The differential orbitofrontal activity and connectivity between atypical and typical major depressive disorder.
Guo, Zhi-Peng; Chen, Lei; Tang, Li-Rong; Gao, Yue; Qu, Miao; Wang, Lihong; Liu, Chun-Hong NeuroImage. Clinical 2024 Nov;45103717
Iterative Learning for Joint Image Denoising and Motion Artifact Correction of 3D Brain MRI
Zhang, Lintao; Wu, Menggi; Wang, Lihong; Steffens, David C; Potter, Guy G; Potter, Liu, Mingxia. ArXiv. 2024 Mar;
Hybrid representation learning for cognitive diagnosis in late-life depression over 5 years with structural MRI.
Zhang, Lintao; Wang, Lihong; Yu, Minhui; Wu, Rong; Steffens, David C; Potter, Guy G; Liu, Mingxia Medical image analysis 2024 Mar;94103135
Brain Anatomy-Guided MRI Analysis for Assessing Clinical Progression of Cognitive Impairment with Structural MRI.
Zhang, Lintao; Wu, Jinjian; Wang, Lihong; Wang, Li; Steffens, David C; Qiu, Shijun; Potter, Guy G; Liu, Mingxia Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 2023 Oct;14227109-119
Brain Anatomy Prior Modeling to Forecast Clinical Progression of Cognitive Impairment with Structural MRI. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4552318 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4552318
Zhang, Lintao and Wu, Jinjian and Wang, Lihong and Wang, Li and Steffens, David C. and Qiu, Shijun and Potter, Guy Glenn and Liu, Mingxia Pattern Recognition 2023 Aug;
Association between decreased interhemispheric functional connectivity of the insula and duration of illness in recurrent depression.
Guo, Zhi-Peng; Chen, Lei; Tang, Li-Rong; Gao, Yue; Chand, Tara; Sen, Zümrüt Duygu; Li, Meng; Walter, Martin; Wang, Lihong; Liu, Chun-Hong Journal of affective disorders 2023 May;32988-95
Brain morphometric features predict depression symptom phenotypes in late-life depression using a deep learning model.
Cao, Bing; Yang, Erkun; Wang, Lihong; Mo, Zhanhao; Steffens, David C; Zhang, Han; Liu, Mingxia; Potter, Guy G Frontiers in neuroscience 2023 Jan;171209906
Understanding Clinical Progression of Late-Life Depression to Alzheimer's Disease Over 5 Years with Structural MRI.
Zhang, Lintao; Yu, Minhui; Wang, Lihong; Steffens, David C; Wu, Rong; Potter, Guy G; Liu, Mingxia Machine learning in medical imaging. MLMI (Workshop) 2022 Sep;13583259-268
Increased prefrontal cortex connectivity associated with depression vulnerability and relapse.
Zhang, Zhu-Qing; Yang, Ming-Hao; Guo, Zhi-Peng; Liao, Dan; Sörös, Peter; Li, Meng; Walter, Martin; Wang, Lihong; Liu, Chun-Hong Journal of affective disorders 2022 May;304133-141
Effect and neural mechanisms of the transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation for relapse prevention in patients with remitted major depressive disorder: protocol for a longitudinal study.
Zhang, Zhu-Qing; Guo, Zhi-Peng; Lv, Xue-Yu; Sörös, Peter; Wang, Xiao-Xu; Wang, Lihong; Liu, Chun-Hong BMJ open 2022 Feb;12(2):e050446
Structural brain changes and neuroticism in late-life depression: a neural basis for depression subtypes.
Joseph, Chinaka; Wang, Lihong; Wu, Rong; Manning, Kevin J; Steffens, David C International psychogeriatrics 2021 Mar;1-6
Effects of physical exercise on the aging brain across imaging modalities: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies in randomized controlled trials.
Ji, Lanxin; Steffens, David C; Wang, Lihong International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2021 Feb;
Cognitive variability, brain aging, and cognitive decline in late-life major depression.
