Neural correlates of tonal loudness, intensity discrimination, and duration discrimination.
Kuwada, Shigeyuki; Trahiotis, Constantine JASA express letters 2024 May;4(5):
Intelligibility and detectability of speech measured diotically and dichotically in groups of listeners with, at most, "slight" hearing loss.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2022 Oct;152(4):2013
Binaural detection as a joint function of masker bandwidth, masker interaural correlation, and interaural time delay: Empirical data and modeling.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2020 Dec;148(6):3481
A crew of listeners with no more than "slight" hearing loss who exhibit binaural deficits also exhibit higher levels of stimulus-independent internal noise.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2020 May;147(5):3188
The fMRI Data of Thompson et al. (2006) Do Not Constrain How the Human Midbrain Represents Interaural Time Delay.
Stern, Richard M; Colburn, H Steven; Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO 2019 May;
Effects of interaural delay, center frequency, and no more than "slight" hearing loss on precision of binaural processing: Empirical data and quantitative modeling.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2018 Jul;144(1):292
Converging measures of binaural detection yield estimates of precision of coding of interaural temporal disparities.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2015 Nov;138(5):EL474
Accounting for binaural detection as a function of masker interaural correlation: effects of center frequency and bandwidth.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2014 Dec;136(6):3211
The effect of overall level on sensitivity to interaural differences of time and level at high frequencies.
Dietz, Mathias; Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine; Ewert, Stephan D; Hohmann, Volker The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2013 Jul;134(1):494-502
Lateralization produced by interaural temporal and intensitive disparities of high-frequency, raised-sine stimuli: data and modeling.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2012 Jan;131(1):409-15
Lateralization produced by envelope-based interaural temporal disparities of high-frequency, raised-sine stimuli: empirical data and modeling.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2011 Mar;129(3):1501-8
Lateralization produced by interaural intensitive disparities appears to be larger for high- vs low-frequency stimuli.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2011 Jan;129(1):EL15-20
Accounting quantitatively for sensitivity to envelope-based interaural temporal disparities at high frequencies.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2010 Sep;128(3):1224-34
How sensitivity to ongoing interaural temporal disparities is affected by manipulations of temporal features of the envelopes of high-frequency stimuli.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2009 May;125(5):3234-42
Binaural signal detection, overall masking level, and masker interaural correlation: revisiting the internal noise hypothesis.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2008 Dec;124(6):3850-60
Discrimination of interaural temporal disparities conveyed by high-frequency sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones and high-frequency transposed tones: effects of spectrally flanking noises.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2008 Nov;124(5):3088-94
Why do transposed stimuli enhance binaural processing?: Interaural envelope correlation vs envelope normalized fourth moment.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2007 Jan;121(1):EL23-8
Binaural detection of 500-Hz tones in broadband and in narrowband masking noise: effects of signal/masker duration and forward masking fringes.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine; Freyman, Richard L The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2006 May;119(5 Pt 1):2981-93
Measures of extents of laterality for high-frequency "transposed" stimuli under conditions of binaural interference.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2005 Sep;118(3 Pt 1):1626-35
The apparent immunity of high-frequency "transposed" stimuli to low-frequency binaural interference.
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2004 Nov;116(5):3062-9
Enhancing interaural-delay-based extents of laterality at high frequencies by using "transposed stimuli".
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2003 Jun;113(6):3335-47
Enhancing sensitivity to interaural delays at high frequencies by using "transposed stimuli".
Bernstein, Leslie R; Trahiotis, Constantine The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2002 Sep;112(3 Pt 1):1026-36
Peripheral auditory processing, the precedence effect and responses of single units in the inferior colliculus.
Trahiotis, Constantine; Hartung, Klaus Hearing research 2002 Jun;168(1-2):55-9
Peripheral auditory processing and investigations of the "precedence effect" which utilize successive transient stimuli.
