Photo of Jennifer M. Cavallari, ScD, CIH

Jennifer M. Cavallari, ScD, CIH

Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences
Academic Office Location:
Public Health Sciences
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Outpatient Pavilion, S7313
Farmington, CT 06030-8077-8077
Phone: 860-679-4720
Fax: 860-679-1349
BSUniversity of ConnecticutChemistry
MSHarvard School of Public HealthIndustrial Hygiene
ScDHarvard School of Public HealthOccupational Epidemiology

Post-Graduate Training
PostdoctoralHarvard School of Public HealthOccupational Epidemiology and Exposure Assessment

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Postdoctoral National Research Service Award, Environmental EpidemiologyNational Institute of Environmental Health Science
Best Poster by Young Investigator 19th International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health
19th Annual Conference Travel Scholarship AwardInternational Society for Environmental Epidemiology
Predoctoral National Research Service Award, Occupational EpidemiologyNational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Student Poster Award at the ISEE/ISEA 18th Annual ConferenceInternational Society for Environmental Epidemiology
John F. and Virginia B. Taplin FellowshipHarvard School of Public Health
Albert Schweitzer FellowshipHarvard School of Public Health

Instructor, 2013-present
UConn Health
Occupational and Environmental Health: Exposures, Risks and Prevention
Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology

Instructor, 2008-present
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Epidemiology of Environmental and Occupational Health Regulations

Lecturer, 2011-2012
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology

Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Educational Research Center, Special Emphasis Review Panel.Study SectionReviewerExternalNational20242025
American Industrial Hygiene Association, Content Portfolio Advisory GroupAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational2022
Oversight CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeMemberUConn HealthUniversity2021
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), NORA Healthy Work Design CouncilAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational2020
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Toxics Substance Control Act (TSCA); Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC)Advisory CommitteeAd-Hoc MemberExternalNational20192020
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of the Science Advisor, Human Studies Review Board (HSRB)Advisory CommitteeChairExternalNational20182024
BMC Public Health, Occupational Health SectionEditorial BoardAssociate EditorExternalInternational20162019
Connecticut Coalition for Occupational Safety and HealthProfessional/Scientific OrganizationBoard MemberExternalState2014
Connecticut Institute for Clinical and Translational Science: Occupational Health and Safety Core Interest GroupProfessional/Scientific OrganizationLeaderUConn HealthState2013
American Public Health AssociationProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2011
American Public Health Association Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2011
American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2010
American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2010
X2009: Innovations in Exposure Assessment ConferenceAdvisory CommitteePlanning Committee MemberExternalNational2009
International Commission on Occupational HealthProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational2007
American Board of Industrial HygienistsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2007
International Commission on Occupational Health Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational2007
American Board of Industrial Hygienists Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2007
International Society for Environmental EpidemiologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational2006
International Society for Environmental EpidemiologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2006
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and HealthProfessional/Scientific OrganizationInternExternalState20042005
American Industrial Hygiene AssociationProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2003
American Industrial Hygiene Association Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2003
American Journal of Epidemiology Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
Annals of Occupational Hygiene Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
Cancer Causes and Control Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
Environmental Health Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
Environmental Health Perspectives Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
Environmental Research Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
European Journal of Epidemiology Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalInternational
International Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Professional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalInternational
Journal of Breath ResearchProfessional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalNational
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental EpidemiologyProfessional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalInternational
PLOS ONEProfessional/Scientific JournalAd-hoc peer-reviewerExternalInternational

