Day-level examination of ego-network effects on college students' alcohol consumption.
Bragard, Elise; Armeli, Stephen; Feinn, Richard; Cullum, Jerry; Litt, Mark; Tennen, Howard Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2024 Nov;
Individualized Assessment and Treatment Program (IATP) for alcohol use disorder: Comparison with conventional cognitive-behavioral treatment and examination of coping skills as a mediator of treatment.
Litt, Mark D; Tennen, Howard; Kadden, Ronald M Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2024 Oct;92(10):711-726
Daily Stress, Drinking Motives and Alcohol Co-Use with Other Drugs.
Armeli, Stephen; Feinn, Richard; Litt, Mark D; Tennen, Howard Substance use & misuse 2024 Feb;1-8
Intimate Partner Violence Survivors' Daily Experiences of Social Disconnection, Substance Use, and Sex with Secondary Partners.
Woerner, Jacqueline; Chiaramonte, Danielle; Clark, David Angus; Tennen, Howard; Sullivan, Tami P Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research 2023 May;
Association of affective state with the assimilation of daily pain expectancy and pain experience.
Finan, Patrick H; Hunt, Carly A; Mun, Chung Jung; Lerman, Sheera F; Tennen, Howard; Smith, Michael T; Haythornthwaite, Jennifer A Pain 2022 Nov;163(11):2254-2263
Nocturnal Delta Power is Associated With Lower Next-Day Pain But Not Pain Catastrophizing: Results From a Cohort of Female Participants With Temporomandibular Joint Pain.
Reid, Matthew J; Dave, Abhishek; Rojo-Wissar, Darlynn M; Mun, Chung Jung; Lerman, Sheera F; Buenaver, Luis; Tennen, Howard; Haythornthwaite, Jennifer; Campbell, Claudia M; Finan, Patrick; Smith, Michael T The journal of pain 2022 Oct;
Momentary partner involvement in diabetes self-care and continuously measured glucose: A dynamic analysis
Soriano, E.C., Lenhard, M.J., Gonzalez, J.S., Tennen, H., Otto, A.K., Perndorfer, C., Shen, B-J, Siegel, S.D., & Laurenceau, J.P Psychosomatic medicine 2022 Jul;84808-812
Motives and Consequences of Alcohol Use in People With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Daily Diary Study.
Goodman, Fallon R; Brown, Bradley A; Silva, Gabriella M; Bradford, Daniel E; Tennen, Howard; Kashdan, Todd B Behavior therapy 2022 Jul;53(4):600-613
Thanks for the offer: Testing drink offers as predictors of sexual activity.
Hamilton, Hannah R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Journal of American college health : J of ACH 2022 Jun;1-5
Pain expectancy and positive affect mediate the day-to-day association between objectively measured sleep and pain severity among women with temporomandibular disorder.
Mun, Chung Jung; Weaver, Kristen R; Hunt, Carly A; Owens, Michael A; Phillips, Jane; Lerman, Sheera F; Buenaver, Luis F; Colloca, Luana; Tennen, Howard; Haythornthwaite, Jennifer A; Finan, Patrick H; Smith, Michael T The journal of pain 2022 Apr;23669-679
Sleep moderates the effect of positive affect on circulating interleukin-6 in women with temporomandibular joint disorder
Hunt, Carly; Mun, Chung Jung; Owens, Michael; Lerman, Sheera; Kunatharaju, Shriya; Tennen, Howard; Buenaver, Luis; Campbell, Claudia; Haythornthwaite, Jennifer; Smith, Michael; Finan, Patrick H Psychosomatic medicine 2022 Jan;84383-392
An in-Vivo Daily Self-Report Approach to the Assessment of Outcomes of Two Psychotherapies for Women With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
Ford, Julian D; Tennen, Howard; Grasso, Damion J; Chan, Grace Behavior therapy 2022 Jan;53(1):11-22
To drink or not to drink: When drinking intentions predict alcohol consumption and consequences.
Hamilton, Hannah R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard British journal of health psychology 2021 Sep;27516-533
A daily level analysis of drinking to cope motivation and interpersonal stress.
Armeli, Stephen; Litt, Mark; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2021 Jun;122107030
Patterns of stress generation differ depending on internalizing symptoms, alcohol use, and personality traits in early adulthood: a five year longitudinal study.
Goldstein, Brandon L; Armeli, Stephen; Adams, Rachel L; Florimon, Martin A; Hammen, Constance; Tennen, Howard Anxiety, stress, and coping 2021 Apr;1-14
Romantic relationship status, stress, and maturing out of problematic drinking.
Armeli, Stephen; Hamilton, Hannah R; Hammen, Constance; Tennen, Howard Psychology of addictive behaviors 2021 Apr;3644-53
Spousal Influence on Diabetes Self-care: Moderating Effects of Distress and Relationship Quality on Glycemic Control.
Soriano, Emily C; Lenhard, James M; Gonzalez, Jeffrey S; Tennen, Howard; Chow, Sy-Miin; Otto, Amy K; Perndorfer, Christine; Shen, Biing-Jiun; Siegel, Scott D; Laurenceau, Jean-Philippe Annals of behavioral medicine 2021 Mar;55123-132
A daily study of stressors, continuously measured glucose, and diabetes symptoms in latinos with type 2 diabetes.
Wagner, Julie; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Bermudez-Millan, Angela; Wolpert, Howard; Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael Journal of behavioral medicine 2021 Feb;4494-103
The Impact of Public Health Organization and Political Figure Message Sources on Reactions to Coronavirus Prevention Messages.
Boynton, Marcella H; O'Hara, Ross E; Tennen, Howard; Lee, Joseph G L American journal of preventive medicine 2021 Jan;60(1):136-138
Affect and alcohol: The moderating role of episode-specific drinking motives.
Hamilton, Hannah R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2020 Nov;110106521
Meet the parents: Parental interactions, social influences, and college drinking.
Hamilton, Hannah R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2020 Sep;112106624
Post-college changes in the association between drinking motives and drinking-related problems.
Shank, Faith; Armeli, Stephen; Hamilton, Hannah R; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2020 Jul;111106568
Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Daily Self-Report Measure for Trauma-Related Sequelae (DSR-TRS).
Ford, Julian D; Grasso, Damion J; Tennen, Howard; Chan, Grace (2020) Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) 2020 Mar;1-25
The moderating effect of FKBP5 and 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms on the day-level association between drinking to cope motivation and negative affect.
Covault, Jonathan; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Psychiatry research 2020 Feb;284112756
Long-term changes in the effects of episode-specific drinking to cope motivation on daily well-being.
Armeli, Stephen; Covault, Jonathan; Tennen, Howard Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2018 Oct;32715-726
Treatment response and non-response in CBT and Network Support for alcohol disorders: targeted mechanisms and common factors.
Litt, Mark D; Kadden, Ronald M; Tennen, Howard Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2018 Aug;113(8):1407-1417
Longitudinal Effects of Alcohol Consumption on the Hippocampus and Parahippocampus in College Students.
