Photo of Justin D. Radolf, M.D.

Justin D. Radolf, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Genetics and Genome Sciences, and Immunology
Director of Research, Department of Medicine
Senior Scientific Advisor, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Academic Office Location:
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-3715
Phone: 860-679-8480
Fax: 860-679-8130

Genetics & Developmental Biology Graduate Program

Immunology Graduate Program

Spirochete Research Labs

Curriculum Vitae:
B.S.Yale UniversityBiology
M.D.University of California, San FranciscoMedicine

Post-Graduate Training
Summer TrainingJackson LaboratoriesSummer Science Training Program
Summer TrainingBrookhaven National LaboratoriesSummer Science Training Program
ResidencyUniversity of PennsylvaniaInternal Medicine
FellowshipUCLAInfectious Diseases
FellowshipUCLA Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Name of Award/HonorAwarding Organization
Invited speaker, 36th Annual Alumni Class of 1947 STD Lectureship, Indiana University School of MedicineIndiana University School of Medicine
Fellowship in the American Academy of MicrobiologyAmerican Society for Microbiology
Chair, Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of SpirochetesGordon Research
Vice-Chair Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of SpirochetesGordon Research
Merit Award NIH/NIAID
Established Investigatorship Award, 1992-97American Heart Association
Scholar, 1989-92 American Foundation for AIDS Research
Pfizer Scholars Award for New Faculty 1986-88Pfizer
Young Investigator Award American Society for Microbiology
Pfizer Medical Research Merit Award PFIZER CORPORATION
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 1984-86 American Social Health Association
National Merit Scholar
Name & DescriptionCategoryRoleTypeScopeStart YearEnd Year
NIH/NIAID Special Emphasis Panel "NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13 Clinical Trial not Allowed)"Study SectionAd hoc reviewerExternalNational20232023
Clinical Research and Innovation Seed Program (CRISP)Study SectionCo-ChairUConn-StorrsRegional20222023
Frontiers JournalsOtherCo-editorExternalInternational20222022
Molecular MicrobiologyEditorial BoardReviewerExternalInternational2018
UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grants Review PanelResearch CommitteeReviewerUConn-StorrsUniversity2018
Dean’s Special Task Force on Predatory Journals and ConferencesAdvisory CommitteeLecturerUConn HealthUniversity20182019
NIH/NIAID Bacterial Pathogenesis Study SectionAdvisory CommitteeExternalNational2017
NIH Workshop on the Development of a Syphilis VaccineAdvisory CommitteeExternalNational2017
UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grants Review PanelAdvisory CommitteeUConn HealthState2017
American Academy of MicrobiologyProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalInternational2017
Advisory Board, Bay Area Lyme FoundationAdvisory CommitteeExternalNational2016
UConn Health Graduate School Admissions CommitteeEducation CommitteeMember, representing Immunology Graduate ProgramUConn HealthUniversity20162019
NIH/NIAID Study Section: Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis (IDM-B 80), March 2-3, 2015Advisory CommitteeExternalNational2015
NIH/NIAD Study Section: Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis (IMDM-B 80), October 29-30, 2015Advisory CommitteeExternalNational2015
Infection and ImmunityEditorial BoardExternalNational20152017
Immunology of B Cells in Syphilis (IBIS): a project to use state of the art methodologies for the study of syphilis involving the University of Connecticut Health Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Duke University Vaccine, and the Guangzhou, China Sexually Transmitted Diseases Control Unit.Advisory CommitteeExternalNational2014
F13 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Fellowship Panel: ZRG1 F13-C (20) L, March 20-21, 2014Advisory CommitteeExternalNational2014
NIH/NIAID Study Section: Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis (IDM-B 80), October 26-27, 2014Advisory CommitteeExternalNational2014
Planning committee and Scientific Faculty for the 2013 International Conference on Lyme Boreliosis and other Tick Borne Diseases, Boston, MAAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2013
Reviewer for the 19th International Society for STD Research (ISSTDR), London, UKAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2009
NASA: Special emphasis panel reviewing proposals for RFA entitled “Research Opportunities for Fundamental Space Biology Investigations in Microbial, Plant and Cell Biology”. Advisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2009
CDC Task Force to produce recommendations for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Treponema pallidum Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational2009
Reviewer for the 19th International Society for STD Research (ISSTDR) biannual meeting, London, UK Advisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2009
NIH/NIAID: Special emphasis panel reviewing applications for the Regional Centers of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Advisory CommitteePanel memberExternalNational2008
Molecular MicrobiologyEditorial BoardExternalNational20082011
Reviewer for the 17th International Society for STD Research (ISSTDR) biannual meeting, Seattle, WAAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2007
Journal of Infectious DiseasesEditorial BoardReviewerExternalInternational2007
Journal of Infectious DiseasesEditorial BoardMember of Editorial Advisory BoardExternalNational2007
Ad hoc reviewer for the Medical Research Council, United KingdomAdvisory CommitteeAd Hoc ReviewerExternalInternational2005
Reviewer for the 15th International Society for STD Research (ISSTDR) biannaual meeting, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalInternational2005
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on chancroid molecular/cellular pathogenesisAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2002
Scientific Advisory Board for the Ninth International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalInternational2002
NHLBI Special Emphasis Panel reviewing grant applications in response to RFA entitled “The Role of Infectious Agents in Vascular Disease”Advisory CommitteePanel memberExternalNational2002
Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Integrated Research Group Study Section Boundaries Team, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health Study SectionMemberExternalNational2002
NIGMS special emphasis panel reviewing large scale collaborative research (GLUE) grant applications Advisory CommitteeMemberExternalNational2001
NIGMS/NIAID Special Emphasis Panel reviewing grant applications in response to RFA entitled “Infectious Etiology of Chronic Diseases: novel approaches to pathogen detection” Advisory CommitteePanel memberExternalNational2001
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on Vaccine research centersAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2000
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on B. burgdorferi molecular genetics Advisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational2000
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on neuroborreliosisAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1998
American Society for Clinical InvestigationProfessional/Scientific OrganizationMemberExternalNational1997
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on chronic Lyme diseaseAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1997
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on tick-mammalian host interactions in Lyme diseaseAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1996
NIH Advisory Panel on Studies of Chronic Lyme diseaseAdvisory CommitteePanel memberExternalNational19962001
Current Immunology Reviews Infection and ImmunityEditorial BoardEditorial BoardExternalNational19952003
Scientific advisory council for the 11th bi-annual meeting of the International Society for STD ResearchAdvisory CommitteeMemberExternalInternational1995
Bacteriology and Mycology 1 Study SectionStudy SectionMemberExternalNational19951999
Infection and ImmunityEditorial BoardExternalNational19952003
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesEditorial BoardExternalRegional19952014
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on Lyme disease pathogenesis Advisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1991
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on mycoplasma and HIV infectionAdvisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1991
NIAID special emphasis panels reviewing grants or contracts on animal models of Lyme disease Advisory CommitteeReviewerExternalNational1991
National Arthritis Foundation Clinical and Applied Immunology study section Study SectionStudy Section ReviewerExternalNational19911993

