart Failure in SM22-α Cre-Mediated Neuropilin-1 Null Mice: Dysregulation of PGC1α and Mitochondrial Homeostasis.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 2015 Apr;35(6):1401-12
Deletion of prolyl hydroxylase domain proteins (PHD1, PHD3) stabilizes hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha, promotes neovascularization, and improves perfusion in a murine model of hind-limb ischemia.
Microvascular research 2015 Jan;97181-8
Conundrum of pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy: role of vascular endothelial dysfunction, reactive oxygen species, and mitochondria.
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 2014 Jan;386(1-2):233-49
Targeted gene deletion of prolyl hydroxylase domain protein 3 triggers angiogenesis and preserves cardiac function by stabilizing hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha following myocardial infarction.
Current pharmaceutical design 2014 Jan;20(9):1305-10
Cardioprotective efficacy of a novel antioxidant mix VitaePro against ex vivo myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Cell biochemistry and biophysics 2013 Nov;67(2):281-6
Molecular mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses of pharmacological inhibitors of HIF-prolyl 4-hydroxylases for treatment of ischemic diseases.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2013 Oct;20(16):2631-65
Simvastatin treatment inhibits hypoxia inducible factor 1-alpha-(HIF-1alpha)-prolyl-4-hydroxylase 3 (PHD-3) and increases angiogenesis after myocardial infarction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat.
International journal of cardiology 2013 Apr;168(3):2474-80
Novel role of NADPH oxidase in ischemic myocardium: a study with Nox2 knockout mice.
Functional & integrative genomics 2012 Aug;12(3):501-14
Nutrition and the healthy heart with an exercise boost.
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 2012 Aug;90(8):967-76
Epigenetic manifestation of metabolic syndrome and dietary management.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2012 Jul;17(2):254-81
Factors influencing epigenetic mechanisms and related diseases.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2012 Jul;17(2):192-4
Diabetes, oxidative stress, molecular mechanism, and cardiovascular disease--an overview.
Toxicology mechanisms and methods 2012 Jun;22(5):330-5
Curcumin heals indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration by stimulation of angiogenesis and restitution of collagen fibers via VEGF and MMP-2 mediated signaling.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2012 Feb;16(4):351-62
Glutaredoxin-1 overexpression enhances neovascularization and diminishes ventricular remodeling in chronic myocardial infarction.
PloS one 2012 Jan;7(3):e34790
Disruption of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-prolyl hydroxylase domain-1 (PHD-1-/-) attenuates ex vivo myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury through hypoxia-inducible factor-1α transcription factor and its target genes in mice.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2011 Oct;15(7):1789-97
Risk factors in heart disease: therapeutic interventions.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2011 Oct;15(7):1765-7
Thioredoxin 1 enhances neovascularization and reduces ventricular remodeling during chronic myocardial infarction: a study using thioredoxin 1 transgenic mice.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2011 Jan;50(1):239-47
Postischemic deactivation of cardiac aldose reductase: role of glutathione S-transferase P and glutaredoxin in regeneration of reduced thiols from sulfenic acids.
The Journal of biological chemistry 2010 Aug;285(34):26135-48
Thioredoxin-1 gene therapy enhances angiogenic signaling and reduces ventricular remodeling in infarcted myocardium of diabetic rats.
Circulation 2010 Mar;121(10):1244-55
Coadministration of adenoviral vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin-1 enhances vascularization and reduces ventricular remodeling in the infarcted myocardium of type 1 diabetic rats.
Diabetes 2010 Jan;59(1):51-60
Comparative effects of a novel plant-based calcium supplement with two common calcium salts on proliferation and mineralization in human osteoblast cells.
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 2010 Jan;340(1-2):73-80
Inhibition of VEGF- and NO-dependent angiogenesis does not impair liver regeneration
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2010 Jan;298(5):
Bromelain treatment reduces CD25 expression on activated CD4+ T cells in vitro.
International immunopharmacology 2009 Mar;9(3):340-6
Sildenafil augments early protective transcriptional changes after ischemia in mouse myocardium.
