Photo of Suzy V. Torti, Ph.D.

Suzy V. Torti, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Academic Office Location:
Molecular Biology and Biophysics
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT
Phone: 860-679-6503
Fax: 860-679-1255

Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Graduate Program

B.A.Reed CollegeBiology
Ph.D.Tufts UniversityMolecular Biology and Microbiology

Post-Graduate Training
Visiting Scholar Stanford UniversityDepartment of Biochemistry
PostdoctoralUniversity of California at BerkeleyDepartment of Bacteriology and Immunology

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Outstanding Invited Presentation, 11th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 9th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Crete, GreeceSpandidos Publications
Research Excellence Award Wake Forest University
Postdoctoral Research FellowshipNational Institutes of Health
Postdoctoral FellowshipNational Science Foundation
Summer Study Research GrantNational Science Foundation
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Journal of Nanotube TherapyEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational2012
NIH Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group ZRG1 IMST-M(13)B. Small Business: Basic and Integrative Bioengineering. Study SectionMemberExternalNational2012
NIH Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group ZCA1: SRLB-C(C1)B. Cancer Imaging.Study SectionMemberExternalNational2012
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)Advisory CommitteeExternal ReviewerExternalInternational2011
French National Institute for Health 2011 8ench-to-the-Bedside ProgramAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2011
Conflict of Interest Committee, Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2011
Dean’s Research Advisory Committee Advisory CommitteeChair ExternalUniversity20112011
NIH Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group IMST13: Biomaterials, Delivery Systems, and Nanotechnology Small Business. Study SectionMemberExternalNational2010
Chemical Safety CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2010
Nanomaterials SubcommitteeAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2010
Search Committee, Senior Associate Dean for ResearchAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2010
NIH Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group; Small Business: Biomaterials, Delivery Systems, and Nanotechnology. Study SectionMemberExternalNational2009
ZRG1 Challenge Grant Panel 4, Stage 1 Reviewer, June 2009. Study SectionMemberExternalNational2009
Doctoral Task Force for Graduate Program PlanningEducation CommitteeChairExternalUniversity2009
Graduate Student Research DayOtherJudgeExternalUniversity2009
National Cancer Institute Special Emphasis Panel on Biomaterials, Drug and Gene Delivery, and Nanotechnology. March 2009.Study SectionMemberExternalNational2009
Cancer Research UKAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2008
Terry Fox Fund for Cancer Research Advisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2008
AAMC Mid-Career Women's Professional Development SeminarProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2008
Dean's Research Advisory CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20072012
Department of Biochemistry Promotions CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2007
Dean’s Research Advisory Committee Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20072012
Medical Student Research DayOtherJudgeExternalUniversity2007
Louisiana Board of Regents Support FundAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalState2006
University SenateAdvisory CommitteeSecretaryExternalUniversity20062008
Wake Forest University Senate Executive CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeCommittee MemberExternalUniversity20062008
Intramural Research Support CommitteeResearch CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20062009
American Heart AssociationStudy SectionMemberExternalNational20052008
Australian National Health and Medical Research CouncilAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2005
National Institutes of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Special Emphasis Panel for Program Project ReviewAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational2005
Graduate School Biomedical Sciences CommitteeEducation CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2005
Department of Biochemistry Graduate Program CommitteeEducation CommitteeChairExternalUniversity2005