Lyme Disease/Borrelia burgdorferi
The Lyme disease spirochete B. urgdorferi is maintained in nature via an enzootic cycle in which it is transmitted by the nymphal stage of its vector, the deer tick Ixodes scapularis, to a mammalian host (typically the white-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus) and then is acquired when a naïve larval tick feeds on an infected mouse. Infection of humans with B. burgdorferi is accidental and is not required for persistence of the spirochete in nature. In order to transit between its arthropod and mammalian hosts, spirochetes must decipher complex environmental cues delivered at the feeding site and, in response, undergo dramatic changes in their transcriptomes and proteomes. The principal objective of Lyme disease research conducted in the Radolf Laboratory is to understand these processes. The alternative sigma factor RpoS is a unifying genetic feature of this project. Signals delivered by the blood meal induce the expression of RpoS which, as the promoter-reading subunit of RNA polymerase, induces far-reaching changes in the bacterium’s transcriptome: (1) upregulation of approximately 100 B. burgdorferi genes that we believe are required for transmission of spirochetes from tick to mouse and/or the establishment of infection once within the mouse and (2) downregulation of approximately 30 tick-phase genes that spirochetes no longer need once they are inoculated into mice.

Critical to this work has been our development of green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporters that enable us to track live spirochetes in ticks and mice. Our live-imaging studies have fundamentally changed our understanding of the transmission process. In order to reach the mouse, spirochetes disseminate through the midgut into the salivary glands in order to access the salivary stream which they “ride” into the vertebrate host. We have found that dissemination of spirochetes in ticks is actually biphasic. In the first phase, which we have termed “adherence-mediated migration, spirochetes replicate in close association with differentiating midgut epithelial cells, “working” their way as aggregates or networks to the base of the epithelium. In the second phase, they transition into typically motile spirochetes, complete the penetration through the midgut, and then move on to the salivary glands en route to the mouse. Most recently, we have found that spirochetes lacking RpoS are deficient in this process and we are developing various strategies to identify the RpoS-dependent genes involved.

