Photo of Julian D. Ford, PhD, ABPP

Julian D. Ford, PhD, ABPP

Professor of Psychiatry
NPI Number:
Academic Office Location:
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1410
Phone: 860-679-8778

Center for Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders (CTDTD)

Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice (CTRJJ)

European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Journal of Trauma and Dissociation

I am a board-certified clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychiatry and law where I chair two panels of the Institutional Review Board, and on the faculty of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. I am the principal investigator and director of two treatment and services adaptation centers in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, the Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice and the Center for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders.

I serve as an associate editor for the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation and European Journal of Psychotraumatology and as chair of the American Psychological Association Division of Trauma Psychology Presidential Task Force on Child Trauma. I have served on the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Board of Directors and as the Society’s vice president and secretary. I will be president-elect of ISTSS beginning November 2017 and president from November 2018 to November 2019.

I have published more than 250 articles and book chapters and am the author or editor of 10 books, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 2nd Edition, Treating Complex Trauma: A Sequenced, Relationship-Based Approach and Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific foundations and therapeutic models. I developed and have conducted randomized clinical trial and effectiveness studies with the Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET©) model for and youth adults with complex PTSD.

BAUniversity of MichiganPsychology
PhDState University of New York at Stony BrookPsychology

Post-Graduate Training
FellowshipState University of New York at Stony BrookGraduate Fellow, Clinical Extern, Departments of Psychology/Psychiatry; Major Professor: Leonard Krasner, Ph.D. Psychotherapy Research, Sexual/Family Therapy, Community Psychology
InternshipPalo Alto VA Medical CenterClinical Psychology; Supervisors: Donald Lim, Ph.D.; Brian Danaher, Ph.D. Individual, Couples, Sexual, Family and Group Psychotherapy; Psychological Assessment, Health Psychology, Research Design and Program Evaluation, Peer Supervision

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Best Psychotherapy Supervisor AwardDepartment of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Fellowship
Distinguished Scholar AwardAcademy on Violence and Abuse
Distinguished FellowAmerican Psychological Association
Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to PsychologyConnecticut Psychological Association
Champion of ChildrenCenter for Children's Advocacy
Excellence in Teaching Psychotherapy AwardDepartment of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Fellowship

Post-traumatic stress disorder (including complex PTSD and Developmental Trauma Disorder of childhood)

Seminars on PTSD assessment, treatment, and research

Seminars on adolescent psychological development and psychopathology

Seminars on psychological assessment and treatment in the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems

Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Journal of Trauma and DissociationProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorExternalInternational2023
Inter-society Task Force on Child TraumaProfessional/Scientific OrganizationChairExternalInternational2019
Military Operational Medicine (MOM) Peer Review Panel, Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program (JWMRP)Study SectionChairExternalNational20192019
NIH Mental Health Services Research CommitteeStudy SectionRegular MemberExternalNational2019
American Psychological Association PTSD Practice Guidelines Work GroupProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational20182020
Journal of Traumatic StressProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial BoardExternalInternational20162022
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health DisparitiesEditorial BoardAssociate EditorUConn HealthInternational2015
Health Behavior and Policy ReviewEditorial BoardMemberExternalInternational2013
European Journal of PsychotraumatologyProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial BoardExternalInternational2012
Child Abuse & NeglectProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial BoardExternalInternational2012
Psychological TraumaProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial BoardExternalInternational2012
University of Connecticut Health Center Human Subjects Protection Organization (HSPO) Institutional Review Board (IRB)Professional/Scientific OrganizationChairUConn HealthUniversity2010
International Society for Traumatic Stress StudiesProfessional/Scientific OrganizationAudit, Education, Annual Meeting CommitteesExternalInternational2008
National Child Traumatic Stress Network Multisystem Involved Youth Work GroupProfessional/Scientific OrganizationCo-ChairExternalNational20072012
American Journal of Health BehaviorEditorial BoardMemberExternalInternational2004
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and TraumaEditorial BoardMemberExternalInternational2003
Child MaltreatmentProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial BoardExternalInternational1998

My research currently and over the past 25 years has focused on developing and validating psychometric assessments (such as the Correctional Mental Health Screen, Traumatic Events Screening Instrument, Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress-Revised, PTSD Checklist for Children/Parent Report, and the Developmental Trauma Disorder Structured Interview) and psychosocial interventions (such as TARGET: Trauma Affect Regulation-Guide for Education and Therapy, and Present Centered Therapy) for youth, adults and families who are at risk or have experienced traumatic adversity, as well as clinical epidemiological studies of youth/adult traumatic victimization and healthcare utilization. Sample publications include:

  1. Ford JD, Steinberg KL, Zhang W. A randomized clinical trial comparing affect regulation and social problem-solving psychotherapies for mothers with victimization-related PTSD. Behav Ther. 2011 Dec;42(4):560-78. PubMed PMID: 22035986.

  2. Ford JD, Grasso D, Greene C, Levine J, Spinazzola J, van der Kolk B. Clinical significance of a proposed developmental trauma disorder diagnosis: results of an international survey of clinicians. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013 Aug;74(8):841-9. PubMed PMID: 24021504.

  3. Seng JS, D'Andrea W, Ford JD. Complex Mental Health Sequelae of Psychological Trauma Among Women in Prenatal Care. Psychol Trauma. 2014 Jan;6(1):41-49. PubMed PMID: 25558308; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4280853.

  4. Ford JD. Complex PTSD: research directions for nosology/assessment, treatment, and public health. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2015;6:27584. PubMed PMID: 25994023; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4439420.

Currently conducting secondary analyses with several datasets from adult and child psychological assessment and treatment studies from our lab and nationally.

Journal Articles


  • Julian D. Ford Crises in the psychotherapy session Transforming critical moments into turning points. 2021 Jan;
  • Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models
  • Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide
  • Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma
  • Treating Traumatized Children: Risk, Resilience and Recovery
  • Polyvictmization: Adverse Impacts in Childhood and Across the Lifespan
  • C.A. Courtois & J.D. Ford Treating Complex Trauma: A Sequenced Relationship-Based Approach
  • Ford, J.D. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Scientific and Professional Dimensions
  • Ford, J.D., & Wortmann, J. Hijacked by Your Brain
  • Ford, JD; Grasso, DJ; Elhai, JD; Courtois, CA Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Second Edition: Scientific and Professional Dimensions
  • Frueh, B.C., Elhai, J.D., Grubaugh, A., & Ford, J.D. Assessment and Treatment Planning for PTSD
  • Kendall, P.C., & Norton-Ford, J.D. Clinical Psychology: Scientific and Professional Dimensions