Meda, Shashwath A; Hawkins, Keith A; Dager, Alecia D; Tennen, Howard; Khadka, Sabin; Austad, Carol S; Wood, Rebecca M; Raskin, Sarah; Fallahi, Carolyn R; Pearlson, Godfrey D Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging 2018 Jul;3(7):610-617
Relationship between fMRI response during a nonverbal memory task and marijuana use in college students.
Dager, Alecia D; Tice, Madelynn R; Book, Gregory A; Tennen, Howard; Raskin, Sarah A; Austad, Carol S; Wood, Rebecca M; Fallahi, Carolyn R; Hawkins, Keith A; Pearlson, Godfrey D Drug and alcohol dependence 2018 Jul;18871-78
Effects of stress management and relaxation training on the relationship between diabetes symptoms and affect among Latinos.
Wagner, Julie; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Bermudez-Millan, Angela; Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael Psychology & health 2018 Jun;331172-1190
Trauma exposure and heavy drinking and drug use among college students: Identifying the roles of negative and positive affect lability in a daily diary study.
Weiss, Nicole H; Bold, Krysten W; Contractor, Ateka A; Sullivan, Tami P; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2017 Dec;79131-137
Emotion Regulation Enhancement of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for College Student Problem Drinkers: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Ford, JD, Grasso, DJ, Levine, J, Tennen, H Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse 2017 Dec;2747-58
Mean Levels and Variability in Affect, Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors, and Continuously Monitored Glucose: A Daily Study of Latinos With Type 2 Diabetes.
Wagner, Julie; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Bermudez-Millan, Angela; Wolpert, Howard; Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael Psychosomatic medicine 2017 Sep;79(7):798-805
Composite impulsivity-related domains in college students.
Khadka, Sabin; Stevens, Michael C; Aslanzadeh, Farah; Narayanan, Balaji; Hawkins, Keith A; Austad, Carol S; Raskin, Sarah A; Tennen, Howard; Wood, Rebecca M; Fallahi, Carolyn; Potenza, Marc N; Pearlson, Godfrey D Journal of psychiatric research 2017 Jul;90118-125
Predictors and Social Consequences of Daily Pain Expectancy among Adults with Chronic Pain.
Mun, Chung Jung; Thummala, Kirti; Davis, Mary C; Karoly, Paul; Tennen, Howard; Zautra, Alex J Pain 2017 Mar;1581224-1233
Effects of drinking patterns on prospective memory performance in college students.
Zamroziewicz, Marta; Raskin, Sarah A; Tennen, Howard; Austad, Carol S; Wood, Rebecca M; Fallahi, Carolyn R; Dager, Alecia D; Sawyer, Broderick; Leen, Samantha; Pearlson, Godfrey D Neuropsychology 2017 Feb;31(2):191-199
Longitudinal influence of alcohol and marijuana use on academic performance in college students.
Meda, Shashwath A; Gueorguieva, Ralitza V; Pittman, Brian; Rosen, Rivkah R; Aslanzadeh, Farah; Tennen, Howard; Leen, Samantha; Hawkins, Keith; Raskin, Sarah; Wood, Rebecca M; Austad, Carol S; Dager, Alecia; Fallahi, Carolyn; Pearlson, Godfrey D PloS one 2017 Jan;12(3):e0172213
Testing Bidirectional Associations among Emotion Regulation Strategies and Substance Use: A Daily Diary Study.
Weiss, Nicole H; Bold, Krysten W; Sullivan, Tami P; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2016 Nov;112695-704
Relations between adaptive and maladaptive pain cognitions and within-day pain exacerbations in individuals with fibromyalgia.
Taylor, Shannon Stark; Davis, Mary C; Yeung, Ellen W; Zautra, Alex J; Tennen, Howard A Journal of behavioral medicine 2016 Nov;40458-467
Daily emotional stress reactivity in emerging adulthood: temporal stability and its predictors.
Howland, Maryhope; Armeli, Stephen; Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard Anxiety, stress, and coping 2016 Oct;30121-132
A daily process examination of the relationship between childhood trauma and stress-reactivity.
Weltz, Samantha M; Armeli, Stephen; Ford, Julian D; Tennen, Howard Child abuse & neglect 2016 Sep;601-9
Network Support II: Randomized controlled trial of Network Support treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder.
Litt, Mark D; Kadden, Ronald M; Tennen, Howard; Kabela-Cormier, Elise Drug and alcohol dependence 2016 Jun;165203-12
A daily process examination of episode-specific drinking to cope motivation among college students.
Ehrenberg, Ethan; Armeli, Stephen; Howland, Maryhope; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2016 Jun;5769-75
FKBP5 genotype interacts with early life trauma to predict heavy drinking in college students.
Lieberman, Richard; Armeli, Stephen; Scott, Denise M; Kranzler, Henry R; Tennen, Howard; Covault, Jonathan American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2016 May;171879-87
Self-efficacy mediates the effects of topiramate and GRIK1 genotype on drinking.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Wetherill, Reagan; Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard; Gelernter, Joel; Covault, Jonathan; Pond, Timothy Addiction biology 2016 Mar;21(2):450-9
Alcohol and cannabis use among college students: Substitutes or complements?
O'Hara, Ross E; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2016 Feb;581-6
PTSD and Daily Co-Occurrence of Drug and Alcohol Use Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence.
Sullivan, Tami P; Weiss, Nicole H; Flanagan, Julianne C; Willie, Tiara C; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Journal of dual diagnosis 2016 Jan;1236-42
Episode-Specific Drinking-to-Cope Motivation and Next-Day Stress-Reactivity.
Armeli, Stephen; O'Hara, Ross E; Covault, Jon; Scott, Denise M; Tennen, Howard Anxiety, stress, and coping 2015 Dec;29673-84
Affect, work-goal schemas, and work-goal striving among adults with chronic pain: a multilevel structural equation analysis.
Mun, Chung Jung; Karoly, Paul; Okun, Morris A; Kim, Hanjoe; Tennen, Howard Journal of behavioral medicine 2015 Nov;39288-99
A Preliminary Prospective Study of an Escalation in 'Maximum Daily Drinks', Fronto-Parietal Circuitry and Impulsivity-Related Domains in Young Adult Drinkers.
Worhunsky, Patrick D; Dager, Alecia D; Meda, Shashwath A; Khadka, Sabin; Stevens, Michael C; Austad, Carol S; Raskin, Sarah A; Tennen, Howard; Wood, Rebecca M; Fallahi, Carolyn R; Potenza, Marc N; Pearlson, Godfrey D Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2015 Oct;411637-47
What are the most effective coping strategies for managing chronic pain?
Litt, Mark D; Tennen, Howard Pain management 2015 Sep;5(6):403-6
Methodology and preliminary results from the neurobiology of late-life depression study.
Steffens, David C; Manning, Kevin J; Wu, Rong; Grady, James J; Fortinsky, Richard H; Tennen, Howard A International psychogeriatrics / IPA 2015 Sep;27(12):1987-97
Drinking to Cope Motivation as a Prospective Predictor of Negative Affect.
Armeli, Stephen; Sullivan, Tami P; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2015 Jul;76(4):578-84
College students' drinking motives and social-contextual factors: Comparing associations across levels of analysis.