Manning, Kevin J; Preciado-Pina, Joshua; Wang, Lihong; Fitzgibbon, Kimberly; Chan, Grace; Steffens, David C International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2020 Nov;
Gray Matter Nucleus Hyperintensity After Monthly Triple-Dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine With Long-term Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
DeBevits, John J; Munbodh, Reshma; Bageac, Devin; Wu, Rong; DiCamillo, Paul A; Hu, Chaoran; Wang, Lihong; Naismith, Robert T; Karimeddini, David; Dhib-Jalbut, Suhayl; Redko, Sviatoslav; Cook, Stuart D; Cadavid, Diego; Wolansky, Leo Investigative radiology 2020 Oct;55(10):629-635
Gray Matter Nucleus Hyperintensity After Monthly Triple-dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine with Long-term Follow-up MR Imaging
DeBevits J, Munbodh R, Bageac D, Wu R, DiCamillo P, Hu C, Wang L, Naismith R, Karimeddini D, Dhib-Jalbut S, Redko S, Cook S, Cadavid D, Wolansky L Investigative Radiology 2020 Mar;
Neural networks and the anti-inflammatory effect of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation in depression.
Liu, Chun-Hong; Yang, Ming-Hao; Zhang, Guang-Zhong; Wang, Xiao-Xu; Li, Bin; Li, Meng; Woelfer, Marie; Walter, Martin; Wang, Lihong Journal of neuroinflammation 2020 Feb;17(1):54
Dynamic changes in thalamic connectivity following stress and its association with future depression severity.
Zhang, Xue; Li, Xuesong; Steffens, David C; Guo, Hua; Wang, Lihong Brain and behavior 2019 Oct;e01445
Role of inflammation in depression relapse.
Liu, Chun-Hong; Zhang, Guang-Zhong; Li, Bin; Li, Meng; Woelfer, Marie; Walter, Martin; Wang, Lihong Journal of neuroinflammation 2019 Apr;16(1):90
Exploring common changes after acute mental stress and acute tryptophan depletion: Resting-state fMRI studies.
Zhang, Xue; Huettel, Scott A; Mullette-Gillman, O'Dhaniel A; Guo, Hua; Wang, Lihong Journal of psychiatric research 2019 Apr;113172-180
Resting-state mapping of neural signatures of vulnerability to depression relapse.
Liu, Chun-Hong; Tang, Li-Rong; Gao, Yue; Zhang, Guang-Zhong; Li, Bin; Li, Meng; Woelfer, Marie; Martin, Walter; Wang, Lihong Journal of affective disorders 2019 Mar;250371-379
Increased ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity and connectivity predict poor sertraline treatment outcome in late-life depression.
Emam, Hadeer; Steffens, David C; Pearlson, Godfrey; Wang, Lihong International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2019 Feb;
Functional connectivity predictors of acute depression treatment outcome.
Steffens, David C; Wang, Lihong; Pearlson, Godfrey D International psychogeriatrics 2019 Jan;1-5
Recent advances in the use of imaging in psychiatry: functional magnetic resonance imaging of large-scale brain networks in late-life depression.
Manning, Kevin; Wang, Lihong; Steffens, David F1000Research 2019 Jan;8
Physical exercise increases involvement of motor networks as a compensatory mechanism during a cognitively challenging task.
Ji, Lanxin; Pearlson, Godfrey D; Zhang, Xue; Steffens, David C; Ji, Xiaoqing; Guo, Hua; Wang, Lihong International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2018 May;331153-1159
A New Measure for Neural Compensation Is Positively Correlated With Working Memory and Gait Speed.
Ji, Lanxin; Pearlson, Godfrey D; Hawkins, Keith A; Steffens, David C; Guo, Hua; Wang, Lihong Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2018 Jan;1071
Increased Salience Network Activity in Patients With Insomnia Complaints in Major Depressive Disorder.
Liu, Chun-Hong; Guo, Jing; Lu, Shun-Li; Tang, Li-Rong; Fan, Jin; Wang, Chuan-Yue; Wang, Lihong; Liu, Qing-Quan; Liu, Cun-Zhi Frontiers in psychiatry 2018 Jan;993
Negative Affectivity, Aging, and Depression: Results From the Neurobiology of Late-Life Depression (NBOLD) Study.
Steffens, David C; Wang, Lihong; Manning, Kevin J; Pearlson, Godfrey D The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 2017 Oct;25(10):1135-1149
Task Difficulty Modulates Brain Activation in the Emotional Oddball Task.
Siciliano, Rachel E; Madden, David J; Tallman, Catherine W; Boylan, Maria A; Kirste, Imke; Monge, Zachary A; Packard, Lauren E; Potter, Guy G; Wang, Lihong Brain research 2017 Apr;166474-86
Dual-TRACER: High resolution fMRI with constrained evolution reconstruction.