Book Chapters

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence
    Ford, J.D. Greene, C.A. Handbook of DSM-5 Childhood Disorders 2017 Jan;
  • Psychological and Biological Theories of Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Disorders
    Ford, J.D. Greene, C.A. Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents 2017 Jan;
  • Emotion regulation in the wake of childhood complex trauma
    Greene, C.A. Grasso, D. Ford, J.D. Helping Children Cope with Trauma 2014 Jan;
  • Cumulative Trauma in Childhood
    Greene, C; Grasso, D; Ford, J Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models 2013 Jan;79-99
  • War-related mental health problems of today's veterans: new clinical awareness.
    Reeves, Roy R; Parker, Jefferson D; Konkle-Parker, Deborah J Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services 2005 Jul;43(7):18-28
  • Police and mental health professionals. Collaborative responses to the impact of violence on children and families.
    Marans, S; Berkowitz, S J; Cohen, D J Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America 1998 Jul;7(3):635-51
  • An ecological Approach to Services for Women Survivors of Psychological Trauma and Comorbid Substance use Disorders
    Chang, R., Augenbraun, D., Ford, J.D., & Cruz, M. Women and Substance Abuse 23-37
  • Assessment and Treatment of Internalizing Disorders
    Kaminer, Y., Ford, J.D., & Clark, D. Clinical Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment 307-347
  • Assessment Guidelines and Instruments
    Ford, J.D., Nader, K., & Fletcher, K. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents 116-141
  • Attachment
    Reyes, G., & Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 64-69
  • Beyond Debriefing: Time-Limited Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment for Disaster Survivors with Diagnosed PTSD
    Young, B.H., Ruzek, J., & Ford, J.D. Approaches to Group Psychotherapy with PTSD 149-201
  • Chapter 1. Defining and Understanding Complex Trauma and Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders
    Ford, J.D., & Courtois, C. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 13-30
  • Chapter 13: Contextual Behavior Trauma Therapy
    Follette, V., Iverson, K., & Ford, J.D. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 264-285
  • Chapter 14: Experiential and Emotion-Focused Therapy
    Fosha, D., Paivio, S., Gleiser, K., & Ford, J.D. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 286-311
  • Chapter 16: Pharmacotherapy
    Opler, L., Grennan, M., & Ford, J.D. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 329-350
  • Chapter 19: Family Therapy
    Ford, J.D., & Saltzman, W. Treating Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 391-414
  • Chapter 2. Neurobiological and Developmental Research: Clinical Implications
    Ford, J.D. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 31-58
  • Chapter 20: Group therapy
    Ford, J.D., Fallot, R., & Harris, M. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 415-440
  • Chapter 3. Best Practices in Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents
    Ford, J. D., & Cloitre, M. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 59-81
  • Chapter 4. Best Practices in Psychotherapy for Adults
    Courtois, C., Ford, J.D., & Cloitre, M. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 82-103
  • Chapter 6. Assessing Traumatic Event Exposure and Posttraumatic Morbidity
    Elhai, J.D., Ford, J.D., & Naifeh, J. Clinician’s Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 119-151
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse
    Rao, A., Reyes, G., & Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 3-12
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Childhood Traumatic Grief
    Lang, J., & Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 135-138
  • Complex Adult Sequelae of Early Life Exposure to Psychological Trauma
    Ford, J.D. The Hidden Epidemic: The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease 69-76
  • Complex PTSD
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 152-154
  • Conclusion
    Ford, J.D., & Courtois, C.A. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models 349-358
  • Conclusion.: The Clinical Utility of a Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders Framework
    Ford, J.D., & Courtois, C. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 441-454
  • Cumulative Trauma in Childhood
    Grasso, D., Greene, C., & Ford, J.D. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents 79-99
  • Depression and PTSD
    Ford, J.D., Kamath, J., & Winokur, A. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 196-199
  • Development of a Behavioral Health Disaster Preparedness System in the Wake of September 11: Center for Trauma Response, Recovery, and Preparedness
    Ford, J.D., Dailey, W.F., & Dean, K. On the Ground after September 11: Mental Health Responses and Practical Knowledge Gained 158-166
  • Diagnosis of Traumatic Stress Disorders
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 200-208
  • Environmental Design in Practice
    Hutchinson, W., Harpin, R.E., Graeff, J., Waters, J., Ford, J.D., & Krasner, L. L. Krasner 240-269
  • Evidence-Based Practice in Adult Mental Health
    Frueh, B.C., Ford, J.D., Elhai, J.D., & Grubaugh, A.L. Handbook of Evidence Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Volume II: Adult Disorders
  • Family Therapy
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 278-280
  • Future Directions in Conceptualizing Complex Posttraumatic Stress Syndromes in Childhood and Adolescence: Toward a Developmental Trauma Disorder Diagnosis
    Ford, J.D. Post-Traumatic Syndromes in Children and Adolescents 433-448
  • Guilt
    Augenbraun, D., & Ford, J. D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 303-305
  • History of Psychological Trauma
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 315-319
  • Introduction
    Courtois, C., & Ford, J.D. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide 1-10
  • Literary Depictions of Psychological Trauma and PTSD
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 391-396
  • Marital Relationships
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 400-403
  • Parent Child Intervention
    Ford, J.D., & Gurwitch, R. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 457-463
  • Posttraumatic Adaptation
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 475-480
  • Post-Traumatic Growth: A Contrarian View
    Ford, J.D., Tennen, H., & Albert, D. Trauma, Recovery, and Growth 297-324
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Frueh, B.C., Elhai, J.D., Grubaugh, A.L., Rosen, G.M., & Ford, J.D. The Clinician’s Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 3-31
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance Abuse Treatment
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Addictive Behaviors, Volume 3. Interventions for Addiction 187-194
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Psychological Trauma
    Ford, J.D. Drug Abuse and Addiction in Medical Illness: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment 335-342
  • Preface
    Ford, J.D., & Courtois, C.A. Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models ix-xiv
  • Preface
    Ford, J.D., Reyes, G., & Elhai, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma
  • Psychotherapy Processes
    Ford, J. D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 551-553
  • Public and Community Psychiatry
    Huey, L.Y., Ford, J.D., & Cole, R. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Volume 2 3845-3863
  • Public and Community Psychiatry
    Huey, L.Y., Ford, J.D., Cole, R., & Morris, J. Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Volume 2 4259-4282
  • Somatic Complaints
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 612-619
  • The Role of Psychiatry and Social Services in the Hospital Response to Bioterrorism
    Ford, J.D. Hospital Preparation for Bioterror: A Medical and Biomedical Systems Approach 157-176
  • Therapy Outcome Research Methods
    Kendall, P.C. & Norton-Ford, J.D. Handbook of Research Methods in Clinical Psychology 429-460
  • Therapy Outcome Research Methods
    Kendall, P.C., Flannery-Schroeder, E.C., & Ford, J.D. Handbook of Research Methods in Clinical Psychology 330-363
  • Toward a Developing Science and Practice of Childhood Traumatic Stress: Concluding Comments
    Pat-Horenczyk, R., Ford, J.D., & Brom, D. Treating Traumatized Children: Risk, Resilience and Recovery 269-280
  • Toward a Developing Science and Practice of Childhood Traumatic Stress: Introduction
    Ford, J.D., Pat-Horenczyk, R., & Brom, D. Treating Traumatized Children: Risk, Resilience and Recovery 1-12
  • Training and Environmental Design
    Ford, J.D. Environmental Design and Human Behavior 270-302
  • Translating Risk, Protective, and Resistance/Resiliency Factors into Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Traumatized Children
    Ford, J.D., Albert, D., Hawke, J. Treating Traumatized Children: Risk, Resilience and Recovery 195-209
  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adolescent Substance use Disorders
    Hawke, J., Albert, D., & Ford, J.D. Adolescent Substance Abuse: Psychiatric Comorbidity & High Risk Behaviors 291-321
  • Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children
    Wolpaw, J., Ford, J.D., Newman, E., Davis, J.L., & Briere, J. Mental Health Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice 152-165
  • Utilization of Mental Health Services After Disasters
    Elhai, J.D., & Ford, J.D. Mental Health and Disasters 366-384
  • Values and Other Contingencies that Influence the Uses of Behavior Modification
    Ford, J.D., & Hutchinson, W. Issues in Evaluating Behavior Modification 42-46
  • War Trauma
    Ford, J.D. Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma 681-683

Case Reports

  • Coming Home for Good: Psychosocial Debriefing Following Operation Desert Storm
    Ford, J.D., Shaw, D. Sennhauser, S., Chandler, P., Greaves, D., Thacker, B., McClain, V. and Schwartz, L. Returning Persian Gulf Troops: First Year Findings
  • Trauma Affect Regulation/Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET): A Case Study of Moving Toward Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice Systems
    Ford, J.D., & Ford, J.G. Corrections and Mental Health
  • Traumatic Stress: Exposure, Identification, and Intervention in Correctional Systems, Part I
    Chapman, J., Ford, J.D., Hawke, J., & Albert, D. Correctional Health Care Report 7(5):65-66, 72-75
  • Traumatic Stress: Exposure, Identification, and Intervention in Correctional Systems, Part II
    Chapman, J., Ford, J.D., Hawke, J., & Albert, D. Correctional Health Care Report 7(6):83-84, 90-95

