Photo of Lihong  Wang, MD, PhD

Lihong Wang, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Academic Office Location:
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1410
Phone: 860-679-7881

Dr. Wang obtained her Ph.D. degree in neurology from Japan and has six years of experience as a neurologist in China. She has performed neuroimaging-related research in depression at Duke University for over 12 years, primarily focused on geriatric depression and cognitive neuroscience with a research emphasis on neuroimaging correlates of cognitive outcomes in late-life depression. Her recent research centers on neural signatures of depresion vulnerability and neural plasticity in patients with late-life depression and mild cognitive decline.

MDBethune Medical UniversityMedical Science
PhDYokohama City University School of MedicineNeurology

Post-Graduate Training
ResidencyHebei Provincial HospitalNeurology
PostdoctoralNational Institute of Physiological SciencesIntegrative Physiology
PostdoctoralDuke UniversityNeurology

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Popularity Award - Special TopicFrontiers
Young Investigator AwardNational Alliance for Research in Schizophrenia and Depression
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
Frontiers in PsychiatryProfessional/Scientific OrganizationGuest Associate EditorExternalNational2012
Frontiers in Integrative NeuroscienceProfessional/Scientific OrganizationGuest Associate EditorExternalNational2012
American Association for Geriatric PsychiatryProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMembershipExternalNational2009
Society for Biological PsychiatryProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMembershipExternalNational2009
International College of Geriatric PsychoneuropharmacologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMembershipExternalNational2009
Society for NeuroscienceProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMembershipExternalNational2005
Cognitive Neuroscience SocietyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMembershipExternalNational2002
International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of VisionProfessional/Scientific OrganizationJunior MemberExternalNational20002002

Accepting Lab Rotation Students: Summer 2022

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • On opposing effects of emotion on cognition: Current research and emerging directions.
    Dolcos F, Wang L, Mather M Frontiers in Integrative Neurosci 2014 Jan;
  • Towards personalized therapy for depression.
    Wang L Frontiers in Neuroscience 2009 Jan;2
  • BOLD fMRI in neurodegenerative disorders.
    Wang L, Petrella JR Holodny eds, Functional Neuroradiology 2008 Jan;
  • Cortical dynamics of a self driven choice: a MEG study during a card sorting task.
    Hénaff, Marie-Anne; Bayle, Dimitri; Krolak-Salmon, Pierre; Fonlupt, Pierre Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 2002 Jan;121(4):508-15
  • P3 latency change in aging and Parkinson disease.
    Tachibana, H; Aragane, K; Kawabata, K; Sugita, M Archives of neurology 1998 Jan;54(3):296-302
  • Visual event-related potentials in patients with spinocerebellr degeneration.
    Kamitani T, Kuroiwa Y, Wang L Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology 1998 Jan;515-526
  • Cortical visual impairment in children: identification, evaluation and diagnosis.
    Lehman, Sharon S Current opinion in ophthalmology 1997 Jan;23(5):384-7
  • Visual event-related potentials in motor disorders.
    11. Kuroiwa Y, Wang L, Sakaki T, Nagatomo H, Iwabuchi K The Basal Ganglia V(Ed. Ohye et. al.) 1996 Jan;335-341


