Douglas M. Brugge, PhD, MSProfessor and Chair, Department of Public Health SciencesHealth Net, Inc. Endowed Chair in Community Medicine
- Overview
- Education & Training
- Teaching
- Committees & Organizations
- Research
- Research Opportunities
- Publications
- Presentations
Dr. Brugge became chair of the department at the end of March 2019. Prior to that he was a public health professor at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. He did his undergraduate education at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in biology and chemistry. His Ph.D. is in biology from Harvard University and he has an MS in industrial hygiene from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Degree | Institution | Major |
BA | Washington University | Biology and Chemistry |
PhD | Harvard University | Cellular and Developmental Biology |
MS | Harvard School of Public Health | Industrial Hygiene |
Name of Award/Honor | Awarding Organization |
The Zucker Family Prize, Awarded Annually to a Member of the TUSM Faculty for Outstanding Research | |
Honorable Mention, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Annual Award for the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health Study | |
Tufts Community Research Center Annual Award, for the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health Study | Tufts University |
Finalist, Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award | Campus Compact |
Certificate of Appreciation | Massachusetts Institute for Community Health Leadership |
Honorable Mention, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Annual Award | Navajo Uranium Miner Oral History and Photography Project |
Environmental Merit Award | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, New England |
Recognition, 25th Anniversary Banquet | Chinese Progressive Association |
Certificate of Recognition | Committee for Boston Public Housing |
Recognition | U.S. Congressional Record |
Certificate of Appreciation | Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining & S.W. Research & Info. Center |
Certificate of Merit | Alternatives for Community and Environment |
Certificate of Appreciation | Boston Hispanic Sub-Parent Advisory Council |
Dr. Brugge's teaching is in the areas of occupational and environmental health and community engagement in research.
Name & Description | Category | Role | Type | Scope | Start Year | End Year |
International Society of Environmental Epidemiology | Professional/Scientific Journal | Member | International | |||
Dean's Council | Advisory Committee | Member | UConn Health | University | ||
Senior Appointments and Promotion Committee | Other | Secondary member | University | |||
Community Research Alliance, Hartford, Ct. | Community Service | Member | Local | |||
SCOTUS affirmative action committee | Advisory Committee | University | ||||
American Public Health Association | Professional/Scientific Organization | National |
Dr. Brugge directs the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH), a set of studies about ultrafine particles from traffic and their association with cardiovascular health risk (funded by NIEHS, NHLBI, EPA, HUD, and the Kresge Foundation). Additional research has been on housing conditions and child asthma, second hand smoke exposure, asthma in Chinese and black immigrant communities, health communication, uranium mining in Native American and other populations, and research ethics. Most of his work uses a community-based participatory research approach. He has over 160 publications and has a deep commitment to seeing research translated into policy and practice.
Many of Dr. Brugge's research projects have opportunities for students. In the past students at all leavels, from high school to post docs have worked on projects he directs.
Journal Articles
Reaction to at-home air purifiers installed to reduce traffic-related air pollution in near-highway residences.
Trials 2024 Aug;25(1):551
Concentration-Response Functions Relating Concentration and Duration of Ambient Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure to Systolic Blood Pressure.
Environmental health perspectives 2024 May;132(5):57701
The Exposure Peaks of Traffic-Related Ultrafine Particles Associated with Inflammatory Biomarkers and Blood Lipid Profiles.
Toxics 2024 Feb;12(2):
Communities catalyzing change with data to mitigate an invisible menace, traffic-related air pollution.
BMC public health 2024 Feb;24(1):411
Association between Residential Exposure to Air Pollution and Incident Coronary Heart Disease Is Not Mediated by Leukocyte Telomere Length: A UK Biobank Study.
Toxics 2023 May;11(6):
Exposure to ultrafine particles and cognitive decline among older people in the United States.
Environmental research 2023 Mar;115768
Relationship between traffic-related air pollution and inflammation biomarkers using structural equation modeling.
The Science of the total environment 2023 Jan;870161874
Advancing Environmental Justice in the Community Using Charrette: A Case Study in Boston Chinatown.
Environmental Justice 2022 Dec;(on line)
A new exposure metric for the cumulative effect of short-term exposure peaks of traffic-related ultrafine particles.
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 2022 Mar;32615–628
An exploratory analysis of sociodemographic characteristics with ultrafine particle concentrations in Boston, MA.
PLOS ONE 2022 Mar;17(3):e0263434
An Evaluation of an Environmental Health Infographic in Community Settings.
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 2021 Aug;581–10
A randomized crossover trial of HEPA air filtration to reduce cardiovascular risk for near highway residents: Methods and approach.
