Sivapriya Kailasan Vanaja, DVM, PhDAssociate Professor of ImmunologyDirector, Graduate Program in Immunology
Degree | Institution | Major |
DVM | College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Kerala | Veterinary Science |
MVSc | Madras Veterinary College | Veterinary Microbiology |
PhD | Michigan State University | Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology |
Post-Graduate Training
Training | Institution | Specialty |
Postdoctoral | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Postdoctoral Fellow in Innate Immunity |
Postdoctoral | Tufts University School of Medicine | Postdoctoral Fellow in Innate Immunity |
Name of Award/Honor | Awarding Organization |
Careers in Immunology Award | American Association of Immunologists |
Early Career Faculty Travel grant | American Association of Immunologists |
Research Excellence Program Stimulus grant | UCONN Health School of Medicine |
Trainee Achievement Award | American Association of Immunologists |
Trainee Abstract Award | American Association of Immunologists |
Career Development Award | NIAID NERCE |
Young Investigator Award | World Congress on Inflammation |
C. Gordon Van Arman Award for Escellence in Inflammation Research | Inflammation Research Association |
Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Michigan State University Graduate School |
CVM Fellowship for Ph.D. Training of Veterinarians | Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine |
Graduate Assistantship from Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology Program and Microbial Evolution Laboratory (for Ph.D.) | Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine |
Innate immunity, host-pathogen interactions, inflammasomes
The primary focus of our research is to determine the mechanisms by which bacterial pathogens modulate host immune responses.The innate immune system monitors the extracellular and intracellular compartments for the presence of invading pathogens and other danger signals and elicit appropriate defense reactions that are essential for the elimination of these agents. Studies in the past decade including ours (Vanaja et al., PNAS 2014) have unraveled numerous bacterial factors that activate various arms of the innate immune system such as the toll-like receptors (TLRs) and inflammasomes. Since innate immune responses play a crucial role in the clearance of infectious agents it is natural that pathogens have developed strategies to inhibit the same. However, little is known about regulation of innate immune responses by bacterial pathogens. Our research aims to address this knowledge gap and will focus on identifying bacterial mechanisms that inhibit or modulate innate immune activation.
Not Accepting Lab Rotation Students at this time
Journal Articles
Transplantation of gasdermin pores by extracellular vesicles propagates pyroptosis to bystander cells.
Cell 2024 Dec;
UBXN9 governs GLUT4-mediated spatial confinement of RIG-I-like receptors and signaling.
Nature immunology 2024 Nov;
A bacterial toxin co-opts caspase-3 to disable active gasdermin D and limit macrophage pyroptosis.
Cell reports 2024 Mar;43(4):114004
Host extracellular vesicles confer cytosolic access to systemic LPS licensing non-canonical inflammasome sensing and pyroptosis.
Nature cell biology 2023 Dec;25(12):1860-1872
A bacterial autotransporter impairs innate immune responses by targeting the transcription factor TFE3.
Nature communications 2023 Apr;14(1):2035
A bacterial autotransporter impairs innate immune responses by targeting the transcription factor TFE3.
Nature communications 2023 Apr;14(1):2035
A TLR4-independent critical role for CD14 in intracellular LPS sensing.
Cell reports 2022 May;39(5):110755
Citrobacter rodentium(ϕStx2dact), a murine infection model for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli.
Current opinion in microbiology 2021 Dec;65183-190
Intracellular immune sensing promotes inflammation via gasdermin D-driven release of a lectin alarmin.
Nature immunology 2021 Feb;22(2):154-165
Inflammasome activation and evasion by bacterial pathogens.
Current opinion in immunology 2020 Dec;68125-133
Shiga toxin suppresses noncanonical inflammasome responses to cytosolic LPS
Science Immunology 2020 Nov;5(53)eabc0217
Long Noncoding RNAs in Host-Pathogen Interactions.
Trends in immunology 2019 Jun;40(6):492-510
Gasdermin D Restrains Type I Interferon Response to Cytosolic DNA by Disrupting Ionic Homeostasis.
Immunity 2018 Aug;49413-426.e5
(IR)Factor for NAIP Expression.
Cell 2018 May;173(4):817-819
Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles Mediate Cytosolic Localization of LPS and Caspase-11 Activation.
Cell 2016 May;1651106-1119
Actin pedestal formation by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli enhances bacterial host cell attachment and concomitant type III translocation.
Infection and immunity 2014 Sep;82(9):3713-22
Bacterial RNA:DNA hybrids are activators of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014 May;111(21):7765-70
Rift Valley fever virus infection induces activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
Virology 2014 Jan;449174-80
Activation of caspase-1 by the NLRP3 inflammasome regulates the NADPH oxidase NOX2 to control phagosome function.
Nature immunology 2013 Jun;14(6):543-53
TRIF licenses caspase-11-dependent NLRP3 inflammasome activation by gram-negative bacteria.
Cell 2012 Aug;150(3):606-19
The NLRP12 inflammasome recognizes Yersinia pestis.
Immunity 2012 Jul;37(1):96-107
The AIM2 inflammasome is essential for host defense against cytosolic bacteria and DNA viruses.
Nature immunology 2010 May;11(5):395-402
Differential expression of virulence and stress fitness genes between Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains with clinical or bovine-biased genotypes.
Applied and environmental microbiology 2010 Jan;76(1):60-8
Gene expression induced in Escherichia coli O157:H7 upon exposure to model apple juice.
Applied and environmental microbiology 2009 Jun;75(11):3542-53
Characterization of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 Sakai GadE regulon.
Journal of bacteriology 2009 Mar;191(6):1868-77
Shigella "Osp"pression of innate immunity.
Cell 2022 Jun;185(13):2205-2207
Mechanisms of inflammasome activation: recent advances and novel insights.
Trends in cell biology 2015 Jan;25(5):308-15
Regulation of inflammasome signaling.
Nature immunology 2012 Apr;13(4):333-42