Conference Papers


  • How can self-regulation enhance our understanding of trauma and dissociation?
    Ford, Julian D Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) 2013 Jan;14(3):237-50
  • Trauma Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Lives of Adolescents
    Ford, J.D. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 52(8):780-783



  • A Systems Theory Analysis of Employee Assistance Programs
    Ford, J.D. & Ford, J.G. Employee Assistance Q, 2(1):37-48
  • Behavioral Health Services in Pediatric Primary Care
    Ford, J.D., Steinberg, K., Pidano, A., Honigfeld, L., & Meyers, J. Connecticut Child Health and Development Institute
  • Close to Home: The Behavioral Health Needs and Services for Connecticut’s Children in the Juvenile Justice System
    Ford, J.D., Gregory, F., McKay, K., & Williams, J. Connecticut Child Health and Development Institute
  • Development of an Interpersonal Effectiveness Advocacy Program for Medical Patients
    Ford, J.D. JSAS Selected Documents in Psychology
  • Health Promotion: Competitor or Resource?
    Ford, J.D. & Ford, J.G. EAP Digest 6(3):23-29
  • Identifying and Treating VA Medical Care Patients with Undetected Sequelae of Psychological Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Ford, J.D., Ruzek, J., & Niles, B. NCP Clinical Quarterly 6(4):77-82
  • Introducing Issues in the Treatment of Complex PTSD
    Van der Hart, O., Steele, K., & Ford, J.D. Traumatic StressPoints 10-11
  • Not Just Child’s Play: Mental Health Assessment in the Juvenile Justice System
    Williams, J., Ford, J.D., Wolpaw, J., Pearson, G., & Chapman, J.
  • Organizational Wellness
    Ford, J.D. & Ford, J.G., and Weingart, S.R. EAP Digest 6(1):49-54
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Implications for Primary Care
    Butterfield, M., Carlson, E., Ford, J. D., Frayne, S., Friedman, M., Garrick, J., Leskin, G., Murdoch, M., Niles, B., Ruzek, J., Sharkansky, E., Watson, P., & Whealin, J.
  • Smoking and Pregnant?
    Danaher, B., Ford, J.D., Shisslak, C. & Thompson, C. Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program
  • Taking the Fear Out of Trauma Services in Correctional Settings: The TARGET Approach
    Chapman, J., Ford, J.D., Albert, D., Hawke, J., & Cruz, M. CorrectCare: Newsletter of the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare 1(14):
  • Too Young to Count? Promoting the Health and Development of Connecticut’s Young Children and Their Families
    Ford, J.D., & Sanders, M. Connecticut Child Health and Development Institute
  • Training in Clinical Psychology
    Ford, J.D. The Clinical Psychologist 1614-16



  • Implementation of an enhanced probation program: evaluating process and preliminary outcomes.
    Shannon, Lisa M; Hulbig, Shelia K; Birdwhistell, Shira; Newell, Jennifer; Neal, Connie Evaluation and program planning 2014 Nov;4950-62
  • Cognitive Strategies in Drug Abuse Treatment
    Ford, J.D. TEACH-CBT
  • Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents
    Cook, A., Spinazzola, J., Ford, J.D., Lanktree, C., Blaustein, M, Sprague, C., Cloitre, M., DeRosa, R., Hubbard, R., Kagan, R., Liataud, J., Mallah, K., Olafson, E., & Van der Kolk, B. Focal Points 21(1):4-8
  • Trauma Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: Critical Issues and New Directions
    Ford, J.D., Chapman, J.F., Hawke, J., & Albert, D. National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice


Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Ford, J. D. “Toward Empirically Based Phenotypes of Person-Centered Clinical Presentations with Traumatized Youth: Unpacking Critical Features of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD” In Symposium “Empirically-Based Innovations in Conceptualization and Assessment of Youth Polyvictimization and Complex PTSD: Applications of the Middle-Out Approach” J. Ford, Chair, September 26.TalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2024Boston
Ford, J. D. “Directions for Trauma Screening Research and Practice in Juvenile Justice” In Symposium “Trauma Screening and Assessment with Adolescents Experiencing Systems Involvement: Challenges and Opportunities in Supporting Adolescents Identified as Polyvictims” J Ford & K. Cruise, Chair, September 28.TalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2024Boston
Ford, J. D. Trauma and Memory: The Vanishing “I”. Invited Preconference Institute, D. Corwin, Chair.LectureAcademy on Violence and Abuse2024San Diego
Polyvictimization and developmental traumaPlenary LectureEuropean Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2021Virtual
Focusing on intersectionality in the training and continuing education of child and family traumatic stress psychotherapists.Panel DiscussionISTSS2021Virtual
Complex trauma and juvenile justicePanel DiscussionISTSS2021Virtual
The Evolution and validation of Developmental Trauma DisorderPlenary LecturePsicologia io2021Virtual
Complex PTSD Round TablePanel DiscussionPsicologia io2021Virtual
Caring for the Caregivers: The Challenges of Supporting Caregivers of Children Who Have Experienced Complex Trauma in the COVID-19 PandemicPlenary LectureMichigan State Trauma Coalition2021Virtual
Trauma and Complex PTSDPlenary LecturePsicologia io2021Virtual
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and TherapyOtherISTSS2021Virtual
Polyvictimization and developmental traumaPlenary LectureEuropean Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2021Virtual
Focusing on intersectionality in the training and continuing education of child and family traumatic stress psychotherapistsLectureISTSS2021Virtual
The Evolution of and Integrative Syndrome for Children Exposed to Violence: Developmental Trauma DisorderPlenary LectureAcademy on Violence and Abuse2020Salt Lake City
Complex PTSD in Childhood: Evolution and Validation of Developmental Trauma DisorderTalkISTSS2020Virtual
Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: Expert Guidance for Integrated Evidence-based PracticePanel DiscussionISTSS2020Virtual
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and TherapyOtherISTSS2020Virtual
A Trauma-Informed, Mindfulness-Based Yoga Intervention with Justice-Involved Youth: Satisfaction and Perceived ImpactTalkAmerican Public Health Association2019Philadelphia
Understanding and Preventing the Adverse Effects of Societal Trauma: Building Bridges to a Safer FuturePlenary LectureEuropean Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2019Rotterdam, Netherlands
Field-based implementation of the Trauma-Informed Decision Protocol: Identifying Justice-Involved adolescents in need of trauma-based intervention.TalkISTSS2019Boston
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET): An Evidence- Based Approach to the “BI and Ts” in T-SBIRTTalkSociety for Social Work Research2018Washington DC
Concordance of Substance Abusing Adolescents’ PTSD Symptoms with their Parent’s Trauma History and PTSD SymptomsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2018Washington DC
Transforming Research into Trauma-informed Interventions for Vulnerable High-Risk Traumatized Youth: Getting Kids Safer, Self-regulated, and Engaged in ServicesPanel DiscussionInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2018Washington DC
Cruise, K. R., Grasso, D. J., Ford, J. D., Holloway, E. Polyvictimization in Detained Adolescents: Impact on Mental Health and Legal OutcomesTalkAmerican Psychology and Law Association2018San Antonio
Vogel, J. M., Ford, J. D., & Connors, K. “A Trifocal Approach to Clinical Assessment and Case Planning with Traumatized Children: Developmental Trauma, Family Systems and Developmental Disabilities”TalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference2017Crystal City, VA
• Ford, J. D., Kisiel, C, Fehrenbach, T., Gosh-Ippen, C., & Spinazzola, J. “Complex/Developmental Trauma Clinical Assessment and Treatment Planning: The Path Less Traveled to Engaging Children and Families in Person-Centered Evidence-Based Trauma-Specific Treatment”TalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference2017Crystal City, VA
Translating Science into Psychotherapy for Traumatized Children and AdultsPlenary LectureConnecticut State Psychological Association2017Haddam, CT
Developmental Trauma Disorder: History of the Evolution of a Complex Traumatic Stress Diagnosis for Children and Update on Findings from a National Field Trial StudyTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference2016National Harbor, MD
What Does it Mean to Create a "Trauma Informed" Juvenile Justice System? A Data-informed Interactive Dialogue Between Traumatic Stress Professionals and Youth and Adults with Lived and Professional Experience in the Juvenile Justice SystemTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference2016National Harbor, MD
Integrating Traumatic Stress Screening and Risk Assessments of Justice-involved Youth: Enhancing Identification of Delinquency RiskLectureISTSS2016Dallas
Screening for Childhood Adversity with Depressed and Non-Depressed Older AdultsLectureISTSS2016Dallas
Initial Psychometric Properties of the Structured Trauma-Related Experiences and Symptoms Screener for Adults in a Prenatal Care Clinic Sample of Pregnant WomenLectureISTSS2016Dallas
Psychometrics of the Rapid Assessment of Pediatric Adversity and Trauma (RAPAT) in pediatric emergency/acute careLectureISTSS2016Dallas
Addressing Safety: How Four NCTSN Interventions Help Children and Families in Situations of High RiskOtherNational Child Traumatic Stress Network2016National Harbor, MD
High Risk Adolescents’ Physical Health: The Impact of Gender, Cumulative Trauma, Poly-victimization, Traumatic Loss, Substance Abuse, and PTSD and Dysphoria SymptomsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2015New Orleans
Developmental Trajectories of Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Childhood ExperiencesTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2015New Orleans
Trauma-Informed Services as a Paradigm for Cross-System Integration of Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, and Mental Health SystemsTalkJapanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2015Kyoto, Japan
High Risk Adolescents’ Physical Health: The Impact of Gender, Cumulative Trauma, Poly-victimization, Traumatic Loss, Substance Abuse, and PTSD and Dysphoria SymptomsLectureInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2015New Orleans
Transition to What?: Utilizing Research-based Policies, Services, and Treatment to Increase Resilience and Reduce Poly-Victimization of YouthOtherISTSS2015New Orleans
Poly-Victimization in Non-detention Juvenile-Justice Involved Youth: Latent Profiles and Importance of Systematic Evidence-Based ScreeningLectureISTSS2015New Orleans
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) for youth involved in the juvenile justice systemOtherAmerican Psychology & Law Society2015San Diego
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) for Complex TraumaPanel DiscussionInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2014Miami
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) Field Trial: I. Evidence of Reliability, Structure, and Validity of the DTD Semi-structured Interview (DTD-SI)TalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2014Miami
Poly-Victimization among Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth: A Latent Class Analysis Replication and Extension to Youths in Community-Based ProgramsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2014Miami
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) Field Trial Outcomes: II. Association of DTD v. PTSD with Interpersonal Trauma, Neglect, Emotional Abuse, and Caregiver Impairment or SeparationTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2014Miami
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) Field Trial Outcomes: III. Differential Comorbidity of DTD and PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Covnention2014Miami
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) for Complex TraumaTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Complex Childhood Trauma, Complex Clinical and Research ChallengesLectureYale Child Study Center2013New Haven, Connecticut
Complex Childhood Trauma, Complex Clinical and Research ChallengesPlenary LectureBiennial Trauma and Regulation Conference2013Bergen, Norway
TARGET: An Evidence-Based Self-Regulation Approach to the Treatment of Complex PTSDPlenary LectureBiennial Trauma and Regulation Conference2013Bergen, Norway
Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trial First FindingsLectureWestern Norway Trauma Resource Centre2013Bergen, Norway
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET); Train the Trainers Part 3LectureState of Illinois & Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice2013Chicago, Illinois
Trauma Grief Components Therapy TrainingTalkCenter for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice 2013Cincinnati, Ohio
Trauma Informed Juvenile Justice SystemsTalkNational Juvenile Justice Network2013Washington DC
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy: Train the Trainers Part 2LectureState of Illinois & Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice 2013Chicago, Illinois
Juvenile Justice SystemsLectureDept of Justice Polyvictimization Webinar Series2013
Violence, Trauma, and Toxic StressPlenary LectureCasey Family Services and Administration for Children and Families2013Washington D.C.