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program Education CommitteeDirectorExternalUniversity2005
National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases RAID Review PanelAdvisory CommitteeExternal ReviewerExternalNational2004
Wake Forest University Senate Advisory CommitteeFaculty RepresentativeExternalUniversity20042008
Wake Forest Graduate CouncilAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20042008
Senate Intra-university Operations CommitteeAdvisory CommitteeCommittee MemberExternalUniversity20042008
Department of Biochemistry Research-intensive Faculty CommitteeResearch CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20042005
East Coast Iron SocietyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationChairExternalRegional20032007
American Chemical Society Petroleum Research FundAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational20032004
Israel Science FoundationAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2003
Department of Biochemistry, Graduate Program Committee MemberEducation CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20032005
International Bioiron Society Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational2003
Cancer Biology Graduate Program Committee Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2003
Chronic Granulomatous Disorder (CGO) Research TrustAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2001
WFU Scientific Research FundResearch Committeead hoc reviewerExternalUniversity20012002
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine Professional/Scientific JournalMemberExternalNational2001
National Institutes of Health, Alcohol and ToxicologyStudy SectionMemberExternalNational2000
National Cancer Institute, Rapid Access to Intervention DevelopmentStudy SectionMemberExternalNational2000
Intramural Research Support CommitteeResearch CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity20002003
Medical Curriculum Scholarly Project Steering CommitteeEducation CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity2000
Genotoxicity and Environmental Mutagen Society Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2000
Graduate Curriculum Committee, Cancer BiologyEducation CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity1999
Medical Student Research DayOtherJudgeExternalUniversity1999
National Institutes of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Special Emphasis Panel for Program Project ReviewAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1998
Review committee, ACS Institutional Research Grant ProgramAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational19982005
American Association for Cancer Research Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational1998
Medical Research Council of CanadaAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1997
Research Subcommittee, Medical School Curriculum 2002 Phase IIIResearch CommitteeChairExternalUniversity1997
Steering Committee, Medical School Curriculum 2002 Phase IllEducation CommitteeMemberExternalUniversity1997
Medical Student Admissions CommitteeEducation CommitteeInterviewerExternalUniversity1994
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Professional/Scientific JournalMemberExternalNational1993
Veterans Administration Subcommittee on Safety for Medical Research, Palo Alto, CAResearch CommitteeChairExternalNational19901993
American Society for Microbiology Professional/Scientific JournalMemberExternalNational1978
Journal of Nanomedicine & NanotechnologyEditorial BoardMemberExternalNational
American Journal of Clinical NutritionProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
ApoptosisProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Biochemical JournalProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Biochemical PharmacologyProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
BiomacromoleculesProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
BloodProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Free Radicals in Biology and MedicineProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Journal of Biological ChemistryProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Journal of Molecular Biology Professional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Journal of Molecular and Cellular CardiologyProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Oncogene Professional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational
Anti-Cancer AgentsProfessional/Scientific JournalAd Hoc ReviewerExternalNational

