Generation and Characterization of a TRIM21 Overexpressing Mouse Line.
Mehlmann, Lisa M; Uliasz, Tracy F; Yee, Siu-Pok; Kaback, Deborah; Lowther, Katie M Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) 2024 Oct;62(5):e23616
Puberty Suppression Followed by Testosterone Therapy Does Not Impair Reproductive Potential in Female Mice.
Godiwala, Prachi; Uliasz, Tracy F; Lowther, Katie M; Kaback, Deborah; Mehlmann, Lisa M Endocrinology 2023 Sep;164(11):
Short-term testosterone use in female mice does not impair fertilizability of eggs: implications for the fertility care of transgender males.
Bartels, C B; Uliasz, T F; Lestz, L; Mehlmann, L M Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 2021 Jan;
X-Linked Huwe1 Is Essential for Oocyte Maturation and Preimplantation Embryo Development.
Eisa, Alaa A; Bang, Scott; Crawford, Katherine J; Murphy, Emily M; Feng, William W; Dey, Souvik; Wells, Wendy; Kon, Ning; Gu, Wei; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Vijayaraghavan, Srinivasan; Kurokawa, Manabu iScience 2020 Sep;23(9):101523
SNAP23 is required for constitutive and regulated exocytosis in mouse oocytes.
Mehlmann, Lisa M; Uliasz, Tracy F; Lowther, Katie M Biology of reproduction 2019 Jun;
The switch from cAMP-independent to cAMP-dependent arrest of meiotic prophase is associated with coordinated GPR3 and CDK1 expression in mouse oocytes.
Firmani, Laura D; Uliasz, Tracy F; Mehlmann, Lisa M Developmental biology 2018 Feb;434(1):196-205
Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 (RGS2) suppresses premature calcium release in mouse eggs.
Bernhardt, Miranda L; Lowther, Katie M; Padilla-Banks, Elizabeth; McDonough, Caitlin E; Lee, Katherine N; Evsikov, Alexei V; Uliasz, Tracy F; Chidiac, Peter; Williams, Carmen J; Mehlmann, Lisa M Development (Cambridge, England) 2015 Jul;142(15):2633-40
Losing mom's message: requirement for DCP1A and DCP2 in the degradation of maternal transcripts during oocyte maturation.
Mehlmann, Lisa M Biology of reproduction 2013 Jan;88(1):10
Regulation of Constitutive GPR3 Signaling and Surface Localization by GRK2 and β-arrestin-2 Overexpression in HEK293 Cells.
Lowther, Katie M; Uliasz, Tracy F; Götz, Konrad R; Nikolaev, Viacheslav O; Mehlmann, Lisa M PloS one 2013 Jan;8(6):e65365
Embryonic poly(A)-binding protein (EPAB) is required for oocyte maturation and female fertility in mice.
Guzeloglu-Kayisli, Ozlem; Lalioti, Maria D; Aydiner, Fulya; Sasson, Isaac; Ilbay, Orkan; Sakkas, Denny; Lowther, Katie M; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Seli, Emre The Biochemical journal 2012 Aug;446(1):47-58
Endocytosis in the mouse oocyte and its contribution to cAMP signaling during meiotic arrest.
Lowther, Katie M; Nikolaev, Viacheslav O; Mehlmann, Lisa M Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 2011 Jun;141(6):737-47
Maturation, fertilization, and the structure and function of the endoplasmic reticulum in cryopreserved mouse oocytes.
Lowther, Katie M; Weitzman, Vanessa N; Maier, Donald; Mehlmann, Lisa M Biology of reproduction 2009 Jul;81(1):147-54
Cyclic GMP from the surrounding somatic cells regulates cyclic AMP and meiosis in the mouse oocyte.
Norris, Rachael P; Ratzan, William J; Freudzon, Marina; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Krall, Judith; Movsesian, Matthew A; Wang, Huanchen; Ke, Hengming; Nikolaev, Viacheslav O; Jaffe, Laurinda A Development (Cambridge, England) 2009 Jun;136(11):1869-78
Luteinizing hormone causes MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation and closure of connexin 43 gap junctions in mouse ovarian follicles: one of two paths to meiotic resumption.
Norris, Rachael P; Freudzon, Marina; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Cowan, Ann E; Simon, Alexander M; Paul, David L; Lampe, Paul D; Jaffe, Laurinda A Development (Cambridge, England) 2008 Oct;135(19):3229-38
Generation of mouse oocytes defective in cAMP synthesis and degradation: endogenous cyclic AMP is essential for meiotic arrest.
