Photo of Srdjan D. Antic, MD

Srdjan D. Antic, MD

Professor of Neuroscience
Academic Office Location:
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3401
Phone: 860-679-8468

Neuroscience Graduate Program

Antic Lab Page

Electrophysiology and optical imaging of calcium and voltage from dendrites in brain slices, cell culture of human neurons, spontaneous electrical activity, immunolabeling of human and mouse brain sections, computational modeling of CNS neurons and genetically-encoded voltage indicators. 

MDBelgrade UniversityMedicine
MSBelgrade UniversityBiophysics

Post-Graduate Training
Professional TrainingMarine Biological LaboratorySummer Course "Neural Systems & Behavior"
Professional TrainingSupercomputer Center"Neuron Simulation Environment" Summer Course
PostdoctoralYale University Advisors: Dejan P. Zecevic & Lawrence B. Cohen
PostdoctoralYale University Advisor: Patricia Goldman-Rakic
Professional TrainingUniversity College LondonDendritic Patching Workshop

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology alters the level of electrical and chemical synapse coupling in the network of GABAergic PV+ interneuronsCure Alzheimer's Fund
Pharmacological Agents Capable of Alleviating Alcohol-mediated Changes in Synaptic PhysiologyKasowitz Medical Research Fund
Population Network Responses in AD Model Animals NIH
Population Network Responses in AD Model AnimalsNIH
Physiological method for early detection of synaptic vulnerability in AD model animalsCure Alzheimer's Fund
Automated Functional Screening of IgGs for Diagnostics of Neurodegenerative DiseasesEuropean Council
Near Infrared Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators (NIR-GEVIs) for All-Optical Electrophysiology(U01)NIH
Embedded Ensemble Encoding (R01)NIH
MBL Whitman Center Research Award 2016MBL, Woods Hole, MA
Sparse, strong and large area targeting of genetically encoded indicators (U01)NIH
Connexin channels in human neurons (R21)NIH
MBL Whitman Center Research Award 2015MBL, Woods Hole MA
First Year Teaching AwardUConn Health
Stem Cell Physiology and Chemistry CoreThe Connecticut Stem Cell Research
NARSAD Young Investigator AwardNARSAD
Can Natural Neuromodulators Improve the Generation of Nerve Cells From Human Embryonic Stem Cells?The Connecticut Stem Cell Research
Ichiji Tasaki Prize for an outstanding presentation at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MAMerocyanine-540 Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration
Dopaminergic Modulation of Dendritic Excitability (R01)NIH
Associate Fellowship, Woods Hole, MA.Marine Biological Laboratory
National Research Service AwardNational Institute of Mental Health (NIH)
Scholarship Award - International School of Biophysics "A. Borsalino", Erice, Sicily, 1997. Ettore Majorana Foundation
Financial Award for Neural Systems & Behavior - summer course, Woods Hole.Marine Biological Laboratory
8th Sardinian Conference of Neuroscience - Travel grant - Cagliary, ItalyConference Organizors
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Cellular NeuroscienceProfessional/Scientific JournalAssociate EditorExternalInternational20202025
Topic editor - Frontiers in Cellular NeuroscienceEditorial BoardTopic editorExternalInternational20182019
Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education (CUME)Education CommitteeMemberUConn HealthUniversity20162022
Neuroscience Executive CommitteeResearch CommitteeMember-at-largeUConn HealthUniversity20152016
The Public Issues Council (PIC)Advisory CommitteememberUConn HealthUniversity20152018
Neuroscience Executive CommitteeEducation CommitteememberUConn HealthUniversity2015
The Wellcome Trust/DBT India AllianceOtherreviewerExternalInternational2015
PhD Admission CommitteeEducation CommitteeMemberUConn HealthUniversity20142016
The Neurophotonics SPIEOtherReviewerExternalInternational20142019
Stem Cell ResearchOtherreviewerExternalInternational2012
Stem Cell and Development, JournalOtherReviewerExternalInternational2011
Neuroscience Letters, JournalOtherReviewerExternalInternational2011
Frontiers in Neuroscience, JournalOtherReviewerExternalInternational2011
NSERC, National Science Engineering and research Council of Canada.OtherReviewerExternalInternational2010
Agence Nacionale De Recherce ANG), FranceOtherReviewerExternalInternational2010
Neurochemistry Research, JournalOtherReviewerExternalInternational2010
Medical Research Council (MRC)OtherReviewerExternalInternational20102010
Dental Senate Stirring CommitteeOtherMemberUConn HealthUniversity20092010
Brain ResearchOtherReviewerExternalInternational2009
Journal of NeurophysiologyOtherReviewerExternalInternational20092025
PAWS, Post-Approval Animal Welfare SupportResearch CommitteeMemberUConn HealthUniversity20092010
American Physiological Society (APS)Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberUConn HealthInternational2009
Dental SenateOtherMemberUConn HealthUniversity2008
Journal of Physiology - LondonOtherMemberExternalInternational2008
European Journal of NeuroscienceOtherReviewerExternalInternational2008
PSC-CUNY Awards (Health Sciences grants program at City University of New York).OtherReviewerExternalRegional20082008
Journal of Neuroscience MethodsOtherReviewerExternalInternational2007
The United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)OtherReviewerExternalInternational2007
Journal of BiophysicsOtherReviewerExternalInternational2006
Animal Care Committee (IACUC)Research CommitteeMemberUConn HealthUniversity20052015
Journal of NeuroscienceOtherReviewerExternalInternational2005
Cerebral Cortex, JournalOtherReviewerExternalInternational2004
Journal of Neuroscience ResearchOtherReviewerExternalInternational20042005
Society for Neuroscience (SFN)Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberUConn HealthInternational1996
European Neuroscience Association (ENA)Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberUConn HealthInternational19931995

