Building Bridges: Community-University Collaborations Emphasizing Multicultural Education and Advocacy | Poster | National Association of Multicultural Education | 2024 | Anaheim, CA |
Assuring Readiness to Practice Through Community Engagement: A 2-semester Applied Practice Experience | Other | Association for Prevention, Teaching and Research | 2024 | Alexandria, VA |
Reconceptualizing Student Centered Learning in the Post-Pandemic Classroom,” | Other | Critical Questions in Education | 2024 | New Orleans, LA |
Health Equity in Action - Transforming Neighborhoods through Policy, Advocacy & Partnership | Panel Discussion | Annual Medical Education Conference- Student National Medical Association | 2023 | Hartford, CT |
Making a Difference One Class at a Time: Community-University Collaborations to Address Health Equity | Poster | | 2023 | New Orleans, LA |
Anti-racism education: an elective for future professionals | Talk | | 2022 | Virtual |
Anti-Racist Medical Education: An elective for pre-clinical health professions students | Talk | Society for Public Health Education | 2021 | St. Louis, MO |
Student Attittudes and Perceptions of COVID-19 and its Impact on Medical Education | Poster | Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Educational Affairs | 2021 | Virtual |
Improving Communication, Reducing Health Disparities, Encouraging Advocacy: A Curriculum for Medical Students | Poster | National Association of Multicultural Education | 2020 | Virtual |
To Trust or Not to Trust, that is the Question: Developing Innovative Multicultural Education Curricula to Address the Influence of Physician Trust among Racially and Ethnically Diverse LGBT Patients | Poster | National Association for Multicultural Education | 2019 | Tucson, AZ |
The Health Disparities Clinical Summer Research Fellowship Program Exposes Undergraduate Pre-Health Professions Students to Clinical Medicine and Health Research | Poster | New England Group on Student Affairs | 2019 | Boston, MA |
Preparing the Next Generation: The Health Disparities Clinical Summer Research Fellowship | Poster | Conference on Academic Research in Education | 2019 | Las Vegas, NV |
Trust Matters: LGBT Patients, Physician Trust and Implications for Medical Education | Talk | American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences | 2018 | Las Vegas, NV |
Sex is Better than Ever: Exploring Intimacy, Parenthood and Wellbeing among Racially Diverse Women Ages 30 to 80 | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2018 | San Diego, CA |
An Investigation of Sexual Wellbeing and Health: Employing Strength Based Approach to the Study of Black Women's Sexuality | Talk | American Association of Behavioral Social Sciences | 2017 | Las Vegas, NV |
Teen Motherhood: Her Story- Utilizing the Multiracial Feminist Framework to Examine Teen Moms from their own Perspective | Talk | Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference | 2017 | Las Vegas, NV |
Is Mama Really Happy? Utilizing Positive Psychology and Multiracial Feminist Theory to Explore Gender Roles, Race and Health among African American and Afro-Caribbean Women | Talk | Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians | 2017 | St. Thomas, VI |
We have CLAS, Do You? Improving CLAS Standards Awareness Statewide | Poster | Heatlh Disparities Conference | 2016 | New Orleans, LA |
Addressing Health Disparities through Education: LGBT Patients | Poster | Health Disparities Conference | 2016 | New Orleans, LA |
Sexualosity” and General Life Satisfaction in the Lives of Professional Black Women: A Black Feminist Analysis | Talk | Association of Black Sexologists and Cliniicians | 2016 | Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Trust Matters: Physician Trust among Diverse LGBT Patients and Implications for Care and Medical Education | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2016 | Denver, CO |
You Don’t Know what you Don’t Know: Preparing Health Professionals to work with Southeast Asian Communities | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2016 | Denver, CO |
Mom has Sex?!: The Intersectionality of Gender, Culture and Race | Other | Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians | 2016 | St. Thomas, VI |
'Sexuaolosity' and General Life Satisfaction in the Lives of Professional Black Women: A Black Feminist Analysis | Talk | Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians | 2016 | Fort Lauderdale, FL |
