Hugh M. Blumenfeld, MD, PhDAssistant Professor, Family Medicine
- Overview
- Education & Training
- Clinical Interests
- Teaching
- Committees & Organizations
- Research
- Research Opportunities
- Publications
- Presentations
Before becoming a physician, I'd already been an English Professor and then a touring folk musician. I love family medicine because it embraces the art of medicine as much as the science. It takes an inherently holistic approach to patients and their families, stresses patient autonomy and self-care as the foundations of longterm health, and finds beauty in all stages of the human experience, from birth up to and including death. Being a family doctor is never having to say "There's nothing more we can do" to a patient or to those they love.
Degree | Institution | Major |
BS | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Biology, Humanities |
MA | University of Chicago | English Language & Literature |
PhD | New York University | Poetics |
MD | University of Connecticut School of Medicine | Family Medicine |
Post-Graduate Training
Training | Institution | Specialty |
Residency | University of Connecticut | Family Medicine Resident |
Fellowship | STFM: Society for Teachers of Family Medicine | Behavioral Health and Family Systems Educator Fellowship: 1 year program including intensive workshops at 3 national conferences, monthly phone conferences with mentors, completion of a research project and poster presentation at STFM conference in Minneapolis, MN May 2016. |
Name of Award/Honor | Awarding Organization |
2023 STFM Writing Award - Essay Category. For "The Collar" | Soc for Teachers of Family Medicine |
Urban Service Track Faculty Teaching Award | UST/AHEC |
Primary Care Leadership Award | Connecticut Center for Primary Care |
Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (FAAFP). Recognizes excellence through achievements and service in the field of family medicine. | American Academy of Family Physicians |
Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award. "Recognizes graduating students and faculty members who demonstrate both clinical excellence and outstanding compassion in the delivery of care and who show respect for patients, their families, and healthcare colleagues." | Gold Humanism Society |
Jay Healey Memorial Speaker (faculty keynote), UConn SOM Convocation 2017 | UConn SOM |
Academic Merit Evaluation: Superior Performance in Teaching. | |
STFM Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellow: Completed year-long national fellowship in the teaching and practicing of behavioral health in primary care. One of sixteen educators chosen annually. | Society of Teachers of Family Medicine |
Saint Francis Hospital Faculty Fellow | Saint Francis Hospital / Connecticut Institute for Primary Care Innovation |
PCM Physician Teaching Award: Annual award given by first and second year medical students to a physician preceptor in the Principles of Clinical Medicine course. | UConn School of Medicine |
Jay Healey Memorial Speaker (faculty keynote), UConn SOM Convocation 2012 | UConn SOM |
Behavioral health: I provide a weekly primary care psychiatry clinic at our office.
Palliative care: I am a Medical Director for a hospice program.
Obstetrics: We deliver babies.
Narrative Medicine: I use storytelling (in essays, poems, songs and art) to promote healing for both patients and care providers.
As Director of Behavioral Medicine at UConn's Family Medicine Residency Program, I teach community medicine, primary care psychiatry, and the ethical use of evidence based medicine and narrative medicine. I also supervise residents during their clinical work, both in our Hartford office and at Saint Francis Hospital, including obstetrics. My work with medical students starts with courses in basic clinical medicine skills for first and second year students, moving on to advanced subjects and clinical experiences for third year students during their Family Medicine clerkship and fourth year students doing sub-internship.
I am also a core faculty member in the Urban Service Track program (UST), an interprofessional education program administered by AHEC, which includes learning retreats focusing on the care of at-risk populations as well as hands-on community service activities from free migrant farm worker clinics to blood pressure screening events.
Name & Description | Category | Role | Type | Scope | Start Year | End Year |
Bioethics and Medical Humanities Interest Group, includes publication of Anastomoses, UConn SOM Literary Magazine. Faculty Advisor, 2021 - | Other | Faculty Advisor | UConn Health | University | 2021 | |
Gold Humanism Society. Help plan and participate in events promoting humanistic values in medical training and patient care. | Professional/Scientific Organization | member | UConn Health | National | 2017 | |
Reviewer for Family Medicine (Journal): Review research articles and personal essays for submission. | Professional/Scientific Journal | Reviewer | External | International | 2017 | |
Reviewer for Familes, Systems and Health (Journal): Review research articles and personal essays for submission. | Professional/Scientific Journal | Reviewer | External | International | 2017 | |
Narrative Medicine Interest Group | Other | Faculty Advisor | UConn Health | University | 2017 | 2021 |
Editorial Board, Echos (Saint Francis Hospital literary magazine). Help to solicit, choose and edit contributions for this annual publication that promotes community and humanistic patient care. | Editorial Board | Co-Editor | External | Local | 2016 | |
Connecticut Reach Out and Read, Board of Trustees. Assisted with event planning, fundraising and medical provider outreach for this non-profit organization that promotes early literacy as a fundamental part of lifelong health by distributing books to children during their Well Child Visits. | Community Service | board member | External | State | 2014 | 2015 |
Urban Service Track Core Faculty: in addition to teaching and curriculum design activities noted elsewhere, faculty meets twice annually to review curriculum, student evaluations and program goals. | Education Committee | member | UConn Health | University | 2010 | |
Connecticut Association of Family Physicians (CAFP) | Professional/Scientific Organization | member | External | State | 2010 | |
American Academy of Family Physicians | Professional/Scientific Organization | member | External | National | 2010 | |
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) | Professional/Scientific Organization | member | External | National | 2010 |
I have done clinical research in the effects of music on patients recovering from traumatic brain injuries and on premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. I have presented at national conferences on several topics concerning medical education from traditional storytelling to the use of hand-held technology.