Dr. Cavallari uses her skills in exposure assessment and industrial hygiene to evaluate exposure pathways including inhalation and dermal exposure routes. She is also interested in the use of biomarkers both as measures of exposure and preclinical markers of disease, especially cardiovascular disease. She has taken an active role on numerous exposure and health studies, including characterizing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposures in asphalt paving and examining the cardiovascular health effects from occupational and environmental particulate matter exposures. Current research projects include evaluating exposure to diesel exhaust among truck terminal workers, identifying the cardiovascular responses to second hand smoke exposures among construction workers, exposure characterization and evaluating adoption process among custodians using green cleaning, and understanding the cardiovascular effects of noise exposures.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Industrial Hygiene and the Physical Work Environment
    Cavallari JM, Zack LM, Roelofs C Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology 2023 Oct;
  • Epidemiology
    Cavallari JM, Eisen EA, Wegman DH, O’Neill MS. Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury 2010 Jan;


Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
The Educator Well-Being Program: Adaptation of the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program for Use in Primary Schools within the US.Panel Discussion16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology2024Granada, Spain
Using the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program to Improve Elementary Educators’ Well-Being in the United StatesPanel Discussion16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology2024Granada, Spain
Getting Started with a Total Worker Health® Approach.Panel DiscussionAIHAConnect2024Columbus, OH
SPARKTalks: Putting the Worker in Total Worker Health®TalkAIHAConnect2024Columbus, OH
Teacher Perspectives on Work and Non-work Demands Impacting Stress.TalkWork, Stress, and Health2023Virtual
Supporting Workplace Mental Health and Well-being.TalkAIHce EXP 20232023Phoenix, Az
Addressing Total Worker Health® Approaches to Advancing Worker Well-BeingTalkAIHce EXP 20232023Phoenix, Az
Work and personal resources correlated with life satisfaction among blue-collar workers: The WorkTime Study.Panel Discussion3rd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health®2022National Institute of Health Campus, Bethesda, MD
Using CPH-NEW’s Healthy Workplace Participatory Program to improve educator mental well-beingPanel Discussion3rd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health®2022National Institute of Health Campus, Bethesda, MD
CPH-NEW’s Total Worker Health® for Occupational Safety and Health Professionals e-learning course.Panel Discussion3rd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health®2022National Institute of Health Campus, Bethesda, MD
Engaging workers to achieve Total Worker Health® outcomes.Plenary LectureAIHce EXP 20222022Nashville, TN
A Total Worker Health® approach to address emerging OSH needs in a changing workforce.LectureAIHCe EXP 20212021Virtual
HearWell: A participatory approach to hearing protection use and training.LectureAIHCe EXP 20212021Virtual
Total Worker HealthOtherAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists2021Virtual
Practical Takeaways on Getting Started with Total Worker Health®LectureAIHce EXP 20202020Virtual
Using Total Worker Health ® to Broaden Your Safety Program.LectureSafety 2020 Virtual Professional Development Conference2020Virtual
Total Worker Health for Occupational Health and Safety Professionals.Plenary LectureOH&S Virtual Summit2020
Evaluation of the HearWell Hearing Conservation Training Program for Transportation Maintenance WorkersPosterAmerican Public Health Association2019Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Long and irregular work days and worker health.PosterTwenty-Fourth International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time2019Coeur D’Alene, ID
Health and Safety Committee Functioning and Total Worker Health® PracticeTalkAmerican Public Health Association2019Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Advancing health and well-being in the aging workforce.TalkConnOSHA Breakfast Roundtable2015Wethersfield, CT
Motivators and Barriers to the Use of Personal Protective Equipment Among Custodians.LectureAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2015Chicago, IL
Designing Healthy Workplaces: The CPH-NEW Healthy Workplace Participatory Program.LectureConnecticut Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Conference.2015Waterbury, CT
Time course of heart rate variability response to PM2.5 exposure from secondhand smokeLectureAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2015Chicago, IL
Gender Disparities in Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Tasks Performed Amongst CustodiansLectureAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2015Chicago, IL
