Global action on problematic usage of the internet: announcing a Lancet Psychiatry Commission.
Fineberg, Naomi A; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Potenza, Marc N; Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Ekhtiari, Hamed; Roman-Urrestarazu, Andres; Achab, Sophia; Kattau, Thomas; Bowden-Jones, Henrietta; Thomas, Shane A; Babor, Thomas F; Kidron, Beeban; Stein, Dan J The lancet. Psychiatry 2024 Oct;
Normative value of 'best buys' and the case of bans on alcohol marketing.
Casswell, Sally; Babor, Thomas F; Carah, Nicholas; Jernigan, David H; Petticrew, Mark BMJ global health 2024 Aug;9(8):
The Modern History of Alcohol Research: Introducing the Rutgers Digital Alcohol Studies Archives.
Ward, Judit H; Babor, Thomas F; Allred, Nicholas; Bejarano, William Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2024 May;85(3):289-295
In Memoriam: The Immortal Irishman, Thomas F. McGovern.
Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2022 May;83(3):452-453
Richard Saitz (1963-2022).
Bray, Jeremy W; McCambridge, Jim; Higgins-Biddle, John; Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2022 Mar;83(2):301-302
The identification of artifacts in reporting of drug-induced deaths using structural breaks analysis of time series statistics
Petruželka1,B, Mravcík, V, Barták, M, Babor, TF Drug and Alcohol Review 2021 Jun;
The identification of artefacts in reporting of drug-induced deaths using structural breaks analysis of time series statistics.
Petruželka, Benjamin; Mravcík, Viktor; Barták, Miroslav; Babor, Thomas F Drug and alcohol review 2021 Apr;
Heterogeneity in trends of alcohol use around the world: Do policies make a difference?
Rehm, Jürgen; Babor, Thomas F; Casswell, Sally; Room, Robin Drug and alcohol review 2021 Mar;40(3):345-349
A Festival of Epiphanies: Three Revelations in Support of Better Alcohol Control Policies.
Babor, Thomas F; Casswell, Sally; Rehm, Jürgen; Room, Robin; Rossow, Ingeborg Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2021 Jan;82(1):5-8
Setting Limits: Gambling, Science and Public Policy-summary of results.
Sulkunen, Pekka; Babor, Thomas F; Cisneros Örnberg, Jenny; Egerer, Michael; Hellman, Matilda; Livingstone, Charles; Marionneau, Virve; Nikkinen, Janne; Orford, Jim; Room, Robin; Rossow, Ingeborg Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2021 Jan;116(1):32-40
Advancing public health policy making through research on the political strategies of alcohol industry actors.
McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Sheldon, Trevor A; Madden, Mary; Babor, Thomas F Journal of public health (Oxford, England) 2020 May;42(2):262-269
Alcohol Marketing and Youth Drinking: Is There a Causal Relationship, and Why Does It Matter?
Sargent, James D; Cukier, Samantha; Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement 2020 Mar;Sup 195-12
The Relationship Between Exposure to Alcohol Marketing and Underage Drinking Is Causal.
Sargent, James D; Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement 2020 Mar;Sup 19113-124
Drug Policy and the Public Good: A Summary of the Second Edition.
Babor, Thomas F; Caulkins, Jonathan; Fischer, Benedikt; Foxcroft, David; Medina-Mora, María Elena; Obot, Isidore; Rehm, Jürgen; Reuter, Peter; Room, Robin; Rossow, Ingeborg; Strang, John Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2019 Jul;
Perceptions of Alcohol Advertising Vary Based on Psychological Characteristics.
Noel, Jonathan K; Xuan, Ziming; Babor, Thomas F Substance use & misuse 2019 Jan;1-12
Needs-Based Planning for Substance Use Treatment Systems: Progress, Prospects, and the Search for a New Perspective.
Babor, Thomas F; Rush, Brian; Tremblay, Joël Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement 2019 Jan;Sup 18154-160
Needs-Based Planning for Substance Use Treatment Systems: The New Generation of Principles, Methods, and Models.
Rush, Brian; Tremblay, Joël; Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement 2019 Jan;Sup 185-8
Is the alcohol industry doing well by 'doing good'? Findings from a content analysis of the alcohol industry's actions to reduce harmful drinking.
Babor, Thomas F; Robaina, Katherine; Brown, Katherine; Noel, Jonathan; Cremonte, Mariana; Pantani, Daniela; Peltzer, Raquel I; Pinsky, Ilana BMJ open 2018 Oct;8(10):e024325
Caveat Emptor: Predatory Publishers, Rogue Journals, and the Potential Corruption of Addiction Science.
Babor, Thomas F; Ward, Judit H Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2018 Jul;79(4):509-513
Reliability and Validity of a Two-Question Version of the World Health Organization's Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test: The ASSIST-FC.
McRee, Bonnie; Babor, Thomas F; Lynch, Miranda L; Vendetti, Janice A Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2018 Jul;79(4):649-657
[Sex and gender equity in research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use].
Heidari, Shirin; Babor, Thomas F; De Castro, Paola; Tort, Sera; Curno, Mirjam Gaceta sanitaria 2018 May;
A review of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), AUDIT-C, and USAUDIT for screening in the United States: Past issues and future directions.
Higgins-Biddle, John C; Babor, Thomas F The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 2018 May;44578-586
Advertising Content, Platform Characteristics and the Appeal of Beer Advertising on a Social Networking Site.
Noel, Jonathan K; Babor, Thomas F; Grady, James J Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 2018 Mar;53619-625
Out of Africa: Three Threads Tying the Alcohol Industry to an Emerging Alcohol Epidemic.
Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2018 Mar;79(2):157-158
Perceptions of Alcohol Advertising Among High Risk Drinkers.
Noel, Jonathan K; Xuan, Ziming; Babor, Thomas F Substance use & misuse 2018 Jan;531403-1410
Alcohol industry actions to reduce harmful drinking in Europe: public health or public relations?
Robaina, K., Brown, K., Babor, T.F., Noel, J. Public Health Panorama 2018 Jan;4(3):341-359
An Alcohol Policy Trifecta: Reduce Alcohol Problems, Save on Health Care, Generate Public Revenues.
Bray, Jeremy; Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2018 Jan;79(1):5-6
Malt Beverage Brand Popularity Among Youth and Youth-Appealing Advertising Content.
Xuan, Ziming; DeJong, William; Siegel, Michael; Babor, Thomas F Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2017 Nov;41(11):1946-1952
Predicting Regulatory Compliance in Beer Advertising on Facebook.
Noel, Jonathan K; Babor, Thomas F Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 2017 Nov;52(6):730-736
Development of services for substance use problems: need for a system-based approach.
F Babor, Thomas Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit 2017 May;23(3):206-213
[Sex and Gender Equity in Research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use].
Heidari, Shirin; Babor, Thomas F; Castro, Paola De; Tort, Sera; Curno, Mirjam Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil 2017 Apr;26665-675
Harmful Use of Alcohol: A Shadow over Sub-Saharan Africa in Need of Workable Solutions.
Ferreira-Borges, Carina; Parry, Charles D H; Babor, Thomas F International journal of environmental research and public health 2017 Mar;14(4):
Associations Between Thematic Content and Industry Self-Regulation Code Violations in Beer Advertising Broadcast During the U.S. NCAA Basketball Tournament.
Noel, Jonathan K; Xuan, Ziming; Babor, Thomas F Substance use & misuse 2017 Mar;521076-1084
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): rationale, program overview and cross-site evaluation.
Bray, Jeremy W; Del Boca, Frances K; McRee, Bonnie G; Hayashi, Susan W; Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Feb;112 Suppl 23-11
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment: implications of SAMHSA's SBIRT initiative for substance abuse policy and practice.
Babor, Thomas F; Del Boca, Frances; Bray, Jeremy W Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Feb;112 Suppl 2110-117
Alcohol marketing regulation: from research to public policy.
Monteiro, Maristela G; Babor, Thomas F; Jernigan, David; Brookes, Chris Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Jan;112 Suppl 13-6
Industry Self-regulation of Alcohol Marketing: A Systematic Review of Content and Exposure Research.
Noel, Jonathan K; Babor, Thomas F; Robaina, Katherine Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Jan;112 Suppl 128-50
Overview of the European university-based study programmes in the addictions field
Pavlovska, A., Miovsky, M., Babor, T.F., Gabrhelik, R. Drug: Education, Prevention and Policy 2017 Jan;24(6):485-491
Toward a public health approach to the protection of vulnerable populations from the harmful effects of alcohol marketing.
Babor, Thomas F; Jernigan, David; Brookes, Chris; Brown, Katherine Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2017 Jan;112 Suppl 1125-127
Vulnerability to alcohol-related problems: a policy brief with implications for the regulation of alcohol marketing.
Babor, Thomas F; Robaina, Katherine; Noel, Jonathan K; Ritson, E Bruce Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 Dec;112 Suppl 194-101
The Marketing Potential of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities: The Case of the Alcohol Industry in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Pantani, Daniela; Peltzer, Raquel; Cremonte, Mariana; Robaina, Katherine; Babor, Thomas; Pinsky, Ilana Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 Sep;112 Suppl 174-80
The Key Problem Is That Alcohol Research Is Underfunded Despite Large Industry Profit and Billions of Dollars in Annual Alcoholic Beverage Tax Revenues.
Martin, Christopher S; Greenfield, Thomas K; Babor, Thomas F Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2016 Jul;77(4):545-7
Alcohol Marketing in the Americas and Spain during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Tournament.
Noel, Jonathan K; Babor, Thomas F; Robaina, Katherine; Feulner, Melissa; Vendrame, Alan; Monteiro, Maristela Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 Jun;112 Suppl 164-73
Does Industry Self-regulation Protect Young Persons from Exposure to Alcohol Marketing? A Review of Compliance and Complaint Studies.
Noel, Jonathan K; Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 May;112 Suppl 151-56
Commentary on Savell et al. (2016): Alcohol producers as problem inducers.
Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 Jan;111(1):33
How should we define, document, and prevent conflicts of interest in alcohol research?
Babor, T. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research 2016 Jan;
Re-introducing Bunky at 125: E.M. Jellinek's life and contributions to alcohol studies
Ward, JH; Bejarano, W; Babor, TF; Alfred, N J Stud Alcohol Drugs 2016 Jan;77(3):375-383
Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER): reporting guidelines as a framework of innovation for an equitable approach to gender medicine.
De Castro, P; Heidari, S; Babor, TF Ann Ist Super Sanita 2016 Jan;52(2):154-157
Sex and Gender Equity in Research: Rationale for the SAGER Reporting Guideline and recommended use.
Heidari, S; Babor, TF; De Castro, P; Tort S; Curno, M. Research Integrity and Peer Review 2016 Jan;1(2):
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): A review of graded severity algorithms and national adaptations.
Babor, TF, Robaina, K International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research 2016 Jan;
The other side of the firewall.
Babor, Thomas Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 Jan;111(1):15-6
The impact of alcohol consumption on African people in 2012: an analysis of burden of disease.