Li, Xuesong; Ma, Xiaodong; Li, Lyu; Zhang, Zhe; Zhang, Xue; Tong, Yan; Wang, Lihong; Guo, Hua NeuroImage 2017 Mar;164172-182
Maintenance and Representation of Mind Wandering during Resting-State fMRI.
Chou, Ying-Hui; Sundman, Mark; Whitson, Heather E; Gaur, Pooja; Chu, Mei-Lan; Weingarten, Carol P; Madden, David J; Wang, Lihong; Kirste, Imke; Joliot, Marc; Diaz, Michele T; Li, Yi-Ju; Song, Allen W; Chen, Nan-Kuei Scientific reports 2017 Jan;740722
Multiple Neuroimaging Measures for Examining Exercise-induced Neuroplasticity in Older Adults: A Quasi-experimental Study.
Ji, Lanxin; Zhang, Han; Potter, Guy G; Zang, Yu-Feng; Steffens, David C; Guo, Hua; Wang, Lihong Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2017 Jan;9102
Decreased between-hemisphere connectivity strength and network efficiency in geriatric depression.
Li, Xuesong; Steffens, David C; Potter, Guy G; Guo, Hua; Song, Sen; Wang, Lihong Human brain mapping 2016 Aug;3853-67
Abnormal degree centrality of functional hubs associated with negative coping in older Chinese adults who lost their only child.
Liu, Wei; Liu, HuiJuan; Wei, Dongtao; Sun, Jiangzhou; Yang, Junyi; Meng, Jie; Wang, Lihong; Qiu, Jiang Biological psychology 2015 Sep;11246-55
Predictive models of resting state networks for assessment of altered functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment.
Jiang, Xi; Zhu, Dajiang; Li, Kaiming; Zhang, Tuo; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang; Guo, Lei; Liu, Tianming Brain imaging and behavior 2014 Dec;8(4):542-57
Connectome-scale assessments of structural and functional connectivity in MCI.
Zhu, Dajiang; Li, Kaiming; Terry, Douglas P; Puente, A Nicholas; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang; Miller, L Stephen; Liu, Tianming Human brain mapping 2014 Jul;35(7):2911-23
Neural correlates of cognitive and affective processing in maltreated youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms: does gender matter?
Crozier, Joseph C; Wang, Lihong; Huettel, Scott A; De Bellis, Michael D Development and psychopathology 2014 May;26(2):491-513
Neural mechanisms of risky decision-making and reward response in adolescent onset cannabis use disorder.
De Bellis, Michael D; Wang, Lihong; Bergman, Sara R; Yaxley, Richard H; Hooper, Stephen R; Huettel, Scott A Drug and alcohol dependence 2013 Nov;133(1):134-45
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex encodes emotional value.
Winecoff, Amy; Clithero, John A; Carter, R McKell; Bergman, Sara R; Wang, Lihong; Huettel, Scott A The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2013 Jul;33(27):11032-9
Fine-granularity functional interaction signatures for characterization of brain conditions.
Hu, Xintao; Zhu, Dajiang; Lv, Peili; Li, Kaiming; Han, Junwei; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang; Guo, Lei; Liu, Tianming Neuroinformatics 2013 Jul;11(3):301-17
DICCCOL: dense individualized and common connectivity-based cortical landmarks.
Zhu, Dajiang; Li, Kaiming; Guo, Lei; Jiang, Xi; Zhang, Tuo; Zhang, Degang; Chen, Hanbo; Deng, Fan; Faraco, Carlos; Jin, Changfeng; Wee, Chong-Yaw; Yuan, Yixuan; Lv, Peili; Yin, Yan; Hu, Xiaolei; Duan, Lian; Hu, Xintao; Han, Junwei; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang; Miller, L Stephen; Li, Lingjiang; Liu, Tianming Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 2013 Apr;23(4):786-800
Frontoparietal attentional network activation differs between smokers and nonsmokers during affective cognition.
Froeliger, Brett; Modlin, Leslie A; Kozink, Rachel V; Wang, Lihong; Garland, Eric L; Addicott, Merideth A; McClernon, F Joseph Psychiatry research 2013 Jan;211(1):57-63
Loss of sustained activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in response to repeated stress in individuals with early-life emotional abuse: implications for depression vulnerability.
Wang, Lihong; Paul, Natalie; Stanton, Steve J; Greeson, Jeffrey M; Smoski, Moria J Frontiers in psychology 2013 Jan;4320
Psychological and neural mechanisms of trait mindfulness in reducing depression vulnerability.