Factors associated with change in body mass index and body fat percentage in manufacturing workers across different age groups.LectureThe Obesity Society Annual Meeting2015los Angeles, CA
Designing Healthy Workplaces: The Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace Participatory Program.LectureThe ASSE New England Chapter Professional Development Conference2015Falmouth, MA
Cleaning chemical exposures and respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians using traditional and green cleaners.TalkAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2014New Orleans, LA
Acute inflammatory response to secondhand smoke exposure among non-smoking construction workers: a repeated measures study.Talk24th EPICOH Conference2014Chicago, IL
Building partnerships for healthier Connecticut workers - A grassroots approach to collaborative research.TalkCPH-NEW Symposium2014Sturbridge, MA
An index to identify differences in custodians' exposure to cleaning chemicals.TalkAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2014New Orleans, LA
Cleaning tasks and respiratory, dermatological and musculoskeletal symptoms among custodians using traditional and green cleaners.Talk24th International EPICOH Conference2014Chicago, IL
Green Cleaning in your home and officeTalkConnectiCOSH Annual Convention2014Farmington, CT
Understanding and addressing the needs of the aging workforceTalkConnecticut River Valley Industrial Hygiene Association Annual Conference2014
Effects of training on custodians' satisfaction and acceptance of environmentally preferable products.PosterAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2014
Building Partnerships for Healthier Connecticut Workers: The Occupational Safety and Health Core Interest Group (OSH-CIG) of UConn HealthPosterUMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science 4th Annual Symposium2014Worchester, MA
Acute Effects of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Inflammatory Cytokine and Adhesion Molecule Levels in Construction WorkersPosterFlight Attendant's Medical Research Institute Symposium2014Miami, FL
An evaluation of the design and implementation of a green cleaning professional development program using community based participatory research.TalkAmerican Evaluation Association Annual Meeting2013Washington, DC
Urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations among custodians using green cleaners.TalkAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting2013Boston, MA
Biologically relevant exposure assessment: Panel studies among construction workersTalkYale University, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic2013
Toenail metals as a biomarker for metal exposures in welders.PosterConference of ISEE, ISES and ISIAQ2013Basel, Switzerland
Effects of second hand tobacco smoke exposure on heart rate variability and inflammation among construction workers.Poster23rd Conference on Epidemiology on Occupational Health EPICOH2013Utrecht, Netherlands
Exposure Assessment in the Harvard Trucking StudiesTalkDrexel University2012Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Biologically Relevant Exposure Assessment: Panel Studies Among Construction WorkersTalkUniversity of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Community Medicine2012Farmington, Connecticut
Cardiovascular Autonomic Responses to Welding Fume Exposures Among Boilermaker Construction Workers and HRV Responses to Short-Term, Controlled Noise Exposures in Healthy VolunteersTalkWorkshop 2012: Heart Rate Variability and Noise - Methodological Challenges2012University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Inflammatory Effects of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke in Non-Smoking Construction Workers.TalkFlight Attendants Medical Research Institute, Tenth Scientific Symposium2012Miami, Florida
Biologically Relevant Exposure Assessment: Panel Studies Among Construction WorkersTalkHarvard School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health2012Boston, Massachusetts
Panel Studies Among Construction Workers: Biomarkers for Environmental Epidemiology.TalkUniversity of Massachusetts2012Lowell, Massachusetts
Toenail Metals as a Biomarker for Cumulative PM Metal Exposures in Welders.OtherX2012: 7th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment2012Edinburgh, Scotland
Characterization and Evaluation of Variability in Current Exposure Levels in the US Trucking Industry. OtherX2012: 7th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment2012Edinburgh, Scotland
Exposure Routes and Job Characteristics Associated With Biomarkers of Polycyclic Aromatic Compound Exposure Among Asphalt Paving Workers. OtherX2012: 7th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment2012Edinburgh, Scotland
Panel Studies Among Construction Workers: Biomarkers for Environmental EpidemiologyTalkBrown University, Department of Epidemiology2011Providence, Rhode Island
Inflammatory Effects of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke and Welding Fume Exposures in Construction Workers. Other139th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting2011Washington D.C.