Gene 2009 Feb;430(1-2):30-7
Thioredoxin-1 gene delivery induces heme oxygenase-1 mediated myocardial preservation after chronic infarction in hypertensive rats.
American journal of hypertension 2009 Feb;22(2):183-90
Niacin bound chromium treatment induces myocardial Glut-4 translocation and caveolar interaction via Akt, AMPK and eNOS phosphorylation in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats after ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Biochimica et biophysica acta 2009 Jan;1792(1):39-48
Resveratrol enhances GLUT-4 translocation to the caveolar lipid raft fractions through AMPK/Akt/eNOS signalling pathway in diabetic myocardium.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 2008 Dec;12(6A):2350-61
Akt/FOXO3a/SIRT1-mediated cardioprotection by n-tyrosol against ischemic stress in rat in vivo model of myocardial infarction: switching gears toward survival and longevity.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2008 Oct;56(20):9692-8
Strategic targets to induce neovascularization by resveratrol in hypercholesterolemic rat myocardium: role of caveolin-1, endothelial nitric oxide synthase, hemeoxygenase-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor.
Free radical biology & medicine 2008 Oct;45(7):1027-34
White wine induced cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury is mediated by life extending Akt/FOXO3a/NFkappaB survival pathway.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2008 Aug;56(15):6733-9
Adeno-sh-beta-catenin abolishes ischemic preconditioning-mediated cardioprotection by downregulation of its target genes VEGF, Bcl-2, and survivin in ischemic rat myocardium.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2008 Aug;10(8):1475-84
Heterozygous disruption of Flk-1 receptor leads to myocardial ischaemia reperfusion injury in mice: application of affymetrix gene chip analysis.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 2008 Aug;12(4):1284-302
Bromelain induces cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury through Akt/FOXO pathway in rat myocardium.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2008 Mar;294(3):H1365-70
Upregulation of myocardial 11S-activated proteasome in experimental hyperglycemia.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2008 Mar;44(3):618-21
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside induces neovascularization-mediated cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury in hypercholesterolemic myocardium.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2008 Jan;44(1):170-9
Adrenocorticotrope hormone fragment (4-10) attenuates the ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiac injury in isolated rat hearts.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2007 Nov;9(11):1851-61
VEGFR1 (Flt-1+/-) gene knockout leads to the disruption of VEGF-mediated signaling through the nitric oxide/heme oxygenase pathway in ischemic preconditioned myocardium.
Free radical biology & medicine 2007 May;42(10):1487-95
Statin and resveratrol in combination induces cardioprotection against myocardial infarction in hypercholesterolemic rat.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2007 Mar;42(3):508-16
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside: relevance to angiogenesis and cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury.
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 2007 Feb;320(2):951-9
Niacin-bound chromium enhances myocardial protection from ischemia-reperfusion injury.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2006 Aug;291(2):H820-6
Sildenafil induces angiogenic response in human coronary arteriolar endothelial cells through the expression of thioredoxin, hemeoxygenase and vascular endothelial growth factor.
Vascular pharmacology 2006 Aug;45(2):91-5
Safety assessment of a novel niacin-bound chromium-based energy formulation.
Toxicology mechanisms and methods 2006 Jan;16(8):439-53
Ischemic preconditioning-mediated cardioprotection is disrupted in heterozygous Flt-1 (VEGFR-1) knockout mice.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2005 Feb;38(2):345-51
Bax ablation protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in transgenic mice.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2003 Jun;284(6):H2351-9
cAMP-mediated suppression of a Th1 clone associated with an alteration of the intracellular redox environment.
Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 2003 Mar;49(2):301-6
A survival model for the study of myocardial angiogenesis.
Methods in enzymology 2002 Jan;352391-407
Effects of hypoxia/reoxygenation on angiogenic factors and their tyrosine kinase receptors in the rat myocardium.
Antioxidants & redox signaling 2001 Feb;3(1):89-102
Hypoxia/reoxygenation promotes myocardial angiogenesis via an NF kappa B-dependent mechanism in a rat model of chronic myocardial infarction.
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 2001 Feb;33(2):283-94
Oxidative stress due to hypoxia/reoxygenation induces angiogenic factor VEGF in adult rat myocardium: possible role of NFkappaB.