Syphilis/Treponema pallidum
The syphilis spirochete T. pallidum harbors many resemblances to B. burgdorferi but actually employs a markedly different parasitic strategy. Whereas B. burgdorferi is an enzootic pathogen, T. pallidum is an obligate pathogen of humans which cannot be cultivated in artificial medium. The modes of transmission of the two bacteria differ markedly as well: T. pallidum is transmitted from person-to-person by sexual activity, whereas B. burgdorferi is transmitted by an arthropod vector. Once within the host, T. pallidum begins to replicate locally, eventually causing a genital ulcer, called a chancre, the clinical hallmark of the primary stage of the disease. As the chancre develops, treponemes begin to make their way towards draining lymph nodes and blood vessels in order to spread systemically. Once within the blood, T. pallidum is extremely adept at invading virtually every organ system in the body, including the central nervous system, and establishing persistent infection that can cause serious, even life threatening, complications months to years later. We have designated T. pallidum “the stealth pathogen” because of its remarkable ability to evade host immune defenses.

Efforts in the Radolf Laboratory to explain T. pallidum’s stealth pathogenicity have focused on the bacterium’s unusual molecular architecture. Over the years, we have generated abundant evidence that the T. pallidum outer membrane differs markedly in structure and composition from its gram-negative counterparts (e.g., Escherichia coi). Not only does it lack lipopolysaccharide, the highly inflammatory glycolipid in the outer membranes of gram negative bacteria, it also contains a much lower density of integral membrane proteins that present few surface antigenic targets to the host immune system. Situated below the outer bilayer, where they are inaccessible to antibodies in intact organisms, are the bacterium’s major immunogens, many of which are periplasmic proteins tethered by N-terminal lipids to the cytoplasmic membrane. This work ushered in what we have termed “the quest” for T. pallidum outer membrane proteins, a project that has been ongoing for more than 20 years. Why a quest? Because identifying rare outer membrane proteins is so difficult and requires extraordinary commitment. Fortunately, we now have much more powerful tools to fulfill the quest, among which is the complete genomic sequence of T. pallidum. Genome mining, however, isn’t as easy as it sounds because, with one exception, there are no proteins in the T. pallidum genome with sequence relatedness to well characterized outer membrane proteins of gram-negatives. This work is complicated further by the fragility of the treponeme’s outer membrane. Our genereal strategy is to use bioinformatics algorithms to identify outer membrane protein candidates that then must be cloned, expressed, purified, structurally characterized, and localized in live treponemes. Why is this quest important? Two reasons. First, outer membrane proteins provide channels through which bacteria obtain nutrients. Second, we believe that these surface-exposed proteins, few as they are, are likely vaccine candidates. Given the explosive increase in syphilis cases in the United States and the world during the past decade, a vaccine would be a major weapon in our battle against this centuries old affliction of humans.

In order to fulfill its genetic destiny as a stealth pathogen, T. pallidum must acquire nutrients in every milieu within its obligate human host in which it finds itself, while fending off the host’s attempts to undermine its homeostasis. Recognition of this metabolic war between pathogen and host led us to explore other facets of T. pallidum virulence. One has been transition metal acquisition. Transition metals, such as iron, manganese, and zinc, are essential for life but are present in mammalian body fluids at exceedingly low concentrations. Bacterial pathogens, T. pallidum being no exception, employ highly developed strategems to obtain these nutrients. Our work along these lines has centered about characterizing two ABC transporters within the cytoplasmic membrane (Tro and Znu) that work cooperatively to meet the bacterium’s metal requirements. Lastly, our immune system uses toxic compounds called reactive oxygen species, to kill bacteria. T. pallidum has extremely robust enzymatic mechanisms for detoxifying reactive oxygen species. Understanding how these enzymes work and are regulated in response to host defenses is relevant to all bacterial diseases, not just syphilis.

Accepting Lab Rotation Students: Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023

Lab Rotation Projects
Molecular Pathogenesis of Syphilis and Lyme Disease

1. Differential gene expression by Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete. B. burgdorferi undergoes dramatic changes in gene expression and protein composition as it cycles back and forth between its arthropod vector (deer ticks) and mammalian host (mice and other rodents). We have developed a variety of genetic techniques that, in conjunction with microarray analysis, are enabling us to decipher the patterns of borrelial gene expression at various points in the enzootic cycle, the mechanisms that regulate differential gene expression, and the relevant signal transduction mechanisms.