Research in our laboratory is primarily directed towards understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic integration, synaptic plasticity, neuronal excitability and how dopamine modulates these fundamental processes. We have focused our attention on neurons and synapses in the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain that plays an important role in working memory, planning and emotions. Prefrontal cortex is also of interest because this brain region and its interaction with the neurotransmitter dopamine are strongly implicated in some psychiatric diseases (e.g. schizophrenia). Our experimental methods include local and rapid application of neurotransmitters (glutamate & dopamine), electrophysiology (patch-clamp recordings), fast simultaneous multi-site imaging of the dendritic tree (calcium-sensitive dyes & voltage-sensitive dyes), calcium imaging using genetically-encoded calcium indicators (e.g. GCaMP6), genetically-encoded voltage indicators (VSFP Butterfly, Arclight, ASAP1-3 and Archon1) computer simulations (NEURON), neuron tracing and immunolabeling.

Dopamine drugs that block dopaminergic receptors have been shown to alleviate some symptoms in schizophrenia. On the other hand, drugs that stimulate dopamine receptors produce schizophrenic symptoms in healthy people. These two facts have prompted scientist to postulate that neurotransmitter dopamine is intimately related to higher psychic functions (understanding, planning, and interacting with others). Several decades ago experiments in non-human primates have shown that optimal dopaminergic transmission is absolutely necessary for normal cognitive function (Brozoski et al., 1979). In spite an extensive research effort that lasted for over 25 years, it is still not clear how exactly the release of dopamine affects neuronal networks and individual nerve cells. We are investigating the cellular effects of dopamine-receptor activation in the mammalian cortex. We have recently used fluorescence imaging techniques and patch-clamp recordings to analyze AP-evoked and glutamate-evoked influx of calcium ions into different parts of the pyramidal dendritic tree. We are currently measuring how dopamine receptor stimulations change dendritic calcium concentration. Calcium ions are important messengers that link electrical and biochemical processes in the central nervous system. We hope that these investigations will enhance our understanding of the brain function and explain disturbances in brain function which lead to schizophrenia.

Accepting Lab Rotation StudentsFall Block 2024, Spring 1 Block 2025

Potential projects:

Dendritic excitability. We use whole-cell patch electrode recording from cell body at the same time as optical voltage imaging from dendrite to measure backpropagating action potentials and locally generated dendritic spikes. We feed data into computational models to arrive at comprehensive descriptions of dendritic functional organization and signal transfer from dendrite to axon in different cell types.

Genetically-encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs). GEVIs such as (VSFP Butterfly 1.2, Arclight, ASAP1-3, Archon1 and other) are promising experimental tools for studying brain circuits in health and diseases. We have used GEVIs in HEK293 cells, primary culture neurons and brain slices.