Paul, Natalie A; Stanton, Steven J; Greeson, Jeffrey M; Smoski, Moria J; Wang, Lihong Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2013 Jan;8(1):56-64
Neural correlates associated with cognitive decline in late-life depression.
Wang, Lihong; Potter, Guy G; Krishnan, R K Ranga; Dolcos, Florin; Smith, Gwenn S; Steffens, David C The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 2012 Aug;20(8):653-63
Smoking abstinence and depressive symptoms modulate the executive control system during emotional information processing.
Froeliger, Brett; Modlin, Leslie A; Kozink, Rachel V; Wang, Lihong; McClernon, F Joseph Addiction biology 2012 May;17(3):668-79
Impact of BDNF Val66Met and 5-HTTLPR polymorphism variants on neural substrates related to sadness and executive function.
Wang, L; Ashley-Koch, A; Steffens, D C; Krishnan, K R R; Taylor, W D Genes, brain, and behavior 2012 Apr;11(3):352-9
Nicotine withdrawal modulates frontal brain function during an affective Stroop task.
Froeliger, Brett; Modlin, Leslie; Wang, Lihong; Kozink, Rachel V; McClernon, F Joseph Psychopharmacology 2012 Apr;220(4):707-18
Identification of MCI individuals using structural and functional connectivity networks.
Wee, Chong-Yaw; Yap, Pew-Thian; Zhang, Daoqiang; Denny, Kevin; Browndyke, Jeffrey N; Potter, Guy G; Welsh-Bohmer, Kathleen A; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang NeuroImage 2012 Feb;59(3):2045-56
Brain imaging investigation of the impairing effect of emotion on cognition.
Wong, Gloria; Dolcos, Sanda; Denkova, Ekaterina; Morey, Rajendra; Wang, Lihong; McCarthy, Gregory; Dolcos, Florin Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2012 Jan;(60):
Electrophysiological correlates of fearful and sad distraction on target processing in adolescents with attention deficit-hyperactivity symptoms and affective disorders.
Singhal, Anthony; Shafer, Andrea T; Russell, Matthew; Gibson, Bridget; Wang, Lihong; Vohra, Sunita; Dolcos, Florin Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 2012 Jan;6119
Resting-state multi-spectrum functional connectivity networks for identification of MCI patients.
Wee, Chong-Yaw; Yap, Pew-Thian; Denny, Kevin; Browndyke, Jeffrey N; Potter, Guy G; Welsh-Bohmer, Kathleen A; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang PloS one 2012 Jan;7(5):e37828
Functional imaging of emotion reactivity in opiate-dependent borderline personality disorder.
Smoski, Moria J; Salsman, Nicholas; Wang, Lihong; Smith, Veronica; Lynch, Thomas R; Dager, Stephen R; LaBar, Kevin S; Linehan, Marsha M Personality disorders 2011 Jul;2(3):230-41
Enriched white matter connectivity networks for accurate identification of MCI patients.
Wee, Chong-Yaw; Yap, Pew-Thian; Li, Wenbin; Denny, Kevin; Browndyke, Jeffrey N; Potter, Guy G; Welsh-Bohmer, Kathleen A; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang NeuroImage 2011 Feb;54(3):1812-22
Altered cerebellar-cerebral functional connectivity in geriatric depression.
Alalade, Emmanuel; Denny, Kevin; Potter, Guy; Steffens, David; Wang, Lihong PloS one 2011 Jan;6(5):e20035
Identification of individuals with MCI via multimodality connectivity networks.
Wee, Chong-Yaw; Yap, Pew-Thian; Zhang, Daoqiang; Denny, Kevin; Wang, Lihong; Shen, Dinggang Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 2011 Jan;14(Pt 2):277-84
Structural integrity of the uncinate fasciculus and resting state functional connectivity of the ventral prefrontal cortex in late life depression.
Steffens, David C; Taylor, Warren D; Denny, Kevin L; Bergman, Sara R; Wang, Lihong PloS one 2011 Jan;6(7):e22697
Scan-rescan reliability of subcortical brain volumes derived from automated segmentation.
Morey, Rajendra A; Selgrade, Elizabeth S; Wagner, Henry Ryan; Huettel, Scott A; Wang, Lihong; McCarthy, Gregory Human brain mapping 2010 Nov;31(11):1751-62
Toward discovery science of human brain function.
