Photo of Ming  Yang, DVM, PhD

Ming Yang, DVM, PhD

Assistant Professor of Surgery
Academic Office Location:
Surgery - Administration
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-8073

To uncover the cellular and molecular mechanisms of chronic liver diseases, including non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver fibrosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

To study NASH-associated metabolic disorders such as cardiovascular disease. 

To screen the key factors associated with metabolic liver disease and find potential therapeutic targets.

To improve the clinical diagnosis of liver and pancreatic diseases and develop new therapies for the treatment of these disease such as CAR-NK cells. 

PhDUniversity of MissouriPathobiology and Microbiology
MScBeijing University of AgriculturePharmacology
DVMAgriculture University of HebeiVeterinary Medicine

Post-Graduate Training
PostdoctoralUniversity of MissouriPostdoctoral Fellow at Surgery

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Best Presentation AwardEllis Fischel Cancer Center
Distinguished SpeakerGLOBAL Congress on Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Best Presentation AwardSociety of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA)-Hepatology Division
Keystone Symposia ScholarshipKeystone Symposia
Postdoctoral research grantSociety of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA)-Hepatology Division
Postdoctoral research grant University of Missouri
Third place in Resident/Grad Student Poster AwardPhi Zeta Society
Mizzou Advantage Travel GrantUniversity of Missouri
Second place in Resident/Grad Student Poster AwardPhi Zeta Society
Visiting ScholarshipMississippi State University
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
MDPI-Cancers, Current Oncology, DiseasesProfessional/Scientific JournalTopic editorExternalInternational2024
Exploration of Digestive DiseasesProfessional/Scientific JournalGuest editorExternalInternational2024
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2023
World Journal of GastroenterologyProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial ReviewerExternalInternational2023
Frontiers in MedicineProfessional/Scientific JournalEditorial ReviewerExternalInternational2022
American Association for the Advancement of Science Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2015
American Society of Microbiology Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2015
American Society of Microbiology Professional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational2015

My research focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the transition of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, liver fibrosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as associated metabolic diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. Aim to screen the key factors associated with metabolic liver disease and find potential therapeutic targets and to improve the clinical diagnosis of liver and pancreatic diseases and develop new therapies for the treatment of these disease such as CAR-T/NK cells. 

Journal Articles

Book Chapters




Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
Western diet contributes to MASH by remodeling gut microbiota and metabolite 2-OGPosterSurgery-UConn Health2024The Liver Meeting in San Diego, California
Phenotypic evaluation of NK cells in HCC for CAR-NK cell developmentPosterUniversity of Missouri2024Columbia, Missouri
The role of regulatory T cells in NASH-mediated HCC developmentPosterNIH2023Orlando, Florida
Modulating gut microbiota to improve intrahepatic immunity against hepatocellular cancerPosterNIH2023Orlando, Florida
Western diet promotes intratumor bacteria colonization and advances pancreatic Ductal adenocarcinomaPosterUniversity of Missouri2023Columbia, Missouri
The important role of regulatory T cells in NASH-mediated HCC developmentPoster2023
Astaxanthin prevents diet-induced NASH progression by shaping intrahepatic immunityTalk2022
Impact of gut microbiota on hepatic metabolism and NASH developmentTalk2022
Overexpression of TGFBI promotes the activation of HSCs and NASH progressionTalk2021
Gut microbiota impacts liver fibrosis by regulating hepatic immunity and inflammationTalk2020
Selective modulation of gut microbiota suppresses liver fibrosis by regulating intrahepatic immunityPoster2019
LSECs mediate the effect of antibiotic treatment on liver fibrosis through intrahepatic immune responsesPoster2019
2-OG mediated activation of hepatic stellate cell and hepatic fibrogenesisPoster2019
Novel synthetic avian ß-defensin-12 analogues with enhanced biological functionsTalkPhi Zeta Society2017
Serovar Distribution and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Salmonella enterica Isolates from Equine Samples Between 2010 and 2017Poster2017
Serovar Distribution and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Salmonella enterica Isolates from Avian Samples between 2010 and 2016Poster2017
Novel synthetic analogues of avian ß-defensin-12 with enhanced antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activitiesPosterMissouri Branches of the American Society for Microbiology2016
Modification of natural avian ß-defensin-12 for designing new antimicrobial agentsPosterUniversity of Missouri2016
Characterization of functional activities of avian-ß-Defensin 6 and 12PosterPhi Zeta Society2015
Characterization of antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities of avian-ß-defensin 6 and 12PosterMissouri Branches of the American Society for Microbiology2015