You Don't Know What you Don't Know: Preparing Health Professionals to Work with Southeast Asian Communities | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2016 | Denver, CO |
LGBT Patient Narratives to Teach Sexual History-Taking | Poster | Sex and Gender Based Medical Education Conference | 2015 | Rochester, MN |
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Preparation, Pipeline, Partnership | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2014 | New Orleans, LA |
Do you have CLAS? A Statewide Initiative to Improve Knowledge of the CLAS Standards among Providers, Students and Consumers | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2014 | New Orleans, LA |
Raising Awareness, Improving Skills: A Strategy to Address Health Disparities among Southeast Asians in Connecticut | Talk | American Public Health Association | 2014 | New Orleans, LA |
Developing Cross-Cultural Communication Curriculum: Awareness, Knowledge and Skills | Talk | International Medical Interpreters Association | 2014 | Houston, TX |
Effective Partnerships for Achieving Health Equity and Systems Change: Collaborations between a State Agency, Advocacy Groups, Academic, and Other Partners | Talk | Health Disparities Conference at Teachers College, Columbia University | 2014 | New York, NY |
Speak Up! A Longitudinal, Multi-Year Undergraduate Curriculum for Patient Advocacy | Talk | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs | 2014 | New Haven, CT |
Teens as Teachers Improving Recruitment and Training of Adolescent Standardized Patients in a Simulated Patient Encounter | Poster | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs | 2014 | New Haven, CT |
Engaging Youth in the Social Lives of Communities: A Photo-Voice Pilot Project to Promote Change | Poster | American Public Health Association | 2014 | New Orleans, LA |
Intersectional Research in LGBT Health: A Call to Action | Talk | Eastern Sociological Association Annual Conference | 2013 | Boston, MA |
The Definition and Delivery of Culturally Competent Care to LGBT Patients: Evidence from a Community Driven Model | Poster | National Conf. on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations | 2013 | Oakland, CA |
That's Not Exactly What I Meant: A Curriculum for Successfully Working with an Interpreter | Poster | National Conf. on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations | 2013 | Oakland, CA |
Let's Work Together: A Community-Campus Collaboration to Explore Southeast Asian Health Beliefs and Practices | Talk | National Conf. on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations | 2013 | Oakland, CA |
What's in a Name: Distinguishing Medical School Educators | Poster | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs | 2013 | New York, NY |
Helping Medical Students Get the IDEA and ACE Professional Reflection: Using Rubrics to Help Foster, Guide and Evaluate Reflective Writing Exercises | Poster | American Association of Medical Colleges | 2013 | Philadelphia, PA |
A Different Voice: Perspectives from Non-Physician Medical Educators | Poster | American Association of Medical Colleges | 2013 | Philadelphia, PA |
Teens as Teachers: Building and Adolescent Health Curriculum | Poster | MedEdPortal, I-Collaborative | 2012 | |
Improving Understanding of Southeast Asian Cultures: A Strategy for Addressing Health Disparities | Poster | American Association of Medical Colleges | 2012 | San Francisco, CA |
Teens as Teachers: Building An Adolescent Health Curriculum | Talk | American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) | 2011 | Denver, CO |
Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? Building Momentum for Health Equity in Connecticut | Poster | American Public Health Association (APHA) | 2011 | Washington DC |
Improving Doctor-Patient Communication in Cross-Cultural Settings | Poster | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs | 2011 | Washington D.C. |
Putting the Cart Before the Horse: The Relevance of Social Justice in Cultural Competency Training | Talk | Association of Black Sociologists | 2010 | Atlanta, GA |
Where to Begin: Using Competencies to Develop and Assess Community Based Education Curriculum | Poster | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs | 2010 | Farmington, CT |
Think About It: Using Journal Reflection to Consider Chemical Dependency Issues | Poster | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs | 2010 | Farmington, CT |