Biswal, Bharat B; Mennes, Maarten; Zuo, Xi-Nian; Gohel, Suril; Kelly, Clare; Smith, Steve M; Beckmann, Christian F; Adelstein, Jonathan S; Buckner, Randy L; Colcombe, Stan; Dogonowski, Anne-Marie; Ernst, Monique; Fair, Damien; Hampson, Michelle; Hoptman, Matthew J; Hyde, James S; Kiviniemi, Vesa J; Kötter, Rolf; Li, Shi-Jiang; Lin, Ching-Po; Lowe, Mark J; Mackay, Clare; Madden, David J; Madsen, Kristoffer H; Margulies, Daniel S; Mayberg, Helen S; McMahon, Katie; Monk, Christopher S; Mostofsky, Stewart H; Nagel, Bonnie J; Pekar, James J; Peltier, Scott J; Petersen, Steven E; Riedl, Valentin; Rombouts, Serge A R B; Rypma, Bart; Schlaggar, Bradley L; Schmidt, Sein; Seidler, Rachael D; Siegle, Greg J; Sorg, Christian; Teng, Gao-Jun; Veijola, Juha; Villringer, Arno; Walter, Martin; Wang, Lihong; Weng, Xu-Chu; Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan; Williamson, Peter; Windischberger, Christian; Zang, Yu-Feng; Zhang, Hong-Ying; Castellanos, F Xavier; Milham, Michael P Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2010 Mar;107(10):4734-9
The impact of anxiety-inducing distraction on cognitive performance: a combined brain imaging and personality investigation.
Denkova, Ekaterina; Wong, Gloria; Dolcos, Sanda; Sung, Keen; Wang, Lihong; Coupland, Nicholas; Dolcos, Florin PloS one 2010 Jan;5(11):e14150
The effect of acute tryptophan depletion on emotional distraction and subsequent memory.
Wang, Lihong; Mullette-Gillman, O'Dhaniel A; Gadde, Kishore M; Kuhn, Cynthia M; McCarthy, Gregory; Huettel, Scott A Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2009 Dec;4(4):357-68
Prefrontal mechanisms for executive control over emotional distraction are altered in major depression.
Wang, Lihong; LaBar, Kevin S; Smoski, Moria; Rosenthal, M Zachary; Dolcos, Florin; Lynch, Thomas R; Krishnan, Ranga R; McCarthy, Gregory Psychiatry research 2008 Jul;163(2):143-55
Depressive state- and disease-related alterations in neural responses to affective and executive challenges in geriatric depression.
Wang, Lihong; Krishnan, K Ranga; Steffens, David C; Potter, Guy G; Dolcos, Florin; McCarthy, Gregory The American journal of psychiatry 2008 Jul;165(7):863-71
Opposing influences of emotional and non-emotional distracters upon sustained prefrontal cortex activity during a delayed-response working memory task.
Dolcos, Florin; Diaz-Granados, Paul; Wang, Lihong; McCarthy, Gregory Neuropsychologia 2008 Jan;46(1):326-35
Neural substrates for processing task-irrelevant sad images in adolescents.
Wang, Lihong; Huettel, Scott; De Bellis, Michael D Developmental science 2008 Jan;11(1):23-32
Cortical deactivation in mild cognitive impairment: high-field-strength functional MR imaging.
Petrella, Jeffrey R; Wang, Lihong; Krishnan, Sriyesh; Slavin, Melissa J; Prince, Steven E; Tran, Thanh-Thu T; Doraiswamy, P Murali Radiology 2007 Oct;245(1):224-35
Effect of bupropion extended release on negative emotion processing in major depressive disorder: a pilot functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Robertson, Brigitte; Wang, Lihong; Diaz, Michele T; Aiello, Marilyn; Gersing, Kenneth; Beyer, John; Mukundan, Srinivasan; McCarthy, Gregory; Doraiswamy, P Murali The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2007 Feb;68(2):261-7
Prognostic value of posteromedial cortex deactivation in mild cognitive impairment.
Petrella, Jeffrey R; Prince, Steven E; Wang, Lihong; Hellegers, Caroline; Doraiswamy, P Murali PloS one 2007 Jan;2(10):e1104
Mood alters amygdala activation to sad distractors during an attentional task.
Wang, Lihong; LaBar, Kevin S; McCarthy, Gregory Biological psychiatry 2006 Nov;60(10):1139-46
Role of the inferior frontal cortex in coping with distracting emotions.