Trauma and PTSD Assessment for DSM-5TalkUniversity of Connecticut Health Center2013West Hartford, Connecticut
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET): Train the Trainers Part 1LectureState of Illinois & Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice 2013Chicago, Illinois
Trauma 101 & PolyvictimizationLectureState of Ohio Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Judges2013
Developmental Trauma DisorderLectureDept of Justice Polyvictimization Webinar Series2013
Trauma-Informed Child-Serving SystemsLectureSAMHSA Webinar Presentation2013
Treatment for Traumatized Children: Restoring Self-RegulationLectureInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Webinar2013
Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself when Stress takes OverLectureUniversity of Connecticut Health Center2013Farmington, Connecticut
Recognizing Children Exposed to ViolencePlenary LectureCT Court Support Services Division2013Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Connecticut Governor’s Advisory Commission on Gun ViolenceTalkLegislative Office Building2013Hartford, Connecticut
Hijacked by Your BrainTalkSquires Club2013West Hartford, Connecticut
Treating Co-Occurring Complex PTSD and Substance Use DisordersTalkJustice Resource Institute Trauma Center2013Boston, Massachusetts
Considering the Impact of Polyvictimization when Evaluating Youth in the Juvenile Justice SystemLectureCT Court Support Services Division2013Rocky Hill, Connecticut
The Impact of Trauma on Adolescents: Understanding Survival ModePanel DiscussionJuvenile Law Center Convening on Trauma and Resilience2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trial: Psychometric FindingsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Psychometric Evaluation and Clinical Symptom Profiles Among Complexly-Traumatized Children: Results from a National Clinician SurveyTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trial: Diagnostic FindingsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Toward Trauma Informed Juvenile and Family Court and Justice SystemsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A Developmental Trauma Disorder PerspectiveTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and TherapyTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and TherapyTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2013Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Understanding Mechanisms of Treatment Change in Interventions for PTSD among Justice-Involved FemalesTalkAmerican Psychology-Law Society2013Portland, Oregon
Is a Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD) Diagnosis (and Specialized Treatments for it) Needed?LectureUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine Clinical Research Center2012Farmington, Connecticut
Complex Trauma Assessment, Treatment, and ResearchOtherUniversity of Connecticut Clinical Psychology Training Program2012Farmington, Connecticut
Trauma-Informed Juvenile Court ServicesLectureCT Court Support Services Division2012
Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice SystemsLectureNational Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Webinar2012
Trauma and Juvenile JusticeLectureSage Publications Webinar2012
PTSD and Risk Assessments in Juvenile JusticeLectureNational Child Traumatic Stress Network webinar2012
Overview of TARGETLectureConnecticut Court System and Maine Dept of Corrections2012
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victims: Traumatic Stress IssuesLectureCenter for Children’s Advocacy2012Hartford, Connecticut
Trauma Informed Juvenile Justice SystemsTalkNational Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Policy Academy2012Washington, D.C.
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victims: Traumatic Stress IssuesLectureCenter for Children’s Advocacy2012Bridgeport, Connecticut
Assessment and Treatment of PTSDTalkAurora Psychiatric Center2012Milwaukee, Minnesota
Emotion Regulation, Developmental Trauma, and Child WelfareTalkComplex Trauma Treatment Network Regional Learning Community Conference2012Houston, Texas
Dissemination of Traumatic Stress Interventions, Administration for Children, Youth & FamiliesLectureNational Institutes of Health Colloquium2012Washington, DC,
TARGET for Transforming SchoolsLectureEast Hartford Middle School2012East Hartford, Connecticut
Developmental Trauma DisorderLectureSolnit Psychiatric Center North2012
PTSD and Complex PTSD Assessment with Children in Child Protective ServicesLectureCourt Support Services Division Professional Evaluator Training2012
The Dam Is Still Holding: Dissociation and Somatization with and without PTSD in A Perinatal Community Sample”TalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
The Dam Is Still Holding: Dissociation and Somatization with and without PTSD in A Perinatal Community SampleTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
Complex Trauma Treatment: New Empirical Research and Evolving Practice GuidelinesTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
Empirical Identification of Poly-victims Among Justice-Detained YouthTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
Randomized Clinical Trial of Affect Regulation Versus Relational Therapy for Girls with PTSD Involved in Delinquency: Daily Self-Report OutcomesTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
Early Trauma Exposure and Stress Sensitization in Young ChildrenTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
Trauma, Dissociation and Somatization in Psychiatrically Impaired YouthTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
Association of Childhood Complex Trauma and Adult Dissociation with Complex PTSD Symptoms in an Adult Psychiatric Inpatient SampleTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2012Los Angeles, California
The Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trial Study and the DSM-5: Overview, Clinician Survey Results, and Structured Interview MethodologyTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2012Baltimore, Maryland
Western Washington 3 School District Learning CommunityTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2012Baltimore, Maryland
Complex Trauma Informed Services TrainingTalkNetwork Puerto Rico Learning Community2012Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Evidence-based Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress DisordersLectureUniversity of Caribe and University of Carlos Albizu2012Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Is a Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (cPTSD) Diagnosis (and Specialized Treatments for it) Needed?LectureUniversity of Connecticut Psychiatry Grand Rounds2012Farmington, Connecticut
The Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trial Study and the DSM-5: Overview, Clinician Survey Results, and Structured Interview MethodologyTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2011Baltimore, Maryland
Affect Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Complex PTSD: The Sixth Wave in the Development of PsychotherapyTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2011Baltimore, Maryland
Daily Monitoring Outcomes of Affect Regulation Psychotherapy for Traumatized WomenTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2011Baltimore, Maryland
Healthcare Reform in the U.S.: Legal Implications and Policy ConsiderationsTalkUniversity of Connecticut Law School Forum2011Hartford, Connecticut
TARGET as a Model for Trauma-Informed Mental Health SystemsLectureNational Mental Health Colloquium, Carter Presidential Center2011Atlanta, Georgia
Intervention Research for Policy and PracticeLectureNational Institute of Child Health and Development2011
Trauma Informed Juvenile Justice ServicesLectureConnecticut Department of Public Health Symposium2011Cromwell, Connecticut
Affect Regulation as the Next Paradigm for PsychotherapyTalkUniversity of Utrecht2011Netherlands
Developmental Trauma DisorderLectureUniversity of Massachusetts School of Medicine2011
Affect Regulation for Educators and StudentsTalkComplex Trauma Learning Community Conference2011Spokane, Washington
Affect Regulation as the Next Paradigm for PsychotherapyTalkBoston Trauma Conference2011
TARGET for Juvenile Justice SystemsTalkBecket Family of Services2011
Complex PTSD and DSM-5TalkEinstein School of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center2011
TARGET OutcomesTalkCSSD Director/Executive Staff2011
Trauma Across the LifespanTalkBiennial Conference2011Perth, Australia
Developmental Trauma DisorderTalkRiverview State Children’s Psychiatric Hospital2011
Personal Empowerment Interventions for Trauma Survivors: Science and PracticeTalkInstitute of Medicine Global Forum on Women and Violence2011
TARGET Model Applied to the Case StudyTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled trial Effectiveness Study Comparing Affect Regulation and Supportive Relational Individual Therapy with Delinquent Girls: Girls In Recovery from Life Stress (GIRLS) StudyTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Perceived Coping in Disaster Mental Health Responders: Negative Cognitions, Optimism, Preparedness, and ReadinessTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Timing of Disaster Training: Negative Cognitions, Optimism, Preparedness and Readiness for Future ResponsesPosterInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Paradigms of Psychotherapy for Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: Application to the 3 Phases of TreatmentTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trial: Overview & Preliminary FindingsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Complex Histories, Complex SymptomsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2010Montreal, Canada
Trauma Informed Services in Juvenile and Adult Correctional Facilities: Implementation and OutcomesTalkNational Commission on Correctional Health Care Mental Health Symposium2010Boston, Massachusetts