Ferreira-Borges, Carina; Rehm, Jürgen; Dias, Sónia; Babor, Thomas; Parry, Charles D H Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2015 Oct;2152-60
Alcohol and public health in Africa: can we prevent alcohol-related harm from increasing?
Ferreira-Borges, Carina; Dias, Sonia; Babor, Thomas; Esser, Marissa B; Parry, Charles D H Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2015 Sep;110(9):1373-9
Response to commentaries.
Ferreira-Borges, Carina; Esser, Marissa B; Dias, Sonia; Babor, Thomas; Parry, Charles D H Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2015 Sep;110(9):1381-2
Building the connections between science, practice and policy: Griffith Edwards and the UK National Addiction Centre.
Babor, Thomas; Strang, John; West, Robert Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2015 Jul;110 Suppl 21-3
Linking science to policy: the role of international collaboration and problem-focused integrative reviews.
Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2015 Jul;110 Suppl 240-6
Alcohol Control Policies in 46 African Countries: Opportunities for Improvement.
Ferreira-Borges, Carina; Esser, Marissa B; Dias, Sónia; Babor, Thomas; Parry, Charles D H Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 2015 Apr;50(4):470-6
The influence of industry actions on the availability of alcoholic beverages in the African region.
Babor, Thomas F; Robaina, Katherine; Jernigan, David Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2014 Dec;110(4):561-71
Addiction editors respond to Mr. Leverton.
Babor, Thomas; Hall, Wayne; Humphreys, Keith; Miller, Peter; Petry, Nancy; West, Robert Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2014 Jul;109(7):1209-11
McCarthyism, conflict of interest and addiction's new transparency declaration procedures.
Babor, Thomas F; Miller, Peter G Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2014 Mar;109(3):341-4
An empirical evaluation of the US Beer Institute's self-regulation code governing the content of beer advertising.
Babor, Thomas F; Xuan, Ziming; Damon, Donna; Noel, Jonathan American journal of public health 2013 Aug;103(10):e45-51
Public health, academic medicine, and the alcohol industry's corporate social responsibility activities.
Babor, Thomas F; Robaina, Katherine American journal of public health 2013 Feb;103(2):206-14
Griffith Edwards (1928-2012).
Babor, Thomas Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2012 Dec;107(12):2225-8
Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction.
Hall, Wayne; Babor, Thomas; Edwards, Griffith; Laranjeira, Ronaldo; Marsden, John; Miller, Peter; Obot, Isidore; Petry, Nancy; Thamarangsi, Thaksaphon; West, Robert Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2012 Nov;107(11):1891-3
Alcohol, diabetes, and public health in the Americas.
Babor, Thomas; Rehm, Jurgen; Jernigan, David; Vaeth, Patrice; Monteiro, Maristela; Lehman, Hallie Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American journal of public health 2012 Aug;32(2):151-5
A randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for illicit drugs linked to the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in clients recruited from primary health-care settings in four countries.
Humeniuk, Rachel; Ali, Robert; Babor, Thomas; Souza-Formigoni, Maria Lucia O; de Lacerda, Roseli Boerngen; Ling, Walter; McRee, Bonnie; Newcombe, David; Pal, Hemraj; Poznyak, Vladimir; Simon, Sara; Vendetti, Janice Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2012 May;107(5):957-66
Drug policy and the public good: evidence for effective interventions.
Strang, John; Babor, Thomas; Caulkins, Jonathan; Fischer, Benedikt; Foxcroft, David; Humphreys, Keith Lancet (London, England) 2012 Jan;379(9810):71-83
Commentary on Laslett et al. (2011): alcohol-related collateral damage and the broader issue of alcohol's social costs.
Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2011 Sep;106(9):1612-3
Challenges and Opportunities Implementing the WHO Global Strategy on Alcohol
Donald W. Zeigler / Thomas F. Babor World Medical & Health Policy 2011 Jan;3(4):1-19
The Chinese translations of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in China: a systematic review.
Li, Qing; Babor, Thomas F; Hao, Wei; Chen, Xinguang Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 2011 Jan;46(4):416-23
Treatment process, alliance and outcome in brief versus extended treatments for marijuana dependence.
Gibbons, Carly J; Nich, Charla; Steinberg, Karen; Roffman, Roger A; Corvino, Joanne; Babor, Thomas F; Carroll, Kathleen M Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2010 Oct;105(10):1799-808
Improving pediatric asthma control among minority children participating in medicaid: providing practice redesign support to deliver a chronic care model.
Fifield, Judith; McQuillan, Julia; Martin-Peele, Melanie; Nazarov, Vitaly; Apter, Andrea J; Babor, Thomas; Burleson, Joseph; Cushman, Robert; Hepworth, Jeri; Jackson, Eric; Reisine, Susan; Sheehan, Joseph; Twiggs, Joan The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma 2010 Sep;47(7):718-27
Assessment of self-regulatory code violations in Brazilian television beer advertisements.
Vendrame, Alan; Pinsky, Ilana; e Silva, Rebeca Souza; Babor, Thomas Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2010 May;71(3):445-51
The alcohol industry and public interest science.
Stenius, Kerstin; Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2010 Feb;105(2):191-8
A common standard for conflict of interest disclosure in addiction journals.
Goozner, Merrill; Caplan, Arthur; Moreno, Jonathan; Kramer, Barnett S; Babor, Thomas F; Husser, Wendy C Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2009 Nov;104(11):1779-84
Drug trafficking: time to abolish the death penalty.
