Association between prenatal depressive symptoms and receipt of recommended maternal and infant care postpartum.
Masters, Claire; Carandang, Rogie Royce; Rojina, Janet A; Lewis, Jessica B; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Cunningham, Shayna D; Hagaman, Ashley Journal of affective disorders 2025 Jan;375174-179
Bladder Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs among US Adolescent Women.
Camenga, Deepa R; Brady, Sonya S; Bilger, Andrea; Klusaritz, Heather; Lipman, Terri H; Levin, Elise C; Brown, Oluwateniola; Cunningham, Shayna; LaCoursiere, D Yvette; James, Aimee S; Gahagan, Sheila; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni; Low, Lisa Kane Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology 2024 Oct;
Associations of financial strain and unmet social needs with women's bladder health.
Brady, Sonya S; Cunningham, Shayna D; Brubaker, Linda; Falke, Chloe; James, Aimee S; Kenton, Kimberly S; Low, Lisa Kane; Markland, Alayne D; Mcgwin, Gerald; Newman, Diane K; Norton, Jenna M; Nuscis, Katlin; Rodriguez-Ponciano, Dulce P; Rudser, Kyle D; Smith, Abigail R; Stapleton, Ann; Sutcliffe, Siobhan; Klusaritz, Heather A; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2024 Aug;
Exploring women's bladder self-care practices: A qualitative secondary analysis.
Wyman, Jean F; Burgio, Kathryn L; Newman, Diane K; Cunningham, Shayna D; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni; Low, Lisa Kane; Meister, Melanie R; Stapleton, Ann; Gahagan, Sheila; Williams, Beverly R; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium Journal of advanced nursing 2024 Jun;
Association between mindful and practical eating skills and eating behaviors among racially diverse pregnant women in four selected clinical sites in the United States.
Carandang, Rogie Royce; Epel, Elissa; Radin, Rachel; Lewis, Jessica; Ickovics, Jeannette; Cunningham, Shayna Nutrition and health 2024 Apr;2601060241246353
Discrimination and perinatal depressive symptoms: The protective role of social support and resilience.
Masters, Claire; Lewis, Jessica B; Hagaman, Ashley; Thomas, Jordan L; Carandang, Rogie Royce; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Cunningham, Shayna D Journal of affective disorders 2024 Mar;354656-661
Group prenatal care successes, challenges, and frameworks for scaling up: a case study in adopting health care innovations.
Masters, Claire; Carandang, Rogie Royce; Lewis, Jessica B; Hagaman, Ashley; Metrick, Rebecca; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Cunningham, Shayna D Implementation science communications 2024 Mar;5(1):20
Psychosocial Factors Associated with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms One Year Postpartum.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Carandang, Rogie Royce; Boyd, Lisa M; Lewis, Jessica B; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Rickey, Leslie M International journal of environmental research and public health 2023 Dec;21(1):
The brain, gut, and bladder health nexus: A conceptual model linking stress and mental health disorders to overactive bladder in women.
Smith, Ariana L; Berry, Amanda; Brubaker, Linda; Cunningham, Shayna D; Gahagan, Sheila; Kane Low, Lisa; Mueller, Margaret; Sutcliffe, Siobhan; Williams, Beverly R; Brady, Sonya S; the Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium Neurourology and urodynamics 2023 Dec;
Building Community Engagement (CE) capacity in a transdisciplinary, population level clinical research study.
James, Aimee; Nodora, Jesse; Maki, Julia; Harlow, Bernard L; Low, Lisa Kane; Coyne-Beasley, Tamera ; Cunningham, Shayna D; El-Fahmawi, Ayah; Klusaritz, Heather; Lipman, Terri H; Simon, Melissa; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 2023 Dec;
Preferences for Public Health Messaging Related to Bladder Health in Adolescent and Adult Women.
Burgio, Kathryn L; Cunningham, Shayna D; Newman, Diane K; Low, Lisa Kane; Nodora, Jesse; Lipman, Terri H; Klusaritz, Heather; James, Aimee S; Rickey, Leslie; Gahagan, Shelia; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni; Kenton, Kimberly S; Williams, Beverly Rosa Journal of women's health (2002) 2023 Oct;32(10):1120-1135
Is there an association between physical activity and lower urinary tract symptoms in adolescent girls? Results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.
