Clearance of p21 highly expressing senescent cells accelerates cutaneous wound healing.
Gasek, Nathan S; Yan, Pengyi; Zhu, Junyu; Purushothaman, K-Raman; Kim, Taewan; Wang, Lichao; Wang, Binsheng; Flynn, William F; Sun, Mingda; Guo, Chun; Huggins, Billy; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Zhou, Yueying; Parizek, Vojtech; Tchkonia, Tamar; Kirkland, James L; Wyles, Saranya P; Xu, Ming Nature aging 2024 Nov;
Impact of Bindarit, a CCL2 Chemokine Synthesis Inhibitor, on Macrophage-Based Biofouling and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in vivo.
Sharafieh, Roshanak; Qiao, Yi; Godlewski, Izabela; Czajkowski, Caroline; Wu, Rong; Hargis, Geneva R; Kreutzer, Don; Klueh, Ulrike Biosensors & bioelectronics: X 2024 Aug;19
Inflammation at Site of Insulin Infusion Diminishes Glycemic Control.
Kesserwan, Shereen; Lewis, Brianne E; Mao, Li; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Atwood, Thomas; Kreutzer, Donald L; Klueh, Ulrike Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 2022 Jan;
A pharmacological approach assessing the role of mast cells in insulin infusion site inflammation.
Kesserwan, Shereen; Mao, Li; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Kreutzer, Donald L; Klueh, Ulrike Drug delivery and translational research 2021 Sep;
Insulin Derived Fibrils Induce Cytotoxicity in vitro and Trigger Inflammation in Murine Models.
Lewis, Brianne E; Mulka, Adam; Mao, Li; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Qiao, Yi; Kesserwan, Shereen; Wu, Rong; Kreutzer, Don; Klueh, Ulrike Journal of diabetes science and technology 2021 Jul;19322968211033868
Phenolic Preservative Removal from Commercial Insulin Formulations Reduces Tissue Inflammation while Maintaining Euglycemia.
Mulka, Adam; Lewis, Brianne E; Mao, Li; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Kesserwan, Shereen; Wu, Rong; Kreutzer, Donald L; Klueh, Ulrike ACS pharmacology & translational science 2021 Jun;4(3):1161-1174
Nourin-Dependent miR-137 and miR-106b: Novel Early Inflammatory Diagnostic Biomarkers for Unstable Angina Patients.
Elgebaly, Salwa A; Christenson, Robert H; Kandil, Hossam; El-Khazragy, Nashwa; Rashed, Laila; Yacoub, Beshoy; Eldeeb, Heba; Ali, Mahmoud; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Klueh, Ulrike; Kreutzer, Donald L Biomolecules 2021 Feb;11(3):
Noninflammatory Stress-Induced Remodeling of Mandibular Bone: Impact of Age and Pregnancy.
Barr, Charles; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Schwarz, Gregory; Wu, Rong; Klueh, Ulrike; Kreutzer, Don Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 2020 Dec;
Advancing continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in vivo: New insights into tissue challenges.
Kesserwan, Shereen; Mulka, Adam; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Qiao, Yi; Wu, Rong; Kreutzer, Donald L; Klueh, Ulrike Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A 2020 Sep;
An intracameral injection of antigen induces in situ chemokines and cytokines required for the generation of circulating immunoregulatory monocytes.
Pais, Roshan; Bhowmick, Sourojit; Chattopadhyay, Subhasis; Lemire, Yen; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Yadav, Rajwahrdan; O'Rourke, James; Cone, Robert E PloS one 2012 Jan;7(8):e43182
LTBP2 gene analysis in the GLC3C-linked family and 94 CYP1B1-negative cases with primary congenital glaucoma.
Sharafieh, Roshanak; Child, Anne H; Khaw, Peng T; Fleck, Brian; Sarfarazi, Mansoor Ophthalmic genetics 2012 Jan;34(1-2):14-20
Immune amplification of murine CD8 suppressor T cells induced via an immune-privileged site: quantifying suppressor T cells functionally.
Sharafieh, Roshanak; Lemire, Yen; Powell, Sabrina; O'Rourke, James; Cone, Robert E PloS one 2011 Jan;6(8):e22496
The Induction of Circulating, ACAID-Inducing Monocytes Requires CCR2/CCL2-Dependent Migration of Circulating F4/80(+) Cells into the Anterior Chamber.
Cone, Robert E; Chattopadhyay, Subhasis; Pais, Roshan; Bhowmick, Sourojit; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Lemire, Yen; O'Rourke, James Ophthalmology and eye diseases 2010 Jan;257-68
T cell sensitivity to TGF-beta is required for the effector function but not the generation of splenic CD8+ regulatory T cells induced via the injection of antigen into the anterior chamber.
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The suppression of hypersensitivity by ocular-induced CD8(+) T cells requires compatibility in the Qa-1 haplotype.
Cone, Robert E; Chattopadhyay, Subhasis; Sharafieh, Roshanak; Lemire, Yen; O'Rourke, James Immunology and cell biology 2009 Jan;87(3):241-8
The suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity by CD8+ regulatory T cells requires interferon-gamma.
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Phenotypic and immunoregulatory characteristics of monocytic iris cells.
Li, Xingya; Shen, Shujing; Urso, David; Kalique, Samara; Park, Song Hee; Sharafieh, Roshanak; O'Rourke, James; Cone, Robert E Immunology 2006 Apr;117(4):566-75
Stimulated release of tissue plasminogen activator from artery wall sympathetic nerves: implications for stress-associated wall damage.
Hao, Zhifang; Jiang, Xi; Sharafeih, Roshanak; Shen, Shujing; Hand, Arthur R; Cone, Robert E; O'Rourke, James Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2005 Jun;8(2):141-9