Photo of Erin L. Mead-Morse, PhD

Erin L. Mead-Morse, PhD

Assistant Professor
Academic Office Location:
Public Health Sciences
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-2945
Phone: 860-679-2456

Public Health Sciences

BADickinson CollegeAnthropology and Archaeology
MHSJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthInternational Health - Social and Behavioral Sciences
OtherUniversity of MichiganHealth Disparities Research
OtherJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthCancer Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control
PhDJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthSocial and Behavioral Sciences

Post-Graduate Training
PostdoctoralUniversity of Maryland School of Public HealthTobacco Center of Regulatory Science, Department of Behavioral and Community Health

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Trainee Network SpotlightSociety for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Distinguished Doctoral Research Award, Department of Health, Behavior and Society,Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Hopkins Sommer ScolarJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public HealthJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Global Field Experience Fund travel awardJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Addiction Risks and Mechanisms (ARM) Study Section, National Institutes of HealthStudy SectionGrant ReviewerExternalNational20222022
Tobacco Regulatory Science Review Panel, National Institutes of HealthStudy SectionEarly Career ReviewerExternalNational20222022
Drug and Alcohol DependenceProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2020
Journal of Health CommunicationProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2017
Social Science & MedicineProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2017
Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual MeetingProfessional/Scientific OrganizationScholarship ReviewerExternalNational2017
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2016
Psycho-OncologyProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2016
Journal of Adolescent HealthProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2016
Journal of Health Communication: International PerspectivesProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2016
Tobacco Regulatory ScienceProfessional/Scientific JournalAssociate EditorExternalNational2015
Australian Journal of PsychologyProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2015
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and PolicyProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2015
Addiction Research & TheoryProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalNational2015
International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical ActivityProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2015
Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual MeetingProfessional/Scientific OrganizationAbstract ReviewerExternalNational2015
Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS) Vulnerable Working GroupProfessional/Scientific OrganizationSubgroup chairExternalNational20152018
Society for Research on Nicotine & TobaccoProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational2014
Tobacco ControlProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2014
BMC Public HealthProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2014
Health Education and BehaviorProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2013
Health Promotion InternationalProfessional/Scientific JournalReviewerExternalInternational2013
American Public Health Association Annual MeetingProfessional/Scientific OrganizationAbstract ReviewerExternalNational2012
American Public Health AssociationProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2009
American Public Health Association Session: “Research on the Global Tobacco Epidemic”Workshop/ConferenceSession ModeratorExternalNational2013

Journal Articles


Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Tobacco Regulatory Science in Action: Examples from the Menthol Cigarette/Flavored Cigar Docket SubmissionsTalkCenter for Coordination Analytics, Science, Enhancement, and Logistics2022Webinar
Manipulation of Menthol and Nicotine Content in Cigarettes: Effects on Smoking Behavior and Toxicant Exposure in Women Menthol SmokersTalkNIH Tobacco Regulatory Science Annual Meeting2022Bethesda, MD
Validity of a Little Cigars/Cigarillos Purchase Task in Dual Users of Cigars and CigarettesPosterNIH Tobacco Regulatory Science Annual Meeting2021Virtual
Tobacco Regulation and Emerging Tobacco Products in High-Risk US PopulationsTalkUConn Health, Clinical Research Seminar Series2021Virtual
Blunt vs. Non-Blunt Cigar Use in African-American Young Adults Who Also Smoke Cigarettes: A Mixed Methods Ecological Momentary AssessmentTalkSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2020New Orleans, LA
Responses to cigarette health warning labels, harm perceptions and knowledge in a national sample of pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive agePosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2019San Francisco, CA
Opioid Use and Rate of Nicotine Metabolism Among Pregnant SmokersPosterVermont Center on Behavior & Health Annual Conference2018Burlington, VT
Stronger warning labels are needed to target pregnant women and women of reproductive age who smokeTalkSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2018Baltimore, MD
E-Cigarette Sensation and Liking as a Function of Flavor and Nicotine Content: Differences by Sex and Genetic Taste PhenotypePosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Europe Annual Meeting2018Munich, Germany
Randomized Trial of Nicotine Inhaler for Pregnant SmokersPosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Europe Annual Meeting2018Munich, Germany
An ecological momentary assessment of cigarette and cigar dual use among African American young adultsPosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2017Florence, Italy
Using ecological momentary assessment to understand flavored cigar use among African American young adultsPosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2017Florence, Italy
Motivations for dual use of cigars and cigarettes among African American young adultsPosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2016Chicago, IL
’It really makes you think’: Perceptions of the motivational impact of theory-based graphic warning labels among low-income smokers in the United States.TalkSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2015Philadelphia, PA
The Effects of Taxation and Smoke-free Legislation on Smoking and Heart Disease InequalitiesTalkVermont Center on Behavior & Health Annual Conference2015Burlington, VT
Motivations for dual use of cigars and cigarettes among African American young adults: A concept mapping approachPosterNIH Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science Meeting2015Bethesda, MD
Perceptions of similarity to the characters on graphic warning labels among low-income, urban smokers in the United StatesPosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2015Philadelphia, PA
The influence of graphic warning labels on low-income smokers’ efficacy beliefs and risk perceptions: A qualitative studyPosterSociety for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting2015Philadelphia, PA
Moving Beyond Fear: Exploring Perceptions of Theory-based Graphic Warning Labels among Low-Income, Urban SmokersLectureJohns Hopkins SPH, Innovations in Tobacco Control Lecture Series2014Baltimore, MD
Accessibility of tobacco by youth in India: An observational study of compliance with the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA)PosterAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition2013Boston, MA
Implementation of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) in India: City population size as a predictor of compliancePosterAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition2013Boston, MA
Racial and ethnic differences in shared decision making in cancer treatment: a systematic literature reviewPosterAcademy Health Annual Research Meeting2012Orlando, FL
Engaging adolescents in climate change through information seeking: A risk perception attitude (RPA) framework approachOtherAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition2011Washington, D.C.
An exploratory analysis of alcohol consumption and cancer-related dietary risk among low-income African American women in Washington, DCPosterFourth AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities2011Washington, D.C.
Adopting climate control behaviors at the household level: A risk perception attitude (RPA) framework approachTalkAmerican Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition2011Washington, D.C.
Do knowledge and attitudes affect dietary behaviors in a population undergoing a radical transition in food access, acquisition, and preparation?PosterExperimental Biology2010Anaheim, CA
The psychosocial determinants of diet-related behaviors among the Inuvialuit: Results from Healthy Foods NorthPosterInternational Congress on Circumpolar Health2009Yellowknife, Nunavut, Canada
The influence of psychosocial factors on food-related behaviors among Inuit communities in Nunavut: Results from Healthy Foods NorthTalkInternational Congress on Circumpolar Health2009Yellowknife, Nunavut, Canada
Factors influencing diet and the food environment in two Inuit communities in Nunavut: Qualitative formative research results from Healthy Foods NorthTalkInternational Congress on Circumpolar Health2009Yellowknife, Nunavut, Canada