Fitzgerald, Colleen M; Cunningham, Shayna D; Berry, Amanda; Gahagan, Sheila; Joinson, Carol; Lindberg, Sarah; Newman, Diane K; Schmitz, Kathryn H; Smith, Ariana L; Sutcliffe, Siobhan; Shoham, David A; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium International urogynecology journal 2023 Sep;
Neighborhood Social Environment and Body Mass Index: The Mediating Role of Mental Wellbeing.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Mandelbaum, Jennifer; Shebl, Fatma M; Abraham, Mark; O'Connor Duffany, Kathleen International journal of environmental research and public health 2023 Aug;20(16):
Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With Emotional Eating but Not Nutritional Intake During Pregnancy: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Carandang, Rogie Royce; Epel, Elissa; Radin, Rachel; Lewis, Jessica B; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Cunningham, Shayna D Journal of midwifery & women's health 2023 Jun;
Leadership Link: Evaluation of an Online Leadership Curriculum for Certified Midwives and Certified Nurse-Midwives.
Clark, Emma; Solomon, Julie; Cunningham, Shayna D; Bard, Kristin; Storey, Akane Sugimoto Journal of midwifery & women's health 2023 May;
The Implementation of a Nutrition Intervention in Food Pantries: The Spirit of SWAP.
Morales, Sofia I; Vicente, Genesis; LaMonaca, Katherine; Rios, Jasmine; Cunningham, Shayna D; Higginbottom, Jackson; Mathios, Erin; Werlin, Steve; Cramer, James; Santilli, Alycia; O'Connor Duffany, Kathleen Health promotion practice 2023 May;24(1_suppl):80S-91S
Development of a tool to assess bladder health knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs (BH-KAB).
LaCoursiere, Daphne Yvette; Kane Low, Lisa; Putnam, Sara; Wyman, Jean F; Newman, Diane K; Cunningham, Shayna; Rickey, Leslie; Berry, Amanda; Gahagan, Sheila; Vaughan, Camille P; Brown, Oluwateniola; Brady, Sonya S; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium Neurourology and urodynamics 2023 Mar;
Action learning and public health pedagogy: Student reflections from an experiential public health course.
Pham, Christine N; Cunningham, Shayna D; Humphries, Debbie L Frontiers in public health 2023 Jan;111128705
Resilience Among Small Community-based Organizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights for Future Public Health Crises.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Flores, Candida; Mohamed-Abouh, Fawatih; Dittmore, Alixe; Schensul, Stephen; Schensul, Jean; Brown, Stacey; Grady, Megan A Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action 2023 Jan;17(4):739-743
Need for Public Health Messaging Related to Bladder Health from Adolescence to Advanced Age.
Burgio, Kathryn L; Cunningham, Shayna D; Newman, Diane K; Low, Lisa Kane; Nodora, Jesse; Lipman, Terri H; Gahagan, Shelia; Klusaritz, Heather; James, Aimee S; Rickey, Leslie; Kenton, Kimberly S; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni; Williams, Beverly Rosa; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium Journal of women's health (2002) 2022 Nov;
A community-engaged approach to the design of a population-based prospective cohort study to promote bladder health.
Klusaritz, Heather; Maki, Julia; Levin, Elise; Ayala, Amy; Nodora, Jesse; Coyne-Beasley, Tamera; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni; Lipman, Terri H; James, Aimee; Gus, Emily; Cunningham, Shayna D; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium. Neurourology and urodynamics 2022 Nov;
RISE FOR HEALTH: Rationale and protocol for a prospective cohort study of bladder health in women.
Smith, Ariana L; Rudser, Kyle; Harlow, Bernard L; McGwin, Gerald; Barthold, Julia; Brady, Sonya S; Brubaker, Linda; Cunningham, Shayna D; Griffith, James W; Kenton, Kim; Klusaritz, Heather; Lewis, Cora E; Lukacz, Emily S; Maki, Julia; Markland, Alayne D; Mueller, Elizabeth R; Newman, Diane K; Nodora, Jesse; Rickey, Leslie M; Rockwood, Todd; Simon, Melissa; Wyman, Jean F; Sutcliffe, Siobhan; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium Neurourology and Urodynamics 2022 Nov;
The Nurse Empowerment Program for Nurses in Direct Care Positions.