TARGET in Juvenile Correctional Facilities: Implementation and OutcomesTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Convention2010New Orleans, Louisiana
Developmental Trauma Disorder Field TrialTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Convention2010New Orleans, Louisiana
Advanced Clinical Applications of TARGETTalkYale Behavioral Health2010New Haven, Connecticut
Overview of TARGET Psychotherapy Model for Anxiety DisordersLectureUniversity of Connecticut Psychological Services Center2010
Developmental Trauma Disorder for EducatorsLecture2010Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Complex Trauma TreatmentLectureWheeler Clinic2010New Britain, Connecticut
Diagnostic alterations for posttraumatic stress disorder from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication and National Survey of AdolescentsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2009Atlanta, Georgia
Replication of the MAYSI-2 Critical Item Scales in Detained YouthTalkInternational Association of Forensic Mental Health Services2009Glasgow, Ireland
Diagnostic Alterations for PTSD: Examining Data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication and National Survey of AdolescentsTalkAnxiety Disorders Association of America2009Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
Beyond High Anxiety: Complex Trauma, Complex Traumatic Stress DisordersLectureHarvard Trauma Conference2008
TARGET for Delinquent GirlsTalkSunshine Systems2008West Palm Beach, Florida
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkOhio Dept. Youth Services2008Columbus, Ohio
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkOhio Dept. Youth Services2008Columbus, Ohio
Trauma Informed Court ServicesTalkCSSD Court Coordinators2008New Britain, Connecticut
Trauma and PTSDLectureUCHC Chaplaincy Seminar2008Farmington, Connecticut
Vicarious TraumaTalkCT CSSD2008Hartford, Connecticut
Dare to Transform ConferencePlenary LectureSAMHSA CMHS2008
Attachment and TraumaTalkCT CSSD2008Hartford, Connecticut
Trauma Informed Probation PracticeTalkCT CSSD2008Hartford, Connecticut
Intro to Trauma Informed ServicesTalkCT CSSD2008Hartford, Connecticut
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkUCHC Dept of Psychiatry2008Farmington, Connecticut
TARGET for Child/Family SvcsTalkSouth Bay Services2008San Diego, California
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkChadwick Center Conference2008San Diego, California
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkCSSD JRRCs & FSCs,2008
TARGET in Juvenile JusticeTalkFlorida Dept Juvenile Justice2008Orlando, Florida
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkOhio Dept. Youth Services2008Columbus, Ohio
Complex Trauma Assessment with Children:: Toward a Developmental Trauma DisorderTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2008Chicago, Illinois
Complex Trauma Treatment: Affect Regulation as an Integrative FocusTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2008Chicago, Illinois
The Role of Mindfulness in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Affect Regulation and Social Problem Solving Psychotherapies for Low Income Mothers with PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2008Chicago, Illinois
Trauma-Related Issues in National Security InterrogationsTalkAmerican Psychological Association2008Boston, Massachusetts
Maternal PTSD: Guilt, Shame, and RelationshipsTalkAmerican Psychological Association2008Boston, Massachusetts
Why Training Matters: Motivation, Preparedness, and Readiness of Disaster Mental Health RespondersPosterAmerican Psychological Association2008Boston, Massachusetts
Suicide Risk, Trauma, and Substance Abuse among Juvenile Detainees in the U.S.TalkInternational Association of Forensic Mental Health Services2008Vienna, Austria
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) in Juvenile JusticeTalkNational GAINS Conference (SAMHSA)2008Washington D.C.
Trauma-Informed Systems Change: A TARGETed ApproachTalkNational GAINS Conference (SAMHSA)2008Washington D.C.
TARGET and Multidimensional Family TherapyTalkUniversity of Miami Post-Hurricane Katrina Family Treatment Study2007New Orleans, Louisiana
TARGET for Trauma Informed Care for Girls in Juvenile JusticeTalkCT 12th National Workshop on Adult & Juvenile Female Offenders2007Baltimore, Maryland
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkOhio Dept. Youth Services2007Columbus, Ohio
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkFlorida Dept of Juvenile Justice2007Tampa, Florida
Grand Rounds, Religion and PsychologyTalkRockville Medical Center2007
TARGET for Child Residential TreatmentTalkShelter for Women2007Hartford, Connecticut
TARGET for In-Home EBT InterventionsTalkWheeler Clinic2007New Britian, Connecticut
TARGET for Youth Risk ReductionTalkCT YRRC2007New Haven, Connecticut
TARGET for Child/Family TreatmentTalkGilead Center2007Hartford, Connecticut
TARGET for Child/Family TreatmentTalkSouth Bay Services2007San Diego, California
TARGET for Child/Family TreatmentTalkVillage for Girls & Boys2007Bridgeport, Connecticut
TARGET for Child Residential TreatmentTalkShelter for Women2007Hartford, Connecticut
Teaching Patients Self-Regulation SkillsTalkUniversity of Connecticut School of Medicine Occupational/Environmental 2007Farmington, Connecticut
TARGET and Multidimensional Family TherapyTalkUniversity of Miami Post-Hurricane Katrina Family Treatment Study2007New Orleans, Louisiana
TARGET for Juvenile JusticeTalkFlorida Dept of Juvenile Justice2007Tampa, Florida
TARGET for Juvenile Detention Staff/AdministratorsTalkCSSD2007New Britain, Connecticut
Impact of Trauma on Family & Children in RecoveryPanel DiscussionNational Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse Winter Forum2007New York
Grand Rounds, Religion and PsychologyTalkManchester Hospital2007Manchester, Connecticut
TARGET for Inpatient Residential Child Psychiatric TreatmentTalkRiverview Children’s Psychiatric Hospital2007
TARGET for Intensive Residential Child Psychiatric TreatmentTalkCT Children’s Place2007
Trauma, Teens, and Addiction: A TARGETed ApproachTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2007Baltimore, Maryland
Self-Regulation Treatment for Traumatized Inner City Women: RCT ResultsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2007Baltimore, Maryland
Risk, Resilience, and Recovery in Traumatized ChildrenTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2007Baltimore, Maryland
Randomized Clinical Trial of TARGET with Young Mother with PTSDTalkAmerican Psychological Association2007San Francisco, California
TARGET as a Self-Regulation Intervention for Behavioral Dyscontrol and Aggression among Juvenile DetaineesTalkAmerican Psychological Association2007San Francisco, California
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Developmental Trauma DisorderTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association2007San Diego, California
Vicarious Trauma and Youth ViolenceTalk2006Hartford, Connecticut
Trauma, Teens & Addiction: TARGETed ApproachLecture2006Farmington, Connecticut
Attachment and Child PsychiatryTalkRiverview Psychiatric Hospital2006
Evidence-Based Trauma Treatment Advanced ConsultationTalkWheeler Clinic2006
TARGET for Juvenile Justice-involved AdolescentsTalkConnecticut DCF Leading Change: Rethinking Juvenile Justice Conference2006Storrs, Connecticut
TARGET Learning CollaborativeTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network2006Chicago, Illinois
TARGET for Residential and Detention Juvenile Justice ProgramsTalkFlorida State Department of Juvenile Justice2006Tampa, Florida
Development of a Brief Mental Health Screening Instrument for Incarcerated AdultsTalkAmerican Academy of Psychiatry and the Law2006Chicago, Illinois
Prevalence of Mental Illness in Connecticut’s JailsTalkAmerican Academy of Psychiatry and the Law2006Chicago, Illinois
Integrative Family-Based Treatment for Adolescent Substance Abuse and TraumaTalkNational Institute on Drug Abuse Blending Addiction Science and Practice2006Seattle, Washington
Disorders of Extreme Stress in Civilian War SurvivorsTalkEuropean Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy2006Paris, France
Development of a Brief Mental Health Screening Instrument for Incarcerated AdultsTalkInternational Association of Forensic Mental Health2006Amsterdam, Netherlands
Neurobiological Underpinnings of Complex PTSD in ChildhoodTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association2006Toronto, Canada
Neurobiological Underpinnings of Complex PTSD in Across the LifespanTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association2006Toronto, Canada
Trauma and Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice SystemTalkNational GAINS Conference 2006Boston, Massachusetts
Trauma and Teen Treatment in the Juvenile Justice SystemTalkJoint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness (JMATE)2006Baltimore, Maryland
Workshop: Trauma Adaptive Recovery Group Education and Therapy for TeensTalkSociety for Adolescent Medicine2006Boston, Massachusetts
Toward Trauma Informed Juvenile Justice SystemsTalkNational Association of State Mental Health Program2005Tampa, Florida
TARGET for Women in PrisonsTalkYork Correctional Institute2005
TARGET for School PersonnelTalkGlastonbury Schools2005
Complex PTSDTalkRiverview Psychiatric Hospital2005
Toward Trauma Informed Juvenile Justice SystemsLectureNational Correctional Healthcare Commission Annual Convention2005Denver, Colorado
Complex PTSDTalkParsons Center Annual Convention2005Albany, New York
Toward an Evidence Based State System for Disaster Mental Health ResponseTalkDisaster Mental Health Institute Annual Colloquium2005
Bosnian Refugee TraumaTalkThe University of Connecticut Health Center2005Farmington, Connecticut
Trauma AssessmentTalkRiverview State Psychiatric Hospital2005