Predictors of Dermal Exposures to Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Among Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Workers.Other5th International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Exposure of 2011Toronto, Canada
Field Investigations of the Cardiovascular Effects of Metal-Rich Particle Exposures.TalkBrown University, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine2010Providence, Rhode Island
Cardiovascular Responses to Welding Fume Exposures Among Boilermaker Construction Workers. TalkBoston University School of Public Health2010Boston, MA
Inhalation Exposure Monitoring of Asphalt Paving Workers: Preliminary Baseline Results with Emphasis on Polycyclic Aromatic Compound ContentTalkInternational Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds2009Charleston, South Carolina
Polycyclic Aromatic Compound Metabolites in Urine of Asphalt Paving Workers; Preliminary Results of Baseline Conditions Only.OtherInternational Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds2009Charleston, South Carolina
Dermal Monitoring of Asphalt Paving Workers: Preliminary Baseline Results.TalkInternational Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds2009Charleston, South Carolina
Pilot Study for the Investigation of Inhalation and Dermal Exposure Using Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAC) and PAC Metabolites in the Urine of Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Workers.OtherInternational Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds2009Charleston, South Carolina
Partnerships, Processes and Study Design to Investigate the Contribution of Inhalation and Dermal Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Related Metabolites in the Urine of Hot-Mix Asphalt Workers.OtherInternational Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds2009Charleston, South Carolina
Characterization of Particle Mass and Number Concentrations During WeldingPosterX2009: Innovations in Exposure Assessment Conference2009Boston, Massachusetts
Mexico City Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures and Changes in Heart Rate Variability in a Young Population.OtherInternational Society for Environmental Epidemiology 20th International Con2008Pasadena, California
Ventricular Ectopic Beats in Boilermaker Construction Workers Exposed to Metal Rich Fine Particles.Other20th International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICO2008Costa Rica
20th International Conference: Modification by Vascular Function of Particulate Associated Declines in Heart Rate Variability Among WeldersOtherScientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health 2008Costa Rica
19th International Conference: Ventricular Arrhythmia Events in Boilermaker Construction Workers Exposed to Metal Rich Fine Particles. OtherScientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health 2007Banff, Canada
19th International Conference: Circadian Variation of Heart Rate Variability Following Metal-Rich Fine Particulate Exposures in Boilermaker Construction Workers. PosterScientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health 2007Banff, Canada
19th International Conference: The Time Course of Changes in Heart Rate Variability Subsequent to Metal-Rich Workday Particulate Exposures. PosterInternational Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2007Mexico City, Mexico
19th International Conference: Blood Markers of Endothelial Function and Occupational Exposure to Metal-Rich Particulate MatterPosterInternational Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2007Mexico City, Mexico
Fine Particulate Metal Exposures and Night Heart Rate Variability: Application of Energy Adjustment Methods. PosterSociety for Epidemiologic Research Annual Conference2007Boston, Massachusetts
Vascular Responses to Metal-Rich Particulate Matter: Acute Changes in Arterial Stiffness among Welders.PosterSociety for Epidemiologic Research Annual Conference2007Boston, Massachusetts
18th International Conference: Particulate Exposures and Heart Rate Variability during Sleep among Boilermaker Construction WorkersPosterInternational Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2006Paris, France
Cardiovascular Effects of Occupational and Environmental Particulate Exposures.PosterAmerican Thoracic Society International Conference2006San Diego, California
Measurement of Indirect Personal Chemical Exposures in a Batch Chemical Manufacturing FacilityPosterAmerican Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition2004Atlanta, Georgia
Industrial Hygiene Experiences of a Polaroid Intern.TalkNew England Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association2003Natick, Massachusetts
131st Annual Meeting: Surveillance of Occupational Silicosis in CaliforniaPosterAmerican Public Health Association 2003San Francisco, California
Construction Related Non-Fatal Falls in CaliforniaPoster3rd Annual National Occupational Injury Research Symposium2003Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania