Photo of Susan H. Tannenbaum, M.D.

Susan H. Tannenbaum, M.D.

Associate Professor, Medicine
Program Director, Hematology/Oncology Fellowship
NPI Number:
Academic Office Location:
Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030
Phone: 800-579-7822

Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center

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My clinical and research interests are focused on breast cancer care from prevention, early detection, and treatment to survivorship with a focus on under-represented minorities. My goal is to see all patients at UConn with a breast cancer diagnosis. At UConn Health, my leadership role has been in developing the Clinical and Translational Breast Program. Additionally I am the lead medical oncologist for thoracic malignancies working closely with Dr. Omar Ibrahim to build the program and diagnose and treat patients with lung  cancers.

My previous experience included nine years at the National Institutes of Health as a basic researcher in endothelial cell biology and as a clinician for seven years in a busy private practice in Pasadena, California. This has enabled me to live in both clinical and basic science worlds and operate successfully as a translational scientist. In accordance with that, my pilot grants as well as my participation with other researchers on their pilot and NIH-sponsored grants is key to our success.

B.S.Cornell UniversityBiology
M.D.State University of New YorkMedicine

Post-Graduate Training
InternshipBronx Municipal Hospital CenterInternal Medicine
ResidencyBronx Municipal Hospital CenterResident/Chief, Internal Medicine
FellowshipHospital of the University of PennsylvaniaHematology/Oncology

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Outstanding Women Faculty Clinician Award for contribution as a physician, scientist and educator at UConn Health, School of MedicineUConn
Superior rating for Administration and Research
Superior Merit Rating for Research and Education
Superior Merit Rating for Research and Education

Breast Cancer and Lung Cancer are my area of clinical and research interests. I welcome new patients with these malignancies.

I am the Program Director for the Hematology Oncology Fellowship program. I am involved in teaching of fellow trainees on a regular basis. Thsi teaching generally involves both outpatient and hospital areas. I act as a clinical research mentor for residents, fellows, graduate students, and medical students. 

Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
COVID Think TankAdvisory CommitteememberUConn HealthUniversity2020
Project ECHO-Global Oncology ForumProfessional/Scientific OrganizationmemberExternalInternational2020
Center Directors and Department Chair Deans MeetingAdvisory CommitteememberUConn HealthUniversity2019
Editorial Board Cancer Treatment and ResearchEditorial BoardmemberExternalNational2019
JCO Precision OncologyOtherreviewerExternalNational2019
EmpowermentAdvisory CommitteeLeadUConn HealthUniversity2018
Journal of Racial and Helath DisparitiesOtherreviewerExternalNational2018
BMC CancerOtherreviewerExternalNational2018
Cancer Committee, John Dempsey HospitalAdvisory CommitteeChairUConn HealthUniversity2016
American Society of Breast DiseasesProfessional/Scientific OrganizationmemberNational2016
Oversight CommitteeAdvisory CommitteememberUConn HealthUniversity2014
Faculty Review BoardAdvisory CommitteememberUConn HealthUniversity2014
Medical Board MemberEducation CommitteeBoard MemberUConn HealthUniversity2006
American Society of HematologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationmemberExternalNational1982
American Society of Clinical OncologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationmemberNational1982
American Society of Clinical OncologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationNational

Multiple primarily clinical/translational research projects both investigator initiated and cooperative group studies related to improving outcomes in women with breast cancer. These include but are not limited to: novel imaging studies to diagnose and monitor breast cancer treatment, epidemiologic and laboratory diagnostic studies, circulating tumor cell assessment in early and late stage breast cancer, treatment studies, bone health studies in the setting of anti-estrogen therapies, chemotherapy induced heart toxicity studies. These are collaborative studies with basic scientists and other clinical and translational researchers. I am aldo centrally involved in Phase 1 studies in both lung and breast cancers particulary in the field of immunotherapy.

