Age-stratified assessment of orthodontic tooth movement outcomes with clear aligners.
Chaluparambil, Mariamma; Abu Arqub, Sarah; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Godoy, Lucas Da Cunha; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit Progress in orthodontics 2024 Nov;25(1):43
Mandibular molar protraction: A comparison between fixed functional appliances and temporary anchorage devices.
Alshehri, Abdulrahman; Abu Arqub, Sarah; Betlej, Anna; Chhibber, Aditya; Yadav, Sumit; Upadhyay, Madhur Orthodontics & craniofacial research 2024 Apr;
Assessment of clear aligner accuracy of 2 clear aligners systems.
Harandi, Mahdi Taebi; Abu Arqub, Sarah; Warren, Emma; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Da Cunha Godoy, Lucas; Mehta, Shivam; Feldman, Jonathan; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2023 Jul;
Estimating the 3-D location of impacted maxillary canines: A CBCT-based analysis of severity of impaction.
Ross, Greg; Abu Arqub, Sarah; Mehta, Shivam; Vishwanath, Meenakshi; Tadinada, Aditya; Yadav, Sumit; Upadhyay, Madhur Orthodontics & craniofacial research 2023 Feb;26(1):81-90
Survival and failure rate of lower lingual bonded retainers: A retrospective cohort evaluation.
Arqub, Sarah Abu; Bashir, Rehana; Obeng, Kaimen; Godoy, Lucas Da Cunha; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit Orthodontics & craniofacial research 2022 Aug;
Long-term effects on alveolar bone with bone-anchored and tooth-anchored rapid palatal expansion.
Mehta, Shivam; Wang, Dennis; Upadhyay, Madhur; Vich, Manuel Lagravere; Yadav, Sumit American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2022 Mar;
Long-term effects of conventional and miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion on root resorption.
Mehta, Shivam; Arqub, Sarah Abu; Vich, Manuel Lagravere; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Tadinada, Aditya; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2021 Dec;161(3):e235-e249
Variability associated with mandibular ramus area thickness and depth in subjects with different growth patterns, gender, and growth status.
Mehta, Shivam; Arqub, Sarah Abu; Sharma, Ravish; Patel, Natasha; Tadinada, Aditya; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2021 Nov;
Where is the center of resistance of a maxillary first molar? A 3-dimensional finite element analysis.
Gandhi, Vaibhav; Luu, Bill; Dresner, Rebecca; Pierce, David; Upadhyay, Madhur American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2021 Jul;
Does Mini Screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE) have an influence on airway and breathing in middle-aged children and adolescents? A systematic review.
Abu Arqub, Sarah; Mehta, Shivam; Iverson, Marissa G; Yadav, Sumit; Upadhyay, Madhur; Almuzian, Mohammed International orthodontics 2021 Mar;19(1):37-50
Variability associated with mandibular buccal shelf area width and height in subjects with different growth pattern, sex, and growth status.
Gandhi, Vaibhav; Upadhyay, Madhur; Tadinada, Aditya; Yadav, Sumit American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2021 Jan;159(1):59-70
Evaluation of open bite closure using clear aligners: a retrospective study.
Harris, Kayla; Ojima, Kenji; Dan, Chisato; Upadhyay, Madhur; Alshehri, Abdulrahman; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Mu, Jinjian; Uribe, Flavio; Nanda, Ravindra Progress in orthodontics 2020 Aug;21(1):23
Machine Learning for the Diagnosis of Orthodontic Extractions: A Computational Analysis Using Ensemble Learning.
Suhail, Yasir; Upadhyay, Madhur; Chhibber, Aditya Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland) 2020 Jun;7(2):
Variability of the maxillary suture maturation and density in the subjects with different sex and growth status.
Betlej, Anna; Gandhi, Vaibhav; Upadhyay, Madhur; Allareddy, Veerasathpurush; Tadinada, Aditya; Yadav, Sumit Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.) 2020 May;
Variability of the maxillary suture maturation and density in the subjects with different sex and growth status.
Betlej, Anna; Gandhi, Vaibhav; Upadhyay, Madhur; Allareddy, Veerasathpurush; Tadinada, Aditya; Yadav, Sumit Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.) 2020 May;
A Finite Element Approach for Locating the Center of Resistance of Maxillary Teeth.
Luu, Bill; Cronauer, Edward Anthony; Gandhi, Vaibhav; Kaplan, Jonathan; Pierce, David M; Upadhyay, Madhur Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2020 Apr;(158):
Sex-, growth pattern-, and growth status-related variability in maxillary and mandibular buccal cortical thickness and density.
Schneider, Sydney; Gandhi, Vaibhav; Upadhyay, Madhur; Allareddy, Veerasathpurush; Tadinada, Aditya; Yadav, Sumit Korean journal of orthodontics 2020 Mar;50(2):108-119
Orthodontic management of a patient with short root anomaly and impacted teeth.
