Photo of Brya G. Matthews, PhD

Brya G. Matthews, PhD

Assistant Professor
Academic Office Location:
Biomedical Engineering
UConn School of Dental Medcine
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1721

Biomedical Engineering

BSPSUniversity of CanterburyBIochemistry
PhDUniversity of AucklandMedicine

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
3rd Place Oral Presentation Award, Pathogen Genomics Satellite, Queenstown Research Week
Outstanding Abstract AwardAustralia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS)
Sir Charles Hercus Fellowship, ($500,000), (2017-2022)Health Research Council
Rising Star AwardAmerican Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)
Michael Geissman Fellowship‘Anti-TNFa Treatment for Osteogenesis Imperfecta’ (2014-2016)Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
Alice L. Jee Young Investigator AwardInternational Bone and Mineral Society
John Haddad Young Investigator AwardAmerican Society for Bone and Mineral Research ASBMR
New Investigator Recognition Award, ORS Annual MeetingOrthopaedic Research Society
Young Investigator Award, Topical Meeting on Bone and Skeletal Muscle InteractionsAmerican Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)
Poster PrizeQueenstown Research Week
Nominee for Best Doctoral ThesisFaculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Travel Grant, (2009, 2018)Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust
Travel GrantAuckland Medical Research Foundation
Christine and T Jack Martin Research Travel GrantAustralia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS)
Travel GrantRoyal Society of New Zealand
Doctoral Scholarship, (2005-2008)University of Auckland
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
American Society for Bone and Mineral ResearchProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberNational2012
Orthopaedic Research SocietyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberNational2012
Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral SocietyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberInternational2006