Toward Trauma Informed Juvenile Justice SystemsTalkNational Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Convention2005Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
TARGET Regional Learning CollaborativeTalkNCTSN2005Hartford, Connecticut
TARGET for children with SEDTalkWheeler Clinic2005New Britian, Connecticut
TARGET for Bioterrorism PreparednessLectureCT Department of Public Health and UCHC Department of Community Medicine2005
TARGET for children with SEDTalkRiverview Hospital2005
Child Health and DevelopmentTalkPediatric Behavioral Health Colloquium2005Hartford, Connecticut
TARGET OverviewTalkConnecticut Juvenile Training School2005
TARGET for Adults with SMITalkGreater Trenton Behavioral Healthcare2005Trenton, New Jersey
TARGET for Bioterrorism PreparednessLectureUniversity of Kentucky2005
Walking the Affect Tightrope: Experiential Post-Traumatic PsychotherapyTalkInternational Society for the Study of Dissociation2005Toronto, Canada
Self-Regulation as a Framework for Complex PTSD in ChildhoodTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2005Toronto, Canada
Toward the Systemic Dissemination of Child Trauma InterventionsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2005Toronto, Canada
TARGET for AdolescentsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2005Toronto, Canada
Treatment of complex PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2005Toronto, Canada
Trauma Treatment for Persons in Substance Abuse CareTalkAmerican Evaluation Association2005Toronto, Canada
Toward a Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice SystemTalkNational Commission on Correctional Health Care Annual Convention2005Denver, Colorado
Toward the Validation of a Biopsychosocial Intervention for Traumatized AdolescentsTalkEuropean Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention2005Stockholm, Sweeden
Psychosocial Interventions for Complex TraumaTalkEuropean Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Convention2005Stockholm, Sweeden
TARGET for Multiply Traumatized AdolescentsTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2005Bethesda, Maryland
Toward a Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice SystemTalkNational Child Traumatic Stress Network Annual Meeting2005Bethesda, Maryland
TARGET for Trauma-Informed Services Institute on Men and TraumaLectureSAMHSA National Dare to Act Conference2004Baltimore, Maryland
Cultural Sensitivity WorkshopTalkNew York Office of Mental Health Transcending Trauma2004New York
Development and Dissemination of a Trauma Research InfrastructureTalkMt. Sinai School of Medicine and Jewish Board of Children and Family Servic2004New York
TARGET TrainingTalkNatal, Israel Trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War2004Tel-Aviv, Israel
Trauma Intensive Treatment Model TrainingLectureConnecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services2004
Trauma Intensive Treatment Model TrainingsLectureCT Boys & Girls Clubs2004
Virtual Navigation During fMRI in Patients with PTSDTalkSociety for Neuroscience Annual Meeting2004San Diego, California
Treatment of Co-occurring Substance Use and Trauma DisordersTalkNational Institutes of Health Complexities of Co-Occurring Disorders 2004Washington D.C.
Parents as Mediators of Trauma Intervention for Youth and ParentsTalk2nd Bi-national Conference on Treating Traumatized Children2004Ma’ale Hachamisha, Israel
Panel: Nature and Definition of DissociationTalkInternational Society for the Study of Dissociation2004New Orleans, Louisiana
Evidence-Based Group Treatment for Adolescents with Complex PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2004New Orleans, Louisiana
Treatment of Complex PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2004New Orleans, Louisiana
Bioterrorism PreparednessTalkCT Department of Public Health2003
Trauma & CultureTalkDMHAS Statewide Trauma Initiative Trainings2003Farmington, Connecticut
TARGET TrainingsTalkCT Valley Hospital Forensic Services2003
Trauma Intensive Treatment Model TrainingsTalkMid-State Behavioral Health System2003
Addressing TraumaLectureConnecticut Counselors Association2003Cromwell, Connecticut
TARGET TrainingTalkCommunity Mental Health Associates2003
Gender Differences in Trauma Survivors in Substance Abuse TreatmentTalkAmerican Public Health Association Annual Convention2003San Francisco, California
Emerging from Invisibility: Recovery from ProstitutionTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2003Chicago, Illinois
A Model System for Bioterrorism PreparednessTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2003Chicago, Illinois
Outcome of Present-Centered Trauma-Focused Therapy for Co-Occurring Addiction/ PTSDTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association2003San Francisco, California
Recovery from the Lasting Imprint of TraumaLectureWaterbury Hospital2002Waterbury, Connecticut
Recovery & Spiritual HealingLectureSt. Francis Medical Ctr. Pastoral Counseling Program2002
Recovery from the Lasting Imprint of TraumaLectureInstitute of Living2002
Introduction and Commemoration of September 11, 2001TalkDiscovery Series2002
Trauma in Prevention ServicesTalkNew England Institute of Prevention2002Newport, Rhode Island
Proactive Approaches to Working with First Responders in the Wake of DisasterTalkCenter for Trauma Response, Recovery, and Preparedness2002Middletown, Connecticut
Prevention & PreparednessTalkSE CT Prevention Providers Conference2002New London, Connecticut
Outcome of a Present-Centered Trauma Focused Treatment for Complex PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2002New Orleans, Louisiana
Complex PTSD among Homeless and Addicted WomenTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2002New Orleans, Louisiana
Brief Integrative Therapy for CSA-related PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2002New Orleans, Louisiana
Assessment of Psychological Trauma: Myths and RealitiesTalkDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services2002Farmington, Connecticut
Treatment of Psychological Trauma: Myths and RealitiesTalkDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services2002Farmington, Connecticut
Development and Evaluation of the TARGET Model in a State Mental Health SystemTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2001New Orleans, Louisiana
The Structure and Predictive Value of Complex PTSD among Women with Severe Mental Illness and Women in Treatment for PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2001New Orleans, Louisiana
Psychometric outcomes of a randomized clinical trial of psychotherapies for PTSD-SATalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2001New Orleans, Louisiana
Trauma, PTSD, and Complex PTSD in Women with Severe Mental IllnessTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association2001New Orleans, Louisiana
Trauma in the Aftermath of DisasterTalkInstitute of Living2001
In the Aftermath of DisasterLectureUCHC Discovery Community Lecture Series2001Farmington, Connecticut
The Developmental Neurobiology of Complex TraumaTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2001New Orleans, Louisiana
Mental Health Services Research on Trauma SyndromesTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2000San Antonio, Texas
The Measurement and Prevalence of Trauma, PTSD, and Disorders of Extreme Stress in Women with Severe Mental IllnessTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies2000San Antonio, Texas
Trauma Sensitive ServicesTalkSAMHSA CMHS2000Washington, DC
Complex PTSDLectureBoston University Trauma Center2000Boston, Massachusetts
Psychological Trauma & Eating DisordersTalkUCHC Discovery Series Community Education2000Farmington, Connecticut
Complex PTSDLectureDVA Vet Centers National Training2000Reno, Nevada
Complex PTSDLectureDepartment of Veterans Affairs Medical Center2000West Haven, Connecticut
Development of a Trauma-Focused Stage II Dialectical Behavior Therapy ModelTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1999Miami, Florida
The Measurement and Prevalence of Trauma and PTSD in Persons with Severe Mental IllnessTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1999Miami, Florida
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors with PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1999Miami, Florida
Object Relations, PTSD, and DESNOS as Predictors of PTSD Treatment OutcomeTalkAssociation for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy1999Toronto, Canada
Complex PTSDLectureDMHAS Capitol Region Mental Health Center1999Hartford, Connecticut
Coping with Holiday StressLectureUCHC Discovery Series Lecture Community Education1999Farmington, Connecticut
Psychological Therapy for DepressionLectureUCHC Discovery Series Community Education1999Farmington, Connecticut
Traumatic Shock of InjuryLectureUCHC Department of Orthopedics/Sports Medicine1999Farmington, Connecticut
Stress Management and DiabetesTalkUniversity of Connecticut Health Center1999Farmington, Connecticut
Anxiety DisordersLectureUCHC Discovery Series Community Education1999Farmington, Connecticut
Complex PTSDLectureDMHAS and UCHC1999Farmington, Connecticut
Trauma TreatmentTalkCatholic Family Services1999Torrington, Connecticut
Disaster Mental HealthTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1998Washington, D.C.
Physical Health Consequences of PTSD after Mustard GasTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1998Washington, D.C.
Mental Health Primary Care: The Department of Veterans Affairs ModelTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association Psychiatric Services Conference1998
Psychotherapy of Complex PTSDTalkAmerican Psychological Association1998San Francisco, California
Children and Disaster: Integrative SummaryTalkAmerican Psychological Association1998San Francisco, California
Critical Incident Debriefing in Pediatric Intensive CareLectureDartmouth Medical Center1998
Complex PTSDTalkHartford Hospital Institute of Living1998Hartford, Connecticut
VISN-9 TrainingLectureDisaster Mental Health Services1998Memphis, Tennessee