Journal Articles


  • Treatment of Male Breast Cancer by Dual Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) Blockade and Response Prediction Using Novel Optical Tomography Imaging: A Case Report. Cureus. 2017 Jul 17;9(7):e1481.
    Saha D, Tannenbaum S, Zhu Q 2017 Jul;
  • Assessing Tumor Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy using Ultrasound-guided Near Infrared Light.
    Quing Zhu, Patricia DeFusco, Susan Tannenbaum Andrew Ricci, Edward Cronin, Poornima Hegde, Mark Kane, Behnoosh Tavakoli, and Yan Xu. SABCS 2011 Jan;
  • Early Detection of Cardiotoxicity by Advanced Cardiac Imaging and a Novel Biomarker in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy.
    Marfatia R, Inyangetor D, Decena K, Kumar S, Alluri N, Yang C, Hager D, Fellows D, Runowicz CR, Kaloudis E, Liang BT, Tannenbaum S, Avelar E SABCS 2011 Jan;
  • Quality improvement analysis of HER2 FISH testing in breast cance in response to the new ASCO/CAP guidelines.
    Fang, M., Thalody, V. Tannenbaum, S. Cancer Res 2009 Jan;69(2):
  • The correlation of tumor vascularity as imaged by near-infrared technology with tissue distribution of angiogenic and growth promoters.
    Tannenbaum, S., Phoenix, K., Hegde, P., Claffey, K Cancer Res 2009 Jan;69
  • Mental and physical stressors in the diagnosis of breast cancer: an analysis of distress and systemic biomarkers in patients referred for biopsy of a suspected breast cancer lesion.
    Tannenbaum, S., Wilson, L., Cruess, D., Kamath, J., Baccaro, N., Phoenix, N., Phoenix, K., Claffey, K. SABCS 2009 Jan;
  • Tumor angiogenesis imaged by optical tomography can accurately diagnose early-stage invasive breast cancers.
    Zhu, Q., Kane,M., Tannenbaum, S., Cronin, E., Hegde, P, Iyers, M., DeFusco,P., Ardeshirpour, Y., Xu, C, BaccaroN., Kurtzman, S. Deckers,P Cancer Res 2009 Jan;
  • Investigation of Symptom Distress, Risk Factors and Biomarkers early in breast cancer diagnosis.
    Kamath, J., Claffey, K., Cruess, D., Bacarro, N., Zhang, W., Wilson, L, Kenefick, A., Iyer, M., Tannenbaum, S. Psycho-Oncology 2008 Jan;
  • Investigation of Symptom Distress, Risk Factors and Biomarkers early in breast cancer diagnosis.
    Kamath, J., Claffey, K., Cruess, D., Bacarro, N., Zhang, W., Wilson, L, Kenefick, A., Iyer, M., Tannenbaum, S. Psycho-Oncology 2008 Jan;
  • Activation of coagulation by TNF isolated limb/liver perfusions.
    Tannenbaum, S., Fraker, D., Alexander,H.R., Arnold, W.S., Merryman, P., and Gralnick, H. Blood 1995 Jan;82285
  • The quantitation of endothelial cell von Willebrand factor as an indicator of angiogenesis.
    Tannenbaum, S., Chao, E., and Gralnick, H Blood 1995 Jan;82(1):149
  • Effects of human fibrosarcoma tumor supernatant on endothelial cells: induction of tissue factor expression and augmented expression of adhesion molecules in response to tumor necrosis factor.
    Arnold, W. S., Tannenbaum,S., Yu,K., Alexander, H.R., And Fraker, D American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum XLV 1994 Jan;
  • The effect of heparin on endothelial cell von Willebrand factor.
    Tannenbaum, S. Chao, E., and Gralnick,H Thromb. Haemost 1993 Jan;691183
  • Pentostatin induces thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction during continous infusion.
    Tannenbaum, S., Alms, A., Goad, K., Pluda, J., and Parker, R Blood 1991 Jan;78(1):146
  • Willebrand factor in differentiated endothelial cells.
    9. Tannenbaum, S., Chao, E., and Gralnick, H Blood 1991 Jan;78149
  • Further characterization of heparin-enhanced von Wilebrand factor production in umbilical vein endothelial cells.
    Tannenbaum, S. and Gralnick, H Blood 1990 Jan;76(1):522
  • Stimulated release of von Willebrand factor from umbilical vein endothelial cells is enhanced by heparin.
    Tannenbaum, S. and Gralnick, H Blood 1989 Jan;74(1):40
  • Gamma interferon inhibits stimulated release of von Willebrand factor from endothelial cells.
    Tannenbaum, S. and Gralnick, H Blood 1988 Jan;72(1):376
  • Phorbol esters alter the normal distribution of endothelial cell matrix von Willebrand factor.
    Tannenbaum, S., Rick, M., and Gralnick, H Blood 1987 Jan;70409
  • Aggregated IgG stimulates the fibrinolytic inhibitory activity of human endothelial cells.
    Tannenbaum, S., Barnathan, E., Vanderkeyl, H., Kuo, A., Murray, S., and Cines, D Blood 1986 Jan;68(1):119
  • Immune endothelial cell injury in heparin associated thrombocytopenia.
    Cines, D., and Tannenbaum,S Clin. Res 1985 Jan;33336
  • Production of tissue factor by human endothelial cells following immune injury.
    Tannenbaum, S., and Cines, D Blood 1984 Jan;64(1):268
  • Reddy,A., Tannenbaum, S., Tafas,T. Circulating tumor cell detection and characterization with the novel RareScopeTM technology. AACR Annual Meeting presentation. Abstract 6440; presentation: Monday Jun 22, 2020

Conference Papers



  • Perry, E., Mulay, Kamath, J., Dowsett, R., Wu, R., Wang, X., Greenwood, M., Neuwirth, J.,GradyJ., Liang,B., Tannenbaum, S. Factors Influencing Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Breast Irradiation. SABCS Poster Presentation , Dec 2020.
  • Thomas, V. Reddy, A. Tannenbaum, S. Analysis Of Recurrence Patterns In Patients With Lung Cancer - Single Institution Experience. American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA May 2020.


Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
4th Annual Stat4Onc: Stanford University; Invited Speaker-Representativeness in Oncology Clinical Trials: Globalization of Cancer Clinical Trials and Its Impact on Participation of Under-represented Minorities (URM) 5/2021TalkStanford University2021Virtual-Stanford
Unbiased liquid biopsy in breast cancer patients utilizing novel light sheet microscopy of circulating tumor cells. Proof of concept in 10 patients and 13 controlsPosterSABCS2021San Antonio, TX
Cancer Disparities: Health Equity in Cancer Outcomes with Emphasis on Lack of Engagement in Clinical TrialsLectureUConn Dept. Medicine2021UConn Medical Grand Rounds
A predictive test for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer identifies a subset of triple negative patients with resistant disease and the poorest prognosisSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symp2017
A predictive test for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer identifies a subset of triple negative patients with resistant disease and the poorest prognosisSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symp2017
Mental and Physical Stressors in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: An Analysis of Distress and Systemic Biomarkers in Patients Referred for Biopsy of a Suspected Breast Cancer LesionPosterSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium2009
The Correlation of Tumor Vascularity as Imaged by Near-infrared Technology with Tissue Distribution of angiogenic and Growth PromotersPosterSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium2008
Noninvasive Monitoring of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy using Optical Tomography with Ultrasound Localization: Initial ExperiencePosterSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium2007
Utilization of Near-infrared Optical Tomography with Ultrasound Localization for Predicting Angiogenic Tumor Responses to Primary Systemic TherapyPosterSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium2005