Vishwanath, Meenakshi; Chen, Po-Jung; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2019 Mar;155(3):421-431
Gender and growth variation in palatal bone thickness and density for mini-implant placement.
Yadav, Sumit; Sachs, Emily; Vishwanath, Meenakshi; Knecht, Kristen; Upadhyay, Madhur; Nanda, Ravindra; Tadinada, Aditya Progress in orthodontics 2018 Nov;19(1):43
Force System with Vertical V-Bends: A 3D In Vitro Assessment of Elastic and Rigid Rectangular Archwires.
Upadhyay, Madhur; Shah, Raja; Agarwal, Sachin; Vishwanath, Meenakshi; Chen, Po-Jung; Asaki, Takafumi; Peterson, Donald Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2018 Jul;(137):
Which orthodontic appliance is best for oral hygiene? A randomized clinical trial.
Chhibber, Aditya; Agarwal, Sachin; Yadav, Sumit; Kuo, Chia-Ling; Upadhyay, Madhur American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2018 Feb;153(2):175-183
En-masse protraction of mandibular posterior teeth into missing mandibular lateral incisor spaces using a fixed functional appliance.
Chhibber, Aditya; Upadhyay, Madhur American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2016 Nov;150(5):864-875
Force system generated by elastic archwires with vertical V bends: a three-dimensional analysis.
Upadhyay, Madhur; Shah, Raja; Peterson, Donald; Asaki, Takafumi; Yadav, Sumit; Agarwal, Sachin European journal of orthodontics 2016 Jun;39202-208
Anchorage reinforcement with a fixed functional appliance during protraction of the mandibular second molars into the first molar extraction sites.
Chhibber, Aditya; Upadhyay, Madhur American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2015 Jul;148(1):165-73
Response of the maxillary dentition to a statically determinate one-couple system with tip-back mechanics: A prospective clinical trial.
Janakiraman, Nandakumar; Gill, Pawandeep; Upadhyay, Madhur; Nanda, Ravindra; Uribe, Flavio The Angle orthodontist 2015 May;8632-8
Diagnostic accuracy of 2 cone-beam computed tomography protocols for detecting arthritic changes in temporomandibular joints.
Yadav, Sumit; Palo, Ledjo; Mahdian, Mina; Upadhyay, Madhur; Tadinada, Aditya American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2015 Mar;147(3):339-44
Biomechanical and histomorphometric properties of four different mini-implant surfaces.
Yadav, Sumit; Upadhyay, Madhur; Roberts, Wilbur Eugene European journal of orthodontics 2015 Feb;37(6):627-35
Evaluation of alveolar bone dimensions in unilateral palatally impacted canine: a cone-beam computed tomographic analyses.
Tadinada, Aditya; Mahdian, Mina; Vishwanath, Meenakshi; Allareddy, Veerasathpurush; Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit European journal of orthodontics 2015 Feb;37(6):596-602
Biomechanics of incisor retraction with mini-implant anchorage.
Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit; Nanda, Ravindra Journal of orthodontics 2014 Sep;41 Suppl 1S15-23
An efficient biomechanical approach for the management of an impacted maxillary central incisor.
Chandhoke, Taranpreet K; Agarwal, Sachin; Feldman, Jonathan; Shah, Raja A; Upadhyay, Madhur; Nanda, Ravindra American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2014 Aug;146(2):249-54
Skeletal and dental considerations in orthodontic treatment mechanics: a contemporary view.
Nanda, Ravindra; Upadhyay, Madhur European journal of orthodontics 2013 Oct;35(5):634-43
Mechanism of Class II correction in prepubertal and postpubertal patients with Twin Force Bite Corrector.
Chhibber, Aditya; Upadhyay, Madhur; Uribe, Flavio; Nanda, Ravindra The Angle orthodontist 2013 Jul;83(4):718-27
Palatally impacted maxillary canine with congenitally missing lateral incisors and midline diastema.
Yadav, Sumit; Upadhyay, Madhur; Uribe, Flavio; Nanda, Ravindra American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2013 Jul;144(1):141-6
Microdamage of the cortical bone during mini-implant insertion with self-drilling and self-tapping techniques: a randomized controlled trial.
Yadav, Sumit; Upadhyay, Madhur; Liu, Sean; Roberts, Eugene; Neace, William P; Nanda, Ravindra American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 2012 May;141(5):538-46
Mini-implants vs fixed functional appliances for treatment of young adult Class II female patients: a prospective clinical trial.
Upadhyay, Madhur; Yadav, Sumit; Nagaraj, K; Uribe, Flavio; Nanda, Ravindra The Angle orthodontist 2012 Mar;82(2):294-303