VISN-19 TrainingTalkDisaster Mental Health Services1998Denver, Colorado
Federal Disaster ExerciseTalkDisaster Mental Health Leadership1998Fort Gordon, Georgia
Assessment and Treatment of the Child and Family After AbuseLectureVermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services1998Burlington, Vermont
Mental Health Primary CareTalkVA National Training Conference1998Phoenix, Arizona
VISN-13 TrainingTalkDisaster Mental Health Services1998Minneapolis, Minnesota
Complex PTSDLectureVA Readjustment Counseling Svc Regional Training1998Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
VISN-4 TrainingLectureDisaster Mental Health Services1998Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
VISN-4 TrainingTalkDisaster Mental Health Services1998Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
VISN-20 TrainingTalkDisaster Mental Health Services1998Portland, Oregon
Treatment of DepressionLectureUniversity of CT Health Center Discovery Series1998Farmington, Connecticut
Trauma Focus Group Therapy for Chronic PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1997Montreal, Canada
Prediction of PTSD with Pediatric TraumaTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1997Montreal, Canada
Screening for Traumatic Experiences with ChildrenTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1997Montreal, Canada
A Systems Consultation Intervention for PTSD Screening in Primary CareTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1997Montreal, Canada
Future Directions in Department of Veterans Affairs Traumatic Stress ProgramsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1997Montreal, Canada
Pediatric Psychological Trauma and PTSDTalkInfant Mental Health Conference1997North Conway, New Hampshire
Screening and Assessment of Pediatric Psychological Trauma and PTSDTalkAmerican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Convention1997Toronto, Canada
History of Victimization in Children with ADHD and ODDTalkInternational Family Violence Convention1997Durham, New Hampshire
Assessment Protocol Predicting Post-Traumatic Stress Impairment in Pediatric Accident VictimsTalkInternational Family Violence Convention1997Durham, New Hampshire
Traumatic Experience in a Child Psychiatric Population: Parent vs. Child ReportTalkInternational Family Violence Convention1997Durham, New Hampshire
Effects of Child Abuse on AttachmentTalkVermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services1997Burlington, Vermont
VISN-14 TrainingTalkDisaster Mental Health Services1997Dallas, Texas
Trauma Focus Therapy for Chronic PTSDTalkDartmouth Dept. of Psychiatry1997
Assessment of Early Childhood Trauma and PTSDLectureNew Hampshire DCYF and Dartmouth Family and Child Trauma Center1997
Disaster Mental HealthTalkDartmouth Department of Psychiatry1997
VISN-1 TrainingLectureDisaster Mental Health Services1997Boston, Massachusetts
Ethnocultural Issues in PTSD: The Matsunaga ProjectTalkVA Satellite Telecast1997
Treatment of Complex PTSDLectureVA Regional Training Conference1997
Assessment of Children's PTSD Following Abuse or Accidental TraumaTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1996San Francisco, California
Post-Traumatic Stress Detection and Intervention with Chronic Medical IllnessesTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1996San Francisco, California
Post-Traumatic Stress Detection and Intervention in Pediatric HealthcareTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1996San Francisco, California
Child Abuse as a Predictor of Severity of Chronic Military-Related PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1996San Francisco, California
PTSD and Mustard Gas TestingTalkVA National Satellite Telecast1996
Trauma, PTSD and the FamilyLectureVA Regional Training1996Brockton, Massachusetts
Assessment and Treatment of the Child and Family After AbuseLectureVermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services1996White River Junction, Vermont
Guided Trauma Disclosure in the Psychotherapy of Chronic PTSDTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1995San Francisco, California
Inpatient PTSD Treatment: Differential Treatment Outcome by Developmental LevelTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1995San Francisco, California
National Disaster ExerciseTalkDisaster Mental Health Services1995Biloxi, Mississippi
Traumatic Injury: Caring for the CaregiverTalkDartmouth Medical School1995
Dialectic Behavior TherapyTalkDartmouth Medical School1995
Rehabilitation of Chronic PTSDLectureDVA RMEC1994Anchorage, Alaska
Existential Issues in Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderTalkAmerican Psychiatric Association1993San Francisco, California
Preventive Systemic Intervention after Desert StormTalkAmerican Psychological Association1993Toronto, Canada
Family Therapy for Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress and AddictionsTalkAmerican Psychological Association1993Toronto, Canada
Couple Relationships as Containers for Post-Traumatic AffectTalkAmerican Psychological Association1993Toronto, Canada
Two Year Follow-Up of Psychosocial Debriefing Effects of Operation Desert StormTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1993San Antonio, Texas
Post-Traumatic Personality DisorderTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Post-Traumatic Stress as an Extended Developmental HiatusTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Sustained Benefits of Psychosocial Debriefing Post-Operation Desert StormTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Outcome Predictors in Psychosocial Debriefing Post-Operation Desert Storm (1) Treatment FactorsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Outcome Predictors in Psychosocial Debriefing Post-Operation Desert Storm (2) Subject FactorsTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Persistent Stress Response Symptoms One Year After Operation Desert StormTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Effects of War-Zone and Readjustment Stressors on Family Psychosocial FunctioningTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Influence of Gender on War-Zone Traumatization and ReadjustmentTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
The Trauma Integration ModelTalkInternational Society for Traumatic Stress Studies1992Los Angeles, California
Process and Outcome in Family Systems Stress DebriefingTalkAmerican Psychological Association1992Washington, D.C.
Program Evaluation of Outreach for Operation Desert Storm FamiliesTalkAmerican Psychological Association1992Washington, D.C.
Effects of War Stress on Family Psychosocial FunctioningTalkAmerican Psychological Association1992Washington, D.C.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Variants and CountertransferenceTalkWestern Psychological Association1992
Process of Psychosocial Debriefing with Families and Veterans Following ODSTalkWestern Psychological Association1992
Secondary Prevention of PTSDTalkWestern Psychological Association1992
Effects of War-Zone Stress on FamiliesTalkWestern Psychological Association1992
Psychotherapy of Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderTalkAmerican Psychological Association1991
Differentiating Civilian and Military PTSDTalkAmerican Psychological Association1991
Civilian and War-Zone PTSDTalkOregon Psychological Association1991
Smoking Cessation: Stress Management and Social Support ApproachesTalkSociety for Behavioral Medicine1986
Family Systems Therapy with Complex Medical IllnessesTalkAmerican Association of Marriage and Family Therapy1984
Family Systems Therapy TrainingTalkAmerican Association of Marriage and Family Therapy1983
Behavioral Medicine for Cardiovascular Risk ReductionTalkAmerican Psychological Association1983
Mental Health Intervention in Medical Care SettingsTalkWestern Psychological Association1983
Training and Supervision of Co-TherapyTalkCalifornia State Psychological Association1983
Personal and Familial Narratives at the Core of Systemic Approaches to HypnotherapyTalkInternational Congress of Erickson Hypnosis and Psychotherapy1983
Integration of Systemic and Behavioral Therapy ApproachesTalkWestern Psychological Association1982
Therapeutic Relationship in Behavior Therapy: Further FindingsTalkAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy1982
Stress Management, Smoking Cessation, and the Family SystemTalkAmerican Heart Association1982
Clinical Psychology Research and PracticeTalkWestern Psychological Association1981
Clinical Psychology Training: Empirical BasesTalkCalifornia State Psychological Association1981
Interpersonal Effectiveness Training for Medical PatientsTalkWestern Psychological Association1980
Interpersonal Effectiveness Training for Medical PatientsTalkAmerican Psychological Association1980
Empirical Bases for Clinical Psychology TrainingTalkAmerican Psychological Association1979
Dimensions of Interpersonal EffectivenessTalkAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy1979
Predictors of Outcome in Marital TherapyTalkAmerican Psychological Association1978
Therapeutic Relationship in Behavior TherapyTalkAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy1978
Behavior Therapists’ Professional Practices: A SurveyTalkAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy1977
Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology Practice and TrainingTalkAmerican Psychological Association1976
Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology Practice and TrainingTalkEastern Psychological Association1976
Ethical Issues in Behavior AnalysisTalkMidwest Association for Behavior Analysis1976
Research on Clinical Psychology TrainingTalkEastern Psychological Association1975
Values and other Contingencies Influencing Behavior ModificationTalkDrake University Conference on Professional Issues in Behavior Analysis1974
Systems Analysis of Environmental Design Community PsychologyTalkCUNY Conference on Graduate Training in Community Psychology1974