Photo of Susan F. Levine, MD, MPH

Susan F. Levine, MD, MPH

Associate Professor
NPI Number:
Academic Office Location:
Internal Medicine Associates
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-8021
BAWellesley CollegePsychology
MDMedical College of PennsylvaniaMedicine
OtherSchool of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins UniversityEpidemiology
MPHUConn School of Public HealthPublic Health

Post-Graduate Training
ResidencyTemple University HospitalInternal Medicine

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
John Dempsey Medical Staff Excellence AwardJohn Dempsey medical staff
SGIM NE region Advocacy and Community Service AwardSociety of General Internal Medicine
Faculty Spotlight "UConn Immigrant Health"UConn School of Medicine
Leonard Tow Humanism AwardUConn School of Medicine
PAWS (service) awardUConn Health Center
UConn Department of Medicine Resident Teaching AwardUniversity of Connecticut
AMA Physician Recognition AwardAmerican Medical Association
End of life care, medical ethics, global health, and resident education
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
chair- educational committee Society of Refugee Healthcare ProvidersInternational2024
Society of General Internal Medicine member of Refugee Health CommitteeEducation CommitteeNational2023
Connecticut Immigrant and Refugee CoalitionOtherboard of directorsExternalState2019
Society of General Internal MedicineProfessional/Scientific Organizationinstitutional champion, reviewer of Journal of General Internal MedicineExternalNational2018
Ethics Committee University of CT Health CenterOtherUConn HealthUniversity2015
American Medical AssociationProfessional/Scientific OrganizationExternalNational
American College of PhysiciansProfessional/Scientific OrganizationFellowExternalNational
Yale- regional refugee health committee- (pre conference planning committee)Advisory Committeemember advisory boardExternalState

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Pulmonary Embolism
    Hospital Medicine 1999 Jan;


  • Cardiovascular Risk Profiling in African Americans: Hypertension yes, but don't forget the lipids
    Koutz, DS adn Levine, SF American Family Physician 1998 Nov;


  • Physical Diagnosis and Care Coordination in Libya: Medical Mission Work Focused on Capacity Building and Education
    Susan Levine, MD MPH MedEdPublish 2015 Oct;4(11):
Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Latent TB Infection in the Outpatient General Medicine ClinicPosterAmerican College of Chest Physicians2022Nashville, TN
A Novel Medical Student Curriculum in Human TraffickingPosterAmerican College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Meeting2022Hartford, CT
Patient Safety and Continuous Quality ImprovementPosterUConn Health Dean's Annual Symposium2021Farmington, CT
Latent TB in the Outpatient General Medicine ClinicPosterAmerican College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Meeting2021
Telehealth Perceptions Among Immigrant PatientsPosterAmerican College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Meeting2021
Acute Kidney Injury and Nephrotic Syndrome after COVID vaccinePosterAmerican College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Meeting2021
An Unusual Case of Fever and Rash; Latent Tuberculosis drug induced HypersensitivityPosterAmerican College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Meeting2021
Telehealth Perceptions Among Immigrant PatientsOtherUConn Center for mHealth and Social Media conference2021Farmington, CT
UConn Immigration Rights Initiative: a student run asylum clinic and an avenue for refugee advocacyTalkNorth American Refugee Health Conference2019Toronto, Canada
Interventions Aimed at Preventing or Deprescribing Beer;s List Medications in High Risk PopulationsOtherDean's 15th Annual Symposium on Patient Safety &Continuous Improvement2019Farmington, CT
Uganda: a True Global Health ExperienceTalkUConn Global Health Symposium2019
Implementing a Diabetes Program among Eritrean and Sudanese Asylum Seekers in Tel Aviv IsraelOtherUConn Health Dean's Annual Symposium2019
Implementation of a New Residency/Medical School Curriculum in Refugee Health at UConn HealthTalkUConn Health Global Health Symposium2019Farmington, CT
UConn Immigration Rights InitiativeOtherUConn Global Health Symposium2019Farmington, CT
UConn Immigration Rights Initiative: a student run asylum clinic and an avenue for refugee advocacyOtherSociety of General Internal Medicine2019Washington , DC
UConn Immigration Rights Initiative: the development of a student run asylum clinic and an avenue for refugee advocacyOtherPhysicians for Human Rights Conference2018New York, NY
A Resident and Medical Student Curriculum in Refugee HealthOtherSociety of General Internal Medicine, New England Meeting2018Boston, MA
Analysis of Outpatient Blood Pressure MeasurementPosterAmerican College of Physicians Connecticut Chapter Meeting2017
Educating Housestaff about Medical ErrorsPosterAPDIM and SGIM Northeast Regional Meeting2003
A Hospitalist Role for a GIM DivisionOtherSociety of General Interna Medicine 18th Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting1998
Clinical Laboratory Survey for Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniaePosterKass Fellowship - Infectious Diseases Society of America1996New Orleans, LA