Edwards, Griffith; Babor, Tom; Darke, Shane; Hall, Wayne; Marsden, John; Miller, Peter; West, Robert Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2009 Aug;104(8):1267-9
Alcohol research and the alcoholic beverage industry: issues, concerns and conflicts of interest.
Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2009 Feb;104 Suppl 134-47
Alcohol and drug treatment systems in public health perspective: mediators and moderators of population effects.
Babor, Thomas F; Stenius, Kerstin; Romelsjo, Anders International journal of methods in psychiatric research 2008 Jun;17 Suppl 1S50-9
Treatment for persons with substance use disorders: mediators, moderators, and the need for a new research approach.
Babor, Thomas F International journal of methods in psychiatric research 2008 Jun;17 Suppl 1S45-9
Validation of the Alcohol, Smoking And Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST).
Humeniuk, Rachel; Ali, Robert; Babor, Thomas F; Farrell, Michael; Formigoni, Maria L; Jittiwutikarn, Jaroon; de Lacerda, Roseli B; Ling, Walter; Marsden, John; Monteiro, Maristela; Nhiwatiwa, Sekai; Pal, Hemraj; Poznyak, Vladimir; Simon, Sara Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2008 Jun;103(6):1039-47
The world of drinking: national alcohol control experiences in 18 countries.
Babor, Thomas F; Winstanley, Erin L Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2008 May;103(5):721-5
Reliability of a rating procedure to monitor industry self-regulation codes governing alcohol advertising content.
Babor, Thomas F; Xuan, Ziming; Proctor, Dwayne Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2008 Mar;69(2):235-42
Terminology: impossible dream or tilting at windmills?
Babor, Thomas F Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2008 Jan;32(1):5
The effect of screening and brief intervention for risky drinking on health care utilization in managed care organizations.
Bray, Jeremy W; Zarkin, Gary A; Davis, Keith L; Mitra, Debanjali; Higgins-Biddle, John C; Babor, Thomas F Medical care 2007 Feb;45(2):177-82
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): toward a public health approach to the management of substance abuse.
Babor, Thomas F; McRee, Bonnie G; Kassebaum, Patricia A; Grimaldi, Paul L; Ahmed, Kazi; Bray, Jeremy Substance abuse 2007 Jan;28(3):7-30
Diagnosis of alcohol dependence in epidemiological surveys: an epidemic of youthful alcohol dependence or a case of measurement error?
Caetano, Raul; Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2006 Sep;101 Suppl 1111-4
Subtypes of substance dependence and abuse: implications for diagnostic classification and empirical research.
Babor, Thomas F; Caetano, Raul Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2006 Sep;101 Suppl 1104-10
Publish or perish: the art of managing a successful scientific journal.
Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2006 May;101(5):640-1; discussion 644-5
Training primary care nurses to conduct alcohol screening and brief interventions in South Africa.
Peltzer, K; Seoka, P; Babor, T; Obot, I Curationis 2006 May;29(2):16-21
Brief interventions for at-risk drinking: patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness in managed care organizations.
Babor, Thomas F; Higgins-Biddle, John C; Dauser, Deborah; Burleson, Joseph A; Zarkin, Gary A; Bray, Jeremy Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) 2006 Jan;41(6):624-31
Effects of cautionary messages and vulnerability factors on viewers' perceptions of alcohol advertisements.
Proctor, Dwayne C; Babor, Thomas F; Xuan, Ziming Journal of studies on alcohol 2005 Sep;66(5):648-57
Screening and interventions for alcohol and drug problems in medical settings: what works?
Babor, Thomas F; Kadden, Ronald M The Journal of trauma 2005 Sep;59(3 Suppl):S80-7; discussion S94-100
Alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary care settings: implementation models and predictors.
Babor, Thomas E; Higgins-Biddle, John; Dauser, Deborah; Higgins, Pamela; Burleson, Joseph A Journal of studies on alcohol 2005 May;66(3):361-8
Alcohol and public health.
Room, Robin; Babor, Thomas; Rehm, Jürgen Lancet (London, England) 2005 Jan;365(9458):519-30
Evidence-based alcohol policy in the Americas: strengths, weaknesses, and future challenges.
Babor, Thomas F; Caetano, Raul Revista panamericana de salud pública = Pan American journal of public health 2005 Jan;18(4-5):327-37
Reducing tobacco use and risky drinking in underserved populations: the need for better implementation models.
McRee, Bonnie; Granger, Jennifer; Babor, Thomas; Feder, Ingrid; Horn, Audie; Steinberg, Judith; vom Eigen, Keith Annals of family medicine 2005 Jan;3 Suppl 2S58-60
The Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) Study: main findings from two randomized trials.
Dennis, Michael; Godley, Susan H; Diamond, Guy; Tims, Frank M; Babor, Thomas; Donaldson, Jean; Liddle, Howard; Titus, Janet C; Kaminer, Yifrah; Webb, Charles; Hamilton, Nancy; Funk, Rod Journal of substance abuse treatment 2004 Oct;27(3):197-213
Alcohol policy research: a quoi bon?
Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2004 Sep;99(9):1091-2; 1092-3
Assessing multiple risk behaviors in primary care. Screening issues and related concepts.
Babor, Thomas F; Sciamanna, Christopher N; Pronk, Nicolaas P American journal of preventive medicine 2004 Aug;27(2 Suppl):42-53
Alcohol drinking patterns and health care utilization in a managed care organization.
Zarkin, Gary A; Bray, Jeremy W; Babor, Thomas F; Higgins-Biddle, John C Health services research 2004 Jun;39(3):553-70
Training medical providers to conduct alcohol screening and brief interventions.