Bard, Kristin; Cornell, Julie A; Cunningham, Shayna D; Madigan, Elizabeth A; Solomon, Julie The Journal of nursing administration 2022 Oct;52(10):542-548
Sex-based differences in atrial fibrillation ablation adverse events.
Mszar, Reed; Friedman, Daniel J; Ong, Emily; Du, Chengan; Wang, Yongfei; Zeitler, Emily P; Cunningham, Shayna D; Akar, Joseph; Curtis, Jeptha P; Freeman, James V Heart (British Cardiac Society) 2022 Sep;
Group Medical Care: A Systematic Review of Health Service Performance.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Sutherland, Ryan A; Yee, Chloe W; Thomas, Jordan L; Monin, Joan K; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Lewis, Jessica B International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 Dec;18(23):
Features and Impact of Trust-Based Relationships Between Community Health Workers and Low-Resource Perinatal Women with Chronic Health Conditions.
Boyd, Lisa M; Mehra, Renee; Thomas, Jordan; Lewis, Jessica B; Cunningham, Shayna D Maternal and Child Health Journal 2021 Oct;
Group prenatal care and improved birth outcomes: Results from a type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation study.
Lewis, Jessica B; Cunningham, Shayna D; Shabanova, Veronika; Hassan, Sonia S; Magriples, Urania; Rodriguez, Marisa G; Ickovics, Jeannette R Preventive Medicine 2021 Oct;153106853
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and sexual risk among postpartum women.
Thomas, Jordan L; Lewis, Jessica B; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Cunningham Shayna D. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 Apr;18(7):3848
Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Sexual Risk among Postpartum Women.
Thomas, Jordan L; Lewis, Jessica B; Ickovics, Jeannette R; Cunningham, Shayna D International journal of environmental research and public health 2021 Apr;18(7):
Views of normal bladder function among women experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms.
Burgio, Kathryn L; James, Aimee S; LaCoursiere, D Yvette; Mueller, Elizabeth R; Newman, Diane K; Low, Lisa Kane; Weinfurt, Kevin P; Wyman, Jean F; Cunningham, Shayna D; Vargo, Keith; Connett, John; Williams, Beverly Rosa; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium. Urology 2020 Aug;150103-109
Converging on bladder health through design thinking: From an ecology of influence to a focused set of research questions.
B Lewis, Jessica; S Brady, Sonya; Sutcliffe, Siobhan; L Smith, Ariana; R Mueller, Elizabeth; Rudser, Kyle; D Markland, Alayne; Stapleton, Ann; Gahagan, Sheila; Cunningham, Shayna D; Prevention Of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Plus Research Consortium. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 Jun;17(12):4340
Safe Start community health worker program: A multisector partnership to improve perinatal outcomes among low-income pregnant women with chronic health conditions.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Riis, Valerie; Line, Laura; Patti, Melissa; Bucher, Melissa; Durnwald, Celeste; Srinivas, Sindhu K. American Journal of Public Health 2020 Jun;110(6):836-839
Considerations for building sustainable community health worker programs to improve maternal health.
Mehra, Renee; Boyd, Lisa M; Lewis, Jessica B; Cunningham, Shayna D. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 2020 Jan;112150132720953673
I never knew anyone who peed on themselves on purpose: Exploring adolescent and adult women's lay language and discourse about bladder health and function.
Williams, Beverly Rosa; Nodora, Jesse; Newman, Diane K; Kane Low, Lisa; James, Aimee S; Camenga, Deepa R; Hebert-Beirne, Jeni; Brady, Sonya S; Hardacker, Cecilia T; Smith, Ariana L; Cunningham, Shayna D; Burgio, Kathryn L; Prevention Of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Plus Research Consortium. Neurourology and Urodynamics 2020 Jan;39(1):225-236
Application of the Social Vulnerability Index for identifying teen pregnancy intervention need in the United States.