O'Hara, Ross E; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2015 Jun;29(2):420-9
Perceived racial discrimination and negative-mood-related drinking among African American college students.
O'Hara, Ross E; Armeli, Stephen; Scott, Denise M; Covault, Jonathan; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2015 Mar;76(2):229-36
Positive affect and pain: mediators of the within-day relation linking sleep quality to activity interference in fibromyalgia.
Kothari, Dhwani J; Davis, Mary C; Yeung, Ellen W; Tennen, Howard A Pain 2015 Mar;156(3):540-6
Behavioral reactivity to acute stress among Black and White women with type 2 diabetes: The roles of income and racial discrimination.
Bermudez-Millan, Angela; Schumann, Kristina P; Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard; Wagner, Julie Journal of health psychology 2015 Feb;212085-97
Mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral interventions for chronic pain: differential effects on daily pain reactivity and stress reactivity.
Davis, Mary C; Zautra, Alex J; Wolf, Laurie D; Tennen, Howard; Yeung, Ellen W Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2015 Feb;83(1):24-35
Using multiple methods to examine gender differences in alcohol involvement and marital interactions in alcoholic probands.
Cranford, James A; Tennen, Howard; Zucker, Robert A Addictive behaviors 2015 Feb;41192-8
Exposure to Racial Discrimination and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Women with Type 2 Diabetes.
Wagner, Julie; Tennen, Howard; Finan, Patrick; Feinn, Richard; Burg, Matthew M; Seawell, Asani; White, William B Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress 2015 Jan;32337-345
Network Support treatment for alcohol dependence: gender differences in treatment mechanisms and outcomes.
Litt, Mark D; Kadden, Ronald M; Tennen, Howard Addictive behaviors 2015 Jan;4587-92
The within-day relation between lonely episodes and subsequent clinical pain in individuals with fibromyalgia: Mediating role of pain cognitions.
Wolf, Laurie D; Davis, Mary C; Yeung, Ellen W; Tennen, Howard A Journal of psychosomatic research 2015 Jan;79(3):202-6
Sleep Quality Among Low-Income Young Women in Southeast Texas Predicts Changes in Perceived Stress Through Hurricane Ike.
Wu, Zhao Helen; Stevens, Richard G; Tennen, Howard; North, Carol S; Grady, James J; Holzer, Charles Sleep 2015 Jan;38(7):1121-8
GRIK1 genotype and daily expectations of alcohol's positive effects moderate the reduction of heavy drinking by topiramate.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Gelernter, Joel; Covault, Jonathan Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2014 Dec;22(6):494-501
Effects of pain intensity on goal schemas and goal pursuit: a daily diary study.
Karoly, Paul; Okun, Morris A; Enders, Craig; Tennen, Howard Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2014 Sep;33(9):968-76
Episode-specific drinking-to-cope motivation, daily mood, and fatigue-related symptoms among college students.
Armeli, Stephen; O'Hara, Ross E; Ehrenberg, Ethan; Sullivan, Tami P; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2014 Sep;75(5):766-74
Stress Mediates the Relationship Between Past Drug Addiction and Current Risky Sexual Behaviour Among Low-income Women.
Wu, Z Helen; Tennen, Howard; Hosain, G M Monawar; Coman, Emil; Cullum, Jerry; Berenson, Abbey B Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress 2014 Jul;32138-44
Drinking-to-cope motivation and negative mood-drinking contingencies in a daily diary study of college students.
O'Hara, Ross E; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2014 Jul;75(4):606-14
College students' daily-level reasons for not drinking.
O'Hara, Ross E; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Drug and alcohol review 2014 Jun;33(4):412-9
GRIK1 genotype moderates topiramate's effects on daily drinking level, expectations of alcohol's positive effects and desire to drink.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard; Gelernter, Joel; Covault, Jonathan The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP) 2014 Apr;17(10):1549-56
Reduction in perceived stress as a migraine trigger: testing the "let-down headache" hypothesis.
Lipton, Richard B; Buse, Dawn C; Hall, Charles B; Tennen, Howard; Defreitas, Tiffani A; Borkowski, Thomas M; Grosberg, Brian M; Haut, Sheryl R Neurology 2014 Mar;82(16):1395-401
A mediational model of racial discrimination and alcohol-related problems among african american college students.
Boynton, Marcella H; O'Hara, Ross E; Covault, Jonathan; Scott, Denise; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2014 Mar;75(2):228-34
Emotional stress-reactivity and positive affect among college students: the role of depression history.
O'Hara, Ross E; Armeli, Stephen; Boynton, Marcella H; Tennen, Howard Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 2014 Feb;14(1):193-202
Self-reported discrimination, diabetes distress, and continuous blood glucose in women with type 2 diabetes.
Wagner, Julie A; Tennen, Howard; Feinn, Richard; Osborn, Chandra Y Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health 2014 Jan;17(2):566-73
Exposure to Discrimination and Heart Rate Variability Reactivity to Acute Stress among Women with Diabetes.
Wagner, Julie; Lampert, Rachel; Tennen, Howard; Feinn, Richard Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress 2013 Nov;31(3):255-62
Self-reported racial discrimination and endothelial reactivity to acute stress in women.
Wagner, Julie A; Tennen, Howard; Finan, Patrick H; Ghuman, Nimrta; Burg, Matthew M Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress 2013 Aug;29(3):214-21
Influence of alcohol use and family history of alcoholism on neural response to alcohol cues in college drinkers.
Dager, Alecia D; Anderson, Beth M; Stevens, Michael C; Pulido, Carmen; Rosen, Rivkah; Jiantonio-Kelly, Rachel E; Sisante, Jason-Flor; Raskin, Sarah A; Tennen, Howard; Austad, Carol S; Wood, Rebecca M; Fallahi, Carolyn R; Pearlson, Godfrey D Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2013 Jan;37 Suppl 1(SUPPL.1):E161-71
Prospective risk factors for subsequent exposure to potentially traumatic events.
Park, Crystal L; Frazier, Patricia; Tennen, Howard; Mills, Mary Alice; Tomich, Patricia Anxiety, stress, and coping 2013 Jan;26(3):254-69
Variation in OPRM1 moderates the effect of desire to drink on subsequent drinking and its attenuation by naltrexone treatment.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Covault, Jonathan; Tennen, Howard Addiction biology 2013 Jan;18(1):193-201
Lifetime history of depression, type 2 diabetes, and endothelial reactivity to acute stress in postmenopausal women.
Wagner, Julie A; Tennen, Howard; Finan, Patrick H; White, William B; Burg, Matthew M; Ghuman, Nimrta International journal of behavioral medicine 2012 Dec;19(4):503-11
Association between interactive voice response adherence and subject retention in a randomized controlled trial.
Gatehouse, Christopher S; Tennen, Howard A; Feinn, Richard S; Abu-Hasaballah, Khamis S; Lalla, Rajesh V Contemporary clinical trials 2012 Jul;33(4):589-92
Ambulatory monitoring in the genetics of psychosomatic medicine.