Babor, Thomas F; Higgins-Biddle, John C; Higgins, Pamela S; Gassman, Ruth A; Gould, Bruce E Substance abuse 2004 Mar;25(1):17-26
The costs of screening and brief intervention for risky alcohol use.
Zarkin, Gary A; Bray, Jeremy W; Davis, Keith L; Babor, Thomas F; Higgins-Biddle, John C Journal of studies on alcohol 2003 Nov;64(6):849-57
Connecticut statewide addiction medicine/psychiatry grand rounds.
Kraus, Mark L; O'Connor, Patrick; Babor, Thomas F; Brunell, Robert J; Fiellin, David A; Holmboe, Eric; Kirk, Thomas A; Leone, Patrick Connecticut medicine 2003 Jan;67(6):357-9
Changing the focus: the case for recognizing and treating cannabis use disorders.
Dennis, Michael; Babor, Thomas F; Roebuck, M Christopher; Donaldson, Jean Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Dec;97 Suppl 14-15
Moving from research to practice just in time: the treatment of cannabis use disorders comes of age.
Clark, H Westley; MacNeill Horton, Arthur; Dennis, Michael; Babor, Thomas F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Dec;97 Suppl 1(Supplement 1):1-3
Subtypes for classifying adolescents with marijuana use disorders: construct validity and clinical implications.
Babor, Thomas F; Webb, Charles; Burleson, Joseph A; Kaminer, Yifrah Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Dec;97 Suppl 158-69
The Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) experiment: rationale, study design and analysis plans.
Dennis, Michael; Titus, Janet C; Diamond, Guy; Donaldson, Jean; Godley, Susan H; Tims, Frank M; Webb, Charles; Kaminer, Yifrah; Babor, Thomas; Roebuck, M C; Godley, Mark D; Hamilton, Nancy; Liddle, Howard; Scott, Christy K Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Dec;97 Suppl 116-34
The Marijuana Treatment Project: rationale, design and participant characteristics.
Stephens, Robert S; Babor, Thomas F; Kadden, Ronald; Miller, Michael Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Dec;97 Suppl 1109-24
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST): development, reliability and feasibility.
Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Sep;97(9):1183-94
Beyond alcoholism: identifying older, at-risk drinkers in primary care.
Moore, Alison A; Beck, John C; Babor, Thomas F; Hays, Ron D; Reuben, David B Journal of studies on alcohol 2002 May;63(3):316-24
Cognitive functioning of long-term heavy cannabis users seeking treatment.
Solowij, Nadia; Stephens, Robert S; Roffman, Roger A; Babor, Thomas; Kadden, Ronald; Miller, Michael; Christiansen, Kenneth; McRee, Bonnie; Vendetti, Janice JAMA 2002 Mar;287(9):1123-31
Another mirror shattered? Tobacco industry involvement suspected in a book which claims that nicotine is not addictive.
Edwards, Griffith; Babor, Thomas F; Hall, Wayne; West, Robert Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2002 Jan;97(1):1-5
Does marijuana use cause long-term cognitive deficits?
Solowij, Nadia; Stephens, Robert; Roffman, Roger A; Babor, Thomas JAMA 2002 Jan;287(20):2653-4; author reply 2654
Linking science to policy. The role of international collaborative research.
Babor, Thomas F Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 2002 Jan;26(1):66-74
No switching off the camera: how Addiction will respond to infringements of ethical publishing expectation.
Edwards, G; West, R; Babor, T F; Hall, W Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2001 Oct;96(10):1391-2
Substance abuse policy and peace in the Middle East: a Palestinian and Israeli partnership.
Isralowitz, R; Sussman, G; Afifi, M; Rawson, R; Babor, T; Monteiro, M Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2001 Jul;96(7):973-80
Shakespeare and the meaning of authorship.
Edwards, G; Babor, T F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2000 Sep;95(9):1317-8
Alcohol screening and brief intervention: dissemination strategies for medical practice and public health.
Babor, T F; Higgins-Biddle, J C Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2000 May;95(5):677-86
Talk is cheap: measuring drinking outcomes in clinical trials.
Babor, T F; Steinberg, K; Anton, R; Del Boca, F Journal of studies on alcohol 2000 Jan;61(1):55-63
Managing alcohol problems and risky drinking.
Babor, T F; Aguirre-Molina, M; Marlatt, G A; Clayton, R American journal of health promotion : AJHP 1999 Jan;14(2):98-103
Addiction journals: amazing happenings, landmark meeting, historic consensus, evolving process.
Edwards, G; Holder, S; Wist, R; Babor, T F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1997 Dec;92(12):1613-6
Test-retest reliability of the alcohol and drug use disorder sections of the schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry (SCAN).
Easton, C; Meza, E; Mager, D; Ulüg, B; Kilic, C; Gögüs, A; Babor, T F Drug and alcohol dependence 1997 Sep;47(3):187-94
Alcohol and drug abuse among Connecticut youth: implications for adolescent medicine and public health.
Ungemack, J A; Hartwell, S W; Babor, T F Connecticut medicine 1997 Sep;61(9):577-85
Alcohol screening and brief intervention: where research meets practice.
Higgins-Biddle, J C; Babor, T F; Mullahy, J; Daniels, J; McRee, B Connecticut medicine 1997 Sep;61(9):565-75
Ethical, scientific and clinical issues in ethanol administration research involving alcoholics as human subjects.
Dolinsky, Z S; Babor, T F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1997 Sep;92(9):1087-97
A review of research on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).
