CFTR dictates monocyte adhesion by facilitating integrin clustering but not activation.
Younis, Doulathunnisa Ahamed; Marosvari, Mason; Liu, Wei; Pulikkot, Sunitha; Cao, Ziming; Zhou, Beiyan; Vella, Anthony T; McArdle, Sara; Hu, Liang; Chen, Yunfeng; Gan, Wenqi; Yu, Ji; Bruscia, Emanuela M; Fan, Zhichao Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2025 Jan;122(3):e2412717122
Point-Supervised Single-Cell Segmentation via Collaborative Knowledge Sharing.
Yu, Ji IEEE transactions on medical imaging 2023 Dec;42(12):3884-3894
Efficient end-to-end learning for cell segmentation with machine generated weak annotations.
Shrestha, Prem; Kuang, Nicholas; Yu, Ji Communications biology 2023 Mar;6(1):232
Training a deep learning model for single-cell segmentation without manual annotation.
Din, Nizam Ud; Yu, Ji Scientific reports 2021 Dec;11(1):23995
Single-molecule localization microscopy as nonlinear inverse problem.
Yu, Ji; Elmokadem, Ahmed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019 Sep;
Abl2 is recruited to ventral actin waves through cytoskeletal interactions to promote lamellipodium extension.
Zhang, Ke; Lyu, Wanqing; Yu, Ji; Koleske, Anthony J Molecular biology of the cell 2018 Sep;292863-2873
Activation of EphB2 Forward Signaling Enhances Memory Consolidation.
Alapin, Jessica M; Dines, Monica; Vassiliev, Maria; Tamir, Tal; Ram, Alon; Locke, Clifford; Yu, Ji; Lamprecht, Raphael Cell reports 2018 May;23(7):2014-2025
Optogenetic activation of EphB2 receptor in dendrites induced actin polymerization by activating Arg kinase.
Locke, Clifford; Machida, Kazuya; Wu, Yi; Yu, Ji Biology open 2017 Nov;61820-1830
A minimal actomyosin-based model predicts the dynamics of filopodia on neuronal dendrites.
Marchenko, Olena O; Das, Sulagna; Yu, Ji; Novak, Igor L; Rodionov, Vladimir I; Efimova, Nadia; Svitkina, Tatyana; Wolgemuth, Charles W; Loew, Leslie M Molecular biology of the cell 2017 Feb;281021-1033
Single-Molecule Studies in Live Cells.
Yu, Ji Annual review of physical chemistry 2016 Apr;67565-85
Engineered tug-of-war between kinesin and dynein controls direction of microtubule transport in vivo.
Rezaul, Karim; Gupta, Dipika; Semenova, Irina; Ikeda, Kazuho; Kraikivski, Pavel; Yu, Ji; Cowan, Ann; Zaliapin, Ilya; Rodionov, Vladimir Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark) 2016 Feb;17475-86
Time-resolved multimodal analysis of Src Homology 2 (SH2) domain binding in signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases.
Jadwin, Joshua A; Oh, Dongmyung; Curran, Timothy G; Ogiue-Ikeda, Mari; Jia, Lin; White, Forest M; Machida, Kazuya; Yu, Ji; Mayer, Bruce J eLife 2016 Jan;5e11835
Optimal Drift Correction for Superresolution Localization Microscopy with Bayesian Inference.
Elmokadem, Ahmed; Yu, Ji Biophysical journal 2015 Nov;109(9):1772-80
Single-molecule tracking of small GTPase Rac1 uncovers spatial regulation of membrane translocation and mechanism for polarized signaling.
Das, Sulagna; Yin, Taofei; Yang, Qingfen; Zhang, Jingqiao; Wu, Yi I; Yu, Ji Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015 Jan;112(3):E267-76
Analysis of the dynamics of a Bacillus subtilis spore germination protein complex during spore germination and outgrowth.
Troiano, Anthony J; Zhang, Jingqiao; Cowan, Ann E; Yu, Ji; Setlow, Peter Journal of bacteriology 2015 Jan;197(2):252-61
Expression level of Bacillus subtilis germinant receptors determines the average rate but not the heterogeneity of spore germination.
Zhang, Jing-qiao; Griffiths, Keren K; Cowan, Ann; Setlow, Peter; Yu, Ji Journal of bacteriology 2013 Apr;195(8):1735-40
To unscramble an egg.
Yu, Ji Nature methods 2013 Mar;10(3):208-9
Fast rebinding increases dwell time of Src homology 2 (SH2)-containing proteins near the plasma membrane.
Oh, Dongmyung; Ogiue-Ikeda, Mari; Jadwin, Joshua A; Machida, Kazuya; Mayer, Bruce J; Yu, Ji Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012 Aug;109(35):14024-9
Polarization of actin cytoskeleton is reduced in dendritic protrusions during early spine development in hippocampal neuron.
Tatavarty, Vedakumar; Das, Sulagna; Yu, Ji Molecular biology of the cell 2012 Aug;23(16):3167-77
Single-molecule imaging of translational output from individual RNA granules in neurons.
Tatavarty, Vedakumar; Ifrim, Marius F; Levin, Mikhail; Korza, George; Barbarese, Elisa; Yu, Ji; Carson, John H Molecular biology of the cell 2012 Mar;23(5):918-29
Germination proteins in the inner membrane of dormant Bacillus subtilis spores colocalize in a discrete cluster.
Griffiths, Keren K; Zhang, Jingqiao; Cowan, Ann E; Yu, Ji; Setlow, Peter Molecular microbiology 2011 Aug;81(4):1061-77
Quantitative analysis of spatial-temporal correlations during germination of spores of Bacillus Species.
Zhang, Jinqiao; Garner, Will; Setlow, Peter; Yu, Ji Journal of bacteriology 2011 Aug;193(15):3765-72
Factors affecting variability in time between addition of nutrient germinants and rapid dipicolinic acid release during germination of spores of Bacillus species.
Zhang, Pengfei; Garner, Will; Yi, Xuan; Yu, Ji; Li, Yong-qing; Setlow, Peter Journal of bacteriology 2010 Jul;192(14):3608-19
Investigating intracellular dynamics of FtsZ cytoskeleton with photoactivation single-molecule tracking.
Niu, Lili; Yu, Ji Biophysical journal 2008 Aug;95(4):2009-16
Probing gene expression in live cells, one protein molecule at a time.
Yu, Ji; Xiao, Jie; Ren, Xiaojia; Lao, Kaiqin; Xie, X Sunney Science (New York, N.Y.) 2006 Mar;311(5767):1600-3
Nonequilibrium steady state of a nanometric biochemical system: determining the thermodynamic driving force from single enzyme turnover time traces.
Min, Wei; Jiang, Liang; Yu, Ji; Kou, S C; Qian, Hong; Xie, X Sunney Nano letters 2005 Dec;5(12):2373-8
Single molecule modulation spectroscopy of conjugated polymers.
Gesquiere, Andre J; Lee, Young Jong; Yu, Ji; Barbara, Paul F The journal of physical chemistry. B 2005 Jun;109(25):12366-71
Singlet-triplet and triplet-triplet interactions in conjugated polymer single molecules.
Yu, Ji; Lammi, Robin; Gesquiere, Andre J; Barbara, Paul F The journal of physical chemistry. B 2005 May;109(20):10025-34
Charge injection and photooxidation of single conjugated polymer molecules.
Park, So-Jung; Gesquiere, Andre J; Yu, Ji; Barbara, Paul F Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004 Apr;126(13):4116-7
Efficient Exciton Quenching by Hole Polarons in the Conjugated Polymer MEH-PPV
J. Yu, N.W. Song, J.D. McNeill and P.F. Barbara Israel Journal of Chemistry 2004 Jan;44127-132
Spatial Confinement of Exciton Transfer and the Role of Conformational Order in Organic Nanoparticles
D. Hu, J. Yu, G. Padmanaban, S. Ramakrishanan and P.F. Barbara Nanoletters 2002 Jan;21121-1124
Unmasking electronic energy transfer of conjugated polymers by suppression of O(2) quenching
Yu, J; Hu, D; Barbara, PF Science (New York, N.Y.) 2000 Aug;289(5483):1327-30
Collapse of stiff conjugated polymers with chemical defects into ordered, cylindrical conformations
Hu, D; Yu, J; Wong, K; Bagchi, B; Rossky, PJ; Barbara, PF Nature 2000 Jun;405(6790):1030-3
Single-Molecule Spectroscopy of the Conjugated Polymer MEH-PPV
D. Hu, J. Yu and P. F. Barbara J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000 Jan;1216936-6937
Classifying the photophysical dynamics of single- and multiple-chromophoric molecules by single molecule spectroscopy
W. T. Yip, D. Hu, J. Yu, D. A. Vanden Bout and P. F. Barbara J. Phys. Chem. 1998 Jan;1027564-7575
Efficient end-to-end learning for cell segmentation with machine generated weak annotations
Prem Shrestha, Nicholas Kuang, Ji Yu Nature Communications Biology In press