Toxicology 2000 Nov;155(1-3):27-35
Early effects of hypoxia/reoxygenation on VEGF, ang-1, ang-2 and their receptors in the rat myocardium: implications for myocardial angiogenesis.
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 2000 Oct;213(1-2):145-53
Hyperoxia causes an increase in antioxidant enzyme activity in adult and fetal rat type II pneumocytes.
Lung 2000 Jan;178(1):53-60
Hunting for differentially expressed mRNA species in preconditioned myocardium.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1996 Sep;793(3):240-58
Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions 2012 Jan;
Nutrition, epigenetic mechanism, and human disease 2010 Jan;
Book Chapters
Personalized Nutrition The New Era of Nutrition/ Chapter 2
Personalized Nutrition as Medical Therapy for High-Risk Diseases 2020 Apr;
Challenges to the clinical implementation of personalized nutrition
Personalized Nutrition as Medical Theory for High- Risk Diseases 2020 Mar;
Personalized Nutrition: The New Era of Nutrition
Personalized Nutrition as Medical Theory for High- Risk Diseases 2020 Mar;
Resveratrol Emerges As a Miracle Cardioprotective Phytochemical Polyphenol and Nutraceutical, Chapter 21
Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions 2012 Jan;401-420
The effects of resveratrol on Diabetes and obesity, Chapter 33
Nutritional and Therapeutic Intervention of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome 2011 Jan;413-430
Aging by Epigenetics: Nutrition, An Epigenetic key to Long Life, Chapter 2
Nutrition, Epigenetic Mechanisms, and Human Disease 2010 Jan;13-30
Cardiomyocyte Specific Pellino1 Knockout Leads to Increased Oxidative Stress, Reduced Anti-apoptotic Signaling and Cardiac Dysfunction in a Murine Myocardial Infarction Model.
Circulation 2020 Nov;142(Suppl No. 3):A15238
Gene Therapy with Pellino-1 Improves Perfusion and Decreases Tissue Loss in an Flk-1 Heterozygous Murine Hind Limb Ischemia Model But Fails In MAPKAPKinase2 Knockout Mice
Circulation 2020 Nov;142(Suppl No.3):A15314
Cardiomyocyte Specific Overexpression of Pellino-1 Reverses Sepsis induced Cardiac Dysfunction in a Murine Model by Reducing Inflammatory Response and Cardiac Cell Death.
Circulation 2020 Nov;142A14673
Cardiomyocyte Specific Pellino1 Knockout Leads to Increased Oxidative Stress, Reduced Anti-apoptotic Signaling and Cardiac Dysfunction in a Murine Myocardial Infarction Model.
Circulation 2020 Nov;142A15238
Gene Therapy with Pellino-1 Improves Perfusion and Decreases Tissue Loss in an Flk-1 Heterozygous Murine Hind Limb Ischemia Model But Fails In MAPKAPKinase2 Knockout Mice
Circulation 2020 Nov;142A15314
Implanted Resveratrol-Loaded PCL Scaffold Improves Cardiac Function after Myocardial Infarction in Mice
Journal of Americal College of Surgeons, 2020 Oct;2294S2
Concurrent Injection of GW4869 and Exosomes Isolated from Thioredoxin-1 Overexpressed Mice Leads to Improved Survival after Severe Sepsis.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2020 Oct;231S310
Pellino-1 overexpression in cardiomyocyte enhances cardiac function and attenuates ventricular remodeling in murine myocardial infarction model.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2017 Oct;225S33
Pellino1 is required to preserve myocardial function and promote neovascularization in the infarcted myocardium
Circulation 2016 Nov;A15101-A15101
Adeno-hspa12b delivery improves neovascularization in a murine model of hind limb ischemia
Circulation 2016 Nov;134A15180-A15180
Regeneration of infarcted myocardium by genetically modified stem cells
J Stem Cell Res Ther 2016 Aug;
Deletion of newly described molecule, pellino1, aggravates blood perfusion and neovascularization and exerts increased tissue fibrosis in a murine model of hindlimb ischemia
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2015 Oct;221:S178
Pellino1, a novel molecule in the vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) signaling pathway, rescues left ventricular function and angiogenesis after myocardial infarction in flk-1+/-mice
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2015 Oct;S221:S25
Severe necrosis of ischemic skin flap tissue in flk-1+/-
(vascular endothelial growth factor r2/kdr) knockout mice treated with pellino 1(peli1) gene therapy
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2015 Oct;221:S119
Enhanced akap12/gravin expression leads to myocardial injury by disrupting angiogenic signals related to hsp/thioredoxin-1/vegf cascade in type i diabetic rats
Circulation 2014 Nov;130A15397-A15397
Intramyocardial gene therapy with a novel angiogenic molecule, pellino-1 preserves functions and increases cell survivability in a mouse myocardial infarction model
Circulation 2014 Nov;
Thereapeutic angiogenesis induced by human Trx-1 gene in mice hind limb ischemia model: Preclinical study for treatment of peripheral artery disease.