Allen, J P; Litten, R Z; Fertig, J B; Babor, T Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1997 Jun;21(4):613-9
Estimating measurement error in alcohol dependence symptomatology: findings from a multisite study.
Babor, T F; Del Boca, F K; McRee, B Drug and alcohol dependence 1997 Apr;45(1-2):13-20
Validity of the longitudinal, expert, all data procedure for psychiatric diagnosis in patients with psychoactive substance use disorders.
Kranzler, H R; Tennen, H; Babor, T F; Kadden, R M; Rounsaville, B J Drug and alcohol dependence 1997 Apr;45(1-2):93-104
Fluoxetine treatment seems to reduce the beneficial effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy in type B alcoholics.
Kranzler, H R; Burleson, J A; Brown, J; Babor, T F Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1996 Dec;20(9):1534-41
How does one write satire in Rome? A reply from the editors.
Babor, T F; Edwards, G; Stockwell, T; West, R Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1996 Dec;91(12):1877-9
Alcohol policy and the public good: a good public debate.
Edwards, G; Anderson, P; Babor, T F; Casswell, S; Ferrence, R; Giesbrecht, N; Godfrey, C; Holder, H D; Lemmens, P; Makela, K; Midanik, L T; Norstrom, T; Osterberg, E; Romelsjo, A; Room, R; Simpura, J; Skog, O F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1996 Apr;91(4):477-81
Barriers and breakthroughs: substance abuse curricula in nursing education.
Church, O M; Babor, T F The Journal of nursing education 1995 Sep;34(6):278-81
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): validation of a screening instrument for use in medical settings.
Bohn, M J; Babor, T F; Kranzler, H R Journal of studies on alcohol 1995 Jul;56(4):423-32
Subtypes of cocaine abusers: support for a type A-type B distinction.
Ball, S A; Carroll, K M; Babor, T F; Rounsaville, B J Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1995 Feb;63(1):115-24
Playing fair: science, ethics and scientific journals.
Edwards, G; Babor, T F; Raw, M; Stockwell, T Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1995 Jan;90(1):3-8
Validity of psychiatric diagnoses in patients with substance use disorders: is the interview more important than the interviewer?
Kranzler, H R; Kadden, R M; Burleson, J A; Babor, T F; Apter, A; Rounsaville, B J Comprehensive psychiatry 1995 Jan;36(4):278-88
Youth Evaluation Services (YES): assessment, systems of referral, and treatment effects.
Del Boca, F K; Babor, T F; McLaney, M A NIDA research monograph 1995 Jan;156325-40
Avoiding the horrid and beastly sin of drunkenness: does dissuasion make a difference?
Babor, T F Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1994 Dec;62(6):1127-40
Issues in the definition and measurement of drinking outcomes in alcoholism treatment research.
Babor, T F; Longabaugh, R; Zweben, A; Fuller, R K; Stout, R L; Anton, R F; Randall, C L Journal of studies on alcohol. Supplement 1994 Dec;12101-11
Multisite clinical trials in alcoholism treatment research: organizational, methodological and management issues.
Fuller, R K; Mattson, M E; Allen, J P; Randall, C L; Anton, R F; Babor, T F Journal of studies on alcohol. Supplement 1994 Dec;1230-7
Reliability enhancement and estimation in multisite clinical trials.
Del Boca, F K; Babor, T F; McRee, B Journal of studies on alcohol. Supplement 1994 Dec;12130-6
Overview: demography, epidemiology and psychopharmacology--making sense of the connections.
Babor, T F Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1994 Nov;89(11):1391-6
Buspirone treatment of anxious alcoholics. A placebo-controlled trial.
Kranzler, H R; Burleson, J A; Del Boca, F K; Babor, T F; Korner, P; Brown, J; Bohn, M J Archives of general psychiatry 1994 Sep;51(9):720-31
A randomized clinical trial of brief interventions in primary care: summary of a WHO project.
Babor, T F; Grant, M; Acuda, W; Burns, F H; Campillo, C; Del Boca, F K; Hodgson, R; Ivanets, N N; Lukomskya, M; Machona, M Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1994 Jun;89(6):657-60; discussion 660-78
Longitudinal, expert, all data procedure for psychiatric diagnosis in patients with psychoactive substance use disorders.
Kranzler, H R; Kadden, R M; Babor, T F; Rounsaville, B J The Journal of nervous and mental disease 1994 May;182(5):277-83
Introduction. Method and theory in the classification of alcoholics.
Babor, T F Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1994 Feb;7081-6
The type A/type B distinction. Subtyping alcoholics according to indicators of vulnerability and severity.
Brown, J; Babor, T F; Litt, M D; Kranzler, H R Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1994 Feb;70823-33
The structure and correlates of alcohol dependence: WHO collaborative project on the early detection of persons with harmful alcohol consumption--III.
Hall, W; Saunders, J B; Babor, T F; Aasland, O G; Amundsen, A; Hodgson, R; Grant, M Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1993 Dec;88(12):1627-36
Development of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO Collaborative Project on Early Detection of Persons with Harmful Alcohol Consumption--II.
Saunders, J B; Aasland, O G; Babor, T F; de la Fuente, J R; Grant, M Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1993 Jun;88(6):791-804
Cross system agreement for substance use disorders: DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10.
Rounsaville, B J; Bryant, K; Babor, T; Kranzler, H; Kadden, R Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1993 Mar;88(3):337-48
Types of alcoholics: concurrent and predictive validity of some common classification schemes.