Contemporary clinical trials 2021 Jul;108106520
Health Lens Analysis: A Strategy to Engage Community in Environmental Health Research in Action.
Sustainability 2021 Feb;131748
The effect of reducing ambient traffic-related air pollution on blood pressure: A randomized crossover trial.
Hypertension. 2021 Feb;77823–832.
Two communities, one highway and the fight for clean air: the role of political history in shaping community engagement and environmental health research translation.
BMC public health 2020 Nov;20(1):1690
Two Communities, One Highway and the Fight for Clean Air: The Role of Political History in Shaping Community Engagement and Environmental Health Research Translation.
BMC Pubic Health 2020 Sep;20(190):
CBPR partnerships and near roadway pollution: A promising strategy to influence the translation of research into practice.
Environments 2020 Aug;7(44):
Traffic-related particulate matter affects behavior, inflammation, and neural integrity in a developmental rodent model.
Environmental research 2020 Apr;183109242
Ultrafine Particle Number Concentration Model for Estimating Retrospective and Prospective Long-Term Ambient Exposures in Urban Neighborhoods.
Environmental science & technology 2020 Feb;54(3):1677-1686
Sex differences in the interaction of short-term particulate matter exposure and psychosocial stress on C-reactive protein in a Puerto Rican cohort.
Social Science & Medicine- Population Health 2019 Dec;9100500
Study to Estimate Inhalation Rates for use in a Particle Inhalation Rate Exposure Metric
Science of the Total Environment 2019 Dec;696133919
Sex differences in the interaction of short-term particulate matter exposure and psychosocial stressors on C-reactive protein in a Puerto Rican cohort.
SSM - population health 2019 Dec;9100500
Bedding-generated particulate matter: potential implications for rodent studies.
Inhalation Toxicology 2019 Nov;(Published online)
On the Need for Better Exposure Assessment for Air Pollution with High Spatial and Temporal Variation.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2019 May;16(9):
Visualizing air pollution: Communication of environmental health information in a Chinese immigrant community
Journal of Health Communication 2019 Apr;24339-358
Metabolomic assessment of exposure to near-highway ultrafine particles
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2019 Feb;29469–483
Urban environment as an independent predictor of insulin resistance in a South Asian population
Int J Health Geogr. 2019 Feb;185
Short-and medium-term associations of particle number concentration with cardiovascular markers in a Puerto Rican cohort.
Environmental research 2018 Oct;166595-601
Longitudinal associations of long-term exposure to ultrafine particles with blood pressure and systemic inflammation in Puerto Rican adults.
Environmental health : a global access science source 2018 Apr;17(1):33
The Role of Environmental Health Literacy When Developing Traffic Pollution Fact Sheets for Puerto Rican Adults.
Environmental justice (Print) 2018 Feb;11(1):40-46
Association of Low-Level Ozone with Cognitive Decline in Older Adults.
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2018 Jan;61(1):67-78
Lessons from in-home air filtration intervention trials to reduce urban ultrafine particle number concentrations.
Building and environment 2017 Dec;126266-275
Comparisons of Traffic-Related Ultrafine Particle Number Concentrations Measured in Two Urban Areas by Central, Residential, and Mobile Monitoring.
Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994) 2017 Nov;169113-127
Uranium from Africa – An overview on past and current mining activities: Re-appraising associated risks and chances in a global context
Journal of African Earth Sciences 2017 May;129759-778
Association of Long-Term Near-Highway Exposure to Ultrafine Particles with Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes and Hypertension.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2017 Apr;14(5):
Making Air Pollution Visible: A Tool for Promoting Environmental Health Literacy.
JMIR public health and surveillance 2017 Apr;3(2):e16
Participatory Democracy, Community Organizing and the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH) Partnership.
International journal of environmental research and public health 2017 Feb;14(2):
Bedding-generated particulate matter: implications for rodent studies.
Inhalation toxicology 31(9-10):368-375
Nuclear Power and Climate Change: Dirty Secrets and Unknown Problems 2024 Sep;
Ambient Combustion Ultrafine Particles and Health. Nova Science Publishers. 2021 Feb;
Book Chapters
Planning to Reduce Traffic-related Air Pollution in Boston Chinatown
IDEA CITY How to Make Boston more Livable, Equitable and Resilient 2023 Mar;
Health Literacy and Broadly-Engaged Team Science: How one study team used plain language principles to share findings with affected communities.
Broadly Engaged Team Science in Clinical and Translational Science 2022 Apr;
Book Sections
Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 4th edition. 2023 May;
Case Reports
Advancing Environmental Justice in the Community Using Charrette: A Case Study in Boston Chinatown.