Not accepting students for Lab Rotations at this time

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Bifunctional nanomaterials for the imaging and treatment of cancer.
    Burke A, Carroll D, Torti FM, and Torti SV. The Oxford Handbook of Nanoscience and Technology – Frontiers and Advances in three volumes, Volume III, Applications 2010 Jan;474-497
  • Iron Chelators in Cancer Chemotherapy, Vol. 4, Number 15
    Buss, J., Green, B., Turner, J., Torti, F.M., and Torti, SV. Metals in Disease and Therapy, CTMC Reviews 2004 Jan;1623-1635
  • Iron Chelation in Cancer Therapy.
    Torti SV, Planalp RP, Brechbiel MW, Park G, Torti FM. Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis 6 1999 Jan;381-389
  • Cytokines, iron homeostasis, and cancer.
    Torti, F.M., and Torti, S.V. Diet and Cancer; Markers, Prevention and Treatment 1994 Jan;159-168


  • Ferritin inhibits cleavage of high molecular weight kininogen by elastase and mast cell tryptase.
    Coffman, L.G., Brown, J., Johnson, D., Parthasarathy, N., D'Agostino, Jr. R., Muller-Esterl, W., Torti, F., and Torti, S. American Journal of Hematology 2006 Jan;82(6):504-604
  • Perturbations of H-ferritin in mice results in alterations in brain iron homeostasis
    Thompson K, Menzies S, Wood T, Boyer PJ, Beard JL, Torti S, Torti F, Connor JR 2001 Jan;15A579.3
  • Analytical and pharmacokinetic studies in mice with tachpyr.
    Hale, J., Bigelow, J., Mathews, L., McCormack, J.J., Torti, S., Torti, F., Brechbiel, M., and Planalp, R. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res 2000 Jan;41705
  • Oxathiolene oxides: a novel class of potential chemopreventive agents.
    Pietsch, E.C., Hurley, A.l., Leone-Kabler, S., Welker, M.E., Townsend, A.J., Torti, F.M., and Torti,S.V. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 2000 Jan;41411
  • Pathways of iron chelator action.
    Torti, S.V., Abeysinghe, RD., Greene, 8., Willingham, M.C., Sausville, E.A., Narayanan, V., Planalp, R.P., Brechbiel, M.W. and Torti, F.M. FASEB J. 2000 Jan;14A752
  • Tachpyridine (Tachpyr), a novel iron chelator and a potential anti-cancer agent in the treatment of tumors with mutated p53.
    Abeysinghe, RD., Greene, B., Willingham, M.C., Sausville, E.A., Narayanan, V.l., Planalp, R.P., Brechbiel, M.W., Torti, F.M., and Torti, S.V. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 2000 Jan;41771
  • A novel iron chelator with potential anti-tumor activity leads to cell death by apoptosis.
    Jennings-Gee, J.E., Willingham, M.C., Planalp, RP., Brechbiel, M.W., Torti, F.M., and Torti, S.V. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 1999 Jan;40120
  • Oltipraz-mediated induction of ferritin expression.
    Pietsch, E.C., Morrow, C., Torti, F.M., and Torti, S.V. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 1999 Jan;40258
  • Metalchelation in bladder cancer therapy.
    Torti, S.V., Planalp, RP., Sakamoto, Y., Brechbiel, M.W., Rogers, RD., and Torti, F.M. Acta Hematologica 1998 Jan;100(suppl. 1):55
  • The ferritin H gene is amplified in human breast cancer carrying an 11 q13 amplification, as demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization.
    Abruzzese, E., Rao, P.N., Petenati, M.J., Kute, T., Torti, F.M. and Torti, s.v. Acta Hematologica 1998 Jan;100 (suppl. 1):55
  • Transcriptional regulation of H ferritin by a distal antioxidant response element.
    Whitman, S.P., Tsuji, Y.T., Torti, S.V, and Torti, F.M. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 1998 Jan;39247
  • The ferritin H gene is amplified in human breast cancers carrying an 11q13 amplification.
    Abruzzese E., Rao, P.N., Pettenati M.J., Kute T., Torti S.V., and Torti F.M. Proc. Arner. Assoc. Cancer Res. 1997 Jan;3817
  • Utilization of fluorescense in situ hybridization to study the ferritin H gene in metaphase and interphase cells
    Abruzzese E, Rao PN, Hayworth R, Pettenati MJ, Torti SV, Torti FM Blood 1995 Jan;86(10):723a

Conference Papers

  • A Novel, Human BMP Antagonist Downregulated in Breast and Renal Cancers
    Torti SV 2006 Jan;
  • Metal complexation behavior and cytotoxicity of novel hexadentate chelators.
    Planalp, RP.; Park, G., Brechbiei, M.W., and Torti, S.V. 1999 Jan;
  • Amplification of the ferritin H gene in human breast cancer.
    Torti SV 1997 Jan;
  • Cytotoxicity of gallium nitrate and transferrin-gallium following intravesical delivery in a bladder cancer model.
    Torti SV 1997 Jan;
  • Tumor cell cytotoxicity of a novel metal chelator
    Torti SV 1997 Jan;
  • Fer-1: an enhancer of the mouse ferritin H gene and target of E1A-mediated transcriptional repression.
    Torti SV 1995 Jan;
  • Role of the transcription factor NFKB in the regulation of ferritin H by tumor necrosis factor-a.
    Torti SV 1995 Jan;
  • Cytokine regulation of ferritin expression.
    Torti SV 1993 Jan;
  • Selective repression of the H subunit of ferritin by adenovirus E1A.
    Torti SV 1993 Jan;
  • A functional murine ferritin heavy chain gene.
    Torti SV 1991 Jan;
  • Tumor necrosis factor alpha: an ironindependent regulator of ferritin H?
    Torti SV 1989 Jan;
  • Isolation of a temperature-sensitive lipoprotein mutant of Escherichia coli.
    Torti SV 1976 Jan;



Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Intracellular and extracellular glutathione levels modulate the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to silver nanoparticlesPosterAACR Special Conference on Nano in Cancer: Linking Chemistry, Biology,and Clinical Applications in V2011Miami, FL
Surface functionalization and surfactant coating mediate the thrombogenicfty of carbon nanotubes PosterAACR Special Conference on Nano in Cancer2011Miami, FL
Development of multiwalled carbon nanotubes for cancer therapy. Talk11th International Conference on the Science and Applications of nanotubes2010Montreal, Canada
Effects of the HK5-Ferritin Interaction and Iron on Tumor Angiogenesis.PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res.2010
Rational Development of a NIR-Resonant Nanomaterial for the Thermal Treatment of Cancer. PosterMaterials Research Society Spring Conference2010San Francisco, CA
Magnetic Resonance Temperature Imaging Guided Laser-Induced Thermal Therapy with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.PosterAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 51th Annual meeting2009Anaheim, CA
Roles of surface functionalization and surfactant coating in the initiation of blood clotting by multiwalled carbon nanotubes. PosterAmerican Society for Nanomedicine Annual Conference2009Potomac, MD
Novel AccQ-Tag UPLC/MS method for high-throughput analysis of amino acids and glutathione in normal and HME-transformed human mammary epithelial cells. Poster57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry2009
Feasibility study for applying irreversible electroporation to the treatment of breast cancer.PosterProc. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference2009
Intersections between iron and cancer TalkBrigham Young University2009Provo, Utah
Multiwalled nanotubes in the treatment of kidney tumorsTalkNanoConference at Wake Forest University2009Wake Forest University
Cytoprotective effect of ferritin following oxidative stress in renal ischemia-reperfusioin injury. PosterSoc. Free Rad. Bio. & Med.2008
Ferritin inhibits the anti-angiogenic effects of HKa.PosterAmerican Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting2008San Diego, CA
The human bone morphogenetic protein antagonist BARC is downregulated in renal cancers. PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res.2007
Ferritin inhibits cleavage of high molecular weight kininogen by elastase and mast cell tryptase.PosterAssociation of American Physicians Annual Meeting2006Chicago, IL
BARC: A Novel, Human BMP Antagonist Downregulated in Breast and Renal Cancers.PosterASClIAAP Joint Meeting2006The Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Oxidative stress and acute toxicity caused by the alkylatlng carcinogen azoxymethane in rte liver are inhibited by the coffee diterpenes kahweol and cafestol.PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res2006
Tachpyridine, a metal chelator, induces cell cycle checkpointsTalkInternational Conference on Bioiron2005Prague, Czech Republic
Parameters of iron metabolism in a model of breast cancer progression. PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res2005
Ferritin and iron chelation in vitro and in vivoTalkWorkshop on Biolron in Thallassemia, Sickle Cell Disease, and Hemochromatosis2004Bodega Bay, California
Ferritin H regulatin by YB-1 in human mammary epithelial cells. PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res 2004
Chemopreventive agents and xenobiotics activate the murine ferritin H gene via a Nrf2 dependent mechanismTalkInternational Conference on Bioiron2003Washington D.C.
Quantification of Tachpyridine and its metal complex metabolites in cells and tissue culture media by high-performance liquid chromatography.PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res2003
Tachpyridine, a novel iron chelator, induces G2/M cell-cycle arrest and functions as a radiosensitizer in p53+1+ and p53 -1- isogenic cell lines.PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res. 2003
Pharmacokinetics of tachpyr (NSC-709598) in rats. PosterProc. Am. Assoc. CA Res.2003
Single cell analysis of the role of mitochondrial pathways in apoptosis induced by tachpyridine, an anti-cancer iron chelator. PosterProc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res.2002
Oxathiolene oxides activate cytoprotective enzymes by an aromatic hydrocarbon independent mechanism. PosterProc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res.2002
Optimimzing Tach family chelatorsTalkNational Cancer Institute2002
Apoptosis by tachpyridine, a novel iron chelator and potential anti-cancer agent, involves caspase activation.PosterProc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res.2001
Effect of c-fos genotype and oltipraz treatment on phase II protein expression in mice. PosterProc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res2001
Tachpyridine, a potential anti-cancer agent in the treatment of tumors with mutated p53. PosterNIGMS Metals in Medicine Meeting2000
Adenovirus E1A blocks oxidant-dependent ferritin induction and sensitizes cells to pro-oxidantsTalkFASEB2000San Diego
Tach pyridine: preclinical developmentTalkNational Cancer Institute2000
Iron Chelation in Cancer Therapy. Plenary Speaker)TalkWorld Congress on Iron Metabolism1999Sorrento, Italy
Tach pyridine: Potential as an anti-tumor therapeuticTalkNational Cancer Institute1998
The ferritin H gene is amplified in human breast cancers carrying an 11q13 amplification as demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization.PosterProc. Amer. Soc. Clin. Oncol1997
In vivo formation of interspecies ferritin heteropolymers: evolutionary conservation of functionTalkInternational Conference on Bioiron1995Asheville, N.C.
Repression of ferritin H by adenovirus EIA oncogeneTalk11th International Conference in Iron and Iron Proteins1993Jerusalem, Israel