Babor, T F; Dolinsky, Z S; Meyer, R E; Hesselbrock, M; Hofmann, M; Tennen, H British journal of addiction 1992 Oct;87(10):1415-31
Types of alcoholics, I. Evidence for an empirically derived typology based on indicators of vulnerability and severity.
Babor, T F; Hofmann, M; DelBoca, F K; Hesselbrock, V; Meyer, R E; Dolinsky, Z S; Rounsaville, B Archives of general psychiatry 1992 Aug;49(8):599-608
Types of alcoholics, II. Application of an empirically derived typology to treatment matching.
Litt, M D; Babor, T F; DelBoca, F K; Kadden, R M; Cooney, N L Archives of general psychiatry 1992 Aug;49(8):609-14
Coherence of the dependence syndrome in cocaine users.
Bryant, K J; Rounsaville, B J; Babor, T F British journal of addiction 1991 Oct;86(10):1299-310
Brief intervention strategies for harmful drinkers: new directions for medical education.
Babor, T F CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne 1990 Nov;143(10):1070-6
Dental pathology and alcohol-related indicators in an outpatient clinic sample.
Kranzler, H R; Babor, T F; Goldstein, L; Gold, J Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 1990 Aug;18(4):204-7
Epidemiology, advocacy and ideology in alcohol studies.
Babor, T F Journal of studies on alcohol 1990 Jul;51(4):293-5
SCAN. Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry.
Wing, J K; Babor, T; Brugha, T; Burke, J; Cooper, J E; Giel, R; Jablenski, A; Regier, D; Sartorius, N Archives of general psychiatry 1990 Jun;47(6):589-93
Problems associated with average alcohol consumption and frequency of intoxication in a medical population.
Kranzler, H R; Babor, T F; Lauerman, R J Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 1990 Feb;14(1):119-26
Comparison of SCID and LEAD standard diagnoses for drug and psychiatric disorders.
Bryant, K J; Rounsaville, B J; Babor, T F NIDA research monograph 1990 Jan;105591-4
From basic concepts to clinical reality. Unresolved issues in the diagnosis of dependence.
Babor, T F; Orrok, B; Liebowitz, N; Salomon, R; Brown, J Recent developments in alcoholism : an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism 1990 Jan;885-104
Early detection of harmful alcohol consumption: comparison of clinical, laboratory, and self-report screening procedures.
Babor, T F; Kranzler, H R; Lauerman, R J Addictive behaviors 1989 Jan;14(2):139-57
Reasons for alcohol use by female heavy, moderate, and occasional social drinkers.
Lex, B W; Mello, N K; Mendelson, J H; Babor, T F Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 1989 Jan;6(4):281-7
The Composite International Diagnostic Interview. An epidemiologic Instrument suitable for use in conjunction with different diagnostic systems and in different cultures.
Robins, L N; Wing, J; Wittchen, H U; Helzer, J E; Babor, T F; Burke, J; Farmer, A; Jablenski, A; Pickens, R; Regier, D A Archives of general psychiatry 1988 Dec;45(12):1069-77
Alcoholics, aggression and antisocial personality.
Jaffe, J H; Babor, T F; Fishbein, D H Journal of studies on alcohol 1988 May;49(3):211-8
An alcohol research center in concept and practice: interdisciplinary collaboration at the UConn ARC.
Meyer, R E; Babor, T F; Hesselbrock, V British journal of addiction 1988 Mar;83(3):245-52
Unitary versus multidimensional models of alcoholism treatment outcome: an empirical study.
Babor, T F; Dolinsky, Z; Rounsaville, B; Jaffe, J Journal of studies on alcohol 1988 Mar;49(2):167-77
Alcohol addiction: an update.
Babor, T F Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America 1988 Jan;71253-69
The syndrome concept of alcohol and drug dependence: results of the secondary analysis project.
Babor, T; Cooney, N; Hubbard, R; Jaffe, J; Kosten, T; Lauerman, R; McLellan, T; Rankin, H; Rounsaville, B; Skinner, H NIDA research monograph 1988 Jan;8133-9
Substance-use disorders in DSM-III-R. Evidence for the dependence syndrome across different psychoactive substances.
Kosten, T R; Rounsaville, B J; Babor, T F; Spitzer, R L; Williams, J B The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 1987 Dec;151834-43
Verbal report methods in clinical research on alcoholism: response bias and its minimization.
Babor, T F; Stephens, R S; Marlatt, G A Journal of studies on alcohol 1987 Sep;48(5):410-24
Psychopathology as a predictor of treatment outcome in alcoholics.
Rounsaville, B J; Dolinsky, Z S; Babor, T F; Meyer, R E Archives of general psychiatry 1987 Jun;44(6):505-13
The dependence syndrome concept as a psychological theory of relapse behaviour: an empirical evaluation of alcoholic and opiate addicts.
Babor, T F; Cooney, N L; Lauerman, R J British journal of addiction 1987 Apr;82(4):393-405
Social drinking as a health and psychosocial risk factor. Anstie's limit revisited.
Babor, T F; Kranzler, H R; Lauerman, R J Recent developments in alcoholism : an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism 1987 Jan;5373-402
The dependence syndrome across different psychoactive substances: revised DSM-III.
Kosten, T R; Rounsaville, B J; Babor, T F; Spitzer, R L; Williams, J B NIDA research monograph 1987 Jan;76255-8
Alcoholism and prevalence of medical and psychiatric disorders.
Mendelson, J H; Babor, T F; Mello, N K; Pratt, H Journal of studies on alcohol 1986 Sep;47(5):361-6
Alcohol-related problems in the primary health care setting: a review of early intervention strategies.