Circulation 2014 Nov;130A17955-A17955
Deletion of flk-1 and its target protein,mapkinase-2 impairs neovascularization and perfusion in a murine hindlimb
ischemia model: A double knockout study.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2014 Oct;S219:S161
Effects of prolyl-4-hydroxylase 2 (phd-2)
gene deletion on cardiac microrna expression and ventricular function after
myocardial infarction: A cardiac-specific mouse knockout model
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2014 Oct;3S29.
Overexpression of glutaredoxin-1 stimulates revascularization and improves
blood perfusion in a murine hind-limb ischemia model
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2013 Oct;217S28
Thioredoxin-1 (trx-1) engineered mesenchymal stem
cell therapy increased proangiogenic factors, reduced fibrosis and improved heart function in the infarcted rat myocardium
Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2013 Oct;3S34
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Short Surveys
Reactive oxygen species drives myocardial angiogenesis?
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Title or Abstract | Type | Sponsor/Event | Date/Year | Location |
Integration of hydrogel loaded with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing Thioredoxin-1 as a Promising Clinical Patch to Repair and Regenerate Ischemic Tissue in Hind Limb Ischemia Model | Talk | 2023, Clinical Congress, ACS, Boston | 2023 | Clinical Congress, ACS, Boston, MA |
Recovery from multiple organ dysfunction syndrome by exosome therapy | Talk | 2023, 55th Scientific and Annual Meeting (CTACSPA), 13th October,2023, Trumbull, CT | 2023 | 55th, Scientific and Annual Meeting (CTACSPA), 13th October,Trumbull, CT |
Genetic Approach to demonstrate the Cardioprotective function of E3 ligase after Myocardial Infarction | Talk | 2023, 55th Scientific and Annual Meeting (CTACSPA), 13th October,2023, Trumbull, CT | 2023 | 55th, Scientific and Annual Meeting (CTACSPA), 13th October,Trumbull, CT |
Improved Engineered Stem Cell Transplantation along with Hydrogel as a Suitable Platform to Repair and Regenerate Ischemic Tissue in a Hind Limb Ischemia Model | Talk | 2023 | NESS Annual Meeting, 2023 | |
Role Of Cardiomyocyte Specific Pellino-1, An E3 Ligase On Therapeutic Angiogenesis And Attenuation Of Ventricular Remodeling In A Murine Myocardial Infarction Model. | Poster | Basic cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions | 2023 | Basic cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA |
Small Extracellular Vesicles in the Management of Wound Healing:Andrew Kemerley, DO, Sue Ting-Lim, MD, Diego Accorsi, MD, Ajayan Mannoor Supran, PhD, Priscilla Lam, MD, Santosh Swaminathan, MD, Mahesh Thirunavukkarasu, PhD, David McFadden, MD, FACS, J. Alexender Palasty, MD, Nilanjana Maulik, PhD, FAHA | Lecture | 2022 | Connecticut Chapter of ACS, Annual meeting, Providence, RI | |
Extracellular Vesicle Derived from TRX-1 Overexpressed Mice Ameliorates Pathological wound healing and promotes angiogenesis in a murine ischemic wound model: | Lecture | 2022 | Clinical Congress American College of Surgeons, San Diego | |
Thioredoxin-1 Engineered Exosomes: A New Tool to Stimulate Revascularization and Regeneration of Ischemic Tissue by Decreasing Fibrosis, Increasing Blood Perfusion and Vessel Density in a Murine Model of Hind-Limb Ischemia. | Talk | 2020 | Virtual, AHA Scientific Session, | |
Cardiomyocyte Specific Pellino1 Knockout Leads to Increased Oxidative Stress, Reduced Anti-apoptotic Signaling and Cardiac Dysfunction in a Murine Myocardial Infarction Model. Scientific | Talk | 2020 | Virtual, AHA Scientific Session, | |