  • Gadolinium-induced Hypophosphatemia Does Not Correlate with Gadolinium Deposition in the Brain in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Undergoing Monthly Triple-Dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine CE-MRI.
    DeBevits J, Bageac D; DiCamillo P, Munbodh R, Wang L, Karimeddini D, Dhib-Jalbut S, Hu C, Wang L, Wu R, Wolansky L. RSNA Annual Meeting, December 1-6, 2019. Chicago 2019 Dec;
  • Gadolinium Deposition within the Brain 10 years After Undergoing Up to 26 Monthly Triple-Dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine in Multiple Sclerosis Patients.
    DeBevits J, Bageac D, Wu R, DiCamillo P, Munbodh R, Hu C, Wang Y, Wang L, Karimeddini D, Dhib-Jalbut S, Wolansky L. ASNR Annual Meeting, May 18-23, 2019. Boston. 2019 May;
  • Hematologic abnormalities in patients exposed to monthly triple-dose gadolinium for a year.
    Bageac D, Hu C, Wu R, DeBevits J, DiCamillo P, Wang L, Munbodh R, Karimeddini D, Naismith R, Dhib-Jalbut S, Redko S, Cook S, Wang Y, Malchoff C, Wolansky L. American College of Radiology Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. 2019 May;
  • MRI: Pharmacokinetics” of Gd Deposition: Quantitative Analysis of Serial Monthly Administration of Triple-Dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine in 26 Multiple Sclerosis Patients Involving 13 Consecutive Monthly Triple–Doses.
    Munbodh R, DeBevits J, Wang L, Bageac D, Karimeddini D, Cook S, Naismith R, DiCamillo P, Dhib-Jalbut S, Wolansky L. Radiologic Society of North America (RSNA) 2018 Nov;
  • The impact of different mental state on resting state fMRI fluctuation.
    Zhang X, Zhang Q, Chen X, Li X, Wang L ISMRM 22nd 2014 May;
  • Use of resting state functional MRI networks in predicting progressive cognitive decline in MDD.
    Wang L International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP) 2013 Nov;
  • Cerebral-cerebellar connectivity in prediction of cognitive decline in late-life depression.
    Wang L, Potter G, Steffens D. Annual Conference of American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry 2013 Mar;
  • A comparison study of multifocal visual evoked potential and visual evoked magnetic field.
    Wang L, Barber C, Kakigi R The 15th International Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Cognitive disorders in Parkinson's disease.
    Wang L, Kuroiwa Y, Kamitani T The Sixth International Evoked Potentials Symposium.
  • Do P100 and N100 evoked by ERP task reflect primary visual processing in Parkinson's disease?
    Wang L, Kuroiwa Y, Kamitani T The 38th International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology for Vision Symposium
  • Event probability, task demands and interstimulus interval as influential factors of visual event-related potentials.
    Wang L, Kuroiwa Y, Sudo K, Sakaki T The Asian Symposium on Clinical Neurology
  • Event-related potential (P300) and hippocampus.
    Kuroiwa Y, Wang L, Kamitani T 14th International Congress of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Evoked potential and visual evoked magnetic field.
    Wang L, Barber C, Kakigi R The 12th World Congress of International Brain Electromagnetic Topography
  • Hypothesis on the P300 generators, based on normal topographical study and visual P300 results in neurological disorders.
    Kuroiwa Y, Wang L, Kamitani T The Third Pan-pacific Congress of Brain Topography
  • Neural activities during Wiscon Card Sorting Test - MEG study.
    Wang L, Kakigi R, Hoshiyama M, Koyama S, Watanabe S, Gunji A 12th International Conference on Biomagnestism
  • The clinical application of visual event-related potentials.
    Kuroiwa Y, Wang L, Sudo K, Sakaki T The Asian Symposium on Clinical Neurology
  • The clinical application of visual evoked potential.
    Kuroiwa Y, Wang L 9th Asian Ocean Congress of Neurology
  • Visual event-related potentials evoked by two different paradigms.
    16. Kuroiwa Y, Wang L, Sudo K, Nagatomo H 10th International Congress of Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology


Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Physical activity moderates the detrimental effect of stress on brain and cognitive functionPanel DiscussionAnnual Meeting of American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry2019Atlanta
Rumination, Stress, and Depression VulnerabilityLecture1st IDG/McGovern Institute Symposium2013Boston, MA
Neural Mechanisms for Depression Vulnerability and ResilienceLecture2nd Resting State Functional Connectivity Research Symposium2013Hangzhou, China
Neural Mechanisms of Wii Fit Plus: Reducing Depressive Symptoms and Improving Cognition in Older AdultsLecture2012 Annual Meeting of American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry2012Washington DC
Identification of Individuals with MCI via Multimodality Connectivity NetworksPosterMICCAI 20112011Toronto, Canada
Impact of 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met Polymorphisms Variants on Neural Substrates Related to Negative Information ProcessingLecture2011 Annual Meeting of American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry2011San Antonio, TX
Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Impairment in Late-life Depression – Prediction and Prevention of Cognitive DeclineLectureSander-Brown Center on Aging, University of Kentucky2011Lexington, KY
Functional MRI Studies in Major Depression - Strength and WeaknessLectureThe Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University2011Changsha, China
Modulation Effect of Rumination Trait and Low Tryptophan on Default-Mode Network ConnectivityLecture2010 Annual Meeting of Society for Biological Psychiatry2010Asheville, NC
Exploring the Brain Connectivity Pattern of Amnestic Mild Cognitive ImpairmentLectureDistinguished Scientific Speaker, Duke University2010Durham, NC
Alteration in Neural Substrates Associated with Target Detection Specific to Geriatric DepressionLectureInternational College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology2009Baltimore, MD
Neural Substrates of Emotional Distraction and Inhibition Under Acute Tryptophan DepletionPosterSociety for Neuroscience 39th Annual Meeting 20092009Chicago, IL
Aging Specific Alteration in Neural Substrates Associated with Emotion and Cognition in Geriatric DepressionLectureSociety of Neuroscience2009Chicago, IL
Decreased Activation in the Anterior Cingulate in the Elderly Remitted from DepressionLecturePaul B. Beeson Annual Meeting2009WI
Depressive State- and Disease-Related Alterations in Neural Responses to Affective and Executive Challenges in Geriatric DepressionLecturePaul B. Beeson Annual Meeting2008NM
The Neural Correlates of Enhanced Subsequent Memory on Negative Distractors after the Acute Tryptophan Depletion in Healthy VolunteersLecture15th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society2008San Francisco, CA
Prefrontal Mechanisms for Executive Control over Emotional Distraction are Altered in Major DepressionLecture2007 Annual Meeting of Society for Biological Psychiatry2007San Diego, CA
Application of fMRI in Major DepressionLecturePsychiatry Grand Rounds talk, John Umstead Hospital2007Butner, NC
Age-related Changes in Processing Emotional Distracters: An fMRI StudyLecture13th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society2006San Francisco, CA
Brain System for Executive and Emotional Processing and Their Alterations in Major DepressionLectureDepartment of Geriatric Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell University2006New York, NY
Executive Function and Emotional Processing in Major DepressionLecture12th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society2005New York, NY
Mood State Influences Amygdala Activation Evoked by Sad PicturesLecture11th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society2004San Francisco, CA
Amygadala Activities to Sad Pictures during High-field (4 Tesla) Functional MRILecture10th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society2003New York, NY
When and Where our Motion Perceptual Decision is Modulated?LectureSociety of Neuroscience’s 32nd Annual Meeting2002San Diego, CA
The Temporal and Spatial Processing during Performance of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.Lecture23rd Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society2000Yokohama, Japan
P300 and Reaction Time to Rare Targets was Effected by Interstimulus Interval in Parkinson's disease.Lecture40th Annual Congress of Societas Neurologica Japonica1999Tokyo, Japan
SPECT and P300 Studies in Parkinson's DiseaseLecture14th Annual Meeting of Brain Function Imaging Conference1998Tokyo, Japan
The Effects of Interstimulus Interval on P300 Changes in Parkinson's DiseaseLecture39th Annual Congress of Societas Neurologica Japonica1998Kyoto, Japan
The Relationship of P300 Changes and Motor Disabilities in Parkinson's DiseaseLecture38th Annual Congress of Societas Neurologica Japonica1997Yokohama, Japan
The Effects of Stimuli on Visual Event-related Potentials: Normal Data and Changes in Parkinson's Disease.Lecture37th Annual Congress of Societas Neurologica Japonica1996Omiya, Japan