Vaccari, Sergio; Horner, Kathleen; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Conti, Marco Developmental biology 2008 Apr;316(1):124-34
Meiotic arrest in human oocytes is maintained by a Gs signaling pathway.
DiLuigi, Andrea; Weitzman, Vanessa N; Pace, Margaret C; Siano, Linda J; Maier, Donald; Mehlmann, Lisa M Biology of reproduction 2008 Apr;78(4):667-72
A G(s)-linked receptor maintains meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes, but luteinizing hormone does not cause meiotic resumption by terminating receptor-G(s) signaling.
Norris, Rachael P; Freudzon, Leon; Freudzon, Marina; Hand, Arthur R; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Jaffe, Laurinda A Developmental biology 2007 Oct;310(2):240-9
Meiotic resumption in response to luteinizing hormone is independent of a Gi family G protein or calcium in the mouse oocyte.
Mehlmann, Lisa M; Kalinowski, Rebecca R; Ross, Lavinia F; Parlow, Albert F; Hewlett, Erik L; Jaffe, Laurinda A Developmental biology 2006 Nov;299(2):345-55
Oocyte-specific expression of Gpr3 is required for the maintenance of meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes.
Mehlmann, Lisa M Developmental biology 2005 Dec;288(2):397-404
Regulation of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes by GPR3, a constitutive activator of the Gs G protein.
Freudzon, Leon; Norris, Rachael P; Hand, Arthur R; Tanaka, Shigeru; Saeki, Yoshinaga; Jones, Teresa L Z; Rasenick, Mark M; Berlot, Catherine H; Mehlmann, Lisa M; Jaffe, Laurinda A The Journal of cell biology 2005 Oct;171(2):255-65
SH2 domain-mediated activation of an SRC family kinase is not required to initiate Ca2+ release at fertilization in mouse eggs.
Mehlmann, Lisa M; Jaffe, Laurinda A Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 2005 May;129(5):557-64
The Gs-linked receptor GPR3 maintains meiotic arrest in mammalian oocytes.
Mehlmann, Lisa M; Saeki, Yoshinaga; Tanaka, Shigeru; Brennan, Thomas J; Evsikov, Alexei V; Pendola, Frank L; Knowles, Barbara B; Eppig, John J; Jaffe, Laurinda A Science (New York, N.Y.) 2004 Dec;306(5703):1947-50
Maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in vertebrate oocytes by a Gs protein-mediated pathway.
Kalinowski, Rebecca R; Berlot, Catherine H; Jones, Teresa L Z; Ross, Lavinia F; Jaffe, Laurinda A; Mehlmann, Lisa M Developmental biology 2004 Mar;267(1):1-13
Meiotic arrest in the mouse follicle maintained by a Gs protein in the oocyte.
Mehlmann, Lisa M; Jones, Teresa L Z; Jaffe, Laurinda A Science (New York, N.Y.) 2002 Aug;297(5585):1343-5
Evidence that phospholipase C from the sperm is not responsible for initiating Ca(2+) release at fertilization in mouse eggs.
Mehlmann, L M; Chattopadhyay, A; Carpenter, G; Jaffe, L A Developmental biology 2001 Aug;236(2):492-501
The cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the mouse egg: localization of ER clusters in relation to the generation of repetitive calcium waves.
Kline, D; Mehlmann, L; Fox, C; Terasaki, M Developmental biology 1999 Nov;215(2):431-42
SH2 domain-mediated activation of phospholipase Cgamma is not required to initiate Ca2+ release at fertilization of mouse eggs.
Mehlmann, L M; Carpenter, G; Rhee, S G; Jaffe, L A Developmental biology 1998 Nov;203(1):221-32
Evidence that Gq family G proteins do not function in mouse egg activation at fertilization.
Williams, C J; Mehlmann, L M; Jaffe, L A; Kopf, G S; Schultz, R M Developmental biology 1998 Jun;198(1):116-27
Calcium release at fertilisation in starfish eggs is mediated by phospholipase Cγ
Carroll D.J., Ramarao C.S., Mehlmann L.M., Roche S., Terasaki M., Jaffe L.A. Zygote 1998 Jan;6(1 SUPPL.):
Calcium release at fertilization in starfish eggs is mediated by phospholipase Cgamma.
Carroll, D J; Ramarao, C S; Mehlmann, L M; Roche, S; Terasaki, M; Jaffe, L A The Journal of cell biology 1997 Sep;138(6):1303-11
Redistribution and increase in cortical inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors after meiotic maturation of the mouse oocyte.
Mehlmann, L M; Mikoshiba, K; Kline, D Developmental biology 1996 Dec;180(2):489-98