Finan, Patrick H; Tennen, Howard; Thoemmes, Felix; Zautra, Alex J; Davis, Mary C Psychosomatic medicine 2012 May;74(4):349-55
Continuous glucose monitoring: a review for behavioral researchers.
Wagner, Julie; Tennen, Howard; Wolpert, Howard Psychosomatic medicine 2012 May;74(4):356-65
Risk factors for alcohol-related problems among victims of partner violence.
Sullivan, Tami P; Ashare, Rebecca L; Jaquier, Véronique; Tennen, Howard Substance use & misuse 2012 May;47(6):673-85
Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and risky sexual behavior in young adult women.
Hosain, G M Monawar; Berenson, Abbey B; Tennen, Howard; Bauer, Lance O; Wu, Z Helen Journal of women's health (2002) 2012 Apr;21(4):463-8
Improving clinician self-efficacy does not increase asthma guideline use by primary care clinicians.
Cloutier, Michelle M; Tennen, Howard; Wakefield, Dorothy B; Brazil, Kevin; Hall, Charles B Academic pediatrics 2012 Jan;12(4):312-8
Daily relationship between event-specific drinking norms and alcohol use: a four-year longitudinal study.
O'Grady, Megan A; Cullum, Jerry; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2011 Jul;72(4):633-41
A double-blind, randomized trial of sertraline for alcohol dependence: moderation by age of onset [corrected] and 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter-linked promoter region genotype.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Covault, Jonathan; Feinn, Richard; Arias, Albert J; Pettinati, Helen; Oncken, Cheryl Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 2011 Feb;31(1):22-30
Alcohol-involved sexual risk behavior among heavy drinkers living with HIV/AIDS: negative affect, self-efficacy, and sexual craving.
Barta, William D; Tennen, Howard; Kiene, Susan M Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2010 Dec;24(4):563-70
Sex differences in the relations of positive and negative daily events and fatigue in adults with rheumatoid arthritis.
Davis, Mary C; Okun, Morris A; Kruszewski, Denise; Zautra, Alex J; Tennen, Howard The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society 2010 Dec;11(12):1338-47
Interplay of concurrent positive and negative interpersonal events in the prediction of daily negative affect and fatigue for rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Finan, P H; Okun, M A; Kruszewski, D; Davis, M C; Zautra, A J; Tennen, H Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2010 Jul;29(4):429-37
Lifetime depression and diabetes self-management in women with Type 2 diabetes: a case-control study.
Wagner, J A; Tennen, H; Osborn, C Y Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 2010 Jun;27(6):713-7
A longitudinal analysis of drinking motives moderating the negative affect-drinking association among college students.
Armeli, Stephen; Conner, Tamlin S; Cullum, Jerry; Tennen, Howard Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2010 Mar;24(1):38-47
Feasibility of using interactive voice response to monitor daily drinking, moods, and relationship processes on a daily basis in alcoholic couples.
Cranford, James A; Tennen, Howard; Zucker, Robert A Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2010 Mar;34(3):499-508
Genetic influences on the dynamics of pain and affect in fibromyalgia.
Finan, Patrick H; Zautra, Alex J; Davis, Mary C; Lemery-Chalfant, Kathryn; Covault, Jonathan; Tennen, Howard Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2010 Mar;29(2):134-42
Positive psychology in cancer care: a story line resistant to evidence.
Coyne, James C; Tennen, Howard; Ranchor, Adelita V Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2010 Feb;39(1):35-42
Positive psychology in cancer care: bad science, exaggerated claims, and unproven medicine.
Coyne, James C; Tennen, Howard Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2010 Feb;39(1):16-26
Functional polymorphisms in the serotonin 1B receptor gene (HTR1B) predict self-reported anger and hostility among young men.
Conner, Tamlin S; Jensen, Kevin P; Tennen, Howard; Furneaux, Henry M; Kranzler, Henry R; Covault, Jonathan American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics 2010 Jan;153B(1):67-78
Electronic versus paper diaries: a pilot study of concordance and adherence in head and neck cancer patients receiving radiation therapy.
Blondin, Joseph M; Abu-Hasaballah, Khamis S; Tennen, Howard; Lalla, Rajesh V Head & neck oncology 2010 Jan;2(29):29
Organizational culture predicts job satisfaction and perceived clinical effectiveness in pediatric primary care practices.
Brazil, Kevin; Wakefield, Dorothy B; Cloutier, Michelle M; Tennen, Howard; Hall, Charles B Health care management review 2010 Jan;35(4):365-71
Oscillations in daily pain prediction accuracy.
Finan, Patrick H; Hessler, Eric E; Amazeen, Polemnia G; Butner, Jonathan; Zautra, Alex J; Tennen, Howard Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences 2010 Jan;14(1):27-46
Craving and self-efficacy in the first five weeks of methadone maintenance therapy: a daily process study.
Barta, William D; Kurth, Megan E; Stein, Michael D; Tennen, Howard; Kiene, Susan M Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2009 Sep;70(5):735-40
Personality Moderates the Interaction between Positive and Negative Daily Events Predicting Negative Affect and Stress.
Longua, Julie; Dehart, Tracy; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen Journal of research in personality 2009 Aug;43(4):547-555
Targeted naltrexone for problem drinkers.
Kranzler, Henry R; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen; Chan, Grace; Covault, Jonathan; Arias, Albert; Oncken, Cheryl Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 2009 Aug;29(4):350-7
A Diary Study of Implicit Self-esteem, Interpersonal Interactions and Alcohol Consumption in College Students.
Dehart, Tracy; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen; Todd, Michael; Mohr, Cynthia Journal of experimental social psychology 2009 Jul;45(4):720-730
Does self-reported posttraumatic growth reflect genuine positive change?
Frazier, Patricia; Tennen, Howard; Gavian, Margaret; Park, Crystal; Tomich, Patricia; Tashiro, Ty Psychological science 2009 Jul;20(7):912-9
Interpersonal problems and negative mood as predictors of within-day time to drinking.
Todd, Michael; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2009 Jun;23(2):205-15
The Buffering Effect of Hope on Clinicians' Behavior: A Test in Pediatric Primary Care.
Tennen, Howard; Cloutier, Michelle M; Wakefield, Dorothy B; Hall, Charles B; Brazil, Kevin Journal of social and clinical psychology 2009 May;28(5):554-576
A common polymorphism in serotonin receptor 1B mRNA moderates regulation by miR-96 and associates with aggressive human behaviors.
Jensen, K P; Covault, J; Conner, T S; Tennen, H; Kranzler, H R; Furneaux, H M Molecular psychiatry 2009 Apr;14(4):381-9
Early follow-up data from seizure diaries can be used to predict subsequent seizures in same cohort by borrowing strength across participants.
Hall, Charles B; Lipton, Richard B; Tennen, Howard; Haut, Sheryl R Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 2009 Mar;14(3):472-5
Alcohol, helping young adults to have unprotected sex with casual partners: findings from a daily diary study of alcohol use and sexual behavior.
Kiene, Susan M; Barta, William D; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2009 Jan;44(1):73-80
Endothelial dysfunction and history of recurrent depression in postmenopausal women with Type 2 diabetes: a case-control study.