Environmental justice (Print) 2023 Dec;16(6):461-472
Title or Abstract | Type | Sponsor/Event | Date/Year | Location |
Ultrafine particle epidemiology and toxicology | Talk | Aviation Emissions Characterization committee (AEC) Roadmap Monthly Meeting | 2021 | On line |
Indoor Air Quality Webinar #1: Introduction to Air Quality | Panel Discussion | Metropolitan Area Planning Council | 2021 | On line |
Uranium mining in Africa. | Lecture | Middlebury Institute of International Studies | 2021 | On line |
An estimate of the exposure-response relationship between traffic-related ultrafine particles and systolic blood pressure. | Panel Discussion | International Society of Environmental Epidemiology | 2020 | On line |
Development of a sensitive radon in breath analyzer for exposure assessment to uranium ore constituents. 2020; October 26, virtual. | Panel Discussion | Geological Society of America | 2020 | On line |
"The Effect of Reducing Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Blood Pressure: A Randomized Crossover Trial" | Lecture | Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. Clinical Research Center (CRC) Seminar, UConn | 2020 | On line |
Connecting Air Quality and Health | Panel Discussion | City of Hartford, Mayor’s Office Earth Week | 2020 | On line |
A New Exposure Metric for the Cumulative Effect of Short-term Peaks of Exposure to Traffic-related Ultrafine Particles. | Poster | International Society of Environmental Epidemiology | 2020 | On line |
Home Air Filtration for Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Study design and Methods. | Poster | International Society of Environmental Epidemiology | 2020 | On line |
Development of a Sensitive Radon in Breath Analyzer for Exposure Assessment to Uranium Ore Constituents. | Poster | International Society of Environmental Epidemiology | 2020 | On line |
Association of plasma PAHs with Ultrafine Particle Exposure and Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers in a Near-Highway Study Population. | Poster | International Society of Environmental Epidemiology | 2020 | On line |
Community participation in air pollution research in the United States. | Lecture | Advancing Environmental Health Science Research and Translation in India | 2019 | New Delhi, India |
Filtration of particles of traffic origin attenuates their effects on blood pressure under controlled exposure conditions. | Lecture | Environ, and occup. health aspects of nano- and ultrafine | 2019 | Loen, Norway |
Air filtration and building envelope modification reduce traffic pollution exposure and blood pressure. | Poster | International Society for Environmental Epidemiology | 2019 | Utrecht, NL. |
Noise Barriers in Somerville: A Health Lens Analysis (HLA). | Poster | International Society for Environmental Epidemiology | 2019 | Utrecht, NL. |
Let’s clear the air – Transportation pollution and the pursuit of environmental justice | Panel Discussion | Northeast Multi-modal Transit Summit, Yale U | 2019 | New Haven, CT |
Ultrafine particles from traffic are an under-appreciated health hazard | Lecture | Connecticut Public Health Association | 2019 | Plantsville, CT |
Inclusive Community Engagement: Building an Equitable & Sustainable City | Panel Discussion | Boston University | 2019 | Boston, MA |
Democratizing Research for Environmental Justice and Health | Panel Discussion | Frontiers of Democracy Conference, Tufts University | 2019 | Boston, MA |
Using research on near roadway UFP to influence policy and practice in Boston, MA. | Lecture | International Society for Environmental Epidemiology | 2018 | Ottawa, Canada |
Using research on near roadway UFP to influence policy and practice in Boston, MA. | Lecture | Urban Transitions | 2018 | Sitges, Spain |
Improving in-home stand-alone air filtration for ultrafine particle exposure and health (Brugge D, Hudda N, Simon M, Fuller C, Zamore W, Hersey S, Durant J.) , | Lecture | ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles | 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland |
Measuring radon in exhaled breath. Human rights, future generations & crimes in the nuclear age (Brugge D, Nidecker A, Winde F, Ruegg U, Röösli M.) | Lecture | Physicians for Social Resp./Int. Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War | 2017 | Basel Switzerland |
The long slow process of seeking justice for uranium mining harms for the Navajo People. Human rights, future generations & crimes in the nuclear age | Lecture | Physicians for Social Resp./Int. Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War | 2017 | Basel Switzerland |
Brugge D, Lane K, Fuller C, Walker D, Li Y, Corlin L, Patton A, Zamore W, Durant J. Traffic-related UFP and cardiovascular health: Findings from the CAFEH study in Boston, MA. | Lecture | 21st ETH-conference on combustion generated nanoparticles | 2017 | |
Combined Radioactive and Toxic Effects of Uranium, Nuclearisation of Africa: Impact of uranium mining on health and environment/legal and social aspects/renewable energies. | Lecture | 2015 | Johannesburg, South Africa |