Cardiomyocyte Specific Overexpression of Pellino-1 Reverses Sepsis induced Cardiac Dysfunction in a Murine Model by Reducing Inflammatory Response and Cardiac Cell Death, | Talk | 2020 | Virtual, American College of Surgeons, Clinical Congress | |
Gene Therapy with Pellino-1 Improves Perfusion and Decreases Tissue Loss in an Flk-1 Heterozygous Murine Hind Limb Ischemia Model But Fails In MAPKAPKinase2 Knockout Mice | Talk | 2020 | Virtual, American College of Surgeons, Clinical Congress | |
Overexpression of Pellino-1 in Cardiomyocytes Limits Systemic Inflammation, Cardiac Cell Death and Preserves Cardiac Function in a Murine Sepsis Model. | Talk | 2020 | Virtual, Connecticut Chapter of the Amecican College of Surgeons | |
Cardiomyocyte Specific Overexpression of Pellino-1 Reverses Sepsis induced Cardiac Dysfunction in a Murine Model by Reducing Inflammatory Response and Cardiac Cell Death. | Talk | American Heart | 2020 | American Heart Association, Scientific Session |
Gene Therapy with Pellino-1 Improves Perfusion and Decreases Tissue Loss in an Flk-1 Heterozygous Murine Hind Limb Ischemia Model But Fails In MAPKAPKinase2 Knockout Mice. | Talk | American Heart | 2020 | American Heart Association, Scientific Session |
Overexpression of Pellino-1 in Cardiomyocytes Limits Systemic Inflammation, Cardiac Cell Death and Preserves Cardiac Function in a Murine Sepsis Model. | Talk | Connecticut Chapter of the Amecican College of Surgeons | 2020 | Connecticut Chapter of the Amecican College of Surgeons |
Use of Engineered Exosomes Isolated from Thioredoxin-1 Overexpressed Mice Subjected to Cecal Ligation and Puncture Leads to Prolonged Survival following Severe Sepsis | Talk | American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma(CoT) Region | 2020 | American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma(CoT) Region |
Isolation and Characterization of Thioredoxin-1 Engineered Exosomes and its Role in Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Infarction | Talk | 2019 | NESS 26th Annual Day, Waltham, MA | |
Injection of Exosomes Isolated from Thioredoxin-1 Overexpressed Mice Leads to Improved Cardiac Function and Decreased Fibrosis after Myocardial Infarction. | Talk | 2019 | American College of Surgeons, Clinical Congress. | |
Bioengineered Nanofiber Scaffold Induces Healthy Wound Healing in a Murine Ischemic Full-thickness wound model | Talk | 2019 | Anaheim California | |
Angiogenic Response in Ischemic Tissue | Lecture | Society of Free radical Research | 2018 | Delhi, India |
Therapeutic Angiogenesis in Ischemic Heart | Talk | Gangaram Hospital | 2018 | Delhi, India |
VEGF in Wound Repair | Talk | Jadavpur University | 2018 | Kolkata, India |
Regulation of Angiogenic Response in Diabetic Myocardium | Plenary Lecture | World Congress Cardiology | 2018 | Boston |
CARDIOVASCULAR PROTECTION, REPAIR AND REGENERATION | Other | World Congress Cardiology | 2018 | Boston |
Bioengineered Nanofiber Scaffold Loaded with Resveratrol Improves Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Infarction After Four Weeks | Talk | 25th Annual NESS Presentation Day | 2018 | Waltham Woods in Waltham, Massachusetts |
Utilization of a Novel Engineered Nanofibrous Scaffold Loaded with Resveratrol in a Preclinical Full Thickness Wound Model in Mice | Talk | 25th Annual NESS | 2018 | Waltham Woods in Waltham, Massachusetts |
New Molecular Targets of VEGF Signaling in Cardiovascular Disease. | Lecture | IACS, North America | 2017 | Orlando, Florida |
Proangiogenic Molecules in Cardiac Disease: | Lecture | International Society of Heart Research Conference | 2017 | Chennai, India |
Cardiac Disease and its Therapy | Other | IACS, North America | 2017 | Orlando, Florida |
Group Lecture on "VEGF Signaling in Cardiovascular System". | Other | University of Calcutta | 2017 | Calcutta, India |