Wagner, Julie; Tennen, Howard; Mansoor, George; Abbott, Gina Journal of diabetes and its complications 2009 Jan;23(1):18-24
A serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR), drinking-to-cope motivation, and negative life events among college students.
Armeli, Stephen; Conner, Tamlin S; Covault, Jonathan; Tennen, Howard; Kranzler, Henry R Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2008 Nov;69(6):814-23
Daily process methodology for measuring earlier antidepressant response.
Lenderking, William R; Hu, Mingxiu; Tennen, Howard; Cappelleri, Joseph C; Petrie, Charles D; Rush, A John Contemporary clinical trials 2008 Nov;29(6):867-77
High rates of unprotected sex occurring among HIV-positive individuals in a daily diary study in South Africa: the role of alcohol use.
Kiene, Susan M; Simbayi, Leickness C; Abrams, Amber; Cloete, Allanise; Tennen, Howard; Fisher, Jeffrey D Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008 Oct;49(2):219-26
A daily process investigation of alcohol-involved sexual risk behavior among economically disadvantaged problem drinkers living with HIV/AIDS.
Barta, William D; Portnoy, David B; Kiene, Susan M; Tennen, Howard; Abu-Hasaballah, Khamis S; Ferrer, Rebecca AIDS and behavior 2008 Sep;12(5):729-40
Evidence for positive mood buffering among college student drinkers.
Mohr, Cynthia D; Brannan, Debi; Mohr, Josh; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Personality & social psychology bulletin 2008 Sep;34(9):1249-59
Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene and alcohol use among college students.
Gacek, Paul; Conner, Tamlin S; Tennen, Howard; Kranzler, Henry R; Covault, Jonathan Addiction biology 2008 Sep;13(3-4):440-8
Fibromyalgia: the role of sleep in affect and in negative event reactivity and recovery.
Hamilton, Nancy A; Affleck, Glenn; Tennen, Howard; Karlson, Cynthia; Luxton, David; Preacher, Kristopher J; Templin, Jonathan L Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2008 Jul;27(4):490-7
Today I'll use a condom, but who knows about tomorrow: a daily process study of variability in predictors of condom use.
Kiene, Susan M; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2008 Jul;27(4):463-72
A qualitative study of the relationship between clinician attributes, organization, and patient characteristics on implementation of a disease management program.
Brazil, Kevin; Cloutier, Michelle M; Tennen, Howard; Bailit, Howard; Higgins, Pamela S Disease management : DM 2008 Apr;11(2):129-37
Drinking to cope with negative moods and the immediacy of drinking within the weekly cycle among college students.
Armeli, Stephen; Todd, Michael; Conner, Tamlin S; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2008 Mar;69(2):313-22
Daily diaries reveal influence of pessimism and anxiety on pain prediction patterns.
Finan, Patrick; Zautra, Alex; Tennen, Howard Psychology & health 2008 Jan;23(5):551-68
Drinking to regulate negative romantic relationship interactions: The moderating role of self-esteem
DeHart T., Tennen H., Armeli S., Todd M., Affleck G. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2008 Jan;44(3):527-538
Serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and anxiety reactivity in daily life: a daily process approach to gene-environment interaction.
Gunthert, Kathleen C; Conner, Tamlin S; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Covault, Jonathan; Kranzler, Henry R Psychosomatic medicine 2007 Nov;69(8):762-8
Pain and negative mood during rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a daily process analysis.
Brewer, B W; Cornelius, A E; Sklar, J H; Van Raalte, J L; Tennen, H; Armeli, S; Corsetti, J R; Brickner, J C Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 2007 Oct;17(5):520-9
The idiographic study of inconsistent condom use behavior of persons living with HIV.
Barta, W D; Kiene, S M; Tennen, H; Abu-Hasaballah, K S; Ferrer, R AIDS care 2007 Sep;19(8):1058-64
Brief motivational enhancement and coping skills interventions for heavy drinking.
Ball, Samuel A; Todd, Michael; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen; Mohr, Cynthia; Affleck, Glenn; Kranzler, Henry R Addictive behaviors 2007 Jun;32(6):1105-18
Depression history, stress, and pain in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Zautra, Alex J; Parrish, Brendt P; Van Puymbroeck, Christina M; Tennen, Howard; Davis, Mary C; Reich, John W; Irwin, Mike Journal of behavioral medicine 2007 Jun;30(3):187-97
The impact of the inpatient rehabilitation facility prospective payment system on stroke program outcomes.
Gillen, Robert; Tennen, Howard; McKee, Tara American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists 2007 May;86(5):356-63
Interactive effects of the serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and stressful life events on college student drinking and drug use.
Covault, Jonathan; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen; Conner, Tamlin S; Herman, Aryeh I; Cillessen, Antonius H N; Kranzler, Henry R Biological psychiatry 2007 Mar;61(5):609-16
History of major depressive disorder and diabetes outcomes in diet- and tablet-treated post-menopausal women: a case control study.
Wagner, J A; Tennen, H Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 2007 Feb;24(2):211-6
Health psychology: psychological adjustment to chronic disease.
Stanton, Annette L; Revenson, Tracey A; Tennen, Howard Annual review of psychology 2007 Jan;58565-92
Coping with rheumatoid arthritis pain in daily life: within-person analyses reveal hidden vulnerability for the formerly depressed.
Conner, Tamlin S; Tennen, Howard; Zautra, Alex J; Affleck, Glenn; Armeli, Stephen; Fifield, Judith Pain 2006 Dec;126(1-3):198-209
Organizational assessment in paediatric primary care: development and initial validation of the primary care organizational questionnaire.
Hall, Charles B; Tennen, Howard; Wakefield, Dorothy B; Brazil, Kevin; Cloutier, Michelle M Health services management research : an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration / HSMC, AUPHA 2006 Nov;19(4):207-14
Depression history and coping with chronic pain: a daily process analysis.
Tennen, Howard; Affleck, Glenn; Zautra, Alex Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 2006 May;25(3):370-9
Targeted versus daily naltrexone: secondary analysis of effects on average daily drinking.
Hernandez-Avila, Carlos A; Song, Changhong; Kuo, Lynn; Tennen, Howard; Armeli, Stephen; Kranzler, Henry R Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2006 May;30(5):860-5
The effects of naltrexone on alcohol consumption and affect reactivity to daily interpersonal events among heavy drinkers.
Armeli, Stephen; Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard; Kranzler, Henry R Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 2006 May;14(2):199-208
History of major depressive disorder and endothelial function in postmenopausal women.
Wagner, Julie A; Tennen, Howard; Mansoor, George A; Abbott, Gina Psychosomatic medicine 2006 Jan;68(1):80-6
What lies beneath: Parenting style and implicit self-esteem
DeHart T., Pelham B.W., Tennen H. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2006 Jan;42(1):1-17
Dynamic approaches to emotions and stress in everyday life: Bolger and Zuckerman reloaded with positive as well as negative affects.
Zautra, Alex J; Affleck, Glenn G; Tennen, Howard; Reich, John W; Davis, Mary C Journal of personality 2005 Dec;73(6):1511-38
Moving beyond the keg party: a daily process study of college student drinking motivations.