I have served as faculty advisor and primary investigator for medical students doing research in the area of health care access.
"Legalize, regulate and tax marijuana, says doctor"
The Day (New London CT, daily newspaper) 2017 Jul;
The Yoke
Echos (Saint Francis Hospital literary journal, published annually) 2016 Mar;2
"Statewide collaboration to promote research by Family Medicine residents and students"
STFM Messenger, Education Column 2018 Oct;1
Op Ed/CT Viewpoints: "Physician Perspective: Advance public health through the legalization and regulation of cannabis 2021 May;1
"Corporis Humani Ossa"
Imagining Vesalius: An Ekphrastic, Scholarly and Literary Celebration of the 1543 De Humani Corporis Fabrica of Andreas Vesalius. Ed. Richard Ratzan. Univ of California Medical Humanities Press. 2020. 2020 Aug;85
Op-Ed: "Hartford Physician: Connecticut should legalize marijuana"
Hartford Courant 2019 May;
Title or Abstract | Type | Sponsor/Event | Date/Year | Location |
Hospice and Palliative Care | Lecture | Eastern Connecticut Health Network (ECHN) | 2024 | Manchester Community Hospital |
Ethics Based Medicine: A modest proposal regarding publishing standards for clinical evidence | Lecture | University of Wisconsin SOM | 2023 | Milwaukee, WI |
Empathy, Ethics and Aesthetics: What if empathy is not what you think it is? Providence RI, 10/15/23 | Lecture | Family Medicine Education Consortium/Annual Conference | 2023 | Providence, RI |
Ethics Based Medicine: A modest proposal regarding publishing standards for clinical evidence, Milwaukee WI 9/7/23 | Lecture | Univ of Wisconsin SOM, Forum on Behavioral Science in Family Medicine | 2023 | Milwaukee, WI |
"Narrative Medicine: creating a monthly writer's group in an interprofessional hospital setting" (co-presented with Tracy Fox, RM) | Talk | Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine | 2020 | Virtual/online |
"Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics": From Evidence to Ethics | Talk | 41st Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine | 2020 | Virtual / Online |
"The Dementias: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" | Lecture | Masonicare Home Health and Hospice | 2020 | East Hartford CT |
"Leaning into Suffering: Personal growth and wellness through empathy." | Lecture | Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Annual Conference | 2019 | Chicago, IL |
"The rise of primary care psychiatry and the fall of the DSM-5" | Poster | Collaborative Family Healthcare Association | 2019 | Denver, CO |
"Medical Marijuana: Legal use of Cannabis for select medical conditions" | Panel Discussion | Middlesex Medical Society | 2019 | Middlesex Hospital, Middletown CT |
"Art and Medicine" (with Richard Ratzan MD and Alfred Herzog MD) | Panel Discussion | Gold Humanism Society | 2017 | UCHC |
"Improving documentation and safety of long-term anticoagulation therapy: A Quality Improvement Project" One of several authors of this clinical team project. | Poster | Connecticut Academy of Family Physicians | 2017 | CAFP Annual Scientific Symposium, Southington, CT |
Use of Narrative Medicine in Training Family Medicine Residents | Poster | STFM/Annual Conference | 2016 | Minneapolis, MN |
Music and the Healing Arts (Keynote speaker) | Plenary Lecture | New England Region American Music Therapy Association annual conference | 2014 | New England Region American Music Therapy Association annual conference, CT |
Tikkun Olam: Music as a Healing Art | Other | Pi Lambda Phi Society of West Virginia University | 2013 | West Virginia University, WV |
Diagnosing and Treating Anxiety: What Are You Afraid Of? | Talk | Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine | 2012 | Chicago |
“Cross-Disciplinary Training of a Family Medicine Resident and a Family Therapy Intern” (Co-Presenter with Alison Wong, PhD.) | Lecture | Collaborative Family Health Care Association/Annual Conference | 2011 | Philadelphia PA |