Hartung, K; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2001 Sep;110(3 Pt 1):1505-13
Sensitivity to brief changes of interaural time and interaural intensity.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C; Akeroyd, M A; Hartung, K The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2001 Apr;109(4):1604-15
A consideration of the normalization that is typically included in correlation-based models of binaural detection.
van de Par, S; Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2001 Feb;109(2):830-3
Manipulating the "straightness" and "curvature" of patterns of interaural cross correlation affects listeners' sensitivity to changes in interaural delay.
Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R; Akeroyd, M A The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2001 Jan;109(1):321-30
The use of off-frequency information in a high-frequency binaural discrimination task
Van De Par S., Trahiotis C., Bernstein L.R. Acustica 2000 Jan;86(3):526-531
The normalized interaural correlation: accounting for NoS pi thresholds obtained with Gaussian and "low-noise" masking noise.
Bernstein, L R; van de Par, S; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1999 Aug;106(2):870-6
The effects of signal duration on NoSo and NoS pi thresholds at 500 Hz and 4 kHz.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1999 Mar;105(3):1776-83
Masking with interaurally delayed stimuli: the use of "internal" delays in binaural detection.
van der Heijden, M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1999 Jan;105(1):388-99
Inter-individual differences in binaural detection of low-frequency or high-frequency tonal signals masked by narrow-band or broadband noise.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C; Hyde, E L The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1998 Apr;103(4):2069-78
Binaural detection as a function of interaural correlation and bandwidth of masking noise: implications for estimates of spectral resolution.
van der Heijden, M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1998 Mar;103(3):1609-14
Binaural detection with spectrally nonoverlapping signals and maskers: evidence for masking by aural distortion products.
van der Heijden, M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1997 Nov;102(5 Pt 1):2966-72
The effects of randomizing values of interaural disparities on binaural detection and on discrimination of interaural correlation.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1997 Aug;102(2 Pt 1):1113-20
A new way to account for binaural detection as a function of interaural noise correlation.
van der Heijden, M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1997 Feb;101(2):1019-22
The normalized correlation: accounting for binaural detection across center frequency.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1996 Dec;100(6):3774-84
Lateral position of dichotic pitches can be substantially affected by interaural intensitive differences.
Grange, A N; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1996 Sep;100(3):1901-4
On the use of the normalized correlation as an index of interaural envelope correlation.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1996 Sep;100(3):1754-63
Extents of laterality and binaural interference effects.
Heller, L M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1996 Jun;99(6):3632-7
Binaural beats at high frequencies: Listeners' use of envelope-based interaural temporal and intensitive disparities
Bernstein L.R., Trahiotis C. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1996 Jan;99(3):1670-1679
Effect of trial-by-trial variation in center frequency on detection of interaural temporal and intensitive differences in bands of noise.
Grange, A N; Trahiotis, C Audiology & neuro-otology 1996 Jan;1(4):220-33
Neural responses to simple simulated echoes in the auditory brain stem of the unanesthetized rabbit.
Fitzpatrick, D C; Kuwada, S; Batra, R; Trahiotis, C Journal of neurophysiology 1995 Dec;74(6):2469-86
Binaural interference effects measured with masking-level difference and with ITD- and IID-discrimination paradigms.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1995 Jul;98(1):155-63
The discrimination of samples of noise in monotic, diotic, and dichotic conditions.
Heller, L M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1995 Jun;97(6):3775-81
Interference in detection of interaural delay in a sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tone produced by a second, spectrally remote sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tone.
Heller, L M; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1995 Mar;97(3):1808-16
Across-frequency interaction in lateralization of complex binaural stimuli.
Trahiotis, C; Stern, R M The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1994 Dec;96(6):3804-6
Detection of interaural delay in bands of noise: effects of spectral interference combined with spectral uncertainty.
Buell, T N; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1994 Jun;95(6):3568-73
Detection of interaural delay in high-frequency sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones, two-tone complexes, and bands of noise.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1994 Jun;95(6):3561-7
Lateralization of bands of noise as a function of combinations of interaural intensive differences, interaural temporal differences, and bandwidth.