Mohr, Cynthia D; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Temple, Molly; Todd, Michael; Clark, Julie; Carney, M Anne Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2005 Dec;19(4):392-403
Personality and daily experience revisited.
Tennen, Howard; Affleck, Glenn; Armeli, Stephen Journal of personality 2005 Dec;73(6):1465-83
Unilateral spatial neglect: relation to rehabilitation outcomes in patients with right hemisphere stroke.
Gillen, Robert; Tennen, Howard; McKee, Tara Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2005 Apr;86(4):763-7
Daily evaluation of anticipated outcomes from alcohol use among college students
Armeli S., Mohr C., Todd M., Maltby N., Tennen H., Carney M.A., Affleck G. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 2005 Jan;24(6):767-792
Drinking to cope: a comparison of questionnaire and electronic diary reports.
Todd, Michael; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Carney, Margaret Anne; Ball, Samuel A; Kranzler, Henry R; Affleck, Glenn Journal of studies on alcohol 2005 Jan;66(1):121-9
Using daily interactive voice response technology to measure drinking and related behaviors in a pharmacotherapy study.
Kranzler, Henry R; Abu-Hasaballah, Khamis; Tennen, Howard; Feinn, Richard; Young, Kevin Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2004 Jul;28(7):1060-4
Prospective association of anxiety, depressive, and addictive disorders with high utilization of primary, specialty and emergency medical care.
Ford, Julian D; Trestman, Robert L; Steinberg, Karen; Tennen, Howard; Allen, Scott Social science & medicine (1982) 2004 Jun;58(11):2145-8
History of affective disorder and the experience of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis.
Jump, Rebecca L; Fifield, Judith; Tennen, Howard; Reisine, Susan; Giuliano, Anthony J Arthritis and rheumatism 2004 Apr;51(2):239-45
Targeted naltrexone treatment moderates the relations between mood and drinking behavior among problem drinkers.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2004 Apr;72(2):317-27
Do we know how we cope? Relating daily coping reports to global and time-limited retrospective assessments.
Todd, Michael; Tennen, Howard; Carney, Margaret Anne; Armeli, Stephen; Affleck, Glenn Journal of personality and social psychology 2004 Feb;86(2):310-9
Chronic strain, daily work stress and pain among workers with rheumatoid arthritis: Does job stress make a bad day worse?
Fifield J., McQuillan J., Armeli S., Tennen H., Reisine S., Affleck G. Work and Stress 2004 Jan;18(4):275-291
The daily stress and coping process and alcohol use among college students.
Park, Crystal L; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard Journal of studies on alcohol 2004 Jan;65(1):126-35
A daily diary validity test of drinking to cope measures.
Todd, Michael; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Carney, Margaret Anne; Affleck, Glenn Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2003 Dec;17(4):303-11
A daily process examination of the stress-response dampening effects of alcohol consumption.
Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Todd, Michael; Carney, Margaret Anne; Mohr, Cynthia; Affleck, Glenn; Hromi, Amber Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2003 Dec;17(4):266-76
Psychometric properties of the short index of problems as a measure of recent alcohol-related problems.
Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard; Kranzler, Henry R Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2003 Sep;27(9):1436-41
Measurement and prediction of medication compliance in problem drinkers.
Feinn, Richard; Tennen, Howard; Cramer, Joyce; Kranzler, Henry R Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2003 Aug;27(8):1286-92
A comparison of self-reports of distress and affective disorder diagnoses in rheumatoid arthritis: a receiver operator characteristic analysis.
McQuillan, Julia; Fifield, Judith; Sheehan, T Joseph; Reisine, Susan; Tennen, Howard; Hesselbrock, Victor; Rothfield, Naomi Arthritis and rheumatism 2003 Jun;49(3):368-76
Targeted naltrexone for early problem drinkers.
Kranzler, Henry R; Armeli, Stephen; Tennen, Howard; Blomqvist, Ola; Oncken, Cheryl; Petry, Nancy; Feinn, Richard Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 2003 Jun;23(3):294-304
Daily interpersonal experiences and distress: Are women more vulnerable?
Mohr C.D., Armeli S., Ohannessian C.M., Tennen H., Carney A., Affleck G., Del Boca F.K. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 2003 Jan;22(4):393-423
Rehabilitation therapy self-efficacy and functional recovery after hip fracture.
Fortinsky, Richard H; Bohannon, Richard W; Litt, Mark D; Tennen, Howard; Maljanian, Rose; Fifield, Judith; Garcia, Ramon I; Kenyon, Lisa International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fu¨r Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de re´adaptation 2002 Sep;25(3):241-6
Effect of ingestion of honey on symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis.
Rajan, T V; Tennen, Howard; Lindquist, Richard L; Cohen, Leonard; Clive, J Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology 2002 Feb;88(2):198-203
The challenge of capturing daily processes at the interface of social and clinical psychology
Tennen H., Affleck G. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 2002 Jan;21(6):610-627
Women's pursuit of personal goals in daily life with fibromyalgia: a value-expectancy analysis.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Zautra, A; Urrows, S; Abeles, M; Karoly, P Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2001 Aug;69(4):587-96
Reliability of personality disorder symptoms and personality traits in substance-dependent inpatients.
Ball, S A; Rounsaville, B J; Tennen, H; Kranzler, H R Journal of abnormal psychology 2001 May;110(2):341-52
Daily interpersonal experiences, context, and alcohol consumption: crying in your beer and toasting good times.
Mohr, C D; Armeli, S; Tennen, H; Carney, M A; Affleck, G; Hromi, A Journal of personality and social psychology 2001 Mar;80(3):489-500
History of affective disorder and the temporal trajectory of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis.
Fifield, J; McQuillan, J; Tennen, H; Sheehan, T J; Reisine, S; Hesselbrock, V; Rothfield, N Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2001 Jan;23(1):34-41
Optimism and pessimism in matching clients to alcoholism treatments
Litt M.D., Kadden R., Tennen H., Affleck G. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2001 Jan;31(12):2484-2501
Does affect mediate the association between daily events and alcohol use?
Armeli, S; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Kranzler, H R Journal of studies on alcohol 2000 Nov;61(6):862-71
Positive and negative daily events, perceived stress, and alcohol use: a diary study.
Carney, M A; Armeli, S; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; O'Neil, T P Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 2000 Oct;68(5):788-98
A daily process approach to coping. Linking theory, research, and practice.
Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Armeli, S; Carney, M A The American psychologist 2000 Jun;55(6):626-36
Mood and alcohol consumption: an experience sampling test of the self-medication hypothesis.
Swendsen, J D; Tennen, H; Carney, M A; Affleck, G; Willard, A; Hromi, A Journal of abnormal psychology 2000 May;109(2):198-204
Stress and alcohol use: a daily process examination of the stressor-vulnerability model.
Armeli, S; Carney, M A; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; O'Neil, T P Journal of personality and social psychology 2000 May;78(5):979-94
The relationship of daily mood and stressful events to symptoms in juvenile rheumatic disease.