Bioengineered Nanofiber Scaffold Loaded with Resveratrol Improves Cardiac Function Following Myocardial Infarction: Our Preliminary Findings. | Talk | Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons | 2017 | Connecticut |
Pellino-1 Overexpression in Cardiomyoctes Enhances Cardiac Function and Attenuates Ventricular Remodeling in Murine Myocardial Infarction Model. | Talk | American College of Surgeons | 2017 | San Diego, CA |
Cardiac Regeneration and Repair | Other | International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences | 2016 | Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada |
New Molecular Targets of VEGF Signaling in Cardiovascular Disease, | Lecture | International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences | 2016 | Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada |
Regeneration of Infarcted myocardium by genetically modified stem cells. | Plenary Lecture | Stem cell congress | 2016 | Manchester, UK |
Stem Cell in tissue repair and regeneration | Other | Stem Cell Congress | 2016 | Manchester, UK |
Thioredoxin-1 Overexpression in mice decreases sepsis-induced cardiac failure | Talk | Society of Black Academic Surgeons | 2016 | Columbus, Ohio |
Adeno-HSPA12B Delivery Improves Neovascularization in a Murine Model of Hind Limb Ischemia | Poster | American Heart Scientific Session | 2016 | New Orleans |
Pellino1 is Required to Preserve Myocardial Function and Promote Neovascularization in the Infarcted Myocardium | Poster | American Heart Scientific Session | 2016 | New Orleans |
Thioredoxin-1 Augments Wound Healing and Promotes Angiogenesis in a Murine Ischemic Full Thickness Wound Model. | Talk | Plastic Surgery The Meeting | 2016 | Los Angeles, California |
Phyllanthus emblica in cardioprotection. 8th International Symposium of Ayurveda and Health. Health, Immunity &Inflammation: Integrating Ancient Approaches with Modern Concepts. | Talk | University of Connecticut | 2016 | Farmington, CT |
Various In Vivo Ischemic MOdels to Study Therapeutic Angiogenesis | Lecture | University of Connecticut Health, Surgery | 2015 | Department of Surgery |
Adeno-Thioredoxin- 1 Delivery Improves Neovascularization in a Murine Model of Hind Limb Ischemia. | Talk | Surgical Congress | 2015 | Las Vegas |
Improving Left Ventricular Function and Angiogenesis after MI in Flk Knock Out Mice with Intramyocardial Gene Therapy with Pellino1, a Novel Molecule in VEGF Signaling Pathway | Talk | New England Surgical Society | 2015 | |
Pellino 1 Gene Therapy Shows Novel Proangiogenic Function by Improving Survivability of Ischemic Skin Flap Tissue in Flk-1 Knockout Mice via NO/HO-1 Signaling Cascade. | Talk | New England Surgical Society | 2015 | |
Severe Necrosis of Ischemic Skin Flap Tissue in Flk-1+/- (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor R2/KDR) Knockout Mice Treated with Pellino 1 (Peli1) Gene Therapy. | Talk | The American College of Surgeons | 2015 | Chicago, IL |
Key players in cardiac and peripheral artery disease: potentials and challenges | Lecture | Institute of Cellular and System Medicine, National Health Research Inst. | 2015 | Zhunan, Taiwan |
Silencing of prolylhydroxylases in cardiac and peripheral artery disease: potentials and challenges | Plenary Lecture | National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan | 2015 | Tainan, Taiwan |
Key players in Cardiac Disease: Potential and Challenges | Plenary Lecture | 11th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ankara, Turke | 2015 | Ankara University, Turkey |
Key Players in Myocardial Angiogenesis: Potential and Challenges | Lecture | Internationl Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences: North American Section | 2015 | Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska |
New Molecular Targets of VEGF Signaling in Cardiovascular Disease | Lecture | Institute for heart Research, Slovak Academy of Scences | 2015 | Bratislava, Slovak Republic |
Silencing of Prolylhydroxylases in Cardiac Repair: Potential and Challenges | Plenary Lecture | International Academy of Cardiology: 19th World Congress on Heart Disease, | 2014 | Boston, MA |
Key Players in Cardiac & Peripheral Artery Disease: Potential and Challenges | Lecture | 2nd Cardiovascular Forum for Promoting Centers of Excellence and Young Inve | 2014 | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
Key Players in Cardiac & Peripheral Artery Disease: Potential and Challenges | Lecture | 41st National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India | 2014 | Jodhpur, India |
SILENCING OF PROLYLHYDROXYLASES IN CARDIAC REPAIR: POTENTIAL AND CHALLENGES | Lecture | The Cardiovascular Forum for Promoting Centers of Excellence and Young Inve | 2013 | Louisville, KY |
Symposium | Other | Clinical Conference | 2013 | Kalyani, India |
Symposium | Other | The Cardiovascular Forum for Promoting Centers of Excellence and Young Inve | 2013 | Louisville, KY |
THIOREDOXIN-1 GENE THERAPY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE | Lecture | International Academy of Cardiology: 18th World Congress on Heart Disease, | 2013 | Vancouver, B.C., Canada |
Inhibition of Prolyl Hydroxylases: a Novel therapy for Peripheral Arterial and Cardiovascular Diseases | Plenary Lecture | 25th Annual Conference of The Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research | 2012 | Annamalai nagar, Tamilnadu, India |
Silencing of Prolylhydroxylases in Cardiac and Peripheral artery disease: Potential and Challenges | Plenary Lecture | International Meet on Advanced Studies in Cell Signaling Network (CESIN 201 | 2012 | Kolkata, India |
Diabetes-mediated impairment of angiogenesis in myocardial injury | Lecture | 53rd Annual American College of Nutrition | 2012 | Morristown, NJ |
Silencing of prolyl hydroxylases in cardiac Repair: Potential and challenges | Lecture | International Conference on Recent Trends in Therapeutic advancement of Fre | 2011 | Chennai, India |
Silencing of prolyl hydroxylases in cardiac Repair: Potential and challenges. | Lecture | 4th World Congress of international Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences | 2011 | Vadodara, India |
Resveratrol expanding roles in cardiovascular disorders | Lecture | 8th International Conference of Functional Foods a | 2011 | Las Vegas, Nevada |
Rescue of diabetes related impairment of myocardial angiogenesis: Potential and challenges | Lecture | Heart Institute and Cardiovascular Research Center’s | 2011 | Lexington, KY |
Silencing of prolyl hydroxylases in cardiac Repair: Potential and challenges | Lecture | Winnipeg Heart International Conference | 2011 | Winnipeg, Canada |
Thereapeutic Angiogenesis: Treating the coronary Vessel disease with genes and Gene products | Lecture | 97th Indian Science Congress | 2010 | Trivandrum, Kerala, India |
Rejuvenating the failing heart: Messenchymal stem cells making headway towards clinics | Lecture | Society for Free Radical Research-India Satellite Conference | 2010 | Thrissur, Kerala, India |
Rescue of diabetes related impairment of myocardial angiogenesis: Potential and challenges | Lecture | International Conference on Advances in Free Radical Research, Natural products, Antioxidants and Ra | 2010 | Hydrabad, India |
Rescue of diabetes related impairment of myocardial angiogenesis: Potential and challenges | Lecture | OCC 2010 World Congress on Translational Redox and Tissue Oxygen Biology | 2010 | Santa Barbara, California |