Dolcos, Florin; Kragel, Philip; Wang, Lihong; McCarthy, Gregory Neuroreport 2006 Oct;17(15):1591-4
Visual event-related potentials under different interstimulus intervals in Parkinson's disease: relation to motor disability, WAIS-R, and regional cerebral blood flow.
Li, Mei; Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki; Wang, Lihong; Kamitani, Toshiaki; Omoto, Shu; Hayashi, Eiko; Takahashi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Yume; Koyano, Shigeru; Ikegami, Tadashi; Matsubara, Sho Parkinsonism & related disorders 2005 Jun;11(4):209-19
Amygdala activation to sad pictures during high-field (4 tesla) functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Wang, Lihong; McCarthy, Gregory; Song, Allen W; Labar, Kevin S Emotion (Washington, D.C.) 2005 Mar;5(1):12-22
Event-related potentials during visual S1-S2 paradigm in multiple system atrophy: relation to morphologic changes on brain MRI measurement.
Kamitani, Toshiaki; Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki; Wang, Lihong; Li, Mei; Ikegami, Tadashi; Matsubara, Sho Parkinsonism & related disorders 2003 Dec;10(2):93-100
Spatiotemporal separability in the human cortical response to visual motion speed: a magnetoencephalography study.
Wang, Lihong; Kaneoke, Yoshiki; Kakigi, Ryusuke Neuroscience research 2003 Sep;47(1):109-16
Early sensory information processes are enhanced on visual oddball and S1-S2 tasks in Parkinson's disease: a visual event-related potentials study.
Li, Mei; Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki; Wang, Lihong; Kamitani, Toshiaki; Takahashi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Yume; Omoto, Shu Parkinsonism & related disorders 2003 Aug;9(6):329-40
Visual event-related potential changes in two subtypes of multiple system atrophy, MSA-C and MSA-P.
Kamitani, Toshiaki; Kuroiwa, Yoshiyuki; Wang, Lihong; Li, Mei; Suzuki, Yume; Takahashi, Tatsuya; Ikegami, Tadashi; Matsubara, Sho Journal of neurology 2002 Aug;249(8):975-82
A first comparison of the human multifocal visual evoked magnetic field and visual evoked potential.
Wang, L; Barber, C; Kakigi, R; Kaneoke, Y; Okusa, T; Wen, Y Neuroscience letters 2001 Nov;315(1-2):13-6
Neural activities during Wisconsin Card Sorting Test--MEG observation.
Wang, L; Kakigi, R; Hoshiyama, M Brain research. Cognitive brain research 2001 Aug;12(1):19-31
Do P1 and N1 evoked by the ERP task reflect primary visual processing in Parkinson's disease?
Wang, L; Kuroiwa, Y; Li, M; Wang, J; Kamitani, T Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology 2001 Mar;102(2):83-93
Visual event-related potentials in progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, striatonigral degeneration, and Parkinson's disease.
Wang, L; Kuroiwa, Y; Kamitani, T; Li, M; Takahashi, T; Suzuki, Y; Shimamura, M; Hasegawa, O Journal of neurology 2000 May;247(5):356-63
The correlation between P300 alterations and regional cerebral blood flow in non-demented Parkinson's disease.
Wang, L; Kuroiwa, Y; Li, M; Kamitani, T; Wang, J; Takahashi, T; Suzuki, Y; Ikegami, T; Matsubara, S Neuroscience letters 2000 Mar;282(3):133-6
Effect of interstimulus interval on visual P300 in Parkinson's disease.
Wang, L; Kuroiwa, Y; Kamitani, T; Takahashi, T; Suzuki, Y; Hasegawa, O Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 1999 Oct;67(4):497-503
Visual event-related potential changes at two different tasks in nondemented Parkinson's disease.
Wang, L; Kuroiwa, Y; Kamitani, T Journal of the neurological sciences 1999 Apr;164(2):139-47
Gray Matter Nucleus Hyperintensity after Monthly Triple-Dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine with Long-term Magnetic Resonance Imaging
John J. Debevits, Reshma Munbodh, Devin Bageac, Rong Wu, Paul A. Dicamillo, Chaoran Hu, Lihong Wang, Robert T. Naismith, David Karimeddini, Suhayl Dhib-Jalbut, Sviatoslav Redko, Stuart D. Cook, Diego Cadavid, Leo Wolansky Investigative Radiology 55(10):7