Schanberg, L E; Sandstrom, M J; Starr, K; Gil, K M; Lefebvre, J C; Keefe, F J; Affleck, G; Tennen, H Arthritis care and research : the official journal of the Arthritis Health Professions Association 2000 Feb;13(1):33-41
Axis I and Axis II disorders in alcoholics and drug addicts: fact or artifact?
Verheul, R; Kranzler, H R; Poling, J; Tennen, H; Ball, S; Rounsaville, B J Journal of studies on alcohol 2000 Jan;61(1):101-10
Downward comparisons in daily life with chronic pain: Dynamic relations with pain intensity and mood
Affleck G., Tennen H., Urrows S., Higgins P., Abeles M. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 2000 Jan;19(4):499-518
Mood states associated with transitory changes in asthma symptoms and peak expiratory flow.
Affleck, G; Apter, A; Tennen, H; Reisine, S; Barrows, E; Willard, A; Unger, J; ZuWallack, R Psychosomatic medicine 2000 Jan;62(1):61-8
Personality and substance use disorders as predictors of criminality.
Hernandez-Avila, C A; Burleson, J A; Poling, J; Tennen, H; Rounsaville, B J; Kranzler, H R Comprehensive psychiatry 2000 Jan;41(4):276-83
The perception of personal control: Sufficiently important to warrant careful scrutiny
Tennen H., Affleck G. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2000 Jan;26(2):152-156
Everyday life with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis: independent effects of disease and gender on daily pain, mood, and coping.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Keefe, F J; Lefebvre, J C; Kashikar-Zuck, S; Wright, K; Starr, K; Caldwell, D S Pain 1999 Dec;83(3):601-9
Multilevel daily process designs for consulting and clinical psychology: a preface for the perplexed.
Affleck, G; Zautra, A; Tennen, H; Armeli, S Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1999 Oct;67(5):746-54
Psychologists' beliefs about the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse: the influence of sexual abuse history, gender, and theoretical orientation.
Gore-Felton, C; Arnow, B; Koopman, C; Thoresen, C; Spiegel, D Child abuse & neglect 1999 Aug;23(8):803-11
Rheumatoid arthritis patients show weather sensitivity in daily life, but the relationship is not clinically significant.
Gorin, A A; Smyth, J M; Weisberg, J N; Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Urrows, S; Stone, A A Pain 1999 May;81(1-2):173-7
The relationship of arthritis self-efficacy to daily pain, daily mood, and daily pain coping in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Lefebvre, J C; Keefe, F J; Affleck, G; Raezer, L B; Starr, K; Caldwell, D S; Tennen, H Pain 1999 Mar;80(1-2):425-35
Depression research methodologies at the social-clinical interface: Still hazy after all these years
Tennen H., Eberhardt T.L., Affleck G. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 1999 Jan;18(2):121-159
Depression and the long-term risk of pain, fatigue, and disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Fifield, J; Tennen, H; Reisine, S; McQuillan, J Arthritis and rheumatism 1998 Oct;41(10):1851-7
Levels and patterns of alcohol consumption using timeline follow-back, daily diaries and real-time "electronic interviews".
Carney, M A; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Del Boca, F K; Kranzler, H R Journal of studies on alcohol 1998 Jul;59(4):447-54
Distress, depressive symptoms, and depressive disorder among caregivers of patients with brain injury.
Gillen, R; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Steinpreis, R The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation 1998 Jun;13(3):31-43
Exploring thriving in the context of clinical trauma theory: Constructivist self development theory
Saakvitne K.W., Tennen H., Affleck G. Journal of Social Issues 1998 Jan;54(2):279-299
Fibromyalgia and women's pursuit of personal goals: a daily process analysis.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Urrows, S; Higgins, P; Abeles, M; Hall, C; Karoly, P; Newton, C Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 1998 Jan;17(1):40-7
Methodological Trends in Journal of Personality: 1970-1995
Mallon S.D., Kingsley D., Affleck G., Tennen H. Journal of Personality 1998 Jan;66(5):670-685
Three Compulsions of Stress and Coping Research: A Systems Framework Cure?
Tennen H., Affleck G. Psychological Inquiry 1998 Jan;9(2):164-168
Perception of airway obstruction in asthma: sequential daily analyses of symptoms, peak expiratory flow rate, and mood.
Apter, A J; Affleck, G; Reisine, S T; Tennen, H A; Barrows, E; Wells, M; Willard, A; ZuWallack, R L The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 1997 May;99(5):605-12
Validity of the longitudinal, expert, all data procedure for psychiatric diagnosis in patients with psychoactive substance use disorders.
Kranzler, H R; Tennen, H; Babor, T F; Kadden, R M; Rounsaville, B J Drug and alcohol dependence 1997 Apr;45(1-2):93-104
A dual pathway model of daily stressor effects on rheumatoid arthritis.
Affleck, G; Urrows, S; Tennen, H; Higgins, P; Pav, D; Aloisi, R Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 1997 Jan;19(2):161-70
Targeted naltrexone treatment of early problem drinkers.
Kranzler, H R; Tennen, H; Penta, C; Bohn, M J Addictive behaviors 1997 Jan;22(3):431-6
Construing benefits from adversity: adaptational significance and dispositional underpinnings.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H Journal of personality 1996 Dec;64(4):899-922
Sequential daily relations of sleep, pain intensity, and attention to pain among women with fibromyalgia.
Affleck, G; Urrows, S; Tennen, H; Higgins, P; Abeles, M Pain 1996 Dec;68(2-3):363-8
The measurement structure of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.
Sheehan, T J; Fifield, J; Reisine, S; Tennen, H Journal of personality assessment 1995 Jun;64(3):507-21
Reactions to impaired fertility: the vicissitudes of primary and secondary control appraisals.
McLaney, M A; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Fitzgerald, T Women's health (Hillsdale, N.J.) 1995 Jan;1(2):143-59
Hassles and uplifts and generalized outcome expectancies as moderators on the relation between a family history of alcoholism and drinking behaviors.
Ohannessian, C M; Hesselbrock, V M; Tennen, H; Affleck, G Journal of studies on alcohol 1994 Nov;55(6):754-63
Unique clinical and psychological correlates of fibromyalgia tender points and joint tenderness in rheumatoid arthritis.
Urrows, S; Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Higgins, P Arthritis and rheumatism 1994 Oct;37(10):1513-20
Temporal covariation of soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels, daily stress, and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis.
Harrington, L; Affleck, G; Urrows, S; Tennen, H; Higgins, P; Zautra, A; Hoffman, S Arthritis and rheumatism 1993 Feb;36(2):199-203
The relative importance of dispositional optimism and control appraisals in quality of life after coronary artery bypass surgery.
Fitzgerald, T E; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Pransky, G S Journal of behavioral medicine 1993 Feb;16(1):25-43
Daily coping with pain from rheumatoid arthritis: patterns and correlates.
Affleck, G; Urrows, S; Tennen, H; Higgins, P Pain 1992 Nov;51(2):221-9
Types of alcoholics: concurrent and predictive validity of some common classification schemes.
Babor, T F; Dolinsky, Z S; Meyer, R E; Hesselbrock, M; Hofmann, M; Tennen, H British journal of addiction 1992 Oct;87(10):1415-31
Coping and cognitive factors in adaptation to in vitro fertilization failure.