Dopaminergic modulation of neuronal excitability. Dopamine is synthesized in neurons whose cell bodies are located in the brain stem. One group of dopamine-producing neurons (ventral tegmental area) sends their long axons to the prefrontal cortex. Electron microscope studies in monkey and human clearly demonstrate that dopamine synaptic contacts onto cortical neurons are located almost exclusively on the distal dendrites and spines of distal dendrites. What is the functional significance of glutamate-dopamine ultrastructural juxtaposition? Why is it necessary to have a dopamine release site right next to the glutamate release site, on the same dendritic spine? Is dopamine involved in the precise control of the excitatory glutamatergic synapse? The level of prefrontal cortex dopamine is critical for modulating normal cognitive/behavioral processes. One important hypothesis is that deviations from the critical levels can severely disrupt cognitive processes and result in mental disorders such as schizophrenia. At present, it is not known how dopamine interacts with prefrontal cortex neural circuits. We are using in vitro experimental methods to study how dopamine affects glutamate-evoked dendritic membrane potentials. Distal dendritic regions of thin dendrites, where the interaction between glutamatergic and dopaminergic signals actually takes place, are difficult to probe with glass electrodes. In order to measure directly the dendritic response to glutamatergic excitation we use optical recording techniques. Optical methods adopted in our laboratory are based on intracellularly applied calcium-sensitive and voltage-sensitive dyes.



Journal Articles

Book Chapters



  • Radial glia cells in the developing human brain.
    Howard, Brian M; Filipovic, Radmila; Moore, Anna R; Antic, Srdjan D; Zecevic, Nada The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry 2008 Oct;14(5):459-73
Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Photonics Toolkit for Studying Alzheimer’s DiseaseLectureInstitute of Physics2024Kopaonik, Serbia
Glutamate-Mediated Dendritic UP States in Cortical Pyramidal Neurons - Voltage Imaging and Biophysical ModelPlenary LectureCroatian Biophysical Society2024Split, Croatia
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells - Neuronal Activity In VitroLectureICGEB, Trieste, Italy2024Kotor, Montenegro
Electrical Activity of Parvalbumin-positive GABAergic Interneurons in the Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseasePosterUniversity of Connectiut2024Storrs, CT
Plateau Depolarizations in Spontaneously Active Neurons Detected by Calcium or Voltage ImagingPosterNIH2024Rockville, MD
Voltage Imaging of Synaptically-Evoked Cortical Depolarizations in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseasePosterQuinnipiac University2024North Haven, CT
Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease for Studying Electrical Activity of Fast-Spiking Parvalbumin (PV) Containing GABAergic InterneuronsPosterNeuroscience Department2024Hartford, CT
Detecting Physiological Abnormalities in Alzheimer’s DiseaseLectureEuropean Council2023Petnica, Serbia
The Role of Physics in Modern NeuroscienceTalkInstitute of Physics2023Kopaonik, Serbia
Ex Vivo Gamma Frequency (40 Hz) Entrainment in the Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseasePosterNIH Brain Investigator Meeting2023Washington, DC
Imaging of evoked cortical depolarizations using either ASAP2s, or chi-VSFP, or Di-4-Anepps, or intrinsic optical signalsPosterSociety for Neuroscience2023Washington, DC
Simulation of dendritic plateau potentials in striatal spiny neuronsPosterSociety for Neuroscience2023Washington, DC
Gamma Frequency (40 Hz) Entrainment in the Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseasePosterDepartment of Neuroscience2023Hartford, CT
Ampyra Potently Modulates Ethanol-Induced Effects on the Neuronal Spontaneous Electrical ActivityPosterDepartment of Neuroscience2023Hartford, CT
Studying Cortical Circuitry with GEVI Voltage ImagingPosterHealth Research Program, UConn2022Storrs, CT
Spiny Neurons Enter the “Prepared” State”TalkThe Kim Family Fund2022UConn Health
Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators for Studying Neuronal and Network FunctionsTalkSUNY Downstate2022Brooklyn, NY
Evoked population signals in brain slices of transgenic GEVI animalsTalkMarine Biological Laboratory (MBL)2022Woods Hole, MA
The Effects of the ALS Patient’s Immunoglobulins on the Spontaneous Neuronal Activity – Optical Imaging StudyTalkYeditepe University, Turkey2022Sile, Turkey
Photonics Experiments in the Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s DiseaseTalkInstitute of Physics2022Kopaonik, Serbia
Contributions of L-Type Calcium, NMDA and AMPA channels to Synaptically-Evoked Depolarizations in the Mouse Neocortex Layer 2/3 – GEVI voltage imagingPosterSociety for Neuroscience2022San Diego, CA
Evoked Cortical Depolarizations Before and After the Amyloid Plaque AccumulationPosterNIH BRAIN Initiative2022Washington, DC
Studying Canonical Cortical Circuitry – Ex Vivo Voltage Imaging – Genetically Encoded IndicatorsPosterDepartment of Neuroscience2022Farmington, CT
Physiological determinants of Alzheimer’s diseasePosterCapstone, School of Medicine2022Farmington, CT
Genetically-Encoded Calcium Indicator (GECI) versus a Genetically-Encoded Voltage Indicator (GEVI)TalkNIH, Cure Alzheimer's Fund2021Photonics Workshop - Kopaonik
Glutamate-Mediated Dendritic ConductancesTalkIBRO2021Kotor, Montenegro
Glutamate-mediated dendritic plateau potentials in CNS neuronsTalkUTSA2021San Antonio, Texas
Studying synaptically evoked cortical responses with combination of a single neuron recording (whole-cell) and population voltage imaging (GEVI)PosterNIH2021NIH BRAIN Investigators Meeting
Genetically Encoded Calcium and Voltage Indicators – Cortical Population SignalsPosterNIH, Cure Alzheimer's Fund2021ISG Virtual Networking Event
Faculty Spotlight Fall 2020: Easwar Natarajan, D.M.Sc. and Srdjan Antic, M.D.OtherUConn Health2020
Testing the Fluorescent Proteins That Light Up the Brain, UConn TodayOtherUConn Today2020
Excellent Properties of Genetically Encoded Voltage IndicatorsTalkKim Family Fund2020Neuroscience Department, Seminar Series, Farmington, CT
Optical properties of genetically-encoded voltage indicatorsTalkInstitute of Physics Belgrade202013th Photonics Workshop, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
"Voltage Imaging in Brain Slices Using Several Variants of Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators".PosterNIH2019Washington, DC
Glutamate mediated dendritic and somatic plateau potentials in cortical pyramidal neuronsTalkFENS2019Belgrade, Serbia
Spontaneous Electrical Activity of Developing Neurons in the Cerebral CortexTalkKaradeniz Technical University2019Trabzon, Turkey
Voltage imaging in brain slices using dyes and protein indicatorsTalkYale University2019New Haven, CT
Voltage imaging in cortical pyramidal neurons with and without single action potential resolutionTalkOkinawa Institute of Technology2018Okinawa, Japan
Voltage imaging in brain slicesTalkMarine Biological Laboratory (MBL)2018Woods Hole, MA
Physiology of The Human Fetal Cortex (Brain Research Symposium)TalkUConn Health2018Hartford, CT
Embedded Ensemble Encoding Hypothesis: The Role of the "Prepared" CellTalkBiophysical society of Serbia2018Belgrade, Serbia
Automated Functional Screening of IgGs for Diagnostics of Neurodegenerative Diseases - Functional Imaging of Cultured Neurons at UConn HealthTalkEuropean Union - Horizon 20202018Belgrade, Serbia
Transgenic sparse expression of genetically encoded voltage indicators (437.25 / WW54)PosterSociety for Neuroscience2017Washington, DC
Engineering of near-infrared genetically encoded voltage indicators (437.10 / WW39)PosterSociety for Neuroscience2017Washington, DC
Dendritic plateau generation model in cortical pyramidal neurons: A link to cortical ensembles (380.14 / L10)PosterSociety for Neuroscience2017Washington, DC
Light-induced activation of dopamine, glutamate and GABA release on striatal medium spiny neurons in brain slices (378.18 / I5)PosterSociety of Neuroscience2017Washington, DC
Glutamate Mediated Dendritic Regenerative Potentials - Thomas Knopfel Lab MeetingTalkImperial College London2017London, UK
Voltage imaging of dendritic membrane potentialsOtherNIH -The BRAIN Initiative2017Internet
Action Potential Backpropagation in Cortical Pyramidal NeuronsLectureKim Family Fund2017Farmington, CT
Sparse Labeling with Genetically Encoded Voltage IndicatorsPosterNIH2017Bethesda, MD
Silencing of the Connexin Genes in Developing Human Neurons by Antisense OligonucleotidesPosterStemConn 20172017New Haven, CT
Embedded Ensemble EncodingTalkNIH2016Bethesda, MD
Sparse, Strong, and Large Area Targeting of Genetically Encoded Indicators for Functional Cortical ConnectomicsPosterNIH2016Bethesda. MD
Near-Infrared Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators (NIR-GEVIs) for All-Optical Electrophysiology (AOE)PosterNIH2016Bethesda, MD
Mechanisms of spontaneous electrical activity in the developing cerebral cortex - subplate zonePosterSociety for Neuroscience2016San Diego
Glutamate-mediated plateau potentials studied by simultaneous multi-site dendritic sodium and calcium imagingPosterSociety for Neuroscience2016San Diego
PLENARY SPEAKER: Antic Srdjan, UConn Health, Farmington, CT (USA)Biophysical Properties of Dendrites of Cortical Pyramidal Neurons - Simultaneous Sodium and Calcium ImagingPlenary LectureItalian Society for Pure and Applied Biophysics2016Trieste, Italy
Brown Bag Lunch Seminar (Whitman Center Awardees), Srdjan Antic, University of Connecticut, “Glutamate-mediated dendritic spikes in cortical neurons”TalkMarine Biological Laboratory2016Woods Hole, MA
The best application for genetically-encoded voltage sensors and intracellular voltage-sensitive dyes with currently available methods.TalkHHMI - Janelia2016Janelia Farm, VA
Extra IoN Seminar, Dendritic Spikes and Dendritic UP states in Cortical Pyramidal Neurons – Voltage-sensitive dye ImagingTalkNewcastle Univ. Institute of Neuroscience2015Newcastle, UK
Branch specific and spike-order specific action potential invasion in basal, oblique, and apical dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons.TalkMinistry of Science, Serbia2015Eight Photonics Workshop 2015 (Kopaonik)
Dendritic Mechanisms for Detecting Strong Glutamatergic InputsTalkDepartment of Neuroscience, UConn Health2015Farmington, CT
Sodium-calcium imaging of glutamate-mediated dendritic spikesTalkMBL, Woods Hole, MA2015MBL, Woods Hole, MA
NeuroImaging Seminar Series: “Glutamate-mediated Plateau Potentials in thin Dendritic Branches: Dendritic UP States”LectureMBL, Woods Hole, MA2015MBL, Woods Hole, MA
Dendritic spikes and dendritic UP states.TalkComputational Neuroscience2015Brandeis University
Neuroscience Journal Club - Responsible Research ConductTalkNeuroscience Department2015
Sparse, Strong and Large Area Targeting of Genetically Encoded IndicatorsPosterNIH Investigator Meeting2015Bethesda, MD
Extrasynaptic receptors and dentritic spikes. See more at: Royal Society, London2015London, UK
NMDA Spikes and Plateau Potentials in Thin Dendrites of Cortical Pyramidal Neurons - Voltage-sensitive Dye Imaging - See more at: Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue, New York
The use of lasers for functional dendritic imaging-voltage-sensitive and calcium-sensitive dye recordings from dendritic branches.See more at: Brain Research Organisation (IBRO)2014IBRO NERKA School on Neurophotonics 2014
Branch-specific and Spike order-specific Action Potential Backpropagation in Basal, Oblique and Apical Tuft Dendrites of Cortical Pyramidal Neurons.TalkNeuroplex Workshop2014Hamilton Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1001 14th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Optical recordings of dendritic membrane potential and calcium transients.TalkMinistry of Science, Serbia2014Seventh Photonics Workshop 2014 (Kopaonik)
Synapse discussionOtherCT science festival neuroscience2014The Richard D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM)
Inconsistent Efficacy of the Action Potential Back-propagation Observed in Rat Prefrontal Cortex Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons.TalkMarine Biological Laboratory2013Woods Hole, MA
The use of lasers and voltage sensitive-dyes in neurobiologyTalkPhotonics Workshop 20132013Institute of Physics, Serbia
The Physiology and Genetics of Human Neurodifferentiation Inspire Some Ideas about Mental DiseasesTalkDepartment of Neuroscience2013Farmington, CT
Studying Human Embryonic Stem Cells with the RedShirtImaging Camera TalkSFN Satellite Event2012New Orleans, LO
Glutamate Evoked Potentials in Dendrites of Pyramidal NeuronsTalkSouthern Illinois University2012Carbondale, IL
Integration of Glutamatergic Inputs in Thin and Spiny Dendrites - Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging TalkRutgers University2012Newark, NJ
Dendritic Spine Group, Dendrites Swim in GlutamateTalkCCAM and Dept of Neuroscience2012CCAM, 400 Farmington Ave.
Stem Cell Physiology and Chemistry Core Talk2012 Connecticut Stem Cell Research Retreat2012Yale University School of Medicine
Voltage spikes in thin dendrites of pyramidal neuronsTalkJanelia Voltage Imaging Workshop2012Janelia Farm
Dopamine Potentiates Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Neurons, Glenn S. Belinsky, Shaina M. Short, Anna R. Moore, Matthew T. Rich and Srdjan D. Antic PosterConnecticut Innovations, Department of Public Health2011Farmington, CT
AP Propagation in Oblique and Apical Tuft Dendrites of CA1 Pyramidal Cells, Wen-Liang Zhou and Srdjan D. Antic PosterGordon Research Conference2011Ventura, CA
Physiology of the Human Fetal Cortex in Health and Disease; Srdjan D. Antic, Seminar, Neuroscience Retreat 2011TalkDepartment of Neuroscience2011Farmington, CT
Dopaminergic and GABAergic Modulation of Dendritic Calcium Transients in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex, Wen-Liang Zhou and Srdjan D. Antic PosterNeuroscience at Storrs2011Storrs, CT
Dopaminergic and GABAergic Modulation of Dendritic Calcium Transients in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex, Wen-Liang Zhou and Srdjan D. Antic PosterSociety for Neuroscience2011Washington, DC
CCAM Seminar: "Dendritic Spines for Students"TalkRichard D. Berlin Center for Cell Analysis & Modeling2010CCAM, 400 Farmington Ave.
NeuroPlex Workshop, Satellite Society of Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA. TalkRedShirtImaging2010 Hilton San Diego Gaslight Quarter.
Seminar Speaker: Srdjan D. Antic, Cell and Genome Sciences Inaugural Symposium.TalkCell and Genome Sciences2010400 Farmington Ave, Farmington CT.
International Symposium - 100 Years of Belgrade School of Physiology TalkUniversity of Belgrade2010Belgrade, Serbia
AP Propagation in Oblique Dendrites of CA1 Pyramidal Cells, Wenliang Zhou and Srdjan AnticPosterSociety for Neuroscience2010San Diego, CA, USA
Neuroscience Journal Club Faculty Presentation; Publication presented: /Science/ 325(5941):756-60.TalkDepartment of Neuroscience2009UCHC Room E-4036
Microelectrode Techniques for Cell Physiology WorkshopTalkMarine Biological Association of the UK2009Plymouth, England
NeuroPlex Workshop, Satellite Society of Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL. TalkRedShirtImaging2009Chicago, IL
Transient stimulation of somatic dopamine receptors on layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal cortex Anna R. Moore, Wen-Liang Zhou and Srdjan D. Antic PosterSociety for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.2009Chicago, IL
Heterogeneity among individual dendritic branches belonging to the same pyramidal cell, Wenliang Zhou and Srdjan AnticPosterGordon Research Conference, Italy2009Toscany, Italy
Glutamate-evoked Plateau Potentials in Thin DendritesTalkUniversity of Bonn2009Bonn, Germany
Invited Seminar, Department of Physiology and BiophysicsTalkDalhousie University2008Halifax, Canada
Voltage-Sensitive Dye WorkshopTalkFASEB (European Society for Neuroscience)2008Geneva, Switzerland