Photo of Brian D. Shames, MD

Brian D. Shames, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery
Division Chief, General Surgery
NPI Number:
Academic Office Location:
Department of Surgery
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3955
Phone: 860-679-2626
Fax: 860-679-1847


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OtherStaples High SchoolAcademic
BAWashington UniversityBiochemistry
MDUniversity of Connecticut School of MedicineMedicine

Post-Graduate Training
FellowshipUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences CenterNIH Research Fellow, Department of Surgery
ResidencyUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences CenterDepartment of Surgery
ResidencyUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences CenterChief Resident in General Surgery, Department of Surgery
FellowshipUniversity of Wisconsin, MadisonTransplant Research Fellow, Department of Surgery
FellowshipUniversity of Wisconsin, MadisonClinical Transplant Fellow, Department of Surgery

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Best Oral Presentation by a New AAS MemberAAS
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Surgical Leadership Council Advisory CommitteeMemberUConn HealthLocal2012
Surgical Residency Core Curriculum CommitteeEducation CommitteeMemberUConn HealthLocal2012
Surgical Residency Education CommitteeEducation CommitteeMemberUConn HealthLocal2012
Abstract Reviewer for the American Transplant CongressAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational20082010
Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Surgery Chairman Search Committee Appointed by the Dean Advisory CommitteeLiaisonExternalUniversity20072008
Physician Scientist Developmcnt Program Committee Medical College of Wisconsin Editorial BoardMemberExternalUniversity20072010
Medical Advisory Council, Wisconsin Donor NetworkAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20072010
Association of Academic Surgery Membership committeeProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational20062008
American Society of Transplant Surgeons Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
Association of Academic Surgery Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
American College of SurgeonsProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
Central Surgical Association Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational
Site Director-Surgical Residents-JDHEducation CommitteeUConn HealthLocal

Journal Articles


  • Gene differences in resistance to ischemia-reperfusion injury in Brown Norway rats.
    Nilakantan, V., Hilton, G., Maenpaa, c., Pieper, O.M., Johnson, C.P., Shames, B.D. FASEB J 2006 Jan;20(5):


  • Erratum to ``Surgical care of the geriatric patient'' [YMSG 56(7) (2019) 260-329].
    Katz, Marilyn; Silverstein, Nicole; Coll, Patrick; Sullivan, Gail; Mortensen, Eric M; Sachs, Adam; Gross, Jeffrey B; Girard, Eric; Liang, Joy; Ristau, Benjamin T; Stevenson, Christina; Smith, Phillip P; Shames, Brian D; Millea, Ryan; Ali, Irfan; Poulos, Constantine M; Ramaraj, Akila B; Otukoya, Azuka Onye; McFadden, David W Current problems in surgery 2019 Dec;56(12):100647
Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Complex Dialysis Access TalkNorthern Plains Vascular Specialists Society Meeting2009Denver, CO
Liver Transplant for Hepatocellular CarcinomaTalkMedical College of Wisconsin Surgical Grand Rounds2008Medical College of Wisconsin
Update for Solid Organ TransplantationTalkDepartment of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Grand Rounds2008
Liver Transplantation for Metabolic DiseaseTalkEditors Choice Pediatric Conference2007Milwaukee, WI
Pediatric Liver and Kidney Transplantation: Indications and Outcomes, Best PracticesTalkPediatrics Winter 2007 Conference2007Wisconsin Dells, WI
Pediatric Liver Transplantation for Metabolic DiseaseTalkChildren's Hospital of Wisconsin Grand Rounds2007Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Update for Solid Organ Transplantation, TalkDepartment of Pediatric Surgery,Pediatric Grand Rounds2007
Resistance to tyrosine nitration of SOD enzyrnes in Brown Nonvay rats after ischemia reperfusion injury mediates protection from acute renal failureTalkAcademic Surgical Congress2007Phoenix, AZ
Survival outcomes of transplants using DCD/ECD kidneysTalkAmerican Transplant Congress2007San Francisco, CA
Liver transplantation for metabolic disorders in childrenTalkMedical College of Wisconsin Surgical Grand Rounds2006Medical College of Wisconsin
Does opening the peritoneum at the time of renal transplant prevent lymphocele formation? PosterWorld Transplant Congress 2006Boston, MA
Inherent resistance to acute ischemic renal injury in the Brown Norway rat is mediated by heme oxygenase-l. TalkAcademic Surgical Congress2006San Diego, CA
Renal transplantation in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfuntion results in a significant survival benefit when compared to patients on the waiting listTalkWorld Transplant Congress2006Boston, MA
Chromosomal substitution affects the severity of ischemia-induced acute renal failure in the BN and SS ratsPosterFASEB2006San Francisco, CA
Association of different immunosuppressive regimens with post transplant de novo malignancies in liver recipientsTalkAmerican Transplant Congress2005
Organ Donation after Cardiac DeathTalkMedical College of Wisconsin Surgical Grand Rounds2004Medical College of Wisconsin
Effect of organ allocation on cadaveric kidney transplant outcomes: A single center experienceTalkAmerican Transplant Congress2003Washington, D.C.
Expanding the donor pool for kidney transplantation: Outcomes from non-traditional donorsPosterAmerican Transplant Congress2003Washington, D.C.
Human T-celilymphctrophic virus infection in organ donors: a need to reassess policy? TalkAmerican Transplant Congress2002Washington, D.C.
An analysis of risk factors for post-transplant malignancy in renal allograft recipientsPosterAmerican Transplant Congress2002Washington, D.C.
An analysis of risk factors for post-transplant malignancy in renal allograft recipientsTalkXIX International Congress of The Transplantation Society2002Miami, Florida
Is routine intensive care unit (ICU) admission necessary after orthotopic liver transplantation?PosterAnnual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 1999Chicago, Illinois
L-Arginine inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattraclant protein production and lung neutrophil accumulation.TalkSurgical Forum1999San Francisco, California
Upregulation and stabilization of myocardial IkappaB-alpha promotes cardiac tolerance to endotoxinPosterProfessional Research Scientists on Experimental Biology 981998San Francisco, California
Interlellkin-10 stabilizes inhibitory kappaB-alpha in human monocytesTalk21st Annual Conference on Shock1998San Antonio, Texas
Myocardial ischemia before reperfusion activiates cardiocyte nuclear factor kappa B and induces production of tumor necrosis factor alphaTalkSurgical Forum1998Orlando, Florida
LPS-Induced NF-kappaB activation and TNF-alpha release in human monocytes are protein tyrosine kinase dependent and protein kinase C independentTalkAnnual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery1998Seatle, Washington