Photo of Lance  Bauer, PhD

Lance Bauer, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry
Academic Office Location:
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1410
Phone: 860-679-4154
Fax: 860-679-4077

Dr. Lance Bauer is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and PI of the NIAAA-funded Alcohol Research Center. He is co-PI of a T32-funded Institutional Training Program in Alcohol Research for postdoctoral fellows.  Dr. Bauer plays a vital role in the activities of the Department of Psychiatry and UConn Health by serving on the ARC's Executive Committee, Scientific Advisory Committees for the CRC and IRB, and the Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee for the School of Medicine. His research program focuses on cognitive dysfunction and its contribution to psychopathology.

Dr. Bauer is also involved in research at the national level. He is a member of the Research Society on Alcoholism and the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. In addition, he is frequently called upon to review grant proposals for the NIH.

BAUniversity of RochesterPsychology
PhDWashington UniversityPsychology

Post-Graduate Training
FellowshipUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterNeurophysiology
FellowshipUniversity of Connecticut School of MedicineAlcohol Research Center Department of Psychiatry

Training of postdoctoral fellows

Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Alcohol Research Center/BioScience CT faculty search committeeOtherChairUConn HealthLocal20212021
UConn Health IRB Scientific Advisory CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeMemberUConn HealthLocal2019
CSR Population and Public Health Approaches to HIV (PPAH) Most recent meetings: 7/12/21Study SectionTemporary memberExternalNational20162021
School of Medicine Senior Appointments and Promotions CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeReviewerUConn HealthUniversity20102022
Chair/Co-Chair, Dept of Psychiatry Grand RoundsEducation CommitteeCo-ChairUConn HealthUniversity2010
CSR Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging Most recent meetings: 6/3/2019 and 10/22/2018Study SectionTemporary MemberExternalNational20082019
CSR NeuroAIDS and Other End Organ Diseases (NAED) Most recent meeting 7/18/2018Study SectionRegular memberExternalNational20082017
ZAA1GG(32) NIAAA F31/F32 Review Group Most recent meetings: 7/7/2021Study SectionChairExternalNational20082021
Clinical Research Center Scientific Advisory CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeStanding memberUConn HealthLocal20002019
Alcohol Research Center Executive CommitteeResearch CommitteeChairUConn HealthLocal19882024
ZDA1SKM-D (04), NIH pathways to independence study section, meeting date 3/1/2021Study SectionChairExternalNational
NIAAA/NIH, Loan Repayment Program Review CommitteeStudy SectionStudy section reviewerExternalNational

Genetic and personality risk factors for addiction and their neurophysiological correlates.

Students with expertise in neurobiology or computer science can use our neuroimaging software to conduct secondary analyses of EEG/ERP data for class projects or publications.

Not accepting students for Lab Rotations at this time

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Chapter 4: Electroencephalographic Studies of Substance Use and Abuse
    Brain Imaging in Substance Abuse: Research, Clinical, and Forensic Applications 77-112
  • Neurophysiological and Cognitive Correlates of Antisocial Behavior
    The Science, Treatment, and Prevention of Antisocial Behaviors 5.2-5.23