Buell, T N; Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, R The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1994 Mar;95(3):1482-9
The effect of nonsimultaneous on-frequency and off-frequency cues on the detection of a tonal signal masked by narrow-band noise.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1994 Feb;95(2):920-30
Spectral interference in a binaural detection task: effects of masker bandwidth and temporal fringe.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1993 Aug;94(2 Pt 1):735-42
Interaural temporal discrimination using two sinusoidally amplitude-modulated, high-frequency tones: conditions of summation and interference.
Buell, T N; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1993 Jan;93(1):480-7
Detection of antiphasic sinusoids added to the envelopes of high-frequency bands of noise.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C Hearing research 1992 Oct;62(2):157-65
Discrimination of interaural envelope correlation and its relation to binaural unmasking at high frequencies.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1992 Jan;91(1):306-16
Lateralization of low-frequency tones: relative potency of gating and ongoing interaural delays.
Buell, T N; Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1991 Dec;90(6):3077-85
Detectability of interaural delays over select spectral regions: effects of flanking noise.
Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1990 Feb;87(2):810-3
Lateralization of bands of noise: effects of bandwidth and differences of interaural time and phase.
Trahiotis, C; Stern, R M The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1989 Oct;86(4):1285-93
Lateralization of complex binaural stimuli: a weighted-image model.
Stern, R M; Zeiberg, A S; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1988 Jul;84(1):156-65
A programmable-delay line.
Schiano, J L; Trahiotis, C Hearing research 1987 Jan;26(2):165-70
Some physical and psychological effects produced by selective delays of the envelope of narrow bands of noise.
Amenta, C A; Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R; Nuetzel, J M Hearing research 1987 Jan;29(2-3):147-61
Lateralization of bands of noise and sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones: effects of spectral locus and bandwidth.
Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1986 Jun;79(6):1950-7
Discrimination of interaural temporal disparities by normal-hearing listeners and listeners with high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss.
Smoski, W J; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1986 May;79(5):1541-7
Interaural correlation discrimination: II. Relation to binaural unmasking.
Durlach, N I; Gabriel, K J; Colburn, H S; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1986 May;79(5):1548-57
Lateralization of low-frequency tones and narrow bands of noise.
Schiano, J L; Trahiotis, C; Bernstein, L R The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1986 May;79(5):1563-70
Lateralization of sinusoidally amplitude-modulated tones: effects of spectral locus and temporal variation.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1985 Aug;78(2):514-23
Lateralization of low-frequency, complex waveforms: the use of envelope-based temporal disparities.
Bernstein, L R; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1985 May;77(5):1868-80
Two-tone masking in normal hearing listeners.
Rabinowitz, W M; Bilger, R C; Trahiotis, C; Nuetzel, J The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1980 Oct;68(4):1096-106
Auditory psychophysics.
Trahiotis, C; Robinson, D E Annual review of psychology 1979 Jan;3031-61
Regression interpretation of differences in time-intensity trading ratios obtained in studies of laterality using the method of adjustment.
Trahiotis, C; Kappauf, W E The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1978 Oct;64(4):1041-7
Comparison of critical ratios and critical bands in the monaural chinchilla.
Seaton, W H; Trahiotis, C The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1975 Jan;57(1):193-9
Comparison of hearing thresholds and morphological changes in the chinchilla after exposure to 4 kHz tones.
Ades, H W; Trahiotis, C; Kokko-Cunningham, A; Averbuch, A Acta oto-laryngologica 1974 Jan;78(3-4):192-206
Misleading textbook illustrations of simple harmonic motion.
Kubovy, M; Trahiotis, C Journal of speech and hearing research 1972 Dec;15(4):807-10
Cortical lesions and auditory discrimination.
Elliott, D N; Trahiotis, C Psychological bulletin 1972 Mar;77(3):198-222
Behavioral investigation of some possible effects of sectioning the crossed olivocochlear bundle.
Trahiotis, C; Elliott, D N The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1970 Feb;47(2):592-6
Discrimination performance of high school sophomores on a battery of auditory tests.
Elliott, D N; Riach, W D; Sheposh, J P; Trahiotis, C Acta oto-laryngologica 1966 Jan;Suppl 216:1-59