Connect and Create: Building University-Community Partnerships to Develop Cross Cultural Curricula Addressing Health Disparities | Poster | Health Disparities Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University | 2009 | New York, NY |
Developing Curricula through University-Community Partnerships | Poster | Association of Black Sociologists | 2009 | New Orleans, LA |
Cultural Competency Education and the Need for Social and Behavioral Sciences in the Curriculum | Talk | Association of Black Sociologists | 2009 | New Orleans, LA |
Adolescent History Training Module | Talk | MedEdPortal | 2009 | |
Cross-Cultural and Diversity Inclusiveness: Training of Health and Human Service Providers: A Comprehensive and Participatory Approach | Talk | New England Regional Minority Health Conference | 2009 | Providence, RI |
Collaborating with Communities: Cross Cultural Education to Address Health Disparities | Talk | Global Health Education Consortium | 2008 | Sacramento, CA |
Connecting with the Community for Cross Cultural Education | Talk | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) annual Conference | 2008 | Burlington, VT |
Tools for Teaching Cross-Cultural Skills | Talk | New England Conference on Multicultural Education (NECME) | 2008 | Hartford, CT |
Cross-cultural and Diversity Inclusiveness Training to Reduce ‘Borders as Barriers’ to Health and Health Care | Poster | American Public Health Association (APHA) | 2008 | San Diego, CA |
Building a Health Literacy Curriculum | Poster | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) annual Conference | 2007 | Stony Brook, NY |
Developing Medical Education Partnerships with Local Communities | Talk | American Association of Medical Colleges | 2007 | Washington DC |
Race, Biology and Culture | Poster | Network/TULF annual Conference | 2006 | Ghent, Belgium |
Culturally Competent Health Care: What is it and how can we achieve it? | Talk | Community Health Foundation of Greater New Britain | 2005 | Berlin, CT |
A Required Professional Capstone Experience: The Selective Course | Poster | Network/TULF annual Conference | 2005 | Vietnam |
An Introduction to Community Based Education: Community Orientation and Tour | Poster | Network/TULF annual Conference | 2005 | Vietnam |
Developing Educational Tools to Reduce Health Disparities | Talk | Society of General Internal Medicine | 2004 | Chicago, IL |
Teen Pregnancy: A Mother’s Perspective | Talk | Association of Black Sociologists | 2004 | San Francisco, CA |
A Multidimensional Assessment of Teen Pregnancy from a Mother’s Perspective | Talk | Race, Gender, and Class conference | 2004 | New Orleans, LA |
Developing Cross-Cultural Curricula with the Community | Poster | Network | 2004 | Atlanta, GA |
Preparing Medical Students for Urban Health: Developing Cross-Cultural Curricula with the Community | Talk | International Health Medical Education Consortium | 2003 | New York, NY |
Assessing Community Health Skills | Talk | Northeast Group on Educational Affairs Regional Meeting | 2003 | Boston, MA |
Community Connections: Improving Education, Research and Service | Talk | Connecticut Health Seminar Series | 2002 | Farmington, CT |
Deconstructing Race as a Cross-cultural Skills Teaching Tool | Talk | Association of Black Sociologists | 2002 | Chicago, IL |
Three Practitioners’ Views of Distance Education: Perspectives from the Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Humanities | Talk | Albertus Magnus College and the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium | 2002 | New Haven, CT |
Developing Cross Cultural Curricula with the Community | Talk | Community Campus Partnerships for Health Conference | 2001 | San Antonio, TX |
Dimensions of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic and Black Public Health | Panel Discussion | Association of Black Sociologists | 2001 | Anaheim, CA |
Community Based Clinical Practice Sites as Role Models for Partnership and Health Promotion | Poster | Community Campus Partnerships for Health Conference | 2000 | Washington DC |
Cross Cultural Curriculum | Poster | American Association of Medical Colleges | 2000 | Washington DC |
’Since When is Gender a Four-Letter Word?’: An Experience of Doing Research on Gender in a Chilly Climate | Talk | Toxic Towers: The Impact of Higher Education on Women Conference | 1997 | Akron, OH |
Racial Passing: Social and Psychological Consequences | Talk | North Central Sociological Association | 1995 | Pittsburgh, PA |