2. Outer membrane architecture of Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete. We demonstrated a number of years ago that the T. pallidum outer membrane differs markedly in ultrastructure and composition from the “conventional” outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli. We have identified a novel T. pallidum outer membrane protein that integrates into the outer membrane lipid bilayer via covalently bound lipids and amphipathic helices. This protein also appears to promote solute uptake by destabilizing the lipid bilayer, creating pores. Using model membrane systems, we would like to understand more about the structure-function relationships of this unusual molecule.

Journal Articles


  • Radolf, JD Samuels, DS Lyme disease and relapsing fever spirochetes. Genomics, Molecular Biology, Host Interactions, and Disease Pathogenesis. 2021 Jan;

Book Chapters

  • Lyme Disease in Humans.
    Radolf, Justin D; Strle, Klemen; Lemieux, Jacob E; Strle, Franc Current issues in molecular biology 2020 Dec;333-384
  • The Treponema pallidum Outer Membrane.
    Radolf, Justin D; Kumar, Sanjiv Current topics in microbiology and immunology 2017 Aug;1-38
  • Borrelia: Molecular Biology, Host Interaction and Pathogenesis
    Radolf JD, Salazar JC, and Dattwyler RW. Lyme disease in humans (Chapter 18). 2009 Jan;487-533
  • Manual of Clinical Microbiology, (Chapter 57)
    Radolf JD, Pillay A, and Cox DL. Treponema and Brachyspira, human host-associated spirochetes. 2009 Jan;
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Shafii, T., Radolf JD, Sánchez PJ, Schulz KF, and Murphy FK. Congenital Syphilis (Chapter 82) 2008 Jan;
  • Chapter 10 - Treponema: Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Radolf JD, Hazlett KR, and Lukehart SA. Pathogenesis of Syphilis. Chapter 10. 2006 Jan;
  • Chapter 13 - Treponema: Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Radolf JD and Lukehart SA. Immunology of Syphilis. Chapter 13. 2006 Jan;
  • Chapter 4 - Treponema: Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Cox DL and Radolf JD. Metabolism of the Treponema,Chapter 4. 2006 Jan;
  • Molecular Biology of Spirochetes.
    Eggers CH, Caimano MJ, and Radolf JD. Use of green fluorescent protein transcriptional reporters to study differential gene expression by Borrelia burgdorferferi. 2006 Jan;
  • Infectious Diseases
    Salazar JC and Radolf JD. Management of an HIV-positive pregnant woman with a positive VDRL test from an area endemic for Treponema infection 2002 Jan;
  • The Prokaryotes: An Evolving Electronic Resource for the Microbiological Community
    Caimano MJ and Radolf JD. The Genus Borrelia. 2002 Jan;
  • Infectious Diseases
    Nassar NN and Radolf JD. Management of a positive VDRL in HIV-infected pregnant women from areas endemic for non-venereal treponematoses (Chapter 56). 1999 Jan;
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Radolf JD, Sánchez PJ, Schulz KF, Murphy FK. Congenital Syphilis (Chapter 84) 1999 Jan;
  • Medical Microbiology
    Radolf JD. Treponema (Chapter 36) 1996 Jan;
  • Atlas of Infectious Diseases. Volume II. GE Mandell (Editor-in-Chief) and DL Stevens (Editor). Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia, PA.
    Chiu MJ, Cockerell CJ, Haupt KR, and Radolf JD. Spirochetal Infections of the Skin. (Chapter 12). 1995 Jan;
  • Opportunistic Complications of HIV (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
    Radolf JD. Syphilis in the setting of HIV disease: opportunistic infection or fellow traveler? 1995 Jan;13-24
  • Conn's Current Therapy.
    Radolf JD. Syphilis. 1994 Jan;699-702
  • Infectious Diseases: A Treatise of Infectious Processes.
    Chiu MJ and Radolf JD. Syphilis. Chapter 73. 1994 Jan;694-714
  • Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology: Principles and Applications.
    Radolf JD. PCR Detection of Treponema pallidum 1993 Jan;
  • Lyme Disease: Molecular and Immunologic Approaches
    Radolf JD, Brusca JS, Brandt ME, Norgard MV. Spirochete Molecular Architecture and Lyme Disease Pathogenesis. 1992 Jan;119-134
  • Textbook of Internal Medicine.
    Isaacs RD, Radolf JD. Syphilis (Chapter 291). 1991 Jan;
  • Lyme disease in humans
    Radolf JD, Strle K, Lemieux JE, and Strle F Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes: Genomics, Molecular Biology, Host Interactions and Disease Pathogenesis