Litt, M D; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Klock, S Journal of behavioral medicine 1992 Apr;15(2):171-87
Neuroticism and the pain-mood relation in rheumatoid arthritis: insights from a prospective daily study.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Urrows, S; Higgins, P Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1992 Feb;60(1):119-26
Cognitive appraisal and adjustment to infertility.
Stanton, A L; Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Mendola, R Women & health 1991 Jan;17(3):1-15
Individual differences in the day-to-day experience of chronic pain: a prospective daily study of rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Urrows, S; Higgins, P Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association 1991 Jan;10(6):419-26
Mothers' remembrances of newborn intensive care: a predictive study.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Rowe, J; Higgins, P Journal of pediatric psychology 1990 Feb;15(1):67-81
Blaming others for threatening events
Tennen H., Affleck G. Psychological Bulletin 1990 Jan;108(2):209-232
Effects of formal support on mothers' adaptation to the hospital-to-home transition of high-risk infants: the benefits and costs of helping.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Rowe, J; Roscher, B; Walker, L Child development 1989 Apr;60(2):488-501
Depression among patients with a chief complaint of chronic fatigue.
Manu, P; Matthews, D A; Lane, T J; Tennen, H; Hesselbrock, V; Mendola, R; Affleck, G Journal of affective disorders 1989 Jan;17(2):165-72
Adaptational features of mothers' risk and prevention appraisals after the birth of high-risk infants.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Rowe, J American journal of mental retardation : AJMR 1988 Jan;92(4):360-8
Social comparisons in rheumatoid arthritis: Accuracy and adaptational significance
Affleck, G., Tennen, H. , Pfeiffer, C., & Fifield, J. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 1988 Jan;6(2):219-234
Depressive attributional style: the role of self-esteem.
Tennen, H; Herzberger, S; Nelson, H F Journal of personality 1987 Dec;55(4):631-60
Downward comparison and coping with serious medical problems.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Pfeiffer, C; Fifield, J; Rowe, J The American journal of orthopsychiatry 1987 Oct;57(4):570-8
Appraisals of control and predictability in adapting to a chronic disease.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Pfeiffer, C; Fifield, J Journal of personality and social psychology 1987 Aug;53(2):273-9
Attributional processes in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Affleck, G; Pfeiffer, C; Tennen, H; Fifield, J Arthritis and rheumatism 1987 Aug;30(8):927-31
Causal attribution, perceived benefits, and morbidity after a heart attack: an 8-year study.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Croog, S; Levine, S Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1987 Feb;55(1):29-35
Depression, self-esteem, and the absence of self-protective attributional biases.
Tennen, H; Herzberger, S Journal of personality and social psychology 1987 Jan;52(1):72-80
Self-blame among parents of infants with perinatal complications: the role of self-protective motives.
Tennen, H; Affleck, G; Gershman, K Journal of personality and social psychology 1986 Apr;50(4):690-6
Comparison of three systems for diagnosing borderline personality disorder.
Nelson, H F; Tennen, H; Tasman, A; Borton, M; Kubeck, M; Stone, M The American journal of psychiatry 1985 Jul;142(7):855-8
Cognitive adaptations to high-risk infants: the search for mastery, meaning, and protection from future harm.
Affleck, G; Tennen, H; Gershman, K American journal of mental deficiency 1985 May;89(6):653-6
Assessment of depression in alcoholics: further considerations--reply to Hagan and Schauer.
Hesselbrock, M N; Tennen, H; Hesselbrock, V; Workman-Daniels, K; Meyer, R E Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1985 Feb;53(1):67-9
Transient depressive experiences and their relationship to gender and sex-role orientation
Pidano A.E., Tennen H. Sex Roles 1985 Jan;12(2-Jan):97-110
Concerns of children with a chronic illness: a cognitive-developmental study of juvenile diabetes.
Allen, D A; Affleck, G; Tennen, H; McGrade, B J; Ratzan, S Child: care, health and development 1984 Jan;10(4):211-8
Methodological considerations in the assessment of depression in alcoholics.
Hesselbrock, M N; Hesselbrock, V M; Tennen, H; Meyer, R E; Workman, K L Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 1983 Jun;51(3):399-405
Parent and child perceptions of the management of juvenile diabetes.
Allen, D A; Tennen, H; McGrade, B J; Affleck, G; Ratzan, S Journal of pediatric psychology 1983 Jun;8(2):129-41
Affective disorder in alcoholism.
Hesselbrock, V; Tennen, H; Stabenau, J; Hesselbrock, M The International journal of the addictions 1983 May;18(4):435-44
Attributional bias in depression: The role of cue perception
Sharp J., Tennen H. Cognitive Therapy and Research 1983 Jan;7(4):325-331
Compliance, defiance, and therapeutic paradox: guidelines for strategic use of paradoxical interventions.
Rohrbaugh, M; Tennen, H; Press, S; White, L The American journal of orthopsychiatry 1981 Jul;51(3):454-67
A day-by-day prospective analysis of stress, craving and risk of next day alcohol intake during alcohol use disorder treatment.
Wemm, Stephanie E; Larkin, Chloe; Hermes, Gretchen; Tennen, Howard; Sinha, Rajita (2019) Drug and alcohol dependence 204107569
Daily- and person-level associations between physical activity and alcohol use among college students
Cho, D., Armeli, S., Weinstock, J., & Tennen, H. (2020) Emerging Adulthood 8428-434
Fluctuations in daily PTSD symptoms are related to proximal alcohol use: A micro-longitudinal study of women victims of intimate partner violence.
Sullivan, T.P., Armeli, S. Tennen, H., Weiss, N.H., & Hansen, N.B. (2020) The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 1698-108
Individualized assessment and treatment program (IATP) for cannabis use disorder: Randomized controlled trial with and without contingency management.
Litt, Mark D; Kadden, Ronald M; Tennen, Howard; Petry, Nancy M (2020) Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 3440-51
Investigating intraindividual pain variability: methods, applications, issues, and directions.
Mun, Chung Jung; Suk, Hye Won; Davis, Mary C; Karoly, Paul; Finan, Patrick; Tennen, Howard; Jensen, Mark P (2019) Pain 1602415-2429
Linking non-restorative sleep and activity interference through pain catastrophizing and pain severity: An intra-day process model among individuals with fibromyalgia
Mun, C.J., Davis, M.C., Campbell, C.M., Finan, P.H., & Tennen, H. (2020) The Journal of Pain 21546-556
Linking non-restorative sleep and activity interference through pain catastrophizing and pain severity: An intra-day process model among individuals with fibromyalgia.
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Personal resource profiles of individuals with chronic pain: Sociodemographic and pain interference differences.
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Post-traumatic stress disorder symptom severity attenuates bi-directional associations between negative affect and avoidant coping: A daily diary study.
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Protective Factors Associated with Daily Affective Reactivity and Instability During Adolescence.
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Relationships between drinking quantity and frequency and behavioral and hippocampal BOLD responses during working memory performance involving allocentric spatial navigation in college students.
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The new normal: Changes in drinking norms from college to post-college life
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