Yee, Chloe W; Cunningham, Shayna D; Ickovics, Jeannette R. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2019 Nov;23(11):1516-1524
Associations between intimate partner violence profiles and mental health among low-income, urban pregnant adolescents.
Thomas, Jordan L; Lewis, Jessica B; Martinez, Isabel; Cunningham, Shayna D; Siddique, Moiuri; Tobin, Jonathan N; Ickovics, Jeannette R. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2019 Apr;19(1):120
Transforming prenatal care: Multidisciplinary team science improves a broad range of maternal-child outcomes.
Ickovics, Jeannette R; Lewis, Jessica B; Cunningham, Shayna D; Thomas, Jordan; Magriples, Urania. The American Psychologist 2019 Apr;74(3):343-355
Factors associated with pregnant adolescents' access to sexual and reproductive health services in New York City.
Flanagan, Kelly F; Cunningham, Shayna D; Lewis, Jessica B; Tobin, Jonathan N; Ickovics, Jeannette R. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 2019 Mar;1950-55
Area-level deprivation and preterm birth: results from a national, commercially-insured population.
Mehra, Renee; Shebl, Fatma M; Cunningham, Shayna D; Magriples, Urania; Barrette, Eric; Herrera, Carolina; Kozhimannil, Katy B; Ickovics, Jeannette R. BMC Public Health 2019 Feb;19(1):236
Recommendations for the pilot expansion of Medicaid coverage for doulas in New York State.
Mehra, Renee; Cunningham, Shayna D; Lewis, Jessica B; Thomas, Jordan L; Ickovics, Jeannette R. American Journal of Public Health 2019 Feb;109(2):217-219
Group prenatal care reduces risk of preterm birth and low birth weight: A matched cohort study.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Lewis, Jessica B; Shebl, Fatma M; Boyd, Lisa M; Robinson, Marc A; Grilo, Stephanie A; Lewis, Susan M; Pruett, Anne L; Ickovics, Jeannette R. Journal of Women's Health 2019 Jan;28(1):17-22
Postpartum depressive symptoms: Gestational weight gain as a risk factor for adolescents who are overweight or obese.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Mokshagundam, Shilpa; Chai, Hannah; Lewis, Jessica B; Levine, Jessica; Tobin, Jonathan N; Ickovics, Jeannette R. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health 2018 Mar;63(2):178-184
Association between maternal comorbidities and emergency department use among a national sample of commercially insured pregnant women.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Magriples, Urania; Thomas, Jordan L; Kozhimannil, Katy B; Herrera, Carolina; Barrette, Eric; Shebl, Fatma M; Ickovics, Jeannette R. Academic Emergency Medicine 2017 Aug;24(8):940-947
Maternal medical complexity: Impact on prenatal health care spending among women at low risk for cesarean section.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Herrera, Carolina; Udo, Ifeyinwa E; Kozhimannil, Katy B; Barrette, Eric; Magriples, Urania; Ickovics, Jeannette R. Women's Health Issues 2017 Apr;27(5):551-558
Association Between Maternal Depression and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Their Primary School-Age Daughters: A Birth Cohort Study.
Cunningham, Shayna D; Lindberg, Sarah; Joinson, Carol; Shoham, David; Chu, Haitao; Newman, Diane; Epperson, Neill; Brubaker, Linda; Low, Lisa Kane; Camenga, Deepa R; LaCoursiere, D Yvette; Meister, Melanie; Kenton, Kimberly; Sutcliffe, Siobhan; Markland, Alayne D; Gahagan, Sheila; Coyne-Beasley, Tamera; Berry, Amanda; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium* Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society 51(1):53-60
Resilience among small community-based organizations during
the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights for future public health crises
Cunningham, Shayna D; Flores, Candida; Mohamed-Abouh, Fawatih; Dittmore, Alixe; Schensul, Stephen; Schensul, Jean; Brown, Stacey; O'Grady, Megan A. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action
The implementation of a nutrition intervention in food pantries: The spirit of SWAP.
Morales, Sofia; Vicente, Genesis; LaMonaca, Katherine; Rios, Jasmine; Cunningham, Shayna; Higginbottom, Jackson; Mathios, Erin; Werlin, Steve; Cramer, James; Santilli, Alycia; O'Connor Duffany, Kathleen Health Promotion Practice