Conference Papers





  • Syphilis.
    Peeling, Rosanna W; Mabey, David; Kamb, Mary L; Chen, Xiang-Sheng; Radolf, Justin D; Benzaken, Adele S Nature reviews. Disease primers 2017 Oct;317073
  • Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete: making a living as a stealth pathogen.
    Radolf, Justin D; Deka, Ranjit K; Anand, Arvind; Šmajs, David; Norgard, Michael V; Yang, X Frank Nature reviews. Microbiology 2016 Oct;14744-759
  • Expert Review on: Biological false-positive tests comprise a high proportion of Venereal Disease Research Laboratory reactions in an analysis of 300,000 sera. Geusau A, Kittler H, Hein U, Dangl-Erlach E, Stingl G, Tschachler E.
    Radolf JD. Int J STD AIDS 2005 Jan;16722-726
  • Review of “Bull’s Eye: Unraveling the Medical Mystery of Lyme Disease”
    Radolf, J. Jonathan A. Edlow J Clin Invest 2004 Jan;1131378
  • The immune response to infection with Treponema pallidum, the stealth pathogen.
    Salazar, Juan C; Hazlett, Karsten R O; Radolf, Justin D Microbes and infection / Institut Pasteur 2002 Sep;4(11):1133-40
  • Borrelia burgdorferi gene expression profiling with membrane-based arrays.
    Ojaimi, Caroline; Brooks, Chad; Akins, Darrin; Casjens, Sherwood; Rosa, Patricia; Elias, Abdallah; Barbour, Alan; Jasinskas, Algis; Benach, Jorge; Katonah, Laura; Radolf, Justin; Caimano, Melissa; Skare, Jon; Swingle, Kristen; Sims, Simon; Schwartz, Ira Methods in enzymology 2002 Jan;358165-77
  • Treponema pallidum: doing a remarkable job with what it’s got
    Radolf JD, Steiner B, and Shevchenko D. Trends Microbiol 1999 Jan;77-9
  • Molecular approaches to improved syphilis serodiagnosis.
    Isaacs RD and Radolf JD. Serodiag. Immunother Infect Dis 1989 Jan;3299-306
Title or AbstractTypeSponsor/EventDate/YearLocation
From the front lines: update on Lyme disease.TalkPediatric Grand Rounds2017Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Insights into the evolution of syphilis spirochetes within at-risk populations: Sequence variation of outer membrane protein ß-barrel domains in clinical samples.TalkSTI and HIV World Congress2017Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The ongoing quest for T. pallidum outer membrane proteins: vaccines as the new frontier.TalkNIAID Workshop on the Development of a Syphilis Vaccine2017
Grant writing.TalkUNC-South China Colloquium on STI Research 2016, Future Collaborations2016Guangzhou, China
Outer membrane proteins of Treponema pallidum and syphilis vaccine development.TalkUNC-South China Colloquium on STI Research 2016, Future Collaborations2016Guangzhou, China
Syphilis Clinical Immunology”, Writing an NIH Grant, and Syphilis basic immunology: Explaining the duality of syphilis.TalkFirst South China-UNC Advanced STI and Third South China-UNC STI Forum2014Guangzhou, China
Unmasking the stealth pathogen: characterization of Treponema palladium rare outer membrane proteins.TalkInternational Union of Microbiological Societies2014Montreal, Canada
From the front lines: Update on Lyme Disease.TalkDepartment of Medicine Grand Rounds2013University of Connecticut Health Center
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum, the stealth pathogen.TalkSecond South China-UNC Sexually Transmitted Infections Academic Forum2013Guangzhou, China
From the front lines: Update on Lyme disease.TalkMiddlesex Hospital, Grand Rounds2013Middletown, CT
My 20+ years of (mostly) successful grant writing.TalkSeminar2012Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum: making a living as a stealth pathogen.TalkDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology2012University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum, the stealth pathogen: a translational perspective.TalkPediatric Translational Research Seminar2012University of Connecticut Health Center
The going and coming of Lyme disease: differential gene expression, environmental sensing, and spirochete trackingTalkDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology2011University of Calgary, Calgary, CA.
The going and coming of Lyme disease: differential gene expression, environmental sensing, and spirochete trackingTalkInter-city Infectious Diseases Conference2011University of Connecticut Health Center.
Tracking spirochetes and spirochete gene expression: illuminating the pathogenesis of Lyme diseaseTalkDepartment of Microbiology, LSU Veterinary School2010Baton Rouge, LA
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum: making a living as a stealth pathogenTalkDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine2010UT Houston Medical Center.
Tracking spirochetes and spirochete gene expression: illuminating the pathogenesis of Lyme diseaseTalkDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology2009University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Immune recognition of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete by phagosomal signaling: signaling from the graveTalkDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology2009U. of MD School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