Babor, T F; Ritson, E B; Hodgson, R J British journal of addiction 1986 Feb;81(1):23-46
Classification and forms of inebriety. Historical antecedents of alcoholic typologies.
Babor, T F; Lauerman, R J Recent developments in alcoholism : an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism 1986 Jan;4113-44
Concepts of alcoholism among American, French-Canadian, and French alcoholics.
Babor, T F; Hesselbrock, M; Radouco-Thomas, S; Feguer, L; Ferrant, J P; Choquette, K Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1986 Jan;47298-109
Ethnic/religious differences in the manifestation and treatment of alcoholism.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1986 Jan;47246-59
Issues in the definition and diagnosis of alcoholism: implications for a reformulation.
Babor, T F; Kranzler, H R; Kadden, R M Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry 1986 Jan;10(2):113-28
Taking stock: method and theory in cross-national research on alcohol.
Babor, T F Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1986 Jan;4721-9
The drug dependence syndrome concept as an organizing principle in the explanation and prediction of relapse.
Babor, T F; Cooney, N L; Lauerman, R J NIDA research monograph 1986 Jan;7220-35
Discriminative control of alcoholics' drinking by the drinking situation.
Choquette, K A; Hesselbrock, M N; Babor, T F Journal of studies on alcohol 1985 Sep;46(5):412-7
Marijuana, affect and tolerance: a study of subchronic self-administration in women.
Babor, T F; Lex, B W; Mendelson, J H; Mello, N K NIDA research monograph 1984 Mar;49199-204
"Never believe an alcoholic"? On the validity of self-report measures of alcohol dependence and related constructs.
Hesselbrock, M; Babor, T F; Hesselbrock, V; Meyer, R E; Workman, K The International journal of the addictions 1983 Jul;18(5):593-609
The early detection and secondary prevention of alcoholism in France.
Babor, T F; Treffardier, M; Weill, J; Fegueur, L; Ferrant, J P Journal of studies on alcohol 1983 Jul;44(4):600-16
Typologies in alcoholism: an overview.
Meyer, R E; Babor, T F; Mirkin, P M The International journal of the addictions 1983 Feb;18(2):235-49
Alcohol, affect, and the disinhibition of verbal behavior.
Babor, T F; Berglas, S; Mendelson, J H; Ellingboe, J; Miller, K Psychopharmacology 1983 Jan;80(1):53-60
The nature of alcoholism in patients with different family histories for alcoholism.
Hesselbrock, V M; Stabenau, J R; Hesselbrock, M N; Meyer, R E; Babor, T F Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry 1982 Jan;6(4-6):607-14
Drinking patterns in experimental and barroom settings.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H; Uhly, B; Souza, E Journal of studies on alcohol 1980 Jul;41(7):635-51
Empirical correlates of self-report drinking measures.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H Currents in alcoholism 1979 Jan;7161-8
Social effects of marijuana use in a recreational setting.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H; Uhly, B; Kuehnle, J C The International journal of the addictions 1978 Aug;13(6):947-59
Studying social reactions to drug self-administration.
Babor, T F NIDA research monograph 1978 Jul;(20):149-79
Experimental analysis of the 'happy hour": effects of purchase price on alcohol consumption.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H; Greenberg, I; Kuehnle, J Psychopharmacology 1978 Jun;58(1):35-41
Opiates, catecholamines, behavior, and mood.
Meyer, R E; Schildkraut, J J; Mirin, S M; Orsulak, P J; Randall, M; McDougle, M; Platz, P A; Grab, E; Babor, T Psychopharmacology 1978 Apr;56(3):327-33
Interpersonal behavior in group discussion during marijuana intoxication.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H; Gallant, D; Kuehnle, J C The International journal of the addictions 1978 Jan;13(1):89-102
Marihuana and human physical activity.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H; Kuehnle, J Psychopharmacology 1976 Oct;50(1):11-9
Behavioral and social effects of heroin self-administration and withdrawal.
Babor, T F; Meyer, R E; Mirin, S M; McNamee, H B; Davies, M Archives of general psychiatry 1976 Mar;33(3):363-7
Behavioral and biologic aspects of marijuana use.
Mendelson, J H; Babor, T F; Kuehnle, J C; Rossi, A M; Bernstein, J G; Mello, N K; Greenberg, I Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1976 Jan;282186-210
Interpersonal behavior in a small group setting during the heroin addiction cycle.
Babor, T F; Meyer, R E; Mirin, S M; Davies, M; Valentine, N; Rawlins, M The International journal of the addictions 1976 Jan;11(3):513-23
Psychiatric and behavioral observations of casual and heavy marijuana users in a controlled research setting.
Greenberg, I; Mendelson, J H; Kuehnle, J C; Mello, N; Babor, T F Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1976 Jan;28272-84
Marijuana consumption and tolerance to physiological and subjective effects.
Babor, T F; Mendelson, J H; Greenberg, I; Kuehnle, J C Archives of general psychiatry 1975 Dec;32(12):1548-52
Plasma testosterone levels before, during and after chronic marihuana smoking.
Mendelson, J H; Kuehnle, J; Ellingboe, J; Babor, T F The New England journal of medicine 1974 Nov;291(20):1051-5
Adolescents' attitudes toward themselves and cigarette smokers.
Zagona, S V; Babor, T F Psychological reports 1969 Oct;25(2):501-2
A survey of addiction studies programs in North American universities
Pavlovská, A., Peters, RH,, Gabrhelík, R, Sloboda, Z, Babor, TF, Miovský, M. (2019) Journal of Substance Use. 24 910, 55-60.