Tracking spirochetes and spirochete gene expression: illuminating the pathogenesis of Lyme diseaseTalkDepartment of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics2009Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Tracking spirochetes and spirochete gene expression: illuminating the pathogenesis of Lyme diseaseTalkDepartment of Oral Biology, School of Dental Medicine2009SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
The Quest for Treponema pallidum outer membrane proteins: a reappraisalTalkEighth Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes2008Ventura, CA.
Immune recognition of pathogenic spirochetes by phagosomal signaling TalkDepartment of Immunology2008UCHC, Farmington, CT.
Immune recognition of pathogenic spirochetes by phagosomal signalingTalkForsyth Institute2008Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA.
Summary/Highlights: Basic Science Track Talk17th meeting of the ISSTDR/10th IUSTI World Congress2007Seattle, WA
Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete: making a living as a stealth pathogenTalkDepartment of Microbiology & Immunology Research Seminar2007Med. Coll. VA., Richmond, VA.
Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete: making a living as a stealth pathogenTalkDepartment of Microbiology & Immunology Research Seminar2007Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Spirochetes and spirochetal diseasesTalkMedical College of Virginia 2007Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
Outer membrane proteins of Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete TalkHauptman-Woodward Institute2007Buffalo, NY
Recognition of pathogenic spirochetes by phagosomal signalingTalkDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Sciences2007University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Microbial Pathogenesis: a new frontier in translational researchTalkConnecticut Children’s Medical Center2007Hartford, CT
Syphilis Pathogenesis: a post-genomics perspective TalkInfectious Diseases Grand Rounds2007New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY.
The Treponema pallidum outer membrane and what lies beneathTalkSymposium on Pathogenic Spirochetes2006UCLA Dept. Micro., Immunology, and Molecular Gen.
Immune recognition by pathogenic spirochetes: looking below the surface TalkDepartment of Medicine Research Seminar 2006U. of Mass.Medical School, Worcester, MA.
Syphilis and Syphilis Research Sponsored by Drs. Socrates Herrara and Miriam Arevalo, Instituto de Inmunologia del Valle. Talkstudents and faculty at Universidad del Valle2005Cali Colombia
Innate and Adaptive Immunity: An Infectious Disease Doc’s Perspective Sponsored by Corporacion de Lucha Contra El SIDA, Cali Colombia. TalkX Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas2005Cali Colombia
Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Syphilis and Lyme Disease (Dr. Carol Wu, organizer)TalkUCHC Faculty Research Seminar Series 2005UCHC
Syphilis Research in the 21st Century: One Investigator’s PerspectiveTalk2005Walter Reed Army Inst. for Res., Rockville, MD.
Syphilis Research in the 21st Century: One Investigator’s PerspectiveTalkCIDEIM2005Cali, Colombia.
Infectious Diseases in the Post-Genomics Era Sponsored by Corporacion de Lucha Contra El SIDATalkXI Seminario Integral del Sida y2005Cali Colombia
Use of green fluorescent protein transcriptional reporters to study differential gene expression by Borrelia burgdorferiTalkNATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Spirochetes2005Prague, Czech Republic
The Innate-Adaptive Immune Interface in Syphilis and Lyme diseaseTalk2004Albany Medical College, Albany, NY.
Innate and adaptive immunity: an introductionTalkCIDEIM2004Cali, Colombia
Syphilis-HIV Interactions: What we do and don’t know TalkIX Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas2004X Seminario Integral del Sida y
Differential gene expression by Borrelia burgdorferi: new tools and new paradigms TalkDepartment of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics2003University of Dentistry and Medicine, New Jersey
20 years of syphilis researchTalkCentro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Investigaciones Medicas (CIDIEM), 2003Cali, Colombia.
Chaired a session on host-pathogen interactions and presented an overview entitled “Lipoproteins, innate immunity, and the cutaneous immune response to Borrelia burgdorferi” TalkFifth Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes2002Ventura, CA.
Differential expression by Borrelia burgdorferi and shuttle vector development: what goes around, comes around TalkWadsworth Public Health Laboratories2002Albany, NY
Organized and convened a colloquium entitled Arthropod-vector interactions: the flip-side of human diseaseTalk102nd General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology2002Salt Lake City, Utah.
Molecular pathogenesis of Lyme diseaseTalkNinth International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne Diseases2002New York, NY.
The roll of toll-like receptors in innate inflammatory and immune responses to spirochetal infections TalkXXVIIth meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology2002Salvador, Brazil
Spirochetal lipoproteins as proinflammatory mediators in syphilis and Lyme diseaseTalkDental Dean’s Seminar2001University of Connecticut Health Center.
TLR2 responses in vivo: bridging innate and adaptive immunity (Dr. D. Golenbock, organizer). TalkToll-receptor club2001Boston University Medical Center
Spirochetal lipoproteins as proinflammatory agonists in syphilis and Lyme diseaseTalkDivision of Rheumatology2001New England Medical Center, Boston, MA.
B. burgdorferi lipoproteins and innate immunity in Lyme disease TalkNIH-sponsored workshop on neuroborreliosis2001Airlie Center, Virginia
Development of a Borrelia burgdorferi shuttle vector: turning the tables TalkDepartment of Molecular and Cellular Biology2001University of Connecticut, Storrs
Spirochetal lipoproteins as proinflammatory agonists in syphilis and Lyme disease TalkRheumatology Grand Rounds2000Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
Structure-function relationships of Treponema pallidum membrane proteins TalkFourth Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes2000Ventura, California
Treponema pallidum and Syphilis Research: lessons from the genome TalkUCHC GMB&B Faculty Research Seminar Series2000
Treponema pallidum and syphilis research: Lessons from the genomeTalkDepartment of Microbiology2000Indiana U. School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Spirochetal lipoproteins as proinflammatory agonists in syphilis and Lyme diseaseTalkDivision of Infectious Diseases2000Indiana U. School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum: implications for syphilis pathogenesis. Keynote address. Talkannual meeting of the Center for Excellence in Vaccine Research at UConn2000Storrs, CT
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum: implications for syphilis pathogenesisTalkDepts. of Biochemistry and Microbiology 1999West Virginia U., Morgantown, W.Va.
Spirochetal lipoproteins as proinflammatory agonists in syphilis and Lyme disease TalkInfectious Diseases Division1999Boston University School of Medicine
Molecular architecture of Treponema pallidum: implications for syphilis pathogenesis TalkOswaldo Cruz Foundation1999Salvador, Brazil.
Syphilis Pathogenesis and New Developments in Syphilis DiagnosisTalkBrazilian Congress of Microbiology1999Salvador, Brazil
Molecular architecture of Borrelia burgdorferi: implications for Lyme Disease pathogenesisTalkDept. of Microbiology and Internal Medicine1998UCHC, Farmington, CT.
Molecular architecture of Borrelia burgdorferi: implications for Lyme Disease pathogenesis TalkDept. of Biology and Dept. of Internal Medicine1998Brookhaven Nat. Lab. and SUNY at Stony Brook, NY.
Treponema pallidum biology: doing the best it can with what it’s got and Pathogenesis of syphilis (also served as co-organizer and co-Chair). TalkInternational Business Conference-sponsored symposium on Spirochete Diseases 1998
New model systems for studying mammalian host adaptation by Borrelia burgdorferiTalkseminar to the Depts. of Molecular Biology and Entomology1998Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.
Identification of rare outer membrane proteins in isolated Treponema pallidum outer membranes - a reappraisal TalkThird Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes1998Ventura, CA
Syphilis PathogenesisTalkgraduate student course on bacterial pathogenesis1998NYU Skirball Institute
New model systems for studying differential gene expression by Borrelia burgdorferi Talk1998Skirball Institute, NYU School of Medicine, NYC.
Treponema pallidum molecular architecture: implications for syphilis pathogenesis and A new model system for studying differential gene expression by Borrelia burgdorferiTalkDept. of Microbiology and Immunology1998Medical College of Virginia.
Spirochetal Lipoproteins: Structure-function relationships and host responses Presented as part of a symposium on "Membrane-anchored Molecules" TalkAnnual Meeting of the Society for General Microbiology1997Reading, UK.
Spirochetal lipoproteins as inflammatory mediators in syphilis and Lyme disease TalkDivision of Infectious Diseases/Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology seminar 1997University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
A new animal model for studying Borrelia burgdorferi in the mammalian host-adapted stateTalkDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology1997New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY.
A vaccine for syphilis: the never ending story Presented as part of a symposium entitled "Vaccines for Sexually Transmitted Diseases"Talk37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 1997Toronto, CA
Spirochetal lipoproteins as inflammatory mediators in syphilis and Lyme disease TalkDivision of Infectious Diseases/Department of Microbiology seminar 1997LA State U. School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Outer membrane ultrastructure as a virulence determinant of Treponema pallidum and Borrelia burgdorferi TalkSecond Gordon Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes1996Ventura, CA
Lyme Disease 1996: the clouds are partingTalkMcBee Lectureship1996Baylor Medical Center
Lyme Disease 1996TalkDermatology Grand Rounds1996UT Southwestern and St. Paul's Medical Centers
Treponema pallidum molecular architecture: Implications for disease pathogenesis and vaccine development TalkInfectious Diseases Research Seminar Series1996Univ. of Cincinatti, Cincinatti, OH.
Syphilis and HIV: results of a prospective, multicenter, CDC sponsored study of syphilis and HIV infection Sponsored by the Division of Infectious Diseases, UT Southwestern Medical Center and the Dallas County Public Health Department. TalkSexually Transmitted Diseases Seminar Series1996UT Southwestern Medical Center
Borrelia burgdorferi molecular Architecture and Lyme disease pathogenesis TalkDivision of Infectious Diseases seminar1995SUNY at Downstate Medical Center
Syphilis and rare outer membrane proteins TalkKeystone Symposium entitled "Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the HIV Era"1995Keystone, Colorado
Treponema pallidum molecular architecture: Implications for syphilis pathogenesis Talk1995SUNY at Stony Brook
The Molecular biology of Treponema pallidum: Where next?TalkInternational Society for STD Research1995New Orleans, LA
Outer membrane ultrastructure as a major virulence factor of Treponema pallidum TalkFirst Gordon Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes1994Ventura, CA.
Syphilis in the HIV EraTalkInternational Society for Infectious Diseases1994Prague, Czech Republic
Lyme Disease 1993: of mice and men. Presented at the annual meeting TalkOklahoma Infectious Diseases Society1993Oklahoma
Surface components of Borrelia burgdorferi Sponsored by the Lyme Borreliosis Foundation and the Stamford, CT Dept. of Public Health. Talk1992Stamford, CT
Treponema pallidum uItrastructure: Implications for syphilis pathogenesis. Talkannual meeting of the Texas chapter of the American Society of Microbiology1992San Antonio, TX
New Insights into the molecular architecture of Borrelia burgdorferi Talksymposium on the Immunobiology of Lyme Disease1992Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Immunology and molecular biology of spirochetal lipoproteinsTalkFirst Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium on the Immunobiology of Lyme Disease1991Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
Ultrastructure and molecular biology of Treponema pallidum: Implications for syphilis pathogenesis TalkAnnual Meeting of the American for Microbiology1991
Triton X-114 phase partitioning of spirochetal membrane proteinsTalk7th International Conference on Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems1991New Orleans, LA.
Participant and presented a synopsis of my research on T. pallidum molecular biology and ultrastructure. TalkNIH-sponsored symposium entitled "The Molecular Immunology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases"1991Rocky Mountain National Laboratories, Hamilton, MN
Molecular immunology of spirochetal lipoproteins TalkNIH-sponsored symposium on Lyme disease1991Rocky Mnt. National Lab., Hamilton, MT
Invited participant(unable to attend). TalkMolecular Biology of Spirochetes symposium1991Annecy, France
Spirochete ultrastructure and molecular biology: Implications for pathogenesisTalkDivision of Infectious Diseases seminar1991Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Moderator Molecular biology of pathogensOtherAnnual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology1990Anaheim, CA.
Syphilis and HIV Infection and Lyme disease 1990 TalkAnnual meeting of the Texas Infectious Diseases Society1990Bandera, TX.
Developing a molecular biology of syphilis TalkInfectious Diseases seminar1990Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Invited participantTalkNIH symposium on Lyme disease1990Bethesda, MD.
Spirochete lipoproteins: Molecular biology and Implications for disease pathogenesis TalkDepartment of Microbiology1990University of Alabama at Birmingham
Molecular and ultrastructural Analysis of the Treponema pallidum outer membrane presented at a World Health Organization-sponsored symposium TalkThe Biology and the Pathogenicity of Treponemes1989University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
Analysis of the Treponema pallidum outer membrane by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Presented at a symposium entitled Special Topics in Modern Treponema ResearchTalkAnnual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology1989New Orleans, LA.
Towards a molecular biology of Treponema pallidumTalkSexually Transmitted Diseases Seminar, Harborview Medical Center1989University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Molecular biology of neurosyphilis TalkMedical Genetics Rounds1989UT Southwestern Medical Center
Participant, panel discussion on Syphilis and HIV InfectionTalkCenters for Disease Control1988Atlanta, GA.
Syphilis 1987: Goodbye, Colombus. TalkSexually Transmitted Diseases Seminar Series and Dallas County Public